Still fighting

<pre class="ql-syntax" spellcheck="false">Hare krishna Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances. I apologize for my absence in the online activities, howevere I see your ee inspiring classes on you tube, for now I am doing sankirtan as my main service, also my mother and I make offerings of enchiladas, quesadillas, milk and cookies, the holy name is something so so so great! Hare Krishna! The results of Sankirtan are 650 pocket books (Science of Self-Realization, Journey to Self-knowledge), 3 Maha Big (Bhagavad Gita), 13 Maha Maha Big (SB), 30 magazines, for now it is all Gurudeva, There is nothing like seeing it in person, if Krsna fills my pockets maybe I can go to Peru in case I can help in the movie. For my part, I will not talk about what they say lately about me, if someone else has formal complaints they never reached me. Well dear Gurudeva thank you a thousand times for your mercy, I hope one day to become a worthy disciple of your Grace. His Eternal Servant Sacinandan Das </pre>

ASA - Please write again using the Priority Codes in the Kapi Dhvaja, thank you.

Marriage Adjustments

3 years ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Sriman XYZ from Whatsapp writes:

"Dear Maharaj, please accept my respectful obeisances.

Things are again going back to being extremely bad. She's started hitting herself due to being unhappy in the marriage.

I'm begging you again, to please allow her to get separated, she's been forced to be in situations against her wishes for past 10-yrs, please don't prolong it further.

As I said, I'm happy to take on all sinful reaction of separating in the marriage.

Neither she is happy in the marriage, nor am I. The longer we wait, the worse it gets.

Your servant"

HpS - Wow! What news. AgtSP. Paoho. Why on earth are you writing to me about this? Did I force you to get married? Have I forced you to remain married?

All I did was take HOURS of effort to communicate what I understand is reality. The Blog posts are there.

There is no divorce in Vedic culture, reality.

You can stick beans up your nose and pretend you are having lunch but it does not work.

Marry a girl and you are married.

Get her pregnant and you have a baby.

You can't change this.

Live separate and exchange nice letters. Modi does that.

If you want to get married again, then do it. Take care of your first wife properly. Don't do sinful things in terms of that duty or you will get sinful reactions. You will become a ??? Donkey, cat, son of Kuvera????

If she wants to get remarried, then she can wait the proper time and do it.

It is third class but in Kali yuga it is progressive.

However this has to be adjusted in terms of local laws with divorce settlements etc. Do it with clear representation that you are following the Vedic standard.

Hare Krsna!!


If you chant Hare Krsna this will all become clear and you can stop abusing yourself!


HpS - ASA.

Thank you! All respects to you and all the families.


3 years ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, reciba mis respetuosas reverencias🙏

Estuve casi todo el mes de noviembre en Arequipa haciendo Sankirtan de los libros de Srila Prabhupada, regrese a Huancayo en el mes de diciembre (Maratón).

Desde que se levanto la cuarentena en octubre del 2020 hasta la fecha vengo distribuyendo los libros de Srila Prabhupada, aumentado la austeridad y el riesgo (virus, mascarilla, municipales, el clima, la distancia, la altura, la mente y el cuerpo).

No quiero decir detalles, tengo problemas fuertes y bueno lo que puedo decir es que se hizo lo que se pudo y nada más queda entender que todo lo bueno y lo malo que pueda pasar termina siendo bueno por misericordia de Sri Krsna.

Mi salud no esta bien, falta de aire y palpitaciones irregulares en el corazón, tengo dañada la clavicula izquierda y parte de la espalda de ese lado. (Mucho peso en la mochila con libros). Pero aún a pesar de ello seguimos saboreando un poquito de nectar. Quizá necesite hacer algo de yoga, pranayama.👍

Estoy llevando unos cursos de palmistry, algo de Jyotish.

También me gusta mucho el arte (dibujo, pintura). Quiero aprender más y hacer algunos cuadros.

Estoy viviendo solo en Huancayo con las Deidades y las Salagrama Silas, bueno ni tan solo. Jeje.

Mi lectura personal , S.B Canto 4 "La Creación de la cuarta orden" Capítulo 8 "Dhruva Maharaja abandona el hogar y se va al bosque".

Retomando el Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya Lila, Capítulo 6 "La liberación de Sarvabhauma Bhatttacarya" texto 174.

16 rondas de japa, gayatris, 4 principios regulativos, Mangal artik 5 am (tratando de mejorar esto).

Este fue mi sankirtan de libros 2021:

Libros pequeños y medianos 911

Bhagavad-Gita poket 247

(Srila Prabhupada).

Tu no eres el cuerpo 660

(Bir Krishna Das Goswami).

Iluminación por camino natural 486

(Hridayananda Dasa Goswami).

Buena Dieta y Salud 721

(Ediciones Sattva).

Un total de 3025 libros distribuidos con todas mis dificultades y torpezas para la satisfacción de Srila Prabhupada, de usted, de la sucesión discipular y de Sri Nityananda & Sri Gauranga.

Me despido Guru Maharaja, por favor perdóneme, perdone mis ofensas. Que Nrsimha lo proteja.

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja, please receive my respectful obeisances.

I was almost the entire month of November in Arequipa doing Sankirtan from Srila Prabhupada's books, I returned to Huancayo in the month of December (Marathon).

Since the quarantine was lifted in October 2020 to date, I have been distributing Srila Prabhupada's books, increasing austerity and risk (virus, mask, municipal, weather, distance, height, mind and body).

I do not want to say details, I have strong problems and well what I can say is that what was possible was done and nothing else remains to understand that everything good and bad that can happen ends up being good by the mercy of Sri Krsna.

My health is not good, shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat, I have damaged my left clavicle and part of my back on that side. (A lot of weight in the backpack with books). But even in spite of this we continue to savor a little bit of nectar. Maybe you need to do some yoga, pranayama.

I'm taking some palmistry courses, some Jyotish.

I also really like art (drawing, painting). I want to learn more and make some pictures.

I am living alone in Huancayo with the Deities and the Salagrama Silas, well not alone. He he.

My personal reading, S.B Canto 4 "The Creation of the fourth order" Chapter 8 "Dhruva Maharaja leaves home and goes to the forest".

Returning to Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya Lila, Chapter 6 "The liberation of Sarvabhauma Bhatttacarya" text 174.

16 rounds of japa, gayatris, 4 regulative principles, Mangal artik 5 am (trying to improve this).

This was my 2021 book sankirtan:

Small and medium 911 books

Bhagavad-Gita poket 247

(Srila Prabhupada).

You are not the body 660

(Bir Krishna Das Goswami).

Natural path lighting 486

(Hridayananda Dasa Goswami).

Good Diet and Health 721

(Sattva editions).

A total of 3025 books distributed with all my difficulties and blunders for the satisfaction of Srila Prabhupada, you, the disciplic succession and Sri Nityananda & Sri Gauranga.

I say goodbye Guru Maharaja, please forgive me, forgive my offenses. May Nrsimha protect him.

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa.

HpS - AGTSP paoho. Thank you for the news. Thank you for your association in the FMP and the fortnightly Kapi-Dhvaja.

There is nothing that can stop our advancment as long as we are doing Sankirtan. Of course, you know, I know, we have to do it with more and more pure intentions.

Daksa was doing Visnu yajna but with very selfish motives.

Dhruva was doing it with moderately selfish motives.

We all look at your efforts and take them as a challenge to improve our lives, and hope that our efforts are helping you to improve you Sankirtan through all these modes.

Reporte de un soldado caído

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Querido Gurudeva, porfavor acepte mis sinceras y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies sagrados de loto.

Perdone por no reportarme antes, lo intenté pero no era la adecuada forma de escribirle, queria contarle mis problemas materiales pero estaba en un error, perdone mi falta, ahora estoy un poco más cuerdo.

Actualmente estoy viviendo en la ciudad de Huancavelica - Perú, trabajo en una empresa de Telecomunicaciones y estoy viviendo en la casa que tiene mi padre, vivo con mi tia, mis primos y mis sobrinos.

Perdí el sadhana, las rondas y el gayatri por un mes, pasé por problemas matrimonial y familiar, perdí la fé un momento, tuve un accidente de carro, mi salud decayó, mi padre casi deja el cuerpo y más...

Maya me ha golpeado muy duro y he aprendido la lección, ahora solo quiero volver a cantar mis rondas, quiero ser devota toda mi vida, lo único que deseo es servir a Prabhupada y a Usted, Ahora estoy retomando mis rondas, gayatri, sadhana, lectura del bagavatam , le pido encarecidamente me ayude y me dé su bendición y me dé una nueva oportunidad para seguir adelante en mi proceso espiritual. Estaré reportandome mensualmente, Hare Krsna

Atte. Nadiya Nivasi Dasi


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva, please accept my sincere and respectful obeisances at your sacred lotus feet.

HpS - AGTSP! Our feet are very much like yours, but a few years older. AGTSP!!!! :>>>>

Sorry for not reporting earlier, I tried but it wasn't the right way to write to you, I wanted to tell you about my material problems but I was wrong, forgive me, now I'm a little saner.

HpS - I think that with just a little bit of consideration, any material problems you have, are very much part of the spiritual life of ISKCON.

Currently I am living in the city of Huancavelica - Peru, I work in a Telecommunications company and I am living in the house that my father has, I live with my aunt, my cousins ​​and my nephews.

HpS - Big Sankirtan chance.

I lost sadhana, rounds and gayatri for a month, I went through marital and family problems, I lost faith for a moment, I had a car accident, my health declined, my father almost left the body and more ...

HpS - But your cousins did try to take away your clothes on CNN, like Duryodhana and Draupadi! Things could be worse. (Ooof! What a weird world. Who were we? Were we Duhshana and Duryodhana?)

Does your Papa send messages and invite you to join him where he has gone?

Maya has hit me very hard and I have learned my lesson, now I just want to sing my rounds again, I want to be a devotee all my life, the only thing I want is to serve Prabhupada and You, now I am resuming my rounds, gayatri, sadhana, reading of bagavatam, I earnestly ask you to help me and give me your blessing and give me a new opportunity to move forward in my spiritual process. I will be reporting monthly, Hare Krsna

Atte. Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - Devotees give us news about you. We try to communicate with everyone but..... we are not the super soul. We are not even much of a Mahatma (Great Soul). The Kapi Dhvaja, with Patraka and sister-Auntuenente, is our effort to connect with everyone.

PLEASE read it and us the Priority Code from the Letters to the Editor section each fortnight. Otherwise our bestial secretaries may not see you letter.

Thank you.

So much.

Do the right thing.

Be good daughter, wife, mother, devotee.

Radharani is the Mother to all the cowherd boys.

AmD Report

HK Gurudeva, pamho.


Estoy viendo y participando de sus programas de Vyasapuja con un seudónimo secreto. Ahora acabo de escribir el reporte anual... En el deporte solemos decir que se aprende cuando se gana, pero más cuando se pierde, y este 2021 fue de mucho aprendizaje para mí, pude descubrir muchas fortalezas y especialmente debilidades muy internas... Y para ser sincero no somos ese jardinero experto al que se refiere el Señor Caitanya con nuestra Bhakti lata bija, pero vamos a seguir intentándolo...

Reconocer la hierba mala no es fácil, aceptar que no es parte tuya, pienso que es mas díficil, y arrancarla es aún más... Nunca pense estar tan apegado a la hierba mala de mis anarthas... Y se viene un duro trabajo para arrancarla... Al parecer hay mucha malesa...

Pero la bhakti bija lata estamos regando con japa y Kirtan... Solo descuidamos de limpiar la tierra... Gran error...

Nuestro cielo aun esta nublado, pero menos que antes... Esperamos algun dia ver el sol brillante del Santo Nombre en todo su esplendor...

Ahora estamos en CDE Ciudad del Este, ciudad comercial de Paraguay, frontera con Brasil...

Aun no hemos hablado formalmente con la lider de Templo, pero quizas nos quedemos.un tiempo....

Aquí hace mucho calor, así que es buen entrenamiento para ir luego a Vrndavan...

Por misericordia de KB, acabamos de chatear unos minutos en Gootoomeeting con Usted... Esa fue una suerte que no esperábamos, fue muy inspirador...

Aquí estamos dos horas adelante de Perú... Y en los Mangal Artik allá, estamos full aquí atendiendo a sus Señorías, que no son pocas en el altar...

Nos encantaría conocer en su momento los yatras de Argentina y Brasil, donde llegaremos antes de ir a India, si Usted nos da sus bendiciones... Por supuesto que eso tomara un tiempo aún, pero sin sus bendiciones que posibilidades de éxito tendriamos?

Perdonenos por no hacer más, simplemente cantando nuestras rondas, y votos... Realizando lo que se pueda de Kirtan a los pies del Acarya... por ahora es todo lo que podemos hacer...

Este es nuestro reporte de inicio de año 2022...

Su tonto aspirante a discípulo AmD

HK Gurudeva, pamho.


I am watching and participating in your Vyasapuja shows under a secret pseudonym. Now I have just written the annual report ... In sport we usually say that you learn when you win, but more so when you lose, and this 2021 was a lot of learning for me, I was able to discover many strengths and especially very internal weaknesses ... And to be honest we are not that expert gardener that Lord Caitanya refers to with our Bhakti lata bija, but we are going to keep trying ...

Recognizing the weed is not easy, accepting that it is not part of you, I think it is more difficult, and pulling it out is even more ... I never thought I was so attached to the weed of my anarthas ... And hard work comes to start it ... Apparently there is a lot of evil ...

HpS- Vaisesika Das quotes one English aphorism: Inch by inch, it is always a "cinch". It means that if we pull the weeds out a little bit every day, then the result is guaranteed. The Srimad Bhagavata is FULL of fall downs! The question is rise up, continue purifying ourselves so we can get back to our MUCH needed life in the real world!!!!

But the bhakti bija lata we are watering with japa and Kirtan ... We just neglected to clean the earth ... Big mistake ...

Our sky is still cloudy, but less than before ... We hope one day to see the bright sun of the Holy Name in all its splendor ...

Now we are in CDE Ciudad del Este, a commercial city in Paraguay, on the border with Brazil ...

We haven't formally spoken to the Temple leader yet, but we might stay for a while ...

It's very hot here, so it's good training to go to Vrndavan later ...

By the mercy of KB, we just chatted for a few minutes on Gootoomeeting with you ... That was fortunate that we did not expect, it was very inspiring ...

Here we are two hours ahead of Peru ... And in the Mangal Artik there, we are full here attending to their Lordships, who are not few at the altar ...

We would love to know at the time the yatras of Argentina and Brazil, where we will arrive before going to India, if you give us your blessings ... Of course that will take a while, but without your blessings, what chance of success would we have?

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!! You all deserve very big help!!! Look for it!

Forgive us for not doing more, just singing our rounds, and vows ... Doing what we can of Kirtan at the feet of the Acarya ... for now is all we can do ...

This is our report at the beginning of the year 2022 ...

Your fool aspiring disciple AmD

HpS - ASA --- More!!

FMP Vaisnava Thakura Yearly report

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

Please except my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to you

From my understanding Ramananda Roy and Lord Chaitanya had a conversation about what is a Vaisnava. The conclusion was that person who when you see them you are inspired to chant Hare Krishna, this is a Vaisnava. Aside from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktividanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, your beloved Guru and Founder Acharya of ISCKON, there is no one that inspires me more to chant Hare Krishna then you Guredeva. When seeing you online or in person, while hearing from you or while thinking of you I am inspired to chant and hear the Glories of Sri Krsna. I thank you so much for this. There is no bigger gift.

My Sadhana

Rounds: At one point I did fall behind in some rounds. I started a new job driving bus for the City of Dallas and I work some crazy shifts. 13 hours sometimes, sometimes finishing at 2am then having to work days sometimes. However, I have caught up on all rounds and chanting minimum 16 rounds each day.

HpS / ASA ----- Meaner than a junk yard dog!!! Jaya!!!!

4 principles: I am currently following these strictly. However, please forgive me Gurudeva as I did sometimes drink some "energy shots" which contained caffeine while starting the job previously mentioned. I am very embarrassed by this and ask you to please forgive me for my failure and offense.

HpS: Probably the reaction to the beverage is its own education!

FMP: I haven't been steady with FMP. I work swing shift getting off work sometimes at midnight and sometimes at 2am, then I am called in during my days off sometimes to work day shifts. It can be hectic. However, I think I found that when I get off work at night I take a nap then get up and do FMP then go to sleep again it can work. Its hard to get up sometimes after going to sleep for a nap in the middle of the night but I am working on it. The hardest part is there isn't much of a routine. But I promise I am working on it Gurudeva and will get better at this.

HpS - The determination to progress is 90% of doing it. Jayananda Das told us the very beginning that getting up for Brahma muhurta was a matter of learning how to catching the causeless mercy of Krsna, and then the result is so great that it becomes a necessity. It gives you super power. Just do it alone. Read the Krsna book.... Your challenge. Your victory!


While driving bus I have a few Sankirtan engagements. One that I have spoken to you about is I distribute Prasdam planters peanut packs during my routes. Also I give Stretch Island fruit leathers to kids that ride the bus. In addition I set out a Bhagavad Gita on the bus. Each time I set it out in the beginning of the day I think about how when Arjuna and Krishna are present then there is always victory. Most days 1-3 BG's go out, for the month of December 35 BGs we're distributed. Sometimes people thinking they are stealing it (LOL). Sometimes they ask about if its mine, I tell them no but if they would like they can have it, then they take it. Sometimes people pick it up look at it then put it down. There is a lot of interaction and attraction to Krishna and Srila Prabhupada's BG. I have been inspired by you to try this. I have heard you talk about putting books in airlplanes and also just keeping a book on your person and Krishna will provide an opportunity for you to give it to someone. In addition, I really have had a deeper understanding of your picture of Hanuman giving Mother Sita Lord Rama's ring. My deeper understanding in its not my BG, its Krishna's and Srila Prabhupada's BG, I received it from them, I pass it along to others who have a choice if they want to accept their gift or not. Then the relationship between Krishna/Srila Prabhupada and that person accepting their gift is between them. It gives me an interesting feeling of helplessness and gratitude. It also leads to more confidence. Nothing is happening by chance. Thank you Gurudeva for the inspiration and mercy to participate in this Sankirtan movement.

I pray to our Black God with a white girlfriend, Sri Sri Radha-Kalachandaji, here in Dallas to protect you always. How fortunate we are for this opportunity to write you each year at the time of your Vyasa Puja, reflecting on our relationship with you, with Srila Prabhupada, or progress, our stumbling blocks and so much more. We dive deep in meditation on what is most important. Thank you so much for you mercy Gurudeva.


Nanda-braja das

HpS - !!!! More and more and more inspiration from Krsna for means to preach. Get His books out to the right people!