News from Chile

2 years, 2 months ago by dpsanchezm in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I think it’s important for me to inform you of a situation that I’ve been living for the last week, and, especially because I’ve been taken shelter at your feet as my Spiritual Master.

I’ve met a devotee named Nityananda Prana, disciple of Purushatraya Swami, who has been in the movement for 10+ years and has been always very active in the congregation, performing diverse services in the temple in Chile and in Brazil. We met each other doing some services together and we discovered we have a lot of affinity, and 1 week ago (on Janmastami) we talked to the temple authorities to inform that we are begining to know each other and to ask for their blessings. They were very happy with the news. In that way we wanted to make everything transparent to the community of devotees.

In terms of devotional service, we have plans in common and a great interest of developing devotional activities to invite the newer the devotees. We are planning to begin two programs next week: one is a Bhakti Vrksa program at my home and the other is a monthly Mangala Arati program at the temple, which consists of the full morning program, breakfast and workshops of puja, cooking, japa, kirtan and study of the Vaishnava songs we sing during the program.

Nityananda Prana is going though a divorce process in Brazil and he just have to wait till the process is over. Along with that, his ex-wife accussed him within ISKCON of violence, but the accusations are false and he hopes that this will be over soon, because she has no evidence of anything she is saying. He lives at the temple and he has full support of the temple authorities, because they have known him for years and the results of the psychological test the temple requires showed he has no aggressiveness issues at all.

I wanted to tell you all these because you have accepted me as your disciple and I will follow your instructions. Mi priority is my spiritual life and my path in Krishna Conscioussness. Please guide me in this process 🙌

Your servant,

Diana Sánchez.

HPS - AgtSP. Sorry slow to read.

Hope you see our situation in this Blog, tweets and Kapi Dhvaja.

Your plan seems really good.

First priority, get the 16-rounds, 4-principles habit, 1st initiation, so that you be a good associate is psycho social life.

Gandharva das from Peru

2 years, 2 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I hope that you are in good health, and that your sankirtan is more and more successful. Indira Sakti dd and I are fine, we were in Mexico for two weeks. I went to present my thesis support exam and gave a small lecture at UNAM (University of Mexico) on archives, a subject in which I have become very interested in recent years. Both events went very well, I think my career is favored by the contacts I was able to make with local professors and researchers. We visited the temple and received the sweet gaze of Radha Madana Gopal.

I tell you that two months ago I resigned from the position of regional representative of the Ministry of Education. I was doing that service for five years and I began to feel an overload of work due to labor issues. During the time I was in charge of the service, some things were achieved in favor of education, but I do not consider myself an administrator. It's a job I know due to the long time I've taught at the university, but it doesn't fit my nature, so ideas started to run out. I'm sure someone will come to do it much better than me.

On the other hand, now I am in charge of the position of research professor at the university where I work, I am happy because it has opened up a huge panorama for me. You know that I am still very attached to academic life. I would have liked to contribute more as a teacher in ISKCON (much more than as an administrator) but I have not had many opportunities, they will come.

I'm still studying Bhakti Vaibhava, I'm doing well, I've always been a disciplined student, plus the space allows us to develop a critical sense from what we read and discuss and in particular, I love reading, so vocations are combined in a natural and fluid way.

We continue to live in the mountains, I carry out my saddhana sometimes with more effort than on other occasions but we have found a very simple and intimate version of deity worship that has brought us many small satisfactions and gives us clearness. The japa is maintained robust, as well as the association with very few but good, like-minded and sincere devotees. Jagannatha has been extremely kind to us.

We send you our best wishes for your preaching, with love, sincerely

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS-ASA -- AGTSP. paoho. Just yesterday we were in mild panic of what happened to you.

Your report answers so many questions.

As Diksa guru, we will announce that the Form for filing annual reports is open in the next Kapi Dhvaja.

Please report there, then.

As any kind of Siksa guru, student, friend, we hope that we are putting enough communication into the Kapi Dhvaja, Twitter and Blog, so that we can connect on our Sankirtan activities.




Hare Krsna!!!!

Rukmini dd's report URGENT

2 years, 2 months ago by Rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

It seems that there was a problem with the previous letter, that's why I am writing to you again.

A couple of months ago, my mother Tarangaksi strongly desired to travel to India with my sister and me to take your association. She was asking some devotees about the necessary requirements and procedures. Towards the end of September, problems arose, so she came to the conclusion that she would not be able to travel to India yet. She had to stay in Lima to resolve certain issues. However, she suggested that I travel.

Thanks to the help of some godbrothers and other devotees, all arrangements were made for me to travel to India. I applied for a one-year visa and they gave it to me immediately, just the next day. Even more, since I have an American visa, I was able to get a very cheap flight ticket with a stopover in Miami. It was during this time that I sent you a letter.

With the blessings of the devotees, the support of my relatives, and all the arrangements made by my mother, I travelled to Miami on October 14th. In Miami, I stayed for 3 days in a hotel. I went to see the temple and take darshan of the deities. Then, I travelled to Doha (Qatar) and transferred to the flight that would take me to Kolkata. I arrived in India (Kolkata) on October 18th. Since my arrival, Priya Sakhi Mataji has been helping me with everything and she provided me with all the recommendations and precautions that I need to take since I am travelling alone.

First I went to Mayapur, I spent almost a week taking darshan of Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancha Tattva and Lord Nrisimhadeva. I had a wonderful association with Phanisevika Mataji, who is also from Peru and lives there. By her mercy, I did parikrama to some nearby holy places. I also met other matajis from Latin America.

On October 23rd, I travelled to Vrndavana. I met Priya Sakhi Mataji at the MVT and just as I was arriving Jayapataka Swami was walking out. By the causeless mercy, I was able to take darshan from Him. Since then, I am staying in Vrndavan at Priya Sakhi mataji's house. There is so much to tell, many things that have happened to me and continue to happen, many pastimes and adventures. And by the mercy of Tungavidya mataji, I could reach Radha Kunda and take darshan from You.

Since before travelling, I thought that I did not deserve to go to the Holy Dham, that I was not ready for it. On so many occasions I told my mother to give up the trip. Even so, immense mercy appeared and everything settled down favorably so that I could get here. I am learning so much here, I have no words to describe everything I am experiencing. I am eternally grateful to all the people who helped me and continue to help me on this journey. I feel that I owe a great debt to them. As one devotee said: "Krishna becomes present through his devotees."

I still haven't finished processing everything that's happening, I don't understand how I'm still alive. But I would like, please, if you allow me, to visit You again.

Trying to be useful,

Rukmini dd

HpS - AgtSP. Paoho. I think because you are a very sincere person, the Gopis have let you do some direct service to Radha and Krsna in Vraja.

It is scarey.

Please continue with your program!

How long will you stay?

You can see in the Kapi Dhvaja, went yesterday, what is our schedule.

Yes, Yes, very happy to get your association more.

How can we do it?

Can coordinate with Tungavidya Devi Dasi?


2 years, 2 months ago by yasoda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna muy querido y siempre recordado Gurumaharaja.

Todas las glorias y reverencias a Srila Prabhupada, nuestro maestro eterno🙏

Gurumaharaja disculpe por no haberle escrito antes, estuve tratando de encontrar un lugar para mi y mis deidades en este mundo material pero le mandé muchos mensajes a través de paramatma 💙

y una vez más llegué a la misma conclusión desde vidas pasadas ESTE MUNDO MATERIAL NO ES NUESTRO HOGAR! YA ME CANSÉ DE TODO ESTO! NECESITO UNA REALIZACIÓN SUPERIOR! (Dios bendito!) Gracias a Madre Radharani las rondas, los principios, las clases de Srila Prabhupada y la asociación me protegen.

Actualmente me encuentro en la ciudad heróica de Tacna (al límite con Chile) estoy trabajando de profesora de niños con necesidades especiales (diversos trastornos mentales) en un colegio nivel inicial (niños de 1 a 5 años) les comenté de la importancia de la comida vegetariana para los niños con trastornos mentales y aceptaron darles refrigerio y almuerzo vegetariano 2 a 3 veces por semana y cuando superviso las preparaciones de comida ofrezco mentalmente la comida a Gopalito (Gopalito es para ti y tus amiguitos😊

) es fantástico como los niños aceptan muy bien el prasadam y sus ataques de crisis disminuyeron.

Luego del fallecimiento de mi tía con Alzheimer, mi tío de 95 años soltero y sin hijos también dejó el cuerpo hace unos meses atrás ("el brahmachari perpetuo" como usted una vez dijo) ambos fueron mis padres educándome con amor y principios. Creo que Krishna me está librando de cargas familiares para que pueda realizar servicio sin tantas ataduras y preocupaciones...

Mi asociado llegó desde la ciudad de Europa donde vivía para conocernos, como usted recomendó, habló con mi papá, mi mamá y mi otra tía de 90 años que aún sobrevive. Es interesante como la mamá de él me quiere como a una hija y mi mamá lo quiere a él como a un hijo (krishna hace sus arreglos para todos creo) me pidió que le mande un mensaje a usted "PAMHO TLGSP Maharaja por favor dígame cómo puedo servirlo? con aprecio respeto, su sirviente: Govinda Kirtan Anudasa" El astrólogo prabhu Harindra, nos hizo la carta astral y resulta que somos complementarios y la ciudad de Tacna es favorable para nosotros pero resulta que no hay ni un templo ni devotos acá, básicamente somos los únicos Hare Krishnas en Tacna. Gurumaharaja estamos pensando en empezar un pequeño programa de Harinama Sankirtan acá en Tacna, repartir dulces prasadam a las personas cercanas y quizás en la Universidad Nacional de Tacna (es grande y hay muchos jóvenes) algunos colegios estatales, usted qué opina?

Que Sri Narasimha lo proteja siempre.

Su hija Yasoda Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna dearly loved and always remembered Gurumaharaja.

All glories and obeisances to Srila Prabhupada, our eternal teacher🙏

Gurumaharaja sorry for not writing to you earlier, I was trying to find a place for myself and my deities in this material world but I sent you many messages through paramatma 💙

and once again I came to the same conclusion from past lives THIS MATERIAL WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME! I'M TIRED OF ALL THIS! I NEED A SUPERIOR REALIZATION! (Blessed God!) Thanks to Mother Radharani the rounds, the principles, Srila Prabhupada's classes and the association protect me.

I am currently in the heroic city of Tacna (on the border with Chile) I am working as a teacher of children with special needs (various mental disorders) in an initial level school (children from 1 to 5 years old) I told them about the importance of food vegetarian for children with mental disorders and they agreed to give them a vegetarian snack and lunch 2 to 3 times a week and when I supervise the food preparations I mentally offer the food to Gopalito (Gopalito is for you and your little friends😊) is fantastic how the children accept the prasadam very well and their crisis attacks lessened.

After the passing of my aunt with Alzheimer's, my 95 year old single childless uncle also left the body a few months ago ("the perpetual brahmachari" as you once said) they were both my parents raising me with love and principle. I believe that Krishna is freeing me from family burdens so that he can perform service without so many ties and worries...

My associate came from the city in Europe where he lived to meet us, as you recommended, he spoke with my dad, my mom and my other 90-year-old aunt who still survives. It's interesting how his mom loves me like a daughter and my mom loves him like a son (krishna makes his arrangements for everyone I think) she asked me to send you a message "PAMHO TLGSP Maharaja please tell me how Can I serve you? With respect and appreciation, your servant: Govinda Kirtan Anudasa" The astrologer, prabhu Harindra, made us the astral chart and it turns out that we are complementary and the city of Tacna is favorable for us but it turns out that there is neither a temple nor devotees here, basically we are the only Hare Krishnas in Tacna.

ASA - I think there are some there. Maybe somebody read this Blog post and send news. Also, if you organize a Hare Krsna festival and advertise it them many times devotees will come and see you and introduce themselves.

Gurumaharaja we are thinking of starting a small program of Harinama Sankirtan here in Tacna, handing out sweet prasadam to people nearby and maybe at the National University of Tacna (it is big and there are many young people) some state schools, what do you think?

HpS - I think it should be something fantastic from your fantastic soul and that it should have fantastic results!

May Sri Narasimha protect him always.

His daughter Yasoda Devi Dasi

HpS - I think that maybe I maybe I am your neighbor!

2022 disciple report

2 years, 2 months ago by Bhakta Loren in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!

Danvadat Pranam

please accept my humble obeisances at your feet 🙏

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are having a very inspiring and nourishing stay in by Radha Kund.

Disciple report 2022

2022 april and after has been an important year for me. I bought a ticket to Sadhu Sangha 2022 in spanish fork utah & i thought i want to be chanting 16 rounds again when i attend the event in the end of may.

Devotees in the ISV (Iskcon Silicon Valley) Sangha are very active with regular online and in-person community events. Pavani Bhakti dd started an online zoom call 5-7am early in april.

I joined the call monday-friday & was getting all my rounds done before 8am almost every day. I was getting a greater amount of taste or reciprocation during the chanting than i ever had save for a few special moments in years past. Ive had to make up rounds the next day very few times since then.

My current daily schedule mon-fri is 4am call my Mom and read either Bhagavatam or a Catholic book she chooses on alternating days. 5-6:30 zoom call with Pavani and Devotees. 6:30 we read a chapter of Bhagavad Gita & Pavani narrates a power point that brings up key concepts from the chapter. 7:30 i Join a zoom call with ISV devotees Where we have have aarti, guru puja, read a verse from Bhagavatam & then have a discussion that we take turns leading. We each lead the discussion around once a week. This ends around 8:30. After making breakfast prasadam, i offer it on my home altar & take a shower & Then worship for around 30 minutes. I do this daily. Phone call with my Mom and two different devotee groups is Monday through friday.

I used to work saturday and sunday. Ive been taking those days off so i have a chance to make it to ISV saturday and Berkeley sunday. I dont make the saturdays at ISV as regularly as id planned. Ill usually take it as a ‘slack day’ and wake up with no alarm saturday and sunday. This year ive attended 4 Ratha YAtras- Boise, LA, San Francisco, Sacramento. Ive bought three Bhagavatam sets, distributed one, sponsored another, and have one i was going to give to another devotee to find out she had a set, so have it on a top shelf until it goes to someone. They were bought on Bhaktivinod Thakur’s appearance day, Radhastami & Bhadra Purnim.

My Girlfriend Cecilia Accidentally broke Tulsi’s branch putting her outside into this protective mesh container that is stretched on a metal mesh frAme. I saved the branch til Kartik & made it into a ghee lamp that i offered to the Deities in Berkeley & used it to light another devotees lamp. I went on a trip to portland with two other devotee friends, in four days/three nights we distributed Over a ton of books and collected nearly 2k donations.

Gurudeva, i know you are REALLY busy! I checked the Kapi Dvaja from the last time i messaged you here in the blog. I hope you are still able to keep a healthy balance, do not spread yourself too thin & have the time to use for what you want to do & leave room to be filled with blessings from Krishna, Srila Prabhupada & devotees & disciples.

I have a little bad news i broke a principle twice in october & have occasionaly looked into things that dont help my relationship with Krishna or my little sankirtan. The reciprocation i was feeling during chanting and doing puja had really tapered off from late summer into october. After those incidents id like to think ive been able to reset a little and do my best to really chant and worship in a prayerful mood. Sorry to go on so long here Gurudeva! If there is anything else you’d like to know about me or anyone here in the bay area or any way i can be of some service please let me know. Jaya Gurudeva! Jaya Prabhupada!

your servant,

Loka Bandhu Rama Das

Hare Krishna

HpS - Thanks for the news! I think it is inspiring for everyone.

Don't know if can read so much detail for everyone we've initiated et al.

We will announce the Report form in this Blog as open for Annual Reports in the next Kapi Dhvaja.

Please send your official report there!!!

Thank you.

Become a victor!

Become Uttama adhikari.


Going to Get Me, Part Two.

2 years, 2 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

[11/7, 11:31 AM] : Xavier:

Thank you.

So it seems like your happy and satisfied with whatever they are doing.

I'm very disheartened to see the response of your being ok with whatever they do. 

But you must be having some very good reasons for the same.

Thank you

ASA/TB - Esteemed Xavier, there is response from your esteemed wife at to our post of your Whatsapp at:

We did not say that we are happy with what they are doing in regards to your first comments.

We said that we had not heard any such thing from them or deduced any such murder plan from their actions of speech.

Really, we are not capable of dealing with such domestic details being only Sannyasis, B'caris, and in the majority not even human.

HpSwami posted a very well thought-out, practical perspective on divorce in an earlier Blog post.

He can't do much more than that.

It takes us 20-minutes to cut and paste the links to transfer these talks from Whatsapp to our Blog, which is the only place we can deal with them effectively.

We liked you from the first minute we met you in Quesqo Temple, and still do.

Right then we saw that there might be real challenges in compatibility of personality types between you and your wife.

So, please post anymore comments on these things here so we can get help from our ASA community. They are very nice. Fun.

In general, it seems that you need to find good married folks, Grhasthas, who can give you practical details to advance in these thing to the practical satisfaction of all involved.
