Hope is not a plan... it's a catalyst.

2 years, 1 month ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports

Pamho, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you for Tweeting your report reminders online, seems the media is my source of current obligations. Too much technology is a dangerous thing, plain living, high thinking.

TB: Let's buy our beans in metal cans!

So, this is my yearly report on devotional standards and am quite happy to say the 16-4 is still on and going strong.

HpS - Additional comments here but be sure to file the standard government report at the "Report" link mentioned above also.!.

Most of my confidence is from our last darshan in Peru. The "eye-hand-mind" contact on Japa has solved years of struggle on the mala. Still keep the beads close, though am also armed with a pencil in hand, keeping the mantras flowing through time's sands.

HpS - Very quickly you will have another body. Maybe a Braja body of a Golden Bear with us other animals.

Help Krsna build bridges.

Again, sixteen rounds (averaging 18) and the four principals are my only hope, through your mercy. Thank you so much!

HpS - 'ay, Mate, also get up early and sing with Gauranga for Radha-Gopal!?

pic: sfry22, (chariots peering between Gaura Nitai)

HpS - Aaaa! So!

Three weeks. Bring hari kirtan. Enlighten many people on your Journey to the East.

Hare Krsna

2 years, 1 month ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja, por favor reciba mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias, nuevamente escribiéndole y a la ves para responder algunas preguntas que me hizo en la carta anterior.

HpS//ASA - Aye de Mi! Caramba!

Guru Maharaja, discúlpeme y perdóneme por no escribirle antes, pase por momentos no gratos y difíciles, muy difíciles, pero ahora entiendo que el discípulo siempre debe comunicarse con el Maestro Espiritual para ver de que manera lo ayuda en Su prédica. 🙏

HpS / ASA - Somos amigos!

Guru Maharaja, usted me hizo preguntas sobre los devotos de Tarapoto:

HpS - Ellos tambien ya estan alla? Otros? Payonidhi Das ha ido a Los Angeles, no?

Prabhu Yadu y Su esposa la Madre Apurbha (no se si escribí bien el nombre) ellos viven desde hace 8 años aproximadamente en Tarapoto-Pamashto (Pamashto es el nombre del pueblo).

También están los hijos de Prabhu Yadu, también esta la Madre Dvija, Prabhu Maha Vidya, La Madre Bhaktin Carmen y su esposo.

Prabhu Yadu tiene un bonito templo en su casa (Jaganath, Balarama y Subhadra). 🙏

Prabhu Ranchor Dvarka de Huancayo también se va a mudar para Tarapoto-Pamashto.

Yo también me voy a mudar para unirme a la comunidad.

Quizá por ahí aparezcan más devotos y se unan para vivir en el campo y hacer comunidades agrícolas y tener una vida simple con pensamiento elevado.

En el centro de la ciudad de Tarapoto esta el templo principal y en esta ciudad viven otros devotos. Prabhu Laksmi Narayan y otros.

El pueblo Pamashto esta a 45 minutos del centro de Tarapoto en auto.

Con respecto a Prabhu Payonidhi, creo que ya va ser casi un año que dejo el cuerpo...

También usted me dijo lo siguiente:

HpS - Entonces, adjustamos, no? Mas libros pequenos. Inspirando la gente invertir in grandes por que Krsna va a provener el dinero para esta inversion tan bueno!

Mas libros! Mejor economia!

Comunidad Vaisnava Peru dirigiendo el mundo!

Muchas gracias Guru Maharaja, por sus recomendaciones y concejos. 🙏

Aquí le envió algunas fotos de Tarapoto-Pamashto, Deidades, Sankirtan, Giri Govardhan.

Bueno Guru Maharaja me despido, que Nrsimha lo proteja siempre.

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa

HpS / ASA - Gracias! Tiene que ser un Paramahamsa. No hay otro solucion.

It is easier to be a paramahamsa than a Maya servant. More natural.

Take as many disciples as will follow you following Srila Prabhupada.

Report Piyari Mohan das 2022

2 years, 1 month ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I am glad to hear from you, to be able to serve you by following your instruction, even though I am very mediocre in it, but we are struggling to stand upright in devotional service.

I appreciate it very much, and again, thank you for connecting me with the disciplic succession so that at some point I can return home.

There we will meet and play together with Krishna, Srila Prabhupada and the other liberated souls.

I want to start with the bad.

At one point this year I found myself in the situation of wanting to leave the Krishna consciousness process for various reasons, and with that intention I broke a principle to open the exit door, but Krishna did not allow me. That same day, one of my dear godbrothers called me and I told him what had happened. He listened to me with great affection and compassion and encouraged me to continue the process, he said that there was no reason to leave it, and well, here we are, fighting against the agents of Maya and happy to be lucky enough to meet you in this life. and thus be able to do a little devotional service, the most valuable jewel.

ASA/HpS - AgtSP. We must be so purified that the Witch cannot confuse us with any offer. It is possible!

Learn from our mistakes!

We all thank you for your illumination.

At the beginning of the year they gave me a driver's license, I took a driving course for it, but since they gave it to me I haven't driven, I get too stressed, it scares me, but I think it's simply because I don't dare to practice driving a car.

The Digital Communication degree is great, I loved the atmosphere of the institute, it is an artistic institute, they are very close, a more horizontal and practical education. The degree is technical, it lasts two years, but just now the possibility of continuing to study the professional degree that lasts 4 years has opened up. After finishing these two years, they will allow me to validate branches and continue studying for free if I want to.

Within the institute I am already doing an internship in the Event Producer of the establishment and I am learning a lot there, I am also helping a vegan products company to manage its social networks, so I am applying all the knowledge immediately. Doors are opening by meeting different people, teachers, contacts, etc. I like to be active.

ASA - 🌞

I am already consolidating the understanding of my varna, I definitely have a mixture of the 4 natures: 35% Brahmana, 30% Ksatriya, 25% Vaisya and 10% Sudra.

I am also defining my long-term material projects that are connected at the same time with spiritual goals. Sometimes they change in my mind, but they already have limits, there are things that are repeated and that go according to what I am passionate about and what I can give to others.

My psychiatrist is happy with my progress, she is really impressed and well, at one point she glorified meditation and healthy living. We have already reached a balance in the pharmacological treatment, I have a monthly session with her. My psychologist tells me that I'm fine now and that I don't need constant therapy, only when she needs it for specific issues.

As for the crisis I had in the middle of last year, there has been no real progress. Prabhu Jagannath Caran does not want to respond to the concern that you raised about my situation with the institution, he said that he would not respond until the judicial issue is resolved. The problem is that this may never be solved, because they never notified me or anything, a lawyer and other people have told me that this has already been archived and an investigation by the authorities will not continue. I have heard that mother Guru Govinda withdrew the accusations, but I am not clear on that information. Well, I don't know what to do about that, the only thing I'm doing is being respectful. I don't even post on my social networks so as not to generate controversy in the community.

I can't go near the temple, I can't do ISKCON service, I can't even send a letter to mother Guru Govinda. I hope that she is well and I am so sorry to stop taking my meds due to all the consequences that it entailed. I always appreciated her, and I still appreciate her, she helped me a lot in my life, but of course, the impression that was left on her is horrible, maybe it will take 10 years or more before we can talk again.

HpS - Since this is being posted here in the Blog, others may be able to post some useful comments.

As far as institutional work goes I suggest you send the formal news above to Temple President, Jagannatha Carana Das with copy to Jagat guru Das and send the results to us all here.

Lord Caitanya and Nityananda helped Jagai and Madhai. Anyone of us might become victims of this Kali-yuga contamination.

There is no Justice without Mercy.

Among the devotees who have helped me a lot have been Mother Jayasri and Prabhu Maha Bahu, they live near my institute and I visit them twice a month. They have land with native forest, but it is a place that is steep, like a hill, so the flat part that is up is where they have their house and a garden. I help them a bit with masonry, we take prasadam, we do mangal arati and other programs. They are the most constant physical association of devotees I have.

HpS - Obeisance to them.

I am also studying the scriptures once a week with a group of devotees online. I have done a bit of sankirtan too, person to person, and also to my teachers and classmates.

I am getting up at 6.20 on average, sometimes exceptionally 4.00, but usually 6.20, also later sometimes, sometimes around 9.00. But hey, we're struggling with it. I don't do mangal arati daily, but my desire is to be able to achieve the balance to be able to do it and thus comply with his instruction, my psychiatrist and psychologist tell me not to be so demanding on the subject of sleep, since the medicines make me sleep more.

HpS - Yes.

As for the rounds I'm doing well, and thanks to you, Prabhupada and Krishna, I feel taste for chanting, I don't do it as enthusiastically as I should, I don't put full attention, I get distracted, but I'm struggling with it. The principles are fine, just to point out the break I made at that point this year, but from there, everything is stable.

Every day I read the translation of a chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, if I have time I read the translation of a verse of the gita, which I keep a note of and at the next opportunity I read the next verse. If I can, then I read the Nectar of Instruction in English a bit, and I also take time to memorize an English word and a scripture verse. I usually do that in my journeys in collective locomotion. To finish at night I continue my daily reading of Srimad Bhagavatam, but sometimes time does not allow it. And before I sleep I read the Krishna Book in English.

I am also doing puja on my altar daily, an incense and a flower, but the problem is that I am not regular with the schedules and sometimes I cannot do it due to institute issues, etc. When I don't have the time, I do it mentally, but from what I understand, that's for advanced devotees, but hey, it's an attempt to follow the process.

Dear Gurudeva, thank you, I want to be useful to you.

His servant, Piyari Mohan das

HpS - Thanks for the report! Prabhupada says that even a dog can take part in this movement and dance in ecstacy.

Yet, he knows at heart that he has the body of a dog and so he adjusts to that external limit.

I am an America Sannyasi. I will not have the purity that an Indian Sannyasi can have even until the end of this birth.

Wait for some comments direct, in-direct, general on your report.

Thank you.

Go ahead.

You are setting an example for thousands of people.

Despertando a mi vida real/ Alankrti DD

2 years, 1 month ago by btna andrea in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri GauraNitay!!!!

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!

 All glories and my humble obeisances to you dear Gurudeva!!!!

 Hare Krishna Gurudeva please accept my respectful obeisances I hope you are in very good health, in your sankirtana and service to Srila Prabhupada,

your association is greatly missed we take advantage of each class, each gotomeeting connection, each Twitter, each blog response,

photos and videos sent by the lucky godbrothers who visit you in Vṛndāvana,

any contact with you is a great inspiration for our spiritual life.

I imagine you every day in parikrama towards the holy Radhakunda and in all the meditations and realizations that a soul as dedicated as you can have.

ASA - HpS = Hare Krsna!! Mostly we realize that there is danger at every step, from being hit by wild young men in motor-cycles, etc. One has to be very alert of one's own safety and progress.

Also, it is a fact, the Kunda is always purifying with every contact with even a little honesty!


 I am very glad to know that you appreciated my gift and that it is being useful for mother Paurnamasi from Spain and the children.

ASA - Cartoons are also puppets! The Gopis would watch puppet shows organized by the Brahmanas, no?

 My little report of this last time is 16 rounds every day, 4 regulative principles,

ASA - 🌞

...taking care of my family and the deities at home, fixed service in the temple in the kitchen of Sri Sri GauraNitay and in the kitchen of the deities for festivals. . Now we are preparing together with Priya Sakhi and Srutipriya activities for the children since in a few weeks we will have Ratha Yatra, we plan to have pastimes with the Japanese Kamishibai technique and do crafts.

ASA-Kids in Mexico had a fenced in area where the kids could stay while their parents watched Bharata Natyam, with puppets, face painting etc. It was "free" child care (but the pop-corn was $5/bag).

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Parents loved being exploited for their kids.

I am also taking an online course 2 times a week with Yadunandana Swami which I am very excited about as Maharaja is a very expert teacher and he is very clear in explaining everything.

ASA - There is no one greater than him in ISKCON. Protect him!

 Gurudeva, in one of the letters that I sent to you, some time ago (it seems that it was one of the ones that was deleted), I wrote that I had a great desire to be able to take a second initiation, I have been preparing myself , deepening my service, my readings and in my japa, I spoke a few months ago with Maha Anandini and she told me that I speak with the devotees of the temple board and they said yes, but I need your mercy Gurudeva, I hope you can answer me.

HpS - Sure! Very regular in the 1st initiation requirements then you get fixed in Sattva-guna, then if you want to be a Exemplar Lady for the benefit of neophytes, serve the Prince and Princess on the altar, etc. you should take second initiation.

Then third ... the fourth... then ............

 Waking up to my real life, this material world seems increasingly dense, strange and chaotic, it is like being underwater without oxygen, Krishna, his devotees and devotional service are the vital air for my soul.

 I bid farewell from the other side of the world, my eternal obeisances dear Gurudeva

his disciple Alankrti Devi Dasi

 Thank you so much for everything

 I will send my annual report this week.

Sounds like you are getting ready for 4th initiation!

"We must give up 'life breathing'", SP.

Learn to get air from the Maha-mantra.


Make more progress faster.

6.17PM - Few letters before FEP.

🐪 🐪 🐪

Jayanta Madrid

2 years, 1 month ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Gurudev: Pamho. Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada y sus seguidores fieles.


Espero que se encuentre bien cuando reciba este mensaje. 

Pronto hará dos meses que volvimos del viaje a India y ya estamos en modo “occidente”. Pocos cambios. Seguimos observando la constancia de maya en sus propuestas y como siempre está esperando que bajemos la guardia para ganar una batalla. Somos conscientes de que la victoria final será nuestra. Nuestro objetivo a medio plazo es vivir mas cerca de devotos avanzados donde Krisna siempre es perceptible. 

El viaje a India nos ha dejado buenas impresiones (samskaras). Hemos conocido muy buenos devotos residentes del dham, que nos inspiran con sus actos y también estoy maravillado con la cubierta de Vrindavan dham: “todos los devotos (humanos, monos, perros, niños, niñas, etc.. , cumpliendo fielmente con su cometido para que los intrusos no podamos entrar a molestar en los lugares realmente confidenciales donde se están llevando a cabo pasatiempos donde Krisna está presente”.

También ha sido muy agradable el viaje con el equipo de trabajo de Raúl, Héctor, HPS, Abhiram, Ranchor, Govinda, Prema Murti , Adiras y un servidor. Gracias por planificar esta aventura, donde hemos tenido la oportunidad de conocer a devotos tan buenos y ver lugares tan interesantes.

Sin más 


Jayanta das


2 years, 1 month ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja, por favor reciba mis respetuosas reverencias, después de 8 meses le escribo para reportarme.

HpS//ASA - Aye de Mi! Caramba!

16 rondas

4 principios regulativos

Mi Sadhana comienza a las 3 y 50 am y Mangal Artik 4 y 30 am.

Baño y adoración de las Salagrama Silas y Govardhana Silas.

Lectura del Srimad-Bhagavatam (Canto 4, Cap9, texto 30) "Dhruva Maharaja vuelve a casa".

Sri Caitanya-Caritamrta (Madhya Lila, parte 1) Capitulo 8, Texto 150 "Conversaciones entre Sri Caitanya y Ramananda Raya".

HpS - We heard that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta focused on hearing this before he left his body. We are reading Teachings of Lord Caitanya.

En la actualidad sigo viviendo en Huancayo. Viendo el tema de la casa, hay ideas de querer venderla.

En enero me voy a Tarapoto, viviré por allá, tengo un terreno con agua y quiero sembrar frutas y verduras. El terreno me lo vendió Prabhu Yadu y su esposa.

HpS - Ellos tambien ya estan alla? Otros? Payonidhi Das ha ido a Los Angeles, no?

Me siento mucho mejor, estoy mas tranquilo, el tiempo pasa muy rápido, ya es un año y dos meses estando solo, al comienzo es difícil entender ¡el por que pasan las cosas!!!, ya sean buenas o malas.

Mi refugio fue siempre meditar en lo que dice Srila Prabhupada en Sus Libros "Que todo lo bueno y malo que le pasa a un devoto, termina siendo bueno".

ASA - -[;0]/\___

Bueno, estuve estudiando algo de Jyotish (sinceramente es muy complicado para estos tiempos, quizá puede ayudar en algo a la Prédica).

ASA - Vedic palm reading might be more practical. Good results from some sannyasis in ISKCON.

Después estuve trabajando con un devoto editando algunos libros, haciendo algunos diseños que da en sus cursos de Astrología. Ahora no estoy trabajando, pero volveré a trabajar con el devoto para enero. El trabajo es desde mi casa o desde donde me encuentre (Todo es por Internet) (Diseño Gráfico).

En las tardes estoy llevando algunos cursos de Diseño Gráfico para actualizarme.

También en la actualidad, por las mañanas, estoy distribuyendo los libros de Srila Prabhupada y con respecto a la distribución de libros, bueno, hoy en día esta más complicado y difícil distribuir los libros de Srila Prabhupada y vivir de ello, la economía en el planeta esta más complicada y difícil, sumado a todo eso el costo de los libros de la BBT-PERÚ ha subido mucho.

HpS - Entonces, adjustamos, no? Mas libros pequenos. Inspirando la gente invertir in grandes por que Krsna va a provener el dinero para esta inversion tan bueno!

Mas libros! Mejor economia!

Comunidad Vaisnava Peru dirigiendo el mundo!

Pero bueno siempre hay algunos libros que salen, quizás no es lo que uno espera, pero, de eso se trata, depender de la misericordia de Krsna, y cuando hay tiempos difíciles ese DEPENDER de Krsna se vuelve una meditación más fuerte "Conexión".

ASA - !

Quisiera comprar una moto para poder movilizarme, sería un buen ahorro, los pasajes están caros, y gasto mucho en pasajes, quizá tener una moto ayude. Una movilidad para la distribución de libros y para muchas cosas. Quizá podría funcionar siendo muy cuidadosos al manejar.

¿Como esta usted Guru Maharaja? ¿Como esta su Salud? India, Radha Kundha, Vrindavan, me gustaría ir algún día.

HpS/ASA - Estamos annotando aqui y cada dos semanas in el Kapi Dhvaja! Jai!

En lo personal mi salud estuvo algo complicada por el tema de la altura, problemas respiratorios y del corazón, problemas digestivos, quizá uno de los motivos por los que me voy a vivir a Tarapoto.

Bueno Guru Maharaja, me despido, que Nrsimha lo proteja siempre.

Hare Krsna.🙏


Gadai Gauranga Dasa

HpS / ASA - Thank you! I hope the other letters in the Blog have important news for you also.

Become a big man in the spiritual world.

Wake up!

So much to do.

So much opportunity to change Peru now, the world.