Spain Dance program

2 years, 1 month ago by shatakshi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj, PAMHO AGTSP!

I'm staying in BC ashram in Madrid.

HpS - AgtSP! What does BC mean???

Aaaah! Brahmacarini?!! I didn't know they had one.

Coordinating with Yadunanda M on odissi dance performance of Dasavatar and workshop.

Generally, I teach a 3 week, 4hrs/day, $12/hr, $870/student workshop (we would like to offer a percentage to temple from this). 1 month however might not be enough time for 3 week workshop registrations. I don’t know much about the cultural inclination of the community. We wanted your input. Should we do 3 week intensive training, 3 weekends only training or both? We are also in communication with Yadunandana M.



HpS/asa - What does the Dhruva Das think?

To us, at least fifteen practical questions come to mind immediately. Cannot possibly answer without our ancient, tiny cerebral engine collapsing.

It would seem that AT LEAST you need a professional devotee sponsor to evaluate, promote and organize the program.

Without that it would seem like it would be a totally experimental program.

Which is O.K!

That is pioneering, which can mean finding abundant riches or deserts barren of all life whatsoever.

If we do the work of chanting, Krsna gives us intelligence.







HR... 🦚✋✋✋

Urgente Reporte

2 years, 1 month ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga

Todas las Glorias al sankirtana de Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, pamho, estoy viviendo en templo de iskcon san borja ya casi 6 meses, esto lo planee y termino el año cumpliendo mi meta de servir al Señor Jaganatha Balarama y Subadra. Ahora viajaré donde se encuentran mis padres y estar con ellos soy una mujer que le gusta la familia y la armonia en la familia, entonces quiero estar con ellos. Y tambien aprovechare en estudiar ingles.

Mi sadhana durante 6 meses fue mangala artik 4.30 am, 4 principios, 16 y un poquito mas de rondas, servicio de cocina y gaura artik, food for life, sankirtana de libros, harinams.

Me siento muy feliz aqui en el templo... me siento tranquila, prabhu Agnideva estuvo aqui en el templo una semana y pude servirlo y escuchar su buen canto y sus clases... creo que sin tan buena asociacion no hubiera recuperado el entusiasmo espiritual.

M.ganga Mayi d.d. es mi actual autoridad y su familia es muy linda... en verdad me siento muy feliz y agradecida por el ambiente espiritual que me brindaron.

Hice el bhisma pancaka con frutas y agua... buenos ekadasis, mi yapa ha mejorado, mi lectura de a poco va mejorando, y ahora ingiero pocos alimentos, en las noches no como, pero esto es natural en mi cuerpo he aprendido a comer lo necesario.😊

He aprendido en el templo a ser comprensiva y compasiva y controlar mi temperamento.

Tambien estoy aprendiendo a perdonar.

Con respecto a mi asram... en varias ocasiones le escribi el motivo de mi divorcio pero de una u otra manera nunca le lleguó mis cartas 😥, asi que yo tomé la decision de divorciarme.

Hablando astrologicamente soy una chica manglik que tiene a marte en la casa 4, y el haberme casado con una devoto que no es manglik pudo generar divorcio o que El devoto se quede viudo. Astrologicamente nunca fuimos compatibles, pero siempre tengo lo mejor que hicimos mucho sankirtana y servicio y estoy agradecida con El.

Siento que todas las cosas malas y buenas que me pasan krsna sabe porque lo hace y no tengo que reprochar nada a la suprema personalidad de Dios. Pero si estoy consciente que ire al infierno por dejar a mi esposo y lo acepto, pero siempre le oro a krsna que nunca olvide a mi guru y a srila prabhupada.

Asi que entiendo que fallé pero quiero seguir en iskcon hasta el final y esforzarme dia a dia en mi canto de yapa, porque el secreto de todo este proceso es el canto de yapa, le tengo mucha fe al mantra hare krishna.🙂🥲

Gracias por estar siempre conmigo.. ud. Esta en mi corazon.. sienpre lo veo.


Nadiya Nivasi Dasi


All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupada's sankirtana.

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaj, pamho, I am living in the iskcon san borja temple for almost 6 months, I planned this and I ended the year fulfilling my goal of serving Lord Jaganatha Balarama and Subadra.

Now I will travel where my parents are and be with them. I am a woman who likes family and harmony in the family, so I want to be with them. And I will also take advantage of studying English.

My sadhana for 6 months was mangala artik 4.30 am, 4 principles, 16 and a little more rounds, kitchen service and gaura artik, food for life, book sankirtana, harinams.

I feel very happy here in the temple... I feel calm, Prabhu Agnideva was here in the temple for a week and I was able to serve him and listen to his good singing and his classes... I think that without such a good association I would not have recovered my spiritual enthusiasm.

ASA - !

M.ganga Mayi d.d. She is my current authority and her family is very nice... I really feel very happy and grateful for the spiritual environment they gave me.

I made the bhisma pancaka with fruits and water... good ekadasis, my yapa has improved, my reading is improving little by little, and now I eat little food, at night I don't eat, but this is natural in my body I have learned to eat what is necessary.😊

I have learned in the temple to be understanding and compassionate and to control my temper.

I am also learning to forgive.

Regarding my asram... on several occasions I wrote you the reason for my divorce but one way or another my letters never reached you 😥, so I made the decision to divorce.

Astrologically speaking, I am a manglik girl who has Mars in the 4th house, and having married a devotee who is not a manglik could lead to a divorce or the devotee becoming a widower.

Astrologically we were never compatible, but I always have the best that we did a lot of sankirtana and service and I am grateful to Him.

I feel that all the bad and good things that happen to me, Krsna knows why he does it and I don't have to reproach the Supreme Personality of Godhead for anything. But I am aware that I will go to hell for leaving my husband and I accept it,

ASA - Maybe hell is like Lima only a little colder and with mosquitos.

...but I always pray to krsna that I never forget my guru and srila prabhupada.

So I understand that I failed but I want to continue in iskcon until the end and strive every day in my yapa chant, because the secret of this whole process is the yapa chant, I have a lot of faith in the hare krishna mantra.🙂🥲

HpS - Rama said to Laksmana, 'There is no mistake that we cannot correct'.

Thank you for always being with me.. you. It is in my heart.. I always see it.


Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

ASA - Sun is going down. It is 4.08PM. We chant HK///HR and walk to/around Radha-kunda.

Live or die, we have pinned our association on trying Srila Prabhupada's path.

Oh! This is not an Urgent message, no?

Is there a fable by Aesop called, "The Boy Who Called, 'Wolf!'"

Hare Krishna Report 22

2 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudev,



ASA - aLtsp??? L=?

How are you? I hope you are doing well in India.

HpS - I am in hell, but it has its advantages. Ha! Ha! Hare!

I am currently living in Paraguay with my wife Narayani Goura Premi dd. We attend and perform service on a regular basis in the preaching center of Iskcon Asunción. I am not the best devotee, not even close to being one, but I am making an effort to fulfill my sadhana at home or in the temple, thus avoiding vices. I am completing my 16 rounds, sometimes with ups and downs. reading Srila Prabhupada's books, I am currently studying Queen Kunti, final chapters.

At work I am running a small Courier company and we currently have 3 permanent workers. Logistics is a very precise job, but I feel that it is giving me a lot of experience. I also would like to study at the university, perhaps economics. but sometimes this life is too short to meet all the objectives.

I did not have time to write before and I apologize for that, it was truly a pleasure and inspiration to meet you at the Lima airport on your last stay in Peru. I apparently had an anxiety attack and that's why I fainted and you told me that I was very intelligent because only a madman doesn't have anxiety in this material world. It is excellent, but when I arrived in my country of residence I did the studies and they told me that I had a gallbladder stone which needed an operation but I have taken it easy until now simply improving my diet and I have been better, without colic.

HpS - Aaaah!

Thank you very much for your association.

your servant Vijaya Govinda Das.

HpS - Thank you! This is nice size letter with appropriate content.

Man to Man

Gall bladder Stone to Bellybutton Fungus.

File your Report at the link above?

'@'-Reporte LaksmiRadha DD

2 years, 1 month ago by laskmiradhadd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudev!

Acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverenciasJ Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Espero se encuentre muy bien de salud querido Gurudev, en fotos he visto lo maravilloso que está viviendo en el trascendental Radha Kunda y todos los lugares de peregrinaje donde ha estado lleno de shakti y completamente absorto en bhakti, me llena el corazón de alegría e inspiración en el servicio devocional. Todos quienes tienen su asociación quedan muy inspirados, somos muy afortunados.

Empezando mi reporte estamos cumpliendo los 4 principios, cantando las 16 rondas diarias, honrando y glorificando los Ekadasis, tratando de incrementar en forma constante y diaria la lectura junto a Syam Krsna Gopal, que es un buen compañero y devoto, estaremos iniciando curso de Bhakti Sastri en diciembre.

Un pequeño resumen entre lo que fue diciembre del año a este año, estoy completamente agradecida de toda la misericordia que ha transformado mi vida y prioridades, deseo ir mejorando mis hábitos y ser más disciplinada en el proceso de aprendizaje, algún Consejo para optimizar los tiempos y mejorar la memoria Gurudev? Usted es un gran orador y eterno estudiante. Que su vida siempre nos recuerden las glorias del servicio devocional y sea nuestra eterna inspiración.

B.G 16,1-3

Sri Bhagavan uvaca

Abhayam sattva-samsuddhir jñana-yoga-vyavasthitih

Dānam damas ca yajñas ca svadhyayas tapa arjavam

Ahimsa satyam akrodhas tyagah santir apaisunam

Daya bhutesv aloluptvam mardavam hrir acapalam

Tejah ksama dhrtih saucam adroho nati-manita

Bhavanti sampadam daivim abhijatasya bharata


La Suprema Personalidad de Dios dijo: La valentía; la purificación de la existencia propia; el cultivo del conocimiento espiritual; la caridad; el autocontrol; la ejecución de sacrificios; el estudio de los Vedas; la austeridad; la sencillez; la no violencia; la veracidad; el estar libre de ira; la renunciación; la tranquilidad; la aversión a buscarles defectos a los demás; la compasión; el estar libre de codicia; la mansedumbre; la modestia; la firme determinación; el vigor; el perdón; la fortaleza; la limpieza; y el estar libre de envidia y del ansia de honor: estas cualidades trascendentales, ¡oh, hijo de Bharata!, les pertenecen a hombres piadosos que están dotados de naturaleza divina.

Esas cualidades lo decoran Gurudev, leerlas me hacen pensar en usted y comprometerme a ser mejor cada día.


Dentro de mis amistades de Chile nos considerábamos hermosas flores en busca de la trascendencia, con fragancia, color, forma y profunda vibración, sin embargo, al estar en USA me Di cuenta que aún soy una insignificante semilla, me vi espiritualmente desnutrida, llena de malezas, gracias por darme la oportunidad de avanzar íntegramente. He tenido que aprender a desmalezar, poner abonos como el S.B, fertilizantes como el B.G, NoI, NoD. Hay anarthas pesados, algunos desaparecieron, otros incrementaron, pero encontré el mejor insecticida…el CC, Gurudev mi único deseo es poder honrarlo diariamente y el Señor Caitanya nos está guiando amorosamente, para algún día desarrollar una inteligencia estable. A veces extraño mucho Chile, lo sentimental y melosa no se me a quitado en el otro extremo de América, no ha sido fácil, mi salud me estuvo jugando en contra, pero ya empezamos a cambiar también las opciones, buscando salud y eliminando toxicidad, he tenido que empezar a estudiar mi vehículo, algunas piezas estuvieron dañadas, pero estamos mejorando pade pade.

Que este año menos en este mundo material siga transformando corazones Gurudev, su visión, su agudeza son una enseñanza para nuestras vidas.

Postrada con gratitud y entusiasmo, una jardinera del bhakti que sólo desea estar bajo la sombra de sus pies de loto.


Laksmiradha Devi Dasi

12/04/2022 Gainesville, Florida, USA.


Ps: según me solicito para el proceso de la segunda iniciación Se adjunto recomendación del presidente del Krsna House y el diploma de curso de discípulo.


Hare Krsna Gurudev!

Accept my humble and respectful bows. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I hope you are in very good health dear Gurudev, in pictures I have seen how wonderful you are living in the transcendental Radha Kunda and all the places of pilgrimage where you have been full of shakti and completely absorbed in bhakti, fills my heart with joy and inspiration in devotional service.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! Thank you for your letter. It is biting cold, we fungus infection, our living situation is challenging for all of us because we are strangers in living together. Very different eating habits. Etc.

Yet, yes, wonderful mercy to be staying in Mathura!

All those who have your association are very inspired, we are very lucky.

Starting my report we are fulfilling the 4 principles, chanting the 16 daily rounds, honoring and glorifying the Ekadasis, trying to increase in a constant and daily way the reading together with Syam Krsna Gopal, who is a good companion and devotee, we will be starting course of Bhakti Sastri   in December.

HpS - Jaya! ... but we have been explaining again and in again in the Kapi 'Dhvaja' that the Annual Reports must be filled at the page linked by the name "Report" at the top of the Blog page.


Please go there and make the formal report that we can share with Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you.

A small summary between what was December of the year to this year, I am completely grateful for all the mercy that has. . .

HpS - We have very, very little intellectual, mental energy now. We can't study this now but we will publish it so that the excellent Vaisnavas in this forum can give it there attention, and then maybe later we can some back to it.

Come with us to the other posts!


transformed my life and priorities, I want to improve my habits and be more disciplined in the learning process, any advice to optimize times and improve memory Gurudev?  You are a great prayerand eternal student. May his life always remind us of the glories of devotional service and be our eternal inspiration.

B.G 16,1-3

Sri Bhagavan uvaca

Abhayam sattva-samsuddhir jnana-yoga-vyavasthitih

Dānam damas ca yajñas ca svadhyayas tapa arjavam

Ahimsa satyam akrodhas tyagah santir apaisunam

Daya bhutesv aloluptvam mardavam hrir acapalam

Tejah ksama dhrtih saucam adroho nati-manita

Bhavanti sampadam daivim abhijatasya bharata

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Courage; the purification of one's existence; the cultivation of spiritual knowledge; charity; self-control; the execution of sacrifices; the study of the Vedas; austerity; simplicity; nonviolence; truthfulness; freedom from anger; renunciation; tranquility; aversion to finding faults with others; compassion; freedom from greed; meekness; modesty; firm determination; vigor; forgiveness; fortitude; cleanliness; and freedom from envy and the lust for honor: These transcendental qualities, O son of Bharata, belong to pious men who are endowed with divine nature.

Those qualities decorate Gurudev, reading them makes me think of you and commit myself to being better every day.

Within my friendships in Chile we considered ourselves beautiful flowers in search of transcendence, with fragrance, color, shape and deep vibration, however, being in the USA I realized that I am still an insignificant seed, I was spiritually malnourished, full of weeds, thank you for giving me the opportunity to advance integrally. I have had to learn to weed, put fertilizers like S.B, fertilizers like B.G, NoI, NoD. There are heavy anarthas, some disappeared, others increased, but I found the best insecticide... The CC, Gurudev my only wish is to be able to honor him daily and Lord Caitanya is lovingly guiding us, to one day develop a stable intelligence. Sometimes I miss Chile a lot, the sentimental and mellow has not been taken away from me at the other end of America, it has not been easy, my health was playing against me, but we also began to change the options, looking for health and eliminating toxicity, I had to start studying my vehicle, some parts were damaged, but we are improving pade pade.

May this year less in this material world continue to transform hearts Gurudev, his vision, his sharpness are a teaching for our lives. 

Prostrate with gratitude and enthusiasm, a bhakti gardener  who only wishes to be under the shade of her lotus feet.

Laksmiradha Devi Dasi

12/04/2022 Gainesville, Florida, USA.


PS: As requested for the process of the second initiation Attached recommendation of the president of Krsna House and the diploma of disciple course.

Sadhana personal

2 years, 1 month ago by julia@ct in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna! Le ofresco mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada 🙏

hace un momento le envié una carta pero no le mandé fotos ahora le envío algunas para que me conosca.

Su aspirante a sirvienta

Julia cuellar torres.


2 years, 1 month ago by julia@ct in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

Le ofresco mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias por favor tenga la bondad de aceptarlas, todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada espero su salud sea buena.

Su santidad tengo el deseo de ser iniciada por usted, tengo seis años cantando 16 rondas o más pero en el último mes ha Sido un poco difícil completar las 16 rondas diarias, llevo los 4 principios, con respecto a mi estado civil tengo 20 años de vivir con una madre y hace 4 años que nos casamos ella también hace 16 rondas y lleva los 4 principios, inicialmente me pareció que debía tratar este tema de forma privada siguiendo sus instrucciones, lo estoy haciendo de un modo general para recibir sus instrucciones. le escribí en la carta anterior que prabhu isvaku es mi guia espiritual y también prabhu Aravinda BBT me mandó un audio diciéndome que intentaría servirme en lo que necesitara, prabhu Aravinda me invitó a hacer un grupo de Sankirtan y lo hice, también compré un paquete de libros con la finalidad de complacer a nuestro fundador acarya Srila prabhupada. Espero que su estancia en Radha kunda sea placentera mis mejores deseos para usted.

Su aspirante a sirvienta

Julia cuellar torres.

HpS - TlgaSP. Please use

Sorry our Spanish is bad.

I wish I could be with you in your local community.

  1. You have to have been chanting 16-rounds daily for one year before initiation.
  2. Need letter from local President etc.
  3. Homosexual marriage? Makes things complicated in terms of the ISKCON insitutional formalities. Who are local devotees with whom you can discuss these things and then write to us here. We can solve any problem with Bhakti!

Thank you!!