Yellow brick road report

Haré Krsna Gurudev!

Please accept our humble obeisances. 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, 

The witch is lingering, but we still see her feet smashed under your red brick ashram. If we don’t visit our fairy Godmother Radha everyday the Oz/Goloka remnants that still linger from your blessed presence in New Biharvan may vanish very soon. 

We saw Jordan and Loo (the new couple who came with the two small children to the NOI seminar). They said that they have missed your association. They stumbled upon an Uttama Adhikari. How can anyone go back to their bungalow/trailer/and just watch tv??? Nothing will ever be the same….

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! He is living in His books! Jaya!

Jordan said he looked at you and understood you are free and it reminded him of seeing a happy boy (a cowherd boy?) I told them to check out your blog. They also want to see one of your Kapi Dvaja. Preaching with picture books Common folk like us “will connect with spiritual art books”, then the inner child could lean over to the Paratmatma and say, “I’m tired mom/dad, please take me home...”

(Switching to sleepy town news reports)

Gurudev, our priority is MA in some form. FMP association then we go to ISKCON Houston’s Syamasundar’s Chanting program, your classes, daily SB clases or devotee care course recordings. We were recently advised be the local pujari that we look really tired. We said we are blissed out. They said with kids you should rest more. We tried to do this for a week or two but our rounds felt less attentive during the day and we felt enveloped by our senses/mind. Now it scares us which is a good sign I guess.

HpS/ASA - Better to die with Chan Ting and Dan Sing.

We started a new LOB study group with new Bhaktins from the seminar. Prasadam cooking is still in place. All of us then move along to the BG class. We feel like the Mormons with a 4 hour community program (it can create a family atmosphere though, so much time spent together)!

Homeschooling with Murari the España Muestro. We started a 3-5 year old Gopal Fun School zoom group with 3 other families from Austin, San Diego, and Silicon with 2-4 year olds. We must meet with a UK and Australian family. I am teaching devotional songs and literature based on Chowpatti kids books. Sunday school is maintained and the SB activity Canto 3 books continue to be incredibly entertaining.

HpS/ASA - Super Girl!

We are continuing services for the temple and continue our cleaning service of the kitchen (we may send new pics soon!) We don’t like laundry but are trying to trick our mind into always making cleaning priority. We will always  remember seeing our Gurudev cleaning dishes very diligently.

We are still remaking Indra’s “pillars of rain clouds” for our Govardhan puppet show. We will try putting cotton on Chinese lanterns and sticking blue fairy lights inside of them. The kids made multi colored clay offerings and new puppets because Aja’s anti tech vegetarian Waldorf school visited a week ago. They are studying ancient India. The bus driver ate two plates after the Govardhan puppet show! Many students danced/chanted along while following their song sheet. Flying ribbons on sticks swayed in the Audience while re-enactment of Krsnas pastimes as described in the song “King of sweet” was sung by Aja’s esteemed parents. Aja’s teacher lives at the corner apartments on Martha street. He likes cursive, old typewriters, feathered top hats and we suspect that he misses the transcendentalist 18th century time period. Maybe he was at Walden’s Pond skipping rocks with Thoreau. He invited Balabhadra and I to teach  a “ how to write/speak in Sanskrit” You got an extra pumpkin cookie if you could write the whole maha mantra in Sanskrit.

Lately we are feeling that we are very offensive, awkward persons. I remember when Maha Bhagavat told me that she realized that the devotees are so merciful because they are merely just tolerating her.

HpS - She wrote to us after so many years. Bossy's Kitchen. Think it is in the Blog!

We feel the same. Thank you for tolerating our ego, our mind, and our soul that is somehow in the midst of this show. We pray for more and more sincere hearing and more sincere chanting🙏. Time is running out. Please give us direct instruction for artistic endeavors Gurudev. We’ve always done better with direct instruction (the sudra in us).

Thankyou Gurudev for asking us to write.

Your Servant,

Kamagayatri devi dasi 

HpS - AGTSP. It is 10.24PM. We are working in Over Time. Finished the hand written Kapi Dhvaja, posted the online calendar and now catching Blog mail. TB/BW have been catching the Priority Coded letters. (Code in each KDh). They are good guys. They try their best.

We got your letter. Yes.... God willing.... we want to visit New Biharvan from Nashville between Mar 7th and Jul 15th. What might be good dates for you all?

Your report is great. Use you life for Radha Banki bihari, but in an efficient way. Continue to make a large part of your service to them educating your kids for Them.

Our respects to Jayanta (Jayananda Das?) and Mataji, Bala b. Das and Mataji..... everyone!!!! When Radhika R. Das comes we can get some online programs set up.

Open Heart Surgery Part 2 or 3.

3 years, 2 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Paoho! AgtSP! 

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja, me acaban de informar que prabhu Dayanidhi salió bien de la operación, ahora se encuentra en terapia intensiva, no puede recibir visitas, su familia continúa en oración para que los resultados y recuperación sean favorables con las bendiciones de Sri Krsna. Envían agradecimiento a los vaisnavas por las oraciones.

HpS/ASA - We will include this information as important part of our plans for Sankirtan!!!

Open Heart surgery

3 years, 2 months ago by Dayanidhi.das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja, I am going to have open heart surgery next Wednesday, December 15, going to fix a heart murmur I have since I born.

HpS-ASA - AgtSP! Paoho. Today, 14th, is Gita Jayanti. Guess it was spoken in the morning. Then first day of the war. Many soldiers went to Vaikuntha on the first day.

Are you surrendered soul?

Accept wherever Krsna sends you for His projects?

What time is the surgery?

Dayanidhi.das- I'm not surrender soul, but I have faith in Krishna...

My surgery is 7am USA, Pacific time.

HpS - 10am here. Let us join you.

Open heart surgery

3 years, 2 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja, I am going to have open heart surgery next Wednesday, December 15, going to fix a heart murmur I have since I born.

HpS-ASA - AgtSP! Paoho. Today, 14th, is Gita Jayanti. Guess it was spoken in the morning. Then first day of the war. Many soldiers went to Vaikuntha on the first day.

Are you surrendered soul?

Accept wherever Krsna sends you for His projects?

What time is the surgery?

Tulasi likes Sunshine

3 years, 2 months ago by i8themaha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

Please accept my humble obeisances, and all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Maharaja,

I've made a final decision that I would like to be your disciple. When I cried for a guru, I was lead to you. When I fervently prayed to Srila Prabhupada to be of service, I was lead to you.

Maharaja, if you will accept me, I would like to serve your instructions forever. I am also inspired by HG Mahatma Prabhu, for siksa. He is helping me a lot with chanting better japa. And then I came to the conclusion that this is actually helping me to follow your instructions of enthusiastic rounds.

And by your mercy I am able to go to the full morning program. So it finally dawned on me, that this is everyone working together to serve Srila Prabhupada!

I will take your instructions very seriously and follow them to the best of my ability, one day at a time. Following your instructions makes me look forward to the next day ahead!

Also, I am inspired by HH Tamal Krishna Goswami, HH Kesava Bharati Swami, HH Radhanatha Swami, and HH Sivarama Swami.

Then I remembered you saying you only get one diksa, and have as many siskas as possible. So they are all helping me serve you, if you will accept me.

Plus you have said that we should not wait to serve Srila Prabhupada. I am ready to become your disciple as soon as possible! It's time to leave this world! By spreading the message of Lord Caitanya, of course.

I'm very much looking forward to being a monkey in Houston, and also in Tennessee too! What a great opportunity!

Your aspiring servant


Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - !! Hare Krsna... If you have been steady in your Japa, 4-principles, passed the disciple course and have a letter of thumbs-up from Temple President, then yes, you should be initiated. Any Diksa guru in Iskcon is just a little representative of Srila Prabhupada and he may be only a minor Siksa guru to his Diksa disciples. Usually there is a natural concurrence of Diksa guru as a Siksa guru.

So, when we get back to Houston, March 7th, or sooner if don't resolve our visa problem, then we could have initiation ceremony in Houston for Jason and a local couple.

Swaaa Haaa!

What do you do in Krsna Kulture?

Tomorrow is Gita Jayanti!

BG 4.34.

3 years, 2 months ago by mittalga in Personal Sadhana Reports

My dear Maharaja,

Namaste! Jai Shri Ram! Jai Hanuman!

:> HpS - Hare Krsna!!! BG 4.34.

I have had extraordinary experiences in the path of Bhakti. Whenever I go to Iskcon temple kirtans, I meditate on kirtans and reach extraordinary state of bliss. Tears will flow, body will shiver, hair will stand etc. I hide them while doing kirtans. Still my problems were not solved.

Our spiritual seeking depends on how we define our problem. My main problem is that I am atma and due to illusion (ignorance), I think that I share the limits of body and mind. The world projected by senses into mind and the contends of my mind seem so real even though I am factually clear that they are not real just like movie on the screen or dream.

I do not share the limits or destiny of the objects which I am aware or I know. My thoughts, images, perceptions, memories and sensations are all limited. That who knows, with which they are known and in which they appear does not share their limits. It does not arise when they arise. It does not evolve when they change. It does not vanish when they vanish.

My problem is ignorance or illusion. My life has been journey of removing this ignorance (illusion). Krishna (Paramatma) has sent many teachers to remove this illusion. You are one of my teachers.

I have made tremendous progress in this journey. I am quite confident that this journey of from unreal to real, from ignorance (darkness) to knowledge (light) and from death (identification with changing objects) to immortality (unchanging being) will reach destination.

Thank you for all your help and guidance and being my teacher.

With namaskars and prayers,

Gaurav Mittal

HpS - Thank you. AGTSP!!!! Sorry could not answer sooner. If you read our news here and in the Kapi Dhvaja you can see our packed schedule. Eg. we should have left five minutes ago, 3PM to water the garden, but squeezed in this letter with great delight!!! Wanted to open it for a long time.

Then at 3.30PM we are recording more for our movie... Etc.

Hare Krsna!!

Move ahead. Please read Kapi Dhvaja.