A different Sri Vyasa puja

2 years, 2 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I hope this meets you in really good health and happy.

HpS/ASA - Spiritually or materially.


I can not picture yourself happier than in India nearby the holy places.

HpS/ASA - It is a fact. Just stopping and looking at things right now. There is very grand devotional Bhajan playing from one of the myriad of religious, cultural houses here. It is broadcast by loudspeaker.

Different groups are always having some program. The air is full of this music every day.

I thought it would stop after Kartika, but now Radha-kunda seems to be a 365-day/year Bhakti yoga center.

It gets cold, down to 7-degrees Celcius at night some times, but we can make it through without heating and in the day the Sun almost always burns off the fog and is warm to sit in its rays.

It is tough, bathing, doing Arati in the cold, but it pushes us to look for the warmth within.

We have a nice regular crew:

Vipini bhiari Das, Krsna Svarupa, Gaura-gadadhara and Vira-gopala Das, Smt. Tungavidya Devi Dasi (who just turned 25-years old Spiritually), Radha-pramodini and Sukadeva from BhSD Maharaja's Temple on the Kunda.

Ranchoor and Govinda.

Sri Hari, Mataji and Subhadra.

et al, et al. The regulated rush for Guru puja was a killer.

Like 75-emotional encounters daily.

Then so many people are coming. Tirtha kirti Das and Gauranga just grabbed a plane from Barcelona and then just came to Radha kunda and found us by asking people they met!

In the middle we do get some online work done: The movie, letters.

Few classes.

Hari Bolo.

Walk to THE KUNDA EVERY DAY and listen to what ourr feet have to say!!! Every time Earthly Vrndavana is becoming clearer!

We were supposed to have a very special Vyasa puja celebration today. Well, actually most of my Peruvian Godbrothers must be gathered at Jambavan's house. Yesterday my sister and I went to the hospital. Some prasadam was not in very good conditions apparently.

So now we are in bed, It is a different Vyasa Puja for me. Nevertheless, I am reflecting on many things. How to be grateful for every single predicament in life.

Respectable Sir, your very goodself represents a very important part of my life, of my youth, I guess that due to this foundation and with your mercy I could overcome many challenges in my life.

Within my heart I have just gratefullness for You, in a way my spiritual life is not as strong as it was before nevertheless there is still a flame, even if it is tenuous, I hope to fan it with my trip to Mexico

Right now political relations with Mexico are a bit strained. I hope that doesn't affect my trip

As I told you in my report I bought my ticket in the last fortnight of november.

I hope that you are enjoying this day. It is really nice to try to picture yourself surrounded by the holy atmosphere of India and his pure devotees.

Thanks again Gurudeva for everything

Hope to see you soon

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - Our donkey has an enflamed belly button. No pain, no itching. Our eyes and throat are always irritated.

The AQI now is 145 (unhealty). Lima is only 58 (healthy).

We have stomach aches a lot. Maybe ulcer. Maybe stomach cancer.

Almost impossible to get the exact diet we get when we cook for ourselves.

Ha Ha Hare! Is Maya doing her job? Making all the lunatics unhappy in the mental hospital?

Now we look a the Annual Reports

My secular world

2 years, 2 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva


First of all, on the day of your Vysapuja, it only remains to tell you that you have given structure and flavor to my existence. Or rather, Krishna and Srila Prabhupada have bestowed that mercy on me through you. My gratitude to you is infinite, the Lord bless you for being that transparent medium.

In response to your question and without intending to hog your time,

ASA - 🐷

I will briefly tell you what I am doing in the "secular world".


  • As I told you before, I work in a School dedicated to the training of photographers, artists and videographers. I teach two courses there: Research Methods (2nd semester) and Professional Project (7th semester). The first is a classic research course aimed at developing technical skills for qualitative research from very diverse sources (visual, documentary and literary). The second is also a research space, prior to the development of the degree thesis but with a more critical and transversal approach, stringing together information and knowledge for the elaboration of a discourse linked to time and culture. Basically I teach my students to seek and ask in context.

  • Additionally, I lead a research on conceptualization processes based on cultural and experiential input (internal and external) and its translation into complex documentary and artistic visual statements (output) in the academic environment. The results will be published on a specialized platform.


  • I have been invited to present an artistic exhibition in Mexico, at the end of 2023. The project in question is related to the plasticity of memory and the interpretation we do from the past according to the demands of the present. Work will be featured in photography, video and installation art. At the same time, I will present the process and result to the Society for Artistic Research (based in the Netherlands) with the hope that they will carry out a peer review and publish my work in their dissemination spaces.

I beg you, help me find Krishna in the ins and outs of these activities. I beg Krishna and Balarama to help me continue with what you taught me.

*Regarding my request to do some translation for ASA, I am not familiar with the current activities so I would ask you to advise me on the matter.

Thank you very much Gurumaharaja.

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS - Thank you. I think all of our Blog readers will take this as a challenge and stimulation in their own lives.

Of course, if Putin starts a nuclear war or we have a heart attack, then we have to think what of these endeavors we are taking with us.

Seems we can some.

The more they have high level significance!

Basically I would suggest to please stay in touch with NIOS, the Blog, comment and then see what professional projects come out of the developing relationship between NIOS and Bhaktivedanta Research Center.

Your work seems so nice for taking ourselves as the picture frame and Krsna (or His specific energetic incarnation as the taste of water) as the content of the picture!

Thank you.

Indira-Sakti Devi dasi // Anual Sadhana Report 2022

2 years, 2 months ago by Isabelle in Personal Sadhana Reports




Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances to your merciful feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to you.

I sent my report to the ANNUAL REPORT BOX, but some said there are problems, so I also send my annual report here, just in case. (excuse me please if i'm redundant)

🙏I beg Sri Caitanya to relieve you of this skin condition that your body is suffering from. I hope you are much better. ⌚Knowing that your time is precious so I try to be very brief:


16 Rounds ok/ 4 principles ok / 3 GM ok

GURU SEVA: Excuse me for taking so long with the translation of Harinamamrita Vyakarana, I'm still on page 18. Also, Mitravinda dd invited me to participate in the layout and design of the Waves of devotion book, to which I accepted.

FMP: Since December 12 we are meeting virtually with Mitravinda mataji, prabhu Caturatma, Palika mataji, Rohini mataji, prabhu Abhirama and my husband Gandharva via Google meet. My heart is happy and peaceful.

VYASAPUJA: We ask for your blessings, because on the day of your Vyasapuja the FMP will resume with devotees who wish to join such as Laksmana and Raman Reti, Tarangaksi mataji, p. Abhinanda and Isvari mataji, to begin with, hoping other devotees to join us soon. Also I am entrusted to be part of the organization of your Vyasapuja, under the lead of Jana Pavana prabhu and Tarangaksi dd. I will write you another short letter concerning that topic soon.

ASRAMA: Next year, Gandharva das and I, are going to celebrate 10 years together. We have learned a lot and we are very happy having a very calm and simple life serving our deities.

Thank you for your precious time dear Gurudeva, we always remember you with gratitude and so much love.

Depending completely on your mercy

your apprentice disciple: Indira Sakti Devi dasi

Huaraz - Perú 20/12/22

HpS - ASA - Essential truth, concisely expressed is real elogquence.

You did it! Suuuper.

Hope to have more news and talks as the things slow down a little after the start of the year.

Make as many people fortunate as are you!


<pre class="ql-syntax" spellcheck="false">Hare Krishna Please accept my sincere obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada Dear Maharaja. I am writing for your vyasa puja. To thank the causeless mercy of Srila Prabhupada... who is guiding the traveling creature - that we all want to hear and follow - in the transcendental inspiration that through his faithful disciples he spreads over the world. Hare Krishna Ekachacra N C das. </pre>

ASA - Thank you. Running from hungry wolves now. Send some Sankirtan news after a few weeks!!?

Report of 2022

2 years, 2 months ago by dolores lalita chavez in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - ASA -- Esteemed Lalita-gopi Devi Das et al.

Thank you so much for your association in India.

We have 25-reports and V-puja offers and no way to archive them for gradual review.

Can you review this and send again after a few weeks?

Thank you!!!


Por su misericordia, este año, mi esposo Angirasa Das y yo, pudimos llegar a este Santo Dham. Parece facil cumplir la meta de un viaje, pero a nosotros nos ha significado superar obstaculoa, entre ellos de salud.¿ como explicarle a la mente, que tenemos una mision traacendental? ¿ como ajustar al cuerpo , cuyos atomos y poder de regeneracion son cada vez mas lentos?

Por eso, en su momento, le imploramos misericordia para poder llegar a nuestros objetivos. Pedi permiso en mis trabajos , como profesora, y gracias a Krsna pude continuar en linea mis grupos. Y ya lo dicen las escrituras : BG , tu solamente rindete a mi. Y eso tratamos de hacer, pero lo que supone para nosotros hacer un gran esfuerzo, a los ojos de las personas, es un minusculo movimiento. Este año hemos podido cumpli con el sadhana, laa 16 rondaa diarias y el gayatri. Sin embargo, en el periodo de los viajes fui irregular en cantar el gayatri y, segun sus instrucciones, si algunos dias lo hacia y otros no, era mejor detener esta practica. Por lo que suspendi el canto del gayatri. Le pido, por su inmensa misericordia poder retomarlo en mi vida diaria.

<pre class="ql-syntax" spellcheck="false">By your mercy, this year my husband Angirasa Das and I were able to reach this Holy Dham. It seems easy to meet the goal of a trip, but for us it has meant overcoming obstacles, including health. How to explain to the mind that we try to make a transcendental mission? How to adjust to the body, whose atoms and power of regeneration are slower and slower? That is why, in may 2022, we implore mercy to be able to reach our objectives. I asked for permission in my work, as a teacher, and thanks to Krsna I was able to continue my groups online. And the scriptures already stablish it, in the BG, you just surrender to me. And that's we are trying to do, but what it means for us to make a great effort, in the eyes of the people, is a tiny movement. This year we have been able to complete the sadhana, the 16 daily rounds and the gayatri. And classes meanwhile you were broadcasting them.However, during the period of the trips I was irregular in singing the gayatri and, according to your instructions, if I did it some days and not others, it was better to stop this practice. So I stopped chanting the gayatri. I ask you, for your immense mercy, to be able to recite it in my daily life. </pre>

Asi que del 10 al 24 de noviembre 2022 fuimos a Kolkata, por sus instrucciones, a visitar el Bhaktivedhanta Research Center, posteriormente , Mayapur y luego Puri. Fue un viaje asombroso que aprendi la grandeza de la cultura y ciencia vedica. Usted se ha esforzado mucho, con sus clases, en que apredamos del BG y del SB, perdone que mi entendimiento sea muy limitado, pero este año me he esforzado en entender un poco mas. Asimismo, los otros años ( 2020, 2021) he mandado mis reportes y luego veo que no aparezco en la lista publicada posteriormente.

So from 10 to 24 november, we went to Kolkata, by your instructions, then visit Bhaktivedanta Research Center BRC. Later we went to Mayapur and Puri. It was a wonderful trip and I learned greatness of vedic science and culture. You have been done efforts to teach us BG and SB. I hope forgive me my limitless underatanding, but this year I have make my efforts to understand a little bit more. Other years (2021, 2022) I have sent my reports and then I am not figuring out in the list ,you published. I hope this time I hopefully see my name. Please forgive my offenses and akwardness. Your useless servant Lalita Gopi DD

Vyas Puja Offering 2022 from Vira Gopal Das

2 years, 2 months ago by viragopal in Personal Sadhana Reports

My Dear Guru Maharaj Ji

On the most auspicious day of Guru Maharaj's 75th appearance day, I offer my loving obeisances unto my spiritual uncle's lotus feet.🙏

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I feel so privileged to have the amazing fortune to reconnect with you after a span of 10 years, when I was mesmerised with Guru Maharaj as my Bhakti Shastri Teacher in Sri Dham Mayapur

I was totally taken in by your sense of Humor and the dancing bushy eye brows whilst you touched our hearts with your mercy of the Nectar of Instruction.

Now once again you have showered mercy by granting me, the association of your beloved daughter Gaura Gadadhar Dasi as my wife.

I am so grateful to you for enabling me to complete (without being killed), The "Once in a billion life time" Braja Mandal Parikrama, and further granting us the amazing good fortune of your personal association for three months in Radha Kunda

Just your sweet Darshan almost every eveining, and sometimes, when I can make it...at Mangala Arti too... is a life transforming experience.🙏

Your jovial , enthusiastic, artistic Arotik offerings with dance like moves, operatic voice and exotic drum playing is most exhilarating ,... granting us a glimpse of what a personal exchange with thier lordships may look like ,.... this inspires me to try and become more enthusiastic in my currently "dull" , and "as a matter of routine" devotional practice.

Your personal attention to everyone, your constant giving , the way you are always lovingly , gently interacting, and teaching us in how to become the best versions of ourself, whilst remaining true to our selves.. YOUR GENIOUS, Touches my heart very deeply.

I pray to continue to recieve your love and affection for ever.

Lovingly your

Wannabe Servant🐒

Vira Gopal Das

HpS - Thank you. This letter is so informative. We did not realize that we were together in the Bh. Sastri studies. Super.

Your association and intellectual integrity have been a great delight to us.

Read more letters!!