BG 4.34.

3 years, 1 month ago by mittalga in Personal Sadhana Reports

My dear Maharaja,

Namaste! Jai Shri Ram! Jai Hanuman!

:> HpS - Hare Krsna!!! BG 4.34.

I have had extraordinary experiences in the path of Bhakti. Whenever I go to Iskcon temple kirtans, I meditate on kirtans and reach extraordinary state of bliss. Tears will flow, body will shiver, hair will stand etc. I hide them while doing kirtans. Still my problems were not solved.

Our spiritual seeking depends on how we define our problem. My main problem is that I am atma and due to illusion (ignorance), I think that I share the limits of body and mind. The world projected by senses into mind and the contends of my mind seem so real even though I am factually clear that they are not real just like movie on the screen or dream.

I do not share the limits or destiny of the objects which I am aware or I know. My thoughts, images, perceptions, memories and sensations are all limited. That who knows, with which they are known and in which they appear does not share their limits. It does not arise when they arise. It does not evolve when they change. It does not vanish when they vanish.

My problem is ignorance or illusion. My life has been journey of removing this ignorance (illusion). Krishna (Paramatma) has sent many teachers to remove this illusion. You are one of my teachers.

I have made tremendous progress in this journey. I am quite confident that this journey of from unreal to real, from ignorance (darkness) to knowledge (light) and from death (identification with changing objects) to immortality (unchanging being) will reach destination.

Thank you for all your help and guidance and being my teacher.

With namaskars and prayers,

Gaurav Mittal

HpS - Thank you. AGTSP!!!! Sorry could not answer sooner. If you read our news here and in the Kapi Dhvaja you can see our packed schedule. Eg. we should have left five minutes ago, 3PM to water the garden, but squeezed in this letter with great delight!!! Wanted to open it for a long time.

Then at 3.30PM we are recording more for our movie... Etc.

Hare Krsna!!

Move ahead. Please read Kapi Dhvaja.