[The Oriental Kings] Vyasapuja 2022

2 years, 12 months ago by srinath in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

We had a wonderful celebration of your Vyasapuja here in Kalachandji dham. It was also the calendar appearance day of HH Bhakti Vikas Swami Maharaja, my mother's spiritual master. It was a day of double mercy :)

The celebrations started the previous day, where all of the disciples here sponsored the Sunday feast in honor of your Vyasapuja. In the morning, Divya Sri made garlands for the guru parampara on the altar. We played a class you gave in the morning Bhagavatam class. It is one of my favorite classes that you had given in Vrindavan on 27-Feb-2014 (https://youtu.be/PPNCpTZKs4A). We joined the online program from Peru in the afternoon. In the evening, Nanda Braja Prabhu and his family, Jason Prabhu, Mishra Bhagavan Prabhu, Nilacala Candra Prabhu (online) and us had a small program at home where we had kirtan, bhajans, our offerings to you and the parampara, pushpanjali, guru puja and a feast. Divya Sri made Burritos, Mexican rice, chili and Honey cake. Misra Bhagavan Prabhu and Jason Prabhu made the Vishnujana Swami drink. Mishra Bhagavan Prabhu told us some wonderful stories of his association with you in Berkeley. The entire program was very nourishing to us and we hope it was pleasing to you.

Below is the offering that I had written this year.

Vyasapuja Offering 2022

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

In Caitanya Caritamrta, it says, 

brahmāṇḍa bhramite kona bhāgyavān jīva

guru-kṛṣṇa-prasāde pāya bhakti-latā-bīja

Among the millions of living entities wandering through this entire universe, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Krishna.

Gurudeva, we are indeed very fortunate to get an opportunity to associate with you. We don’t, by any stretch of imagination, deserve this mercy. But thankfully, the nature of mercy is causeless. In the Caitanya Caritamrta, 26 prominent qualities of a pure devotee are listed. You possess all those qualities and more. We would like to mention a few of those.

Devotees are always Merciful

You have showered your causeless mercy on me and my family by giving us shelter at your lotus feet. When we came to meet you in Houston in September this year, you profusely gave us your time and allowed us to serve you. You allowed me to be part of your life’s work, your afterwords to Srila Prabhupada’s NoI, Tava Pace Pace. It was such an extraordinary experience to see up close the realizations that you have gathered over the years mediating on each word of Srila Prabhupada’s purport. It is a perfect example of how to hear and take the spiritual master’s words to heart. It is also a demonstration of one of the loving exchanges mentioned in Upadesamrta - guhyam ākhyāti - opening one’s mind to the devotees. You were so generous to open the store house of years of realizations to all the devotees.

Devotees are Compassionate

It is only your constant association and compassion that is carrying us in this most difficult time of our life. I remember you calling us from Peru one morning. You were so caring and compassionate that we could perceive from your voice that you could understand what she was going through. That call was exactly at the right time and a turning point in our recovery. Your unlimited compassion has kept us in the path of devotional service and has given us strength to continue. In spite of your very busy schedule in Peru, you were always in touch with us every day giving us hope and strength.

In Harinama Cintamani, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur says that the 26 qualities are tatastha-lakshana or marginal characteristics of a sadhu. He says that of all the qualities, one is the primary characteristic (svarupa-laksana) - A sadhu is one who has taken shelter of Krishna or the holy name of Krishna. You have taken complete shelter of Krishna and His holy names. You are constantly dependent on the Holy names to guide you. After you had given second initiation to Divya, you became very sick. You had planned to go to Peru for 6 months and it was now at risk. 

We were also not able to work on TPP because of the illness. You called me in the evening and asked me if I would be able to stay for another day so that we can complete our work on TPP. When I said, I could, you stopped me and asked if Divya would be alright with it. You said Divya’s health was the priority! You were not even concerned with your health and was thinking about Divya. You ended the phone call by saying that in whatever condition we may be in we should go on chanting the Holy names - Kirtaniya sadha Hari and They will guide us. Your unflinching conviction in the Holy names is such an inspiration to me.

We sing every day in the morning

śrī-guru-caraṇe rati, ei se uttama-gati,

je prasāde pūre sarva āśā

Attachment to the lotus feet of the spiritual master is the perfection that fulfills all desires.

My only desire is that I can always be attached to your lotus feet and have you as my lord and master life after life.

On this most auspicious occasion, I seek your blessings so that I may never be a burden on you and never displease you.

Your very fortunate servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS/ASA - We see Srila Prabhupada using us, this bad tool, to communicate with you. i think we are maybe doing a little, but mostly you should see the causeless mercy of our Acharya working when you see any goodness in us.

so happy to get your association all the time.

best luck in your sankirtan, business life.

"The Oriental Kings" - Asking for advice

2 years, 12 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva 🙏🏻

Please, accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Divya Drsti dd asked me to send you this letter..

Hare Krishna, Gurumaharaja.

Please, receive my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I want to express that I am grateful for the support from you and devotees.

Thank you very much for your prayers.

I am getting better day by day with the help and mercy of Lord Nrsimhadeva, almost all the negatives subtle entities went away.

There is only one thing to solve, that is that I have trauma, because I feel too much fear, so please, could you give me an advice on how to heal this trauma. I have fear that this entities still attack me and it is because my faith in the Holy Name is not strong. How can I increase my faith in the Holy Names and in Krishna's protection?

Thank you very much, Gurumaharaja 🙏🏻

Your servant:

Divya Drsti devi dasi.

hps/asa - you cannot. you are very small. KRSNA - RADHA can help. they are kind. they are sending help all the time. continue to take advantage of it eg. iskcon sadhana. look for fresh mercy.

[The Oriental Kings] LAD on WoD an some other stuff

2 years, 12 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear gurudeva. Pamho, AGTSP!

Regarding the translation of WoD, I think we have to have an editable version in English. The book is sold on amazon and I even remember that you gave Patrak das a copy, but paper versions are much more difficult to work with.

There's a PDF version on SCRIBD, but you have to be a subscriber, pay, etc. I also think that there must be a work team led by someone who can organize not only WoD translation but also other works of interest to us and, of course, your works such as the tpps and others, your films and much more. A kind of ASA Translation team (ASATRA) or something like that.

Particularly, I think some other devotee can take over. I can help too. It's just that I actually get a lot of service out of helping P. Gandharva with the translations of the new Bhakti sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava material. I myself have to update my notes and class preparation. In addition, I am going to join the MOE's Study and Teaching program regarding Bhakti Vaibhava. Which will take me a lot of work.

We are also in talks with Gandharva Prabhu to start a new educational program like VEDAS or NIMSAR. How we say in Peru: "Third time lucky"

There is much to be done in education and I want to put all my efforts into that work.

In addition to everything, I have my thesis work pending, which was cut short by the pandemic. I will need financial resources, and of course, time to reformulate my thesis with the academic changes that have arisen due to the pandemic. For example, before most works were done based on face-to-face surveys, etc.

On the other hand, I do not want to neglect my sadhana and service with Raman reti mataji. Together we serve to Their Lordships Nitay Caitanya Candra (Name thanks to your infinite mercy) to our Laxmi-Nrsimha and Srila Prabhupada's murti. As we mentioned before. RR is the pujari and I am the cook and we make 4 simple offerings a day: two fruits in Mangalartik, breakfast of yogurt and cereals, lunch and light dinner like soup, etc. We take advantage of any date to distribute prasadam in our family. Christmas, New Year's Eve, birthday, etc. And we want to extend it to the people we interact with on a daily basis in the market, etc.

Our sadhana is still good. Although lately we have failed in some SB classes. Last Saturday we had no electricity and the previous one passed us by due to the exhaustion of the symposium. Our readings need regularizing. CC at dawn, the BG and the Krishna book at night. I'm on vacation for a month before restarting the courses. In the future, when Krishna allows us, we want to travel along my southern route that he used to preach and hold seminars: Arequipa, Cuzco, Puno, La Paz and Cochabamba. Now with RR doing seminars for the matajis etc. Please, send your blessings to continue to serve the mission of Srila Prabhupada and ASA.

Thank you very much for his mercy that makes us stay in service.


HpS - ASA --- Thank you. Please send more news as things develop.

[Varaha is Coming] - Estudios Sastricos - PMD

2 years, 12 months ago by bhaktapiero in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Gurudeva, I read your tweeter about the covid test, I wish it was a mistake and the test at the clinic came back negative.

Today I am writing to tell you about my sastric studies.

I am reading daily Bhagavad gita and Srimad Bhavagatam in Spanish, and Nectar of Devotion, Nectar of Instruction, Sri Isopanisad and Krishna Book in English, but only a few minutes at a time, it is in order to learn English.

In this time I have realized that I am not a pundit, but nevertheless I love reading Srila Prabhupada's books.

I was studying Bhakti Sastri for a few months, I managed to study the whole Bhagavad gita but stopped studying. What happens Gurudeva is that I cannot memorize the verses, it costs me a lot, I have a memory and mind of kali yuga. I feel hypocritical to follow the course without having memorized the verses. However, every day I spend a few minutes a day memorizing at least its meaning in Spanish.

If I don't finish Bhakti Sastri I am not in a position to take second initiation.

I do not feel qualified to have a sacred cord, I really feel that way, I do not have the strength, the capacity, it requires a lot of devotion and I am not prepared for so much.

However, if your desire is for me to take a second initiation, I can continue with the Bhakti Sastri course.

Thank you very much Gurudeva

His servant

Piyari mohan das

HpS - AGTSP. thank you for letter and work. who do you have for brahminical advice?


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Gurudeva, leí su tweeter sobre el examen de covid, deseo que sea un error y que el examen en la clínica salga negativo.

Hoy le escribo para comentarle sobre mis estudios sastricos. 

Estoy leyendo diariamente Bhagavad gita y Srimad Bhavagatam en español, y Néctar de la Devoción, Néctar de la Instrucción, Sri Isopanisad y Krishna Book en inglés, pero solo unos minutos cada vez, es para así aprender inglés.

En este tiempo me he dado cuenta que no soy un pandit, pero sin embargo me encanta leer los libros de Srila Prabhupada.

Estuve estudiando Bhakti Sastri por algunos meses, alcancé a estudiar todo el Bhagavad gita pero detuve el estudio. Lo que pasa Gurudeva es que no logro memorizar los versos, me cuesta mucho, tengo una memoria y mente de kali yuga. Me siento hipócrita al seguir el curso sin haber memorizado los versos. Sin embargo, diariamente le dedico unos minutos al día a memorizar por lo menos su significado en español. 

Si no finalizo Bhakti Sastri no estoy en la posición de tomar segunda iniciación.

Yo no me siento cualificado para tener cordón sagrado, de verdad que lo siento así, no tengo la fuerza, la capacidad, requiere de mucha devoción y yo no estoy preparado para tanto.

Sin embargo, si su deseo es que tome segunda iniciación, puedo seguir con el curso de Bhakti Sastri. 

Muchas gracias Gurudeva

Su Sirviente 

Piyari Mohan das

gracias !

2 years, 12 months ago by Simio madhu in Personal Sadhana Reports

AgtSP. Pamho.

Simplemente quiero agradecerle por permitirme ser un miembro de ISKCON, por permitirme conocer a Prabhupada y el movimiento de Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu. Gracias infinitas por aceptar mi naturaleza y ocuparme en servicio a Krishna con mis defectos e impurezas.

Gracias por darme un gusto por la japa y por el Srimad Bhagavatam.

Lo conocí a usted en Mayo de 1997 en Nrisimha Caturdasi, y usted se acercó a mí para darme las gracias, eso cambió mi corazón y mi vida para siempre, ahora soy yo el que le está eterna e infinitamente agradecido.

Usted nos enseñó la disciplina, el sadhana y el gusto por la practica matutina, es este gusto lo que literalmente ha salvado mi vida.

No se como expresar mi gratitud y mis mas profundos sentimientos de amor y felicidad con palabras, solo decirle que me he vuelto feliz, y que ya son varios años donde mi felicidad no tiene altos y bajos, puedo decir que disfruto de la conciencia de Krishna de manera estable y abierta, gracias infinitas! Simplemente gracias por su paciencia y tolerancia para conmigo y todos sus discípulos.

Este año cumpliré 20 años de matrimonio y mi intención es comenzar mi entrenamiento y preparación para Vanaprastha. Quiero que sepa que nunca he olvidado ninguna de sus instrucciones y que me estoy esforzando por cumplir con todos mis deberes como discípulo.

Nunca en estos 25 años de que lo conozco y acepto como mi mentor y maestro he dejado de intentar de propagar la conciencia de Krishna, y quisiera no solo agradecerle por esto, si no que también decirle que esto es gracias a su existencia e inspiración. Gracias por existir, gracias por inspirarnos a ser mejores personas y mejores sirvientes, gracias eternas por tomarnos de la mano y empujarnos hacia Prabhupada y Krishna.

Mas allá de la distancia y las diferencias debe de saber que en cualquier lugar, tiempo y circunstancia yo seré siempre su sirviente agradecido de todo corazón y un entregado empleado de ISKCON y del movimiento de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Gracias Infinitas !!!

Su casi humilde sirviente Madhumangala das.


AgtSP. Pamho.

I just want to thank you for allowing me to be a member of ISKCON, for allowing me to meet Prabhupada and the Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu movement. Thank you infinitely for accepting my nature and occupying myself in the service of Krishna with my defects and impurities.

Thank you for giving me a taste of japa and Srimad Bhagavatam.

I met you in May 1997 at Nrisimha Caturdasi, and you approached me to thank me, that changed my heart and my life forever, now I am the one who is eternally and infinitely grateful to you.

You taught us discipline, sadhana and a taste for morning practice, it is this taste that has literally saved my life.

I don't know how to express my gratitude and my deepest feelings of love and happiness with words, just to tell you that I have become happy, and that it has been several years where my happiness has no ups and downs, I can say that I enjoy Krishna consciousness in a stable and open way, infinite thanks! Simply thank you for your patience and tolerance towards me and all your disciples.

This year I will celebrate 20 years of marriage and my intention is to start my training and preparation for Vanaprastha. I want you to know that I have never forgotten any of your instructions and that I am endeavoring to fulfill all my duties as a disciple.

Never in these 25 years of knowing and accepting you as my mentor and teacher have I ever stopped trying to spread Krishna consciousness, and I would like to not only thank you for this, but also tell you that this is thanks to your existence and inspiration. Thank you for existing, thank you for inspiring us to be better people and better servants, eternal thanks for taking us by the hand and pushing us towards Prabhupada and Krishna.

Beyond distance and differences, you should know that in any place, time and circumstance I will always be your wholeheartedly grateful servant and devoted employee of ISKCON and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement.

Infinite thanks !!!

His almost humble servant Madhumangala das.

hps/asa --- agtsp!! paoho..... how many millions of preachers of srila prabhupada are there in the world now? learn kc in more more detail, then we will spread it in more and more times and places.

please use the advice in the kapi dhvaja.

best wishes for your family!!

Nandini Devi Dasi's Letter of recommendation

3 years ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna.



The Sun is at 3.15PM in Sta. Eulalia, Peru.

We finally had some sunshine today.

We try to do all of our service but we make mistakes.

For one hour we have been updating the disciple list in our Guru-tattva file on the web page. We had to find all the initiation letters, dates of birth and civil names and dates of initiations.

Tooks some time but we got everything except for Nandini Devi Dasi's Recommendation letter, and date of birth.

We think it was sent but we cannot find it.

If anyone has it or knows where it is please contact us. Thank you.

Krsna knows everything.