2 years, 3 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

"Dr. Swati Mukherjee,Associate Professor of English,Lady Brabourne College, attended the programme, although she was a little late due to traffic .I have requested her to prepare an account of the event.Is anyone from your side doing the se work?If so please let me know so that I can tell she needs not to do. More when we talk after 5 -30 pm."

HpS - ASA -- Dra. Mukerjee sounds like excellent scholar. Maybe her summary can be the first article for Solaris.

Then Hector's presentation, bi-lingual, and your acceptance speech.

Our traveling team, cinematographic cohorts, are:

Abhirama Th. Das - Producer.

Raul Zevallos - Director.

Hector Behar - Commentarist, Consultant, Actor.

HpSwami - Consultant, Actor.

Jayanta, Prema, Adi - Sagacious Bhaktas, Postman, Farmer, Chauffer.

Ranchor/Govinda - Travel Agent, Translator.

We can put editing this part of the movie in priority, but it will still take some time.

Rukmini dd's report (from Lima-Peru)

2 years, 4 months ago by Rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I would like to start this letter by quoting this verse from the Bhagavad Gita: https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/12/12/

A year ago, I was in total confusion, uninterested in the process of devotional service. One day, I picked up the Bhagavad Gita and that verse caught my attention.

One verse, just one verse gave me a better understanding of the situation. Krishna himself said: If you cannot take to this practice, there are other alternatives, which belong to a gradual process. And Srila Prabhupada explained this in greater detail in his purport.

During these months, I have gone through several experiences that have led me to the conclusion that I feel very grateful to Krishna. For example, I was able to experience 0.001% of what it means to genuinely love another being, free from attachment and just wishing wellness for that spiritual soul. I don't know how to describe that feeling. It's like something springs from the depths of your being and you can even cry with happiness. It is definitely one of the most wonderful experiences of this life!

HpS/ASA - -[;o]?\___

Of course, in these months adversities also arose (they are the 'daily bread' of this material world). For example, recently my grandmother Gauri dd got sick. She hasn't recovered yet, she is still weak physically and emotionally. But at the same time, it is an opportunity for her and for us to reflect on what we need to improve and remember what is most important.

HpS - Look! You can find so much strength within. Just chant more and more and you will find how to do it from your self, soul, which is more powerful than millions of Suns.

On the other hand, a couple of weeks ago I finished university. I am currently processing the issuance of my degree (bachelor's degree in Education). Although I have the possibility of doing a master's degree abroad, finishing this degree (because of the thesis) has been a great challenge and took part of my vital energy. My family wants me to travel abroad maybe in these months, but I believe that there are many adventures to discover within oneself.

ASA - Yes, but going abroad may stimulate them...

I believe that happiness is in the way one deals with everyday situations. I can say that I feel happy to see how the sun shines through the window of my room, I feel happy to dedicate some bhajans to Krishna, I feel happy to share moments with my family, I feel happy to meet new people and learn from them... I have the desire to have a more peaceful and simple life, cultivating the goodness of being and keeping a fixed number of rounds.

About plans for the future... For the next year, I plan to go to the rural area of Peru (Andes) and teach in a small community school. That was one of the motivations that prompted me to study Education. Then, we'll see what plans Krishna, Providence has...

Trying to serve,

Rukmini dd

HpS - Super! Who were you in your last life? Why did you get your current situation? You seem like a very nice, qualified person. You deserve some good chances to do substantial, lasting, Sankirtan.

Respects to all the gnerations.

Hope you sent photos.

Manual de la conciencia de Krishna

2 years, 4 months ago by muraridas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva

pamhoo AgtSP

muchas veces haciendo mi servicio y viendo que las personas que vienen al templo van disminuyendo me pregunto porqué .Si hay motivos externos pero ahora ya las actividades vuelven a l normalidad pero no para el templo y

mi pregunta es si no estamos predicando correctamente

escucho la clase dentro del altar y oigo

porque Ditarastra es ciego pero no solo ciego materialmente sino espiritual también.salgo y una señora ciega con el bastón es ayudada a levantarse e irse

que la degradación de la sociedad lleva a la homosexualidad etc el grupo que venía de estudiantes no volvió etc etc

he encontrado este antiguo manual de la primera etapa es del año 70 y creo que hace mucha falta actualizar la prédica y antes de que los discípulos de Srila Prabhupada se vayan para no perder la esencia se revise se explique quien es Radha Lord Caitanya etc

recierdo en la nueva Vrajamandala un devoto explicando quien eran las deidades que Radha tenia quince años y estaba casada y se escapaba por las noches ha escuchar la maravillosa flauta de Krishna y la confusión en la cara de los invitados

la situación es que si estamos en la situación de enseñar tenemos primero saber que nivel tienen las personas que escucha el mensaje y que nivel de información podemos dar

es mi deseo que un día se haga un protocolo de predica antes de que los devotos antiguos se vayan

veo un vídeo en YouTube sobre las glorias del el Ekadasi y dice

no solo tenemos que ayunar de granos sino incrementar el ayuno el servicio las rondas y reducir el dormir .perfecto

y famoso brahmacary muy entusiasta

pero cuando uno broadcast esto que yo sepa va a tres tipos de audiencia

devotos que viven en el templo minoría y ya lo saben , devotos que viven fuera del templo mayoría que como le explica a un devoto que trabaja en la construcción que haga así el Ekadasi se siente mal por no llegar ha ese estándar

y el tercero es alguien que quiera conocer la filosofía y … sorpresa todos los puntos que los gobiernos avisan que es una secta or cult

oro por la misericordia de Gurudeva nos ilumina para continuar con el legado que nos dejan pero necesitamos que se arreglen estas debilidades y que ahora que hay facilidades para mítines se aborden la necesidad de revisar el manual

no suelo escribir querido Gurudeva y hermanos pero cuando empieza a salir la planta de Tulasi aveces le ponemos mucho entusiasmo y mucha agua y muere con la prédica también


su sirviente

murari muriendo das


Hare Krishna, dear Gurudeva

pamhoo AgtSP

many times doing my service and seeing that the people who come to the temple are decreasing I wonder why. If there are external reasons but now the activities are back to normal but not for the temple and

my question is if we are not preaching correctly

I listen to the class inside the altar and I hear

because Ditarastra is blind but not only blind materially but spiritually as well. I go out and a blind lady with the cane is helped to get up and go

that the degradation of society leads to homosexuality etc the group that came from students did not return etc etc

I have found this old manual of the first stage, it is from the year 70 and I think there is a great need to update the preaching and before the disciples of Srila Prabhupada leave, so as not to lose the essence, it is reviewed, it is explained who Radha Lord Caitanya is, etc.

I remember in the new Vrajamandala a devotee explaining who the deities were that Radha was fifteen years old and married and would sneak out at night to listen to the wonderful flute of Krishna and the confusion on the faces of the guests

The situation is that if we are in the situation of teaching, we must first know what level the people who listen to the message have and what level of information we can give.

it is my wish that one day a protocol of preaching will be done before the old devotees leave

I see a video on YouTube about the glories of Ekadasi and it says

We not only have to fast from grains but increase the fast, the service, the rounds and reduce the sleep. Perfect

and famous very enthusiastic brahmacary

but when you broadcast this, as far as I know, it goes to three types of audience

devotees who live in the minority temple and already know it, devotees who live outside the majority temple who, as he explains to a devotee who works in construction who does this on Ekadasi, feel bad for not reaching that standard

and the third is someone who wants to know the philosophy and … surprise all the points that the governments warn that it is a sect or cult

I pray for the mercy of Gurudeva enlighten us to continue with the legacy that they leave us but we need these weaknesses to be fixed and that now that there are facilities for rallies the need to revise the manual is addressed

I don't usually write dear Gurudeva and brothers but when the Tulasi plant starts to come out sometimes we put a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of water and he dies with the preaching too


your servant

murari dying days

HpS - Hare Krsna. I think we answered this letter, no? We were asking for the source of the Manual. We followed the link above but it is a Telegram. Hmmm? Do you know who sent the file? Where it is from? Many things like that are compiled by different temples, no?

Hari Bolo!

We are in New Vraja Mandala with Jayanta and everyone. I hope you see the classes. We also Tweet photos.

Please don't leave, don't deviate!

Srila Prabhupada!

Mandara Sakha Das

2 years, 4 months ago by mandara sakha das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj,

Mandara Sakha Das greets you from Chile.

I thank you for the opportunity to write to you and to be able to read the letters you write on this Blog.

HpS - It is a fundamental part of our life and Sankirtan!!

In the previous letter you asked for information about me to remember me. I will comment briefly. I have written little on this blog. I met you in 2009 when I was a psychology student, you gave a seminar at my University and I bought the book Science of Self-Realization. When I finished my studies I went to live in the temple of Santiago de Chile. After 2 years you gave me my first initiation on July 9, 2017 and allowed me to take brahmacarya. Then I was living in the temple of Buenos Aires in Argentina and I became associated with Adi Yajña Das, Panca Tattva Das and other Vaisnavas. In 2019 I returned to Chile and stopped living in temples because I had scoliosis and needed to lead a different kind of life to heal myself.

Then I paired up with a devotee, I got married in 2020 and to this day I do my best to be a good instrument of Krishna.

Currently, together with my wife Gaura Priya, we continue to do preaching activities by zoom. On Tuesdays and Fridays we do sadhana bhakti, where we chant the Hare Krishna maha mantra together, on Thursdays we teach basic topics of bhakti yoga and the Bhagavad Gita, on Sundays we teach Srimad Bhagavatam and later we plan to include a day for Krishna Book for our preaching community.

We were living in the south of Chile, so we did the activities online by zoom, but two months ago we returned to the city and we are doing face-to-face activities. These experiences have been very pleasant seeing how Krishna uses us as an instrument, I will leave you some photographs of it.

Since we returned to the city there have been many favorable circumstances, we have had more association and in fact today we start a fixed kitchen service in the temple two Saturdays a month, at least for now.


Guru Maharaj, I would also like to tell you that I am interested in taking a second initiation with you. Since I met Krishna Consciousness until today, I have been able to give real meaning to my life and gradually mature as an eternal servant.

I am currently 31 years old, I have had my hits and misses, but I have never let go of Srila Prabhupada's dhoti. Now, I would like to continue maturing further in the process, and ask for the possibility of receiving initiation in the year 2023. What do you think about that?

HpS - Thank you for the letter! Your persona is like 78% clear in our mind. I will look at th pictures. We are mixing your image with another devotee, but with the picture we should catch you on Bhuvar mandala.


Best Regards, my most sincere respect to you, thank you for existing.

HpS - In Braja we think that there is no inertia. Roads etc. move continually to be roads.

Look at the letter we just wrote to Parasurama Das. He also asks for second initiation and our answer to him seems to fit you also!

How long chanting/following 16/4?

Regular Brahma muhurta work?

Im Back! (URGENT, not so much)

2 years, 4 months ago by Parasurama Avatar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports



Dear Gurudev, I hope you are in good health and your sankirtan pleases to Srila Prabhupada and Goura Nitay.

It's been a while since we last spoke, but there's good news. 

My health is better, I finished my treatment, my job is going well.

I'm actually in the north of Chile, working in an electrical substations project

(we are building it), learning some things about Electric and Mechanic. 

A new world for an artist man, but it was a good experience.

I've returned to cook for the deities, twice a month, when I go to my home.

I'm going to cook for Janmastami, Srila Prabhupada and Radhastami too, Krishna is being very merciful 

and has given me those days off, like old times.

I took the Bhakti Sastri with Priyasakhi DD, we're in the second part of the BG, 

I got my black belt a few months ago, I don't have photos because I didn't participate in the ceremony, 

but as soon as I have some, I'll send it to you.

HpS - AGTSP!!! I hope you are also mastering the age old art of Run Fu.... Run For your life!

I wanted to ask you, do you think I should take a second initiation? 

HpS - Seems very nice to us. What do your friends and admnistratin think?

There is a possibility, but I would like to know your opinion.

Your Eternal servant, Parasurama Avatar Das. Santiago - Chile.

HpS - Are you in contact with Narayana Para Das in Buenos Aires? He also is winning competition in Judo.

Let us go to the next letter!

Back in the Saddle again...

2 years, 5 months ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports

 Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

please accept my humble obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Been awhile since writing and a lot has happened since moving from Texas to Florida.

HpS/ASA - Same for us!!! We went on a city tour with the Mayor of Brihuega.

Two months now and still unpacking boxes, though the essentials are surfacing, details and the office are still incognito.

The community is diverse, we are only 5 minutes away from a great variety of disciples & visitors. Getting used to the summers is the real practice of equanimity...I thought Houston was Hot!

HpS - Crododiles just submerge in the swamp with their noses sticking out, no?

Have two carpenter jobs, one for Pancha Tattva prabhu (a good friend of Maharaja Jayadvaita Swami) building a pump-house frame for his well and left on good terms, the second job is on-going for now, and that’s helping with the Bhaktivendanta Institute (BI) in Gainesville. Their facility is a Colonial Cross-Gable Georgian Mansion, built in 1929 (going on a hundred years soon).

Brahma-Tirtha Prabhu has hired my services and am working under Gaura-Vani Prabhu, our Brazilian project manager over the complete facility. Gaura-Vani has been a carpenter since he was 10 years old (he is 2 years younger than I). Very great opportunity to expound my skills and get good association, Sri Bhagavan is most merciful.

ASA - Man of wood.

Similar to your journey of filming your dedication to education and work, my journey I feel is in this current restoration project for the B.I. The skill set is high, my tools are still sharp, even after a 10-year hiatus in carpentry, so let's go for the job and all the wonderful association, best job I think I’ve had.

Great way to meet devotees.

Now finalizing packing for another journey for the San Francisco Ratha Yatra (SFRY)… what is amazing is that I can take the days off at B.I. and return to full time employment with no qualms. Lord Krishna fulfills my needs again, so much mercy in His plans, though I am not sure about next years seva, 2021 SFRY was strenuous but survivable, then after 2 days back a right inguinal-hernia popped out and was in emergency care four days. Guess best see if I survive 2022’s first and at least Jagannatha Swami Prabhu’s getting mellower after all these years. Will keep you posted on this.

Am wrapping up this meager correspondence at the USO rest-stop here at the Hobby Airport (didn’t know they had one!) Having a short lay-over on our journey to New Jagannatha Puri, then 6 days of Berkeley seva, please offer me some blessings, this could be intense.

Have discovered a focus in reading the Maha Bharata (started Krishna Dasa's write again), the "gaze of the Lion", or "Simhavalokana." A practice of fully injecting intentions in vision or other practices with spontaneity, seems to enhance my end results in projects.

Off to our next airport, hope to see you again soon!

All glories to the Vaisnava’s!

ASA - Super. Photos of the Rathayatra and Krsna-Balarama's visit to Braja from Dvaraja!