[Varaha is coming] Our prayers from Manipur.....

2 years, 11 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to HH Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj!

Please accept our humble obeisances at Your sweet lotus feet.

HpS - I have not seen them yet. What do they look like? Cow's feet? Flower's feet? Gopa's feet? Bird's feet.

Happy Vyasa Puja dear Guru Maharaj. This letter is late....please forgive me. We are sorry about the positive test report. We pray sincerely to Sri Nrshimha Dev to keep our Guru Maharaj under His protection always. Wishing Guru Maharaj a very very speedy recovery.

HpS - Like we said, we have no symptoms, so there is nothing from which to recover! Very nice to hear from you.

Kindly forgive us if we have unknowingly offended Guru Maharaj...that you have to suffer because of us.

We celebrated Guru Maharaj's Vyasa Puja at the Sri Radha Krishnachandra ISKCON temple. Exalted kirtan by HG Gopal Krishna Das , glorification by HG Brighumuni Das Prabhuji (Prabhuji shared his close association with Guru Maharaj taking us to the eighties and the condition of Berkely temple then....we are overwhelmed with your endurance and fearlessness.

HG Yamuneshwar Prabhu, Mataji Nandimukhi , Mataji NiscintyaNityai , GopalKrishna Prabhu , president HG Sadhubhushan Prabhu and our self (not in the least qualified to glorify our glorious Guru Maharaj) also joined the glorification.

Mataji Nandimukhi and Mataji NiscintyaNityai decorated the altar so beautifully....as Guru Maharaj does not like marigold, the garlands were done with blue water lilies.

HpS - We like them but have allergy reaction to them!

Mataji Mohini and Mataji Sushila Sakhi were busy in the deity kitchen preparing bhoga. We prepared around 50 items and offered to the Deities and Srila Prabhupada and we pray that our service of offering prasad to Guru maharaj is accepted. Then Vaishnava seva with the mahaprasad.

Thank you Guru Maharaj. As once instructed, we are trying to serve Sri RadhaGovinda. A lot of projects had been pending since decades . By Guru Maharaj's mercy, this time on Vyasa puja, our prime minister Sri Narendra Modi visited our state and inaugurated the Kamdhenu installation and other projects. It was such an auspicious moment that it had to happen on our Guru Maharaj's vyasa puja.

HpS - Wow! We thank him.

Sending our report .....and some pics.

Your insignificant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Go ahead!!!! You all seem to be on a completely auspicious path. It seems to us you will be able to offer confidential service to Radharani for Krsna.

We hope Bhrga Muni Das is very well. We hope his memories were correct!! 😁

Such beautiful photos. We can only understand that it is all an offering to Srila Prabhupada for the miracle he does in making demons like us useful to Krsna.

Candidates for Second Initiation

Hare Krishna Gurudeva:

Reciba Ud. Mis reverencias y respetos personales. El motivo de esta carta es para pedirle su misericordia para otorgarme 2da iniciación. Estos 3 últimos años he estado haciendo servicio de pujari en Wilson Lima Mandir entre otros servicios así mismo he terminado estudios de Bakty Sastry y de Arcana. Me encuentro muy entusiasmado por su respuesta y recurro a esta carta ya que estamos en pandemia. A través del Prabhu Abhiram Das le hice llegar la carta de recomendación de mi autoridad, así como unas fotos de mi servicio. Las cuales también se las reenvió por este medio. Le envié también mi reporte annual con todas mis actividades


Hare Krishna, Gurudeva:

Receive my obeisances and personal respects. The reason for this letter is to ask for your mercy to grant me 2nd initiation. These last 3 years I have been doing pujari service in Wilson Lima Mandir among other services, I have also finished Bakti Sastri and Arcana studies. I am very excited about your response and I turn to this letter since we are in a pandemic. Through Prabhu Abhiram Das I sent him the letter of recommendation from my authority, as well as some photos of my service. Which also forwarded them by this means. I also sent him my annual report with all my activities.

HpS - Karuna Krsna Das has recommended three or four devotees for second initiation on Nityananda Trayodasi, February 14th or 13th.

  1. Tarangaski Devi Dasi,
  2. Mitravida Devi Dasi,
  3. Janapavana Das,
  4. Abhirama Thakura Das,

Some of them have some specific requirements to meet but in general

  • I need to talk individually with each candidate.
  • They all must have passed the ISKCON Disciple Course and show there certificate to us.
  • All need be fixed in the mode of goodness in their service eg. Mangala-arati and full morning program regularly.
  • Be announced as candidate for second initiation on Yatra media one month, or whatever is the GBC standard, before the ceremony.

Hope to talk with you soon.

Post any recommendations here.

Thank you.

You seem to have many of the qualifications for second initiations.


Varaha esta viniendo - Solicitando refugio sinceramente

2 years, 11 months ago by jagannitho in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a sri Guru y


Acepte por favor mis humildes reverencias

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Soy su sirviente Jagannath de Bolivia, hijo de Saumya Rupi devi dasi. Desde que era más pequeño estuve intentando refugiarme a sus pies de loto.

Hoy tengo 15 años y tengo el intenso deseo de recibir iniciación de usted. Pedí a las autoridades de nuestro yatra su aprobación para pedir iniciación, prabhu Mathuresh das me dio la bendición para continuar con mi vida espiritual empezando con 4 rondas diarias y los principios.

Esperando que usted se encuentre muy buen de salud.

Su sirviente


HpS - ASA - Jaya Jagannatha! Muy bueno oir de Vd para primero vez. Puede leer: http://www.jayarama.us/peru/archivos/guru-tattva-es.txt ?


Gandharva das's annual report (The Oriental Kings)

2 years, 12 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

My apologies for not submitting my annual report on time. After the symposium finished, I had to catch up with a lot of pending work, so I just sent it to you.

HpS - Thank you!!!

  • Maha mantra: 99% (sometimes I have deep emotions , other times a parade of petty sentiments, useless ideas and memories).
  • Four principles: 99% (some problems with the amount of food).
  • Gayatri Mantra: 90% (sometimes I can't chant because of work).
  • Deity worship: daily attention at lunchtime (bhoga and aratik). Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra / Sri Nrsimha and Ananta deva / Gaura Nityananda, the life of our life.

HpS - They like your home? !

  • Readings: Finishing the 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam and Tattva Sandarbha (on a personal level) / 1st Canto of the SB with Indira Sakti.

HpS - Strucure of the universe. Forest of material enjoyment?

  • Mangala aratik: 90% / Sandhya aratik 5% (I have to improve hard on this point).
  • Studies: I have already received the Bhakti Sastri certificate , I have interrupted BhVai studies for time reasons, restarting on november.
  • Devotee care: We have formed the Sastra Seva Sanga study group with Indira Sakti dd, Tarangaksi dd, Jana Pavana das, Patricia Palomino and Sandra Salazar. We are studying and discussing The Teachings of Lord Caitanya (very nice association).
  • Service: ISKCON Ministry of Education representative and Bhakti Sastri program administration.
  • Association: My good wife first of all, a good friendship with LAD, Param Padam das, Vira Gopal das (Gaura Gadadhara dd's husband) and Jana Pavana das. The relationship with educators is very different from anything experienced before. Birds of the same plumage, flies together.

HpS - Heard your in-laws think it best for you to not stay with them with this Co-Vid thing. Hmmm. The omicron seems like any other flu, but we are having so many people coining and going here that it can be harder to control than even a normal family like that.

Jagat guru, Carolina, Babies, just moved into the bungalow.

Can you come and stay with Laksmana and Ramana reti and then all three visit during the daytime? We can help with any taxi expenses?

Devotional service is practical activity in the foreground of spiritual life.

We have a lot of work to do.

  • Asram: improving a lot, working cooperatively in service, sublimating physical love in an associate relationship. Some issues still bothering but we have learned to take care of each other.

The internal storm calms down (a crystalline light emerges), now is a soft humid breeze, solitude is no longer a bitter refuge but a space to meet my beautiful Lord. Thank you for everything, for your warm protection, for the service you have allowed me to try do for you. The therapeutic value of Guru seva is inconceivable.

Forever grateful

Your clumsy servant

Gandharva das

HpS - ASA - Your evil group leader.

Urgent - update about me - Jan 01, 2022

2 years, 12 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudev,

 Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - I hope we can see our 'lotus feet' some day, siddha svarupa.

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru parampara.

 Gurudev, Life is as usual, no change in routine. i have noting new so write very less now a

days. But i read the blog / letters for your instructions. 

Your dependent,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - What is happening in the Pune yatra???

Varaha is Coming! Hare Krishna Maharaja! Iniciación

2 years, 12 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja!

Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a usted!

(abajo traducción al inglés)

Espero que usted esté bien de salud!

Lo saluda aquí Damián de Córdoba, Argentina.

Muchas gracias por su respuesta a la última carta que le envié. 

En la última carta (https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/13026/) hablando acerca de mi iniciación, usted me preguntó acerca de programa matutino, mangala arati. Aquí en el barrio donde vivo, hacemos programas con los devotos los martes y los sábados a la mañana. Programa completo, cantamos el Guru Astaka, Nrsinha Pranam, luego media hora de japa juntos, luego clase de Srimad Bhagavatam y los sábados también además desayunamos juntos.

Ahora desde hace un tiempo trato de conectarme a GTM más seguido a la mañana, ya siendo más regular, ya que me hace muy bien verlo a usted a la mañana. Gracias por su asociación, cambia el éter de nuestro día y me llena de alegría verlo. Tengo mucha fortuna de haberlo conocido. 

Aquí estoy a su disposición Maharaja, ¿en qué puedo servirlo?

Gracias por todo!

Damián de Córdoba, Argentina

Hare Krishna Maharaja.

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances at your feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you!

I hope you are in good health!

Greetings here Damián from Córdoba, Argentina.

Thank you very much for your response to the last letter I sent you.

In the last letter (https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/13026/) talking about my initiation, you asked me about the morning show, mangala arati. Here in the neighborhood where I live, we do programs with the devotees on Tuesday and Saturday mornings. Full program, we sing Guru Astaka, Nrsinha Pranam, then half an hour of japa together, then Srimad Bhagavatam class and on Saturdays too, we also have breakfast together.

Now, for some time now, I have been trying to connect to GTM more often in the morning, being more regular, since it is very good for me to see you in the morning. Thank you for your association, it changes the ether of our day and it fills me with joy to see it.

Here I am at your disposal Maharaja, how can I serve you?

Thanks for everything!

Damian of Cordoba, Argentina

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. In the NoI Srila Prabhupada writes that in this movement we require everyone to rise early in the morning by 4AM, attend mangala arati, perform kirtan and read Srimad Bhagavatam etc.

Are you keep that requirement?
