Report of 2022

HpS - ASA -- Esteemed Lalita-gopi Devi Das et al.

Thank you so much for your association in India.

We have 25-reports and V-puja offers and no way to archive them for gradual review.

Can you review this and send again after a few weeks?

Thank you!!!


Por su misericordia, este año, mi esposo Angirasa Das y yo, pudimos llegar a este Santo Dham. Parece facil cumplir la meta de un viaje, pero a nosotros nos ha significado superar obstaculoa, entre ellos de salud.¿ como explicarle a la mente, que tenemos una mision traacendental? ¿ como ajustar al cuerpo , cuyos atomos y poder de regeneracion son cada vez mas lentos?

Por eso, en su momento, le imploramos misericordia para poder llegar a nuestros objetivos. Pedi permiso en mis trabajos , como profesora, y gracias a Krsna pude continuar en linea mis grupos. Y ya lo dicen las escrituras : BG , tu solamente rindete a mi. Y eso tratamos de hacer, pero lo que supone para nosotros hacer un gran esfuerzo, a los ojos de las personas, es un minusculo movimiento. Este año hemos podido cumpli con el sadhana, laa 16 rondaa diarias y el gayatri. Sin embargo, en el periodo de los viajes fui irregular en cantar el gayatri y, segun sus instrucciones, si algunos dias lo hacia y otros no, era mejor detener esta practica. Por lo que suspendi el canto del gayatri. Le pido, por su inmensa misericordia poder retomarlo en mi vida diaria.

<pre class="ql-syntax" spellcheck="false">By your mercy, this year my husband Angirasa Das and I were able to reach this Holy Dham. It seems easy to meet the goal of a trip, but for us it has meant overcoming obstacles, including health. How to explain to the mind that we try to make a transcendental mission? How to adjust to the body, whose atoms and power of regeneration are slower and slower? That is why, in may 2022, we implore mercy to be able to reach our objectives. I asked for permission in my work, as a teacher, and thanks to Krsna I was able to continue my groups online. And the scriptures already stablish it, in the BG, you just surrender to me. And that's we are trying to do, but what it means for us to make a great effort, in the eyes of the people, is a tiny movement. This year we have been able to complete the sadhana, the 16 daily rounds and the gayatri. And classes meanwhile you were broadcasting them.However, during the period of the trips I was irregular in singing the gayatri and, according to your instructions, if I did it some days and not others, it was better to stop this practice. So I stopped chanting the gayatri. I ask you, for your immense mercy, to be able to recite it in my daily life. </pre>

Asi que del 10 al 24 de noviembre 2022 fuimos a Kolkata, por sus instrucciones, a visitar el Bhaktivedhanta Research Center, posteriormente , Mayapur y luego Puri. Fue un viaje asombroso que aprendi la grandeza de la cultura y ciencia vedica. Usted se ha esforzado mucho, con sus clases, en que apredamos del BG y del SB, perdone que mi entendimiento sea muy limitado, pero este año me he esforzado en entender un poco mas. Asimismo, los otros años ( 2020, 2021) he mandado mis reportes y luego veo que no aparezco en la lista publicada posteriormente.

So from 10 to 24 november, we went to Kolkata, by your instructions, then visit Bhaktivedanta Research Center BRC. Later we went to Mayapur and Puri. It was a wonderful trip and I learned greatness of vedic science and culture. You have been done efforts to teach us BG and SB. I hope forgive me my limitless underatanding, but this year I have make my efforts to understand a little bit more. Other years (2021, 2022) I have sent my reports and then I am not figuring out in the list ,you published. I hope this time I hopefully see my name. Please forgive my offenses and akwardness. Your useless servant Lalita Gopi DD

Vyas Puja Offering 2022 from Vira Gopal Das

2 years ago by viragopal in Personal Sadhana Reports

My Dear Guru Maharaj Ji

On the most auspicious day of Guru Maharaj's 75th appearance day, I offer my loving obeisances unto my spiritual uncle's lotus feet.🙏

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I feel so privileged to have the amazing fortune to reconnect with you after a span of 10 years, when I was mesmerised with Guru Maharaj as my Bhakti Shastri Teacher in Sri Dham Mayapur

I was totally taken in by your sense of Humor and the dancing bushy eye brows whilst you touched our hearts with your mercy of the Nectar of Instruction.

Now once again you have showered mercy by granting me, the association of your beloved daughter Gaura Gadadhar Dasi as my wife.

I am so grateful to you for enabling me to complete (without being killed), The "Once in a billion life time" Braja Mandal Parikrama, and further granting us the amazing good fortune of your personal association for three months in Radha Kunda

Just your sweet Darshan almost every eveining, and sometimes, when I can make Mangala Arti too... is a life transforming experience.🙏

Your jovial , enthusiastic, artistic Arotik offerings with dance like moves, operatic voice and exotic drum playing is most exhilarating ,... granting us a glimpse of what a personal exchange with thier lordships may look like ,.... this inspires me to try and become more enthusiastic in my currently "dull" , and "as a matter of routine" devotional practice.

Your personal attention to everyone, your constant giving , the way you are always lovingly , gently interacting, and teaching us in how to become the best versions of ourself, whilst remaining true to our selves.. YOUR GENIOUS, Touches my heart very deeply.

I pray to continue to recieve your love and affection for ever.

Lovingly your

Wannabe Servant🐒

Vira Gopal Das

HpS - Thank you. This letter is so informative. We did not realize that we were together in the Bh. Sastri studies. Super.

Your association and intellectual integrity have been a great delight to us.

Read more letters!!

Report month Kesava

HPS - ASA --- Hare, Krsna Radha JPJ DD et al.

We got bout 25-vyasapuja letters, so we won't be able to read this report!

Maybe you can summarize it and send it in the next report!

Thank you!

Hare krsna adored and respected Gurudeva!

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha Govinda!

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!!!

Please accept my obeisances to you!

To your beatiful feets of lotus!!

Thanks for your request to my letters.

We are very sorry to read that your body is bothering you so much... I think how I can help...

I forgot to thank you for your beautiful photo that you sent me in a previous letter where you can see a beautiful sunrise in Vrndavan... very beautiful!!! Thanks a lot. I edited a video that dances 2020 and put that beautiful photo at the end: I

I would like these photos of my attempted mother katyayani to be just for you, frank and gopal. Please

🙏 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

His classes are the water of my life and they ALWAYS help me a lot.

Please forgive me if I committed any offense at your beautiful and merciful feet. Sometimes this virtual communication is difficult for me. Once, in an online class, I wanted to say: dancing eyebrows!! (from krsna) happy and i pressed the wrong keyboard and typed dancing eyebrows? And you gave me the explanation that it was true that krsna has dancing eyebrows. I didn't doubt that but I typed wrong😏 and I didn't say anything because it was nice to read his explanation too.

Thank you for being my beloved Gurudeva!!!


The month of Kesava is always very exciting. We started eating havisyana for the first time by breaking our attempted grain fast in the month of Damodara. I learned many things when I lived in the Chile temple. the devotees fasted from grains during kartika or did not eat until noon, etc.

We keep reciting the entire Sanskrit bhagavad Gita on the auspicious day of Gita jayanti!!!

So pretty!!!

I still have mother katyayani there. (2021 2022). Please tell me if I should disarm them or leave them there under the trees😊

We went to the Adi Sakhi event. I send you photos. And some videos:

Gopalito and I continue our association with japa together in the afternoon. I tell him to concentrate on his friends in Krsna's pictures: Krsba balarsma subala madhumangala!! Let him think that he is playing with them... and he closes his little eyes and chants the holy name like this.

Please forgive me if I inadvertently offended in this letter.

You are our refuge, if we don't glorify whom we will dedicate our meaningless words..only because of you can we associate ourselves with Srila Prabhupada and His beloved Govinda. Vyasa puja ki jay!

Please accept obeisances of franco and gopal!

Trying to serve and please him:

Japa Prati Jalpa Radha devi dasi

Ratna-lekha Devi Dasi Report

2 years ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Mis Saludos Respetuosos a su Reverencia Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaj.                   Con mucho cariño, Gurudev, le comunico, que ahora estoy en el templo de VRAJAMANDALA, y sigo haciendo, Mis Servicios correspondientes, llendo al Mangal Arti, las clases diarias, y haciendo mis Rondas............... Gurudev, estoy esperando, la respuesta, de la Carta de invitación del ISKCON de Shri Mayapur,... Envié un formulario de preguntas , que me dieron estando allí. Y llegando a Madrid en el templo donde estoy lo termine de rellenar y los envié a Isckon de Mayapur.             Estimado Gurudev, estoy muy contenta de que al Iniciarme con una personalidad como Usted, alla tenido esa oportunidad de viajar a la India, es una Bendición, y ahora por esas misma Bendición, volveré, para seguir prestando servicio....... Y participando en el Harinam distribuyendo libros, y participar en todas las actividades Devocionales .... Es maravilloso.              Gurudev, no pude comunicarme con Usted, pero ahora es lo que le puedo comentar.            Lo dejo todo en las manos de **JAGANNAT SWAMI **que se haga su voluntad.....                Si por su Misericordia, sale todo bien, viajaré el 12 de febrero.               Todo mi cariño con mucho respeto y Reverencias, Gurudev Maharaj.                   Jai!! Srila Prabhupadaji Ki Jai 🙏🙏.              Hari Boll!! 😃😇


Hare Krishna

My Respectful Greetings to His Reverence Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaj. With much affection, Gurudev, I inform you that now I am in the temple of VRAJAMANDALA, and I continue to do My corresponding Services, going to Mangal Arti, daily classes, and doing my Rounds.......... .... Gurudev, I am waiting, for the response, from Shri Mayapur's ISKCON Invitation Letter,... I sent an inquiry form, which was given to me while there. And arriving in Madrid in the temple where I am I finished filling it out and sent them to Isckon de Mayapur. Dear Gurudev, I am very happy that when I started with a personality like you, I had the opportunity to travel to India there, it is a Blessing, and now for that same Blessing, I will return, to continue providing service....... And participating in the Harinam distributing books, and participating in all the Devotional activities.... It's wonderful. Gurudev, I could not communicate with you, but now is what I can tell you. I leave everything in the hands of **JAGANNAT SWAMI **that his will be done..... If by his Mercy, everything goes well, I will travel on February 12. All my love with much respect and obeisances, Gurudev Maharaj. Hai!! Srila Prabhupadaji Ki Jai 🙏🙏. Hari Boll!! 😃😇

HpS/ASA --- Hare Krsna. AgtSP! Paoho.

Thank you for the letter to our Whatsapp, but please focus on communication through the Blog!


We were worried not to hear from you.

Now we have all the news.

It is very nice.

Guess we will see you in NVM.


We do not see history of your initiation in our Gurutattva file.

Can you send your:

  1. Initiated name
  2. date of initation
  3. secular name
  4. date of secular birth

As much of the same for anyone else who was in the same ceremonly so that Bhakta Tom can update the file.

Thank you.

Hari Bolo!

Hari Bolo!

Record some news and send a Post to the Blog after a few days or week or so!!


From the tower in the woods

Hare Krsna Gurudev,

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y sus asociados.


We are already back in our house in the mountains, Hari has returned to school and things are settling in (this letter has been waiting for some time to be sent)

Ambarish is editing the film and somehow, through the images, it's like we're still associated with New Vrajamandala, the community and you.

This trip was a very nourishing, profound experience and I feel that it can reconnect me with my Sadhana, Japa and service.

Thank you for your association, inspiration and service opportunity. I am still digesting so much that I received.

I feel very lucky to have shared time with so many good devotees. They have nourished my soul with inspiration and enthusiasm that give me strength every day.

I can also see how for Hari the experience has been a transformation in his perspective. Many deep impressions have been left on him.

I feel that he has been positive in many aspects.

The return to routine has been somewhat disconcerting and a challenge to maintain enthusiasm. But every day I make the effort to maintain and advance. One day at a time.

Thank you very much Gurudev for being expert in guiding us and sharing his perspective.

It is my deep desire to qualify myself to be a useful tool in your Sankirtan and in Srila Prabhupada's mission.

with infinite gratitude

His apprentice servant

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

HpS - Jaya! We visit the Holy Dhamas to get purified, energized, then we go back to the secular world to see our material attachments and work on eliminating them and making our place a Dhama.

We also come back to preach. To let others see what we saw.


Sankirtan partners.

You need to stop in your Tower Construction and make a movie about "Building Vrndavana Village".

People can buy land around you.

Landholders around you can change their perspecive.

Ratna Lekha d.d.

2 years ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Jayanta Dasa <[email protected]>

Carta de Ratna Lekha d. d.

Hare Krishna

Mis Saludos Respetuosos Saludos y Reverencias, Gurudev Maharaj.

Toda Gloria y Reverencias a Srila Prabhupada. Estimado Gurudev, le escribo, para comunicarle, que estoy preparando, un pronto viaje de regreso a Mayapur......pues es maravilloso, es una belleza en sí misma aunque no he podido ir a todos los templos......... Empecé hacer Servicio en, El Templo de JAGANNAT, Rajapur.... En la limpieza de los Pullari, donde se encuentra las vestimentas de Las Deidades, Y de planchar las ropas de Srila Prabhupada, también de Jagannat, Subadra y Balaram.

Y el Harinam todos los Días por la mañana después del Mangal Arti y el rosario...... Distribuyendo libros..... Y con los devotos que participo, son de diferentes Nacionalidades, Bangladesh, Portugal, Grecia, Rusia, Italiano, Peruano.....

Me siento muy apenada de no haberle participado.

Por medio del Block no pude hacerlo.

Dos veces le envié, con la ayuda de Mataji Mitravinda, y la tercera no entro, porque ya no tenía, ayuda de ella.

Gurudev, tengo un piso alquilado.... Que lo deje apartado y cuando regrese lo ocuparé, es un piso muy austero, pero para mí es como un palacio porque si me lo permite Usted pondré, a las Deidades de JAGANNAT, SUBADRA Y BALARAM.

Tuve la oportunidad de ir a JAGANNAT PURI y entrar en ella..... Es una experiencia... Que quizás no hay palabras para poder explicarla.......... Pero solamente le diría que me emociono muchísimo y no puedo olvidar su hermoso ojo, que con las justas pude ver, por la cantidad de gente que había... Con gran ardiente Devoción.

Mi estimado y querido Gurudev, con mucho respeto le escribo estás líneas para hacerle participe que el 12 de febrero será mi viaje y estaré una temporada.

HpS - AgtSP we can understand some of this letter, but not all of it.

Maybe technical problems.

You are going to return to Mayapura?

You are leaving Mayapura and returning to Spain?

Certainly very nice to hear from you!!!

Your description of Mayapura is wonderful.

Hope to get more clear news.

We have been worried about you.

Hari Bolo!

We go for Radha kunda Parikrama now, then Gaura arati here, then [737 859 341] with Upendra at 6.30PM IST.