Hare krishna Guru Maharaj, acepte mis respetuosas reverencias

Necesito escribirle esta carta para aclarar sobre el porque de mi divorcio, Yo pedí el divorcio a p. Gadai Gauranga Das por estos motivos;

ASA - . . . Deleted by ASA Censures TB/BW etc because is confidential content.


ASA - We write again and again and again. That we are Brahmacaris and Sannyasis here and that we cannot have solitary conversations with ladies, so to ask us to not post it after you have sent the whole thing for us to read can only lead us to edit it as best we can and then send the full content to a nice Grhastha (Laksmana agra Ja Das in this case) to accompany us in the conversation.

I hope that is best response and with his company we can discuss more as you like. Is important topic.


Hare krishna 🙂🙏🏼 y vancha kallpa cualquier ofensa.

Nadiya-Nivasi Dasi.

HpS/ASA - Yes, we did not receive this news and as you describe things your actions certainly seem to be justified in the broad vision of Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan.

I think you are a very good person.

Very rare.

Very wel situated to make big contributions to you family and community.

Go ahead!

Annual Report 2022

*This report was posted as a letter since the report system was not taking even 100 words*

ASA/Uncle Gismo - Hmmph! We have to ask Prahlada-nrsmha Das to look at it.

He is a genius.

Hare Krishna

ASA - Should put a "," after Hare Krsna, no? Everyone makes that mistake.

Dear Gurumaharaja

Plase accept our humble obeisances [.]

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada [.]

All glories to the Sankirtan movement of Lord Caitanya [.]

By the mercy of the Vaishnavas, SP Books, Holy Name, and your infinite mercy towards us, we keep hanging on this endeavor of becoming more Krishna conscious.

ASA - Waking up!

Report of our activities this year:

Travels: This year Lords Krishna Blesses us so much by allowing us to be in so many holy places. We visited in April 2022 Ranchor Prabhu's Father and Mother in Mumbai, they didn't see Ranchor Prabhu in 12 years. Was intense. They took us to their village and we visited in the way: Sri Vrindavan Dham, Gorakhpur, Ayodhya (Lord Rama's Birthplace, Sooo Amazing), and Lumbini (Lord Budha's birthplace); We also participate in the Arrangements for the filming of 'Diary of a Traveling Creature' Chapter India in September of 2022 - Once in a Life experience to serve wonderful devotees and Scholars and visit Kolkata, Mayapur, Manipur, Delhi, Vrindavan Govardhan, Radhakunda, and we are very grateful to you Gurumaharaja for giving us this opportunity.

I received 2nd Initiation on the first day of Karthik, in Bhaktivedanta Govardhan Asharam in Govardhan, in a beautiful goshala, so auspicious; uplift me to be enthusiastic and more serious in our KC daily practice.

HpS - Was incredible. Cows passing stool and urine during the ceremony. GOLOKA!

Sadhana: We wake up for Mangal aratiks 5x a week, We are taking the effort to chant as many rounds as possible before 8am (before work starts), sometimes late rounds remain, this year I'm been working a lot and sleeping so less so it has affected my chanting significantly, i had changed 2 jobs, and working remotely now as Manager at a Start-Up for Latinamerican markets. I worship our home deities every day: Sri Sri Goura Nitai, Sri Harinama Prabhu and Sri Sri Radha Krishna. The rest is taking care of home duties and husband.

Study: Ranchor Prabhu reads SB and i listen while cooking. We reached 6th canto, 15th chapter in September, i had tried to study our Daily songs for their meaning, my memory is Not good at all, but general meaning is remaining,... small small steps. We had learned a set of Morning prayers (including Mangalacharana, Astakams, Bhajans) that we recite every morning and they make us ready for the day.

HpS - It is amazing how much SB you can finish in one year if you just read every day like this!

Seva: I'm been struggling to understand what is my role in this sankirtan movement,

HpS - I think even Lord Chaitanya struggles with this. Mayadevi has such power and the Jivas are SOOOO naughtly in Kali-yuga that even he has a hard time tying down exactly what He is supposed to do.

but analizing what Krishna give me as services, I can see more myself as helper of the helper (servant of the servant), My ego still fights because maybe wants recognition or to achieve things fast. I had a very nice conversation with Jagatharini Mataji (Bhurijana Prabhu's Wife) at Goverdhan Retreat about this, and her words make me keep enthusiastic and patient, and mostly trusting in the process. Other services in the year have been Services for NIOS (translations, transcriptions), Project Administration, cooking, and mostly learning how to play together with others.

ASA - ! 👍👍👍

Interpersonal: I had never had as many frictions with devotees before as this year, is purifying but at the same time I can not betray the way I think as individual. Also, under the conditioning of this body (woman), we are more pushed to just follow instructions and that had generated some anger and overthinking issues in me. Ranchor Prabhu is tolerant of me but i dont want to serve him all my life as a bitter and unsatisfied servant.

Anything good that happen in our lives this year, has been only possible due to you, Srila Prabhupada, and other vaishnava's mercy. We got your association in Vraj, your mercy through 2nd initiation, and also we got a place near Giri Govardhan by the causeless mercy of the Divine Couple. Definitely a blessed year.

Please never forget us, and continue engaging us in your service.


Govinda Pramodini Dasi & Ranchor Krishna Das

PS. As you suggested me before, now that i travel i try to write my experiences. I share here one note that i wrote in April 2022.

Dear Gurudeva

Today, Sunday April 3th at 4;30am we arrived to India for a 1-month stay.

We will spend 2 days in Govardhan, 3 days in Vrindavan, them Mumbai for Rama Navami and visit my father and mother-in-law, then we all will travel to their village in Sidharnagar. So far that's the plan Krishna allows.

While entering Mathura, just when the sun was rising, I could see the beauty of simple life, almost like visual poetry.

The valleys, full of wheat, were now been harvested, some fields are with big dust clouds above due to cutting and some others are been cut by hand, I can see the golden backs of the villagers under the sun, carrying the long grasses and then feeding cows. An envolving dry grass smell saturates the air, then the ladies carrying buckets on their heads and making dung patties next to the straw and cow dong houses decorated with festive patterns. Naturally, people get together in groups of the same age, the man sitting and talking, the children playing, young girls joking among themselves, then is buffaloes and cows looking for their breakfast.

In the horizon we can see now Govardhan town, now cars are not allow inside Govardhan so we took the back new road, Govardhan is been protected with some fences and a nice parikrama marg is been constructed. 

We run some errands and in the evening we went to ISKCON Govardhan and offer respect to the devotees there. The moon like a bright smile was in the sky and the breeze was blowing, it was neither cold nor hot, was just pleasant. 

Devotees were doing puja to Govardhan from the temple roof and singing Jaya Radhe Jaya Krishna Jay Vrindavan... We had CC class with Asita Maharaj, He discussed how we should never be worried about what will happen to us if we die, and that we should not be fearful, krishna will arrange for us. In the same way, a Loved one will arrange to pick you up from the airport, everything is arranged... the time, the vehicle, the destination, etc... In the same way, Krishna will arrange everything. And I think I can not waste more time and I have to prepare for Krishna to pick me up anytime. 

I guess I wrote this letter better in my mind while all this was happening.... Just I offer my obeisances to your lotus feet, and I aspire that one day I can be worthy recipient of your mercy. Please bless me so I can keep the right state of consciousness and the right state of heart while in the Dham and carry it with me wherever I may go.


HpS - ASA --- For us the two titles: Mataji and Swamiji are both equally heavy.

Thing is how you make your title of Swamiji or Matajo glorious.

One good woman can stop more enemy armies by her strict adherence to her Dharma, husband, family than 100,000 soldiers.

Of course, it is hard to find such a good woman, no?

Yet, we can contribute something with Visnupriya and Sita's help!

Personal Sadhana Report

2 years ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haribol Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhpada

All Glories to you

I am extremely sorry Guru Maharaj for not writing to you for a long time.

Life was very crazy with lots of ups and down… By your mercy I am chanting 16 rounds, doing my Gayatri and trying to engage myself in temple deity services as much as I can.

I feel if i don't engage myself in the temple deity services I have nothing to do… I feel empty… I pray to Kalachandji everyday that please let me assist my Guru Maharaj in temple deity services…

I feel somehow connected through deity worship…

ASA - Jaya! So did the six Goswamis!!

Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji is also very merciful that he has given us shelter in the dham and has given us opportunity to do services.. Though we are not qualified but still the mercy is unlimited.

We are at this stage only because of your causeless mercy Guru Maharaj… we can feel your protection and your presence both in good and bad times…

HpS - We are just deficient mail men. The person sending the letter is Srila Prabhupada and Krsna.

I came to India a month before to complete marriage shopping as Srirama Krishna Das is getting married on Jan 27th and also to help my brother who had his first child…They named her Sita Janaki and Sankeerthana..

In all these circumstances, it is very hard to do daily sadhana with no temple services……I had even missed my rounds which i have kept account of and will try to catch up.

HpS - Nehabikramo naso sti.... That is a challenge for all of us, but if you push, push, push use your problem solving intellingence, then you can get them done and it becomes a habit that you will always have.

Then Maya will send another problem to make you even more purified.

In these family engagements, daily sadhana is very difficult Guru Maharaj, but somehow by your mercy I am able to do, but sometimes i fail…

HpS - You must preach to them by your example (and conversation), then it becomes with an attitude of Sankirtan and it is practical.

First time we got our deities, Sri Nitai Navadwip Chandra to India. They are at my Shiksha Guru (Madhuri Rasa Mataji’s) place to get painted.

Please bless us Guru Maharaj and always keep us under your divine shelter and engage us in your services

Yours Servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi

HpS - It is just waking up. You are shaking your head, trying to ge the sleep out of your brains, and Maya is trying to convince you to go back to sleep!

Hope to see you soon.

Urgent. Bellybutton Service

Hare Krisna Gurudev, please accept our humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

If you want you can send pictures ([email protected], or +549223580xxx) of your bellybutton so we can share with qualified dermathologist for further diagnosis and treatment options.

At your service,

Nikunja Bihari das.

ASA - Thank you. We are consulting with five different doctors now and the last is Big Dermatologist who has been very successful in dealing with devotees in the past.

Nasty pills twice a day after meals, and nasty ointment twice a day after bath.

Defnitely is not getting worse.

Our Sadhana bhakti is getting better.

Most of that is honoring Prasadam properly, and for us that means properly associating with devotees.

Today we had some fruit from Radha Shyamasundara's Srngara arati Bhoga.

Then for lunch 2-cups of popcorn with p-nuts and some Kitri with 90% no spices, etc.

Balanced Pitta and alergies should go away, no?

Request for re-initiation with gayatri mantra

2 years, 1 month ago by Rituraj majumder 8165 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, gurudev.

Kindly accept my pranam at your lotus feet.

ASA/gurudeva - Lettuce feet. Proper but limited Pranams due to us and to you!!


ASA - Yes, all glories to Srila Prabhupada (NoI - 4, 5, 6).

Gurudev this is request to humbly ask you if it will be possible to bless me with the 2nd initiation mantras again.

I have improved since before and have reached a level of confidence that this time I will be able to maintain the standards.

If Krsna and Radha allow, I wish to come to Radha kund to participate in your vyasa puja. I hope to reach by 19th evening.

Thank you

Rturaj Krsna Das

Puducherry, India

HpS - So nice to have some fluid communication with you after so much time!

Of course, we want to be of any service we can to your respected self, including being Mantra guru w/i our capacity, but we just need to discuss the details and considerations.

Our building is filling up fast, but Vipin bihari and Ranchor Das are finding accomodations for devotees here.

Hope you have contact with H. G. Mukunda also.


BellyButton Service (BBS)

2 years, 1 month ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B


As you may have heard, Brother Ass's Belly Button is bright red and producing a little oozing for maybe two weeks now.

We agree with Prabhodananda Sarasvati that it is better to die of starvation, exposure, or rot from innumerable diseases than teave Vrndavana Dhama (ISKCON [stop chanting Holy Names]), yet without giving up our worship of the Holy Dhama, and accepting Krsna's decision to kill us and send us to another body, we should try to deal with these problems of the body within our medical capacity.

  1. Arun Chakraborty, highly decorated Ayurvedic doctor and very nice Krsna devotee, diagnosed the problem as fungal infection and first put us on an anti-fungal cream. It apparently did nothing. - Round One to the Invader.
  2. He then suggested going on ten days of anti-biotic which did nothing but seemed to give us expected stomach pains and general weakness. - Round Two to the invader.
  3. Vipin suggest Detol (?) regular Indian antibiotic soap, which we would have taken as first treatment, but now because the inflamation is chronic, we will adopt it casually along with other medical advice.
  4. We sent the case study to our Primary Care Physician, Dr. Amit Singh, who he says, we met as a Gurukula boy in Vancouver Temple, but is now adult with two daughters, and he agreed that a lab test might be in order and it was probably bacteria. We also have some inflamation in one point n the mouth which is recurrent, but seems a little more vigorous, and in general we wonder if this is a result of constant submission to the AQI of 150+ in India, Radha-kunda coupled with our 70% Pitta nature.
  5. Majority decision of local devotees was to visit Dr. Anil Agrawaal in Mathura at his very robust dermatology clinic. It was a three hour excursion with Ranchor and Krsna Swarupa Das (how is Krsna Loka??) and he put us infront of 20-other paitents waiting for the days interviews and promptly diagnosed our red Belly-button as allergic reaction. He gave us after-breakfast and lunch tablets, and morning and evening topical creams and said come back in 15-days.

There is no pain or itching, but it does look little frightful, like something from an Alien sci-fi movie.

So, that's the news on our Buddy, Body, Burro. We hope this satisfys the many enquiries, and the satisfaction that we feel in Vrndavana Dhama is so substantial that we can realize that if we use too much energy trying to perfect our body, which is designed of recycleable material, and don't use it to wake up to Gokula. Goloka then we are silly asses.

  • Vrndavana Dhama Ki Jai!
  • IKSCON, Ki Jay!
  • Yuga-dharma, Nama-Sankirtan, Ki Jai!

