Reporte anual 2022 Danistha devi dasi Santiago, Chile

HpS - AgtSP. Please accept our humble obeisances.

Thank you for this annual report, birthday greeting.

Yet, the Annual Report is a simple form to be filled in here at the Blog.

To open it touch the Word 'Report' above.

It is mentioned in our original Guru-tattva document and must be filed by our Vyasapuja day.

Disciples can file later and we will look those Reports on Gaura-purnima.

For more general Vyasa-puja, birthday greetings we must ask people send them again later, after a few weeks or a month or so because we cannot look at them all immediately and we must clear them from our Blog folder so that we can see other timely news.

Thank you.

Look for you news soon.

So much to learn but it is eternal knowledge

Todas Las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas Las Glorias sean a Usted!!!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis sinceras reverencias, espero Se encuentre bien, mi reporte de este año.

Canto 16 rondas diarias de mediana calidad.

4 principios regulativos.

Servicio en mi familia, atendiendo a mi hijo Abhay y el altar de Sri Sri Goura Nitay durante el día, (mi esposo Hari Murari Das, atiende el altar de noche). 

Predicando en el trabajo, estoy trabajando como actriz. 

Sigo trabajando como profesora de Yoga, algo de prédica ahí también. 

Con ganas de comenzar un programa de Mujeres en Conciencia de Krishna, por favor deme Sus bendiciones.

  Su sirvienta, 

  Danistha devi dasi

Ofrenda de Vyasapuja

HpS - AgtSP. Please accept our humble obeisances.

Thank you for this annual report, birthday greeting.

Yet, the Annual Report is a simple form to be filled in here at the Blog.

To open it touch the Word 'Report' above.

It is mentioned in our original Guru-tattva document and must be filed by our Vyasapuja day.

Disciples can file later and we will look those Reports on Gaura-purnima.

For more general Vyasa-puja, birthday greetings we must ask people send them again later, after a few weeks or a month or so because we cannot look at them all immediately and we must clear them from our Blog folder so that we can see other timely news.

Thank you.

Look for you news soon.

So much to learn but it is eternal knowledge.

All Glories to Sri Sri GauraNitay!!!

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Guru Parampara!!!

 All glories to you dear Gurudeva on the auspicious day of his vyasapuja!!!

 Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances, it is only thanks to his and Srila Prabhupada's mercy that I can maintain my devotional service and continue to cultivate a taste for improvement and advancement in Krishna Consciousness.

 You are an example of a sincere disciple, dedicated and free from desire for personal honor, always moving peacefully here and there while preaching Kṛṣṇa Consciousness and following in the footsteps of the great acaryas, all this time you have been teaching us with your own example to become fixed, enthusiastic and determined in the spiritual life. His intelligence, humor and ability to reach the heart of each person is unique. I don't know anyone who could feel bad in his presence.

 Gurudeva, you are like a beacon in the dark, the captain of one of the boats that Srila Prabhupada left us to cross this ocean of material suffering until we reach Goloka, sometimes this whole world becomes too turbulent, chaotic and unbreathable, but there you are. you in the most sacred and pure place of all the divine Radhakunda, and from that place he inspires us by sending us some phrase, sharing his readings, making a movie, a book, everything he does is to make us wake up and encourage us to move forward in the path of devotional service, your association is greatly missed but we understand that you are teaching us by your own example what the life of a Vaisnava should be like at all times.

 Thank you very much dear Gurudeva for your constant efforts, for being a devoted disciple of Srila Prabhupada with a wide heart, mind and intelligence without looking down on any creature, for teaching us to act humbly by surrendering all our actions in service to Srila Prabhupada.

 Everyone is welcome to serve, to surrender their skills and join Srila Prabhupada's sankirtan to find their place.

 I say goodbye Gurudeva wishing you always the best and hoping one day to be a useful servant

 my eternal obeisances

 His aspiring disciple Alankrti Devi Dasi

 *Thank you very much for your response to my previous letter, everything turned out very beautifully in the Ratha Yatra, the children were happy and took a little Jagannatha home with them, we have already sent our report for this year, I am preparing to take the second initiation exam soon I will have new news.

Annual Report

2 years ago by shatakshi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,


This is our first time writing annual report. I wasn’t quite sure about the guidelines so

HpS - AgtSP. Please accept our humble obeisances.

Thank you for this annual report, birthday greeting.

Yet, the Annual Report is a simple form to be filled in here at the Blog.

To open it touch the Word 'Report' above.

It is mentioned in our original Guru-tattva document and must be filed by our Vyasapuja day.

Disciples can file later and we will look those Reports on Gaura-purnima.

For more general Vyasa-puja, birthday greetings we must ask people send them again later, after a few weeks or a month or so because we cannot look at them all immediately and we must clear them from our Blog folder so that we can see other timely news.

Thank you.

Look for you news soon.

So much to learn but it is eternal knowledge.

we have conpiled from our journal our secret letters to you here 🙏.

On the auspicious occasion of Sharad Purnima Maharaj you gave us initiation on Govardhan in a goshala. You told us you thought about our name for a long time and even asked our birthday and then gave us the name Subhadra-Mayi DD! You said She’s a tough girl! This name will give you strength! And Subhadra is Subhadra to those who are good and Durga to those who are bad! So so so so so so much mercy SHOWERING IN VRINDAVAN. 

That day in evening, HH Lokanath Maharaj sang damodarastakam and I danced like those new comers who come to Krsna consciousness on their first day. For the first time in my life I experienced my first day in KC! It was absolute nectar. I felt like I was in the spiritual world! We were shouting ‘namo Deva Damodar Ananta Vishnu’! So many devotees at the same time! Omggg!

If it is possible for a neophyte to experience ecstasy I was on a complete high for like the entire evening! I danced my heart out! Lokanath maharaj’s mrdanga players, 🤯 what beats. It was a feast for the feet!!! 😂

People can’t take responsibility for even 5 minutes and here for lifetimes Maharaj you took responsibility to take us BTG! Such secure shelter!

You chose the date Sharad Purnima very carefully. Day of rasayatra and also full moon, capable of cleansing all karma! You told us you thought of Gopi names, Radha names and then, ahhh no, Subhadra! She’s a practical girl! Gets done what needs to get done!

That day I went to SP house to chant and felt like I have been found. Bhramanda bhramite over, now Srila Prabhupad holding me! Serendipity. 

I used to think this world operates out of duties but experiencing so much love from you, our heart is starting to awaken to the feeling maybe we can operate out of love sometimes. 

Maharaj I feel like you have gifted me a small place in your home, which, as a sanyassi, is this world, by inviting us on this tour 🙏. We are so grateful we cry tears of joy 🙏. So much to catch up 🙏!

We are following 4 principles and chanting 16 rounds 99% in morning before eating. We are still working on consistent early morning chanting. 🙏

Maharaj, thank you so much 🙏 for accepting us in your life. We know too well we are not deserving of the utmost mercy you shower upon us 🙏. Your endearing, yet always appropriate affection and awe-inspiring humility is an ocean to learn from. Maybe someday some good qualities will appear in our heart out of your mercy so we too can treat our subordinates with such potent affection 🙏!

We are so so dull, we are barely able to take care of you and take advantage of your most auspicious association during your most merciful stay here 🙏. Please give us your blessings so we may get some spiritual intelligence and be able to serve better. __/\o__

Your fallen servant,

Subhadra Mayi DD

AmD Report - Urgente

Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva, por favor acepta mis repetidas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

La última vez que tuvimos contacto, fue por teléfono, y fue antes de su último Vyasapuja. Recuerdo haberle mencionado que la próxima vez que lo vería sería en el Santo Dham. Me estoy esforzándo para eso.

Cuando mis hijos dejaron el hogar, te pregunté qué debía hacer ahora? Y me dijiste que viaje por diferentes templos. 

Este 2022 ha sido un año de intenso servicio de pujari y de prédica, 8 meses en Ciudad del Este, casi 3 meses en Asunción (Paraguay) y voy a cumplir 1 mes en Rio de Janeiro (Brasil).

Hemos tratado de seguir tu instrucción, pero no ha sido fácil. Dejar el trabajo y depender de Krsna, desapegarse de las posesiones, la incomodidad de los viajes, los nuevos lugares, diferentes climas, diferentes personas, diferentes humores… No ha sido fácil…

En un momento me reproché haberme expuesto tanto, me preguntaba: si no hubiera viajado y me hubiera quedado en casa?, con mi buen trabajo en la escuela y una cómoda vida familiar, más una buena asociación de devotos amigos, yendo al templo los fines de semana, pensé que hubiera estado más protegido como antes en mí vida de grhastha… 


"Quién no hace nada, jamás se equivoca", y por ahora me he equivocado mucho. Estoy pasando por los momentos difíciles de esta película, cómo Usted siempre dice…  

La última vez que hablamos por teléfono le expliqué mi situación… Pero es diferente de lo que se está hablando. Ahora me han denunciado y tengo una medida cautelar desde Perú, y dicen que está en proceso de investigación, pero la medida cautelar tiene fecha del 02 de febrero del 2022 y recién me comunicaron, pero nunca me citaron para dar mi versión o para mostrarme sus supuestas pruebas. Por supuesto que la situación es diferente a lo que dice la denuncia, y se que está denuncia están pasándola por Whatsapp a todos, y me preocupa que en esta comisión de investigación estén involucrados devotas de la actual administración del Templo de Perú que siempre fueron antagónicos conmigo desde épocas en que dirijamos el Gurukula…

Así es que voy a ser sincero, no estoy bien, ha sido un año duro, y no le escribo este reporte como antes, con el dhoti limpio y planchado, siento que lo escribo en el suelo, herido y arrastras, intentando no dejar de intentarlo.

Esta es mi humilde ofrenda, es lo que pude hacer, mucho servicio de pujari, mucha prédica, y no quiero sentirme el "predicador" dándole este reporte, nuestra prédica solo se basa en tratar de entusiasmar a otros devotos e invitados a leer los libros de Srila Prabhupada, especialmente el hermoso Srimad Bhagavatam.

Además cada vez que podemos hacemos Harinam dónde estemos, y siempre, siempre, siempre hacemos Kirtan a los pies del Acharya. (Otra de sus instrucciones).

Perdóname por ser egoísta y solo hacer esto, y no poder vincularme más en tú Sankirtan, por favor perdóname.

Y es que tengo muchos demonios (anartha nvriti) que superar.

Ojalá pueda cualificarme pronto para poder tener de nuevo tu asociación (vapu).

Espero que estés pasando lindos días en asociación en el Santo Dham, y que seas feliz glorificando a todo el Parampara en el día de tu Vyasapuja. Eres un gran sirviente de Srila Prabhupada, seguro él estará muy complacido contigo. 

Siempre serás mi inspiración…

Tu tonto aspirante a sirviente… AmD


Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva, please accept my repeated obeisances.

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

 The last time we had contact was by phone, and it was before his last Vyasapuja. I remember mentioning to him that the next time I would see him would be at the Holy Dham. I am striving for that.

 When my children left home, I asked you what should I do now? And you told me to travel through different temples.

This 2022 has been a year of intense pujari and preaching service, 8 months in Ciudad del Este, almost 3 months in Asunción (Paraguay) and I will be 1 month in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

HpS - Super!!

We have tried to follow your instruction, but it has not been easy. Leaving work and depending on Krsna, detachment from possessions, the discomfort of travel, new places, different climates, different people, different moods... It has not been easy...

ASA - TB/BW Ha! Ha! Hare!!! We thing the same thing, then we realize that death is the ultimate journey. All the problems you mention above are there? Getting ready so we can do it.

Actually it is easy. Just have to get a little purified.

 At one point I reproached myself for having exposed myself so much, I wondered: if I had not traveled and stayed at home?, with my good work at school and a comfortable family life, plus a good association of devoted friends, going to the temple on weekends of the week, I thought that I would have been more protected than before in my grhastha life...

 "Who does nothing, is never wrong", and for now I have been very wrong. I am going through the difficult moments of this film, as you always say...

 The last time we spoke on the phone I explained my situation… But it is different from what is being discussed. Now they have denounced me and I have a precautionary measure from Peru, and they say that it is in the process of investigation, but the precautionary measure is dated February 2, 2022 and they just informed me, but they never summoned me to give my version or to show me their alleged evidence. Of course, the situation is different from what the complaint says, and I know that they are passing this complaint through WhatsApp to everyone, and I am concerned that devotees of the current administration of the Temple of Peru are involved in this commission of investigation, who have always been antagonistic with me since times when we directed the Gurukula...

 So I'm going to be honest, I'm not well, it's been a hard year, and I'm not writing this report to you like before, with the dhoti clean and ironed, I feel like I'm writing it on the ground, hurt and dragging, trying not to stop try.

HpS/ASA - 👍



 This is my humble offering, it is what I was able to do, a lot of pujari service, a lot of preaching, and I don't want to feel like the "preacher" giving this report, our preaching is only based on trying to excite other devotees and guests to read the books of Srila Prabhupada, especially the beautiful Srimad Bhagavatam.

 Also, whenever we can, we do Harinam wherever we are, and we always, always, always do Kirtan at the feet of the Acharya. (Another of his instructions).

 Forgive me for being selfish and only doing this, and not being able to bind myself in your Sankirtan anymore, please forgive me.

 And it is that I have many demons (anartha nvriti) to overcome.

 Hopefully I can qualify soon to be able to have your association (vapu) again.

 I hope that you are spending nice days in association in the Holy Dham, and that you are happy glorifying the entire Parampara on the day of your Vyasapuja. You are a great servant of Srila Prabhupada, I am sure he will be very pleased with you.

 You will always be my inspiration...

 You foolish would-be servant… AmD

HpS - Thank you. Please try to help the institution, ISKCON. It is struggling to things well in Kali yuga.

You know from the Gurukula what a mess it is to try to do some administration in Kali yuga.

So try to help them with any work they are trying to do.

Keep us informed.

We never got any direct notice of the denunciation which is very bad since we are your Diksa guru, then one devotee sent us a copy and also pointed out that the denunciation was almost one year old.

So many things seem improper with the situation, but please, again, help them make a good resolution of the situation for the institution.

Certainly you have a right to respond to accusations before sanctions are given.

Work on your problems. Solve them. Compensate anyone you hurt. Continue with our Sankirtan.

.Hare Krsna.

From Manipur

All glories to Srila Prabhupad! All glories to Guru Maharaj. Please accept my humble obeisances at your sweet lotus feet.

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj,

Its been such a long, long time that I had not written in the blog. Sorry Guru Maharaj.

This year, by your mercy, we distributed 4 sets of SB.

HpS - Super! Brahmastras.

It was so exhilarating to be in your divine association at Vraj and Radha Kund. Every year we would wish that if only we could celebrate Vyasa Puja with Guru Maharaj ....and by Sri Radha Shyamasundara's mercy, it happened this year.....I am yet to let the feelings sink in...pure ecstacy.

One of our students, Bidyarani, wants her sons to be given spiritual names. Would you be kind enough to suggest the names Guru Maharaj? Eldest son DOB 11/11/2018. time of birth 12.21pm. Day Sunday. Name to start with 'Bha'. Younger son DOB 31/8/2021. Time of birth 1.56pm. Day Tuesday. Name to start with 'B'

HpS- Better the father and mother give them!

They can do good job, and then when they get initiated they can get other name maybe.

We are so happy that Harsh got initiated....we missed the auspicious event.

ASA- Hayagriva Avatara Das! Maybe he will get another name when he takes Sannyasa.

Thank you Guru Maharaj for everything

Your insignificant servant always,

Sarad Gaurangi DD

HpS - So many senior devotees were really enthused by the cultural program. It touched their hearts and they never new about Manipuri Culture. A great resource.

See you in three weeks [?].

A different Sri Vyasa puja

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I hope this meets you in really good health and happy.

HpS/ASA - Spiritually or materially.


I can not picture yourself happier than in India nearby the holy places.

HpS/ASA - It is a fact. Just stopping and looking at things right now. There is very grand devotional Bhajan playing from one of the myriad of religious, cultural houses here. It is broadcast by loudspeaker.

Different groups are always having some program. The air is full of this music every day.

I thought it would stop after Kartika, but now Radha-kunda seems to be a 365-day/year Bhakti yoga center.

It gets cold, down to 7-degrees Celcius at night some times, but we can make it through without heating and in the day the Sun almost always burns off the fog and is warm to sit in its rays.

It is tough, bathing, doing Arati in the cold, but it pushes us to look for the warmth within.

We have a nice regular crew:

Vipini bhiari Das, Krsna Svarupa, Gaura-gadadhara and Vira-gopala Das, Smt. Tungavidya Devi Dasi (who just turned 25-years old Spiritually), Radha-pramodini and Sukadeva from BhSD Maharaja's Temple on the Kunda.

Ranchoor and Govinda.

Sri Hari, Mataji and Subhadra.

et al, et al. The regulated rush for Guru puja was a killer.

Like 75-emotional encounters daily.

Then so many people are coming. Tirtha kirti Das and Gauranga just grabbed a plane from Barcelona and then just came to Radha kunda and found us by asking people they met!

In the middle we do get some online work done: The movie, letters.

Few classes.

Hari Bolo.

Walk to THE KUNDA EVERY DAY and listen to what ourr feet have to say!!! Every time Earthly Vrndavana is becoming clearer!

We were supposed to have a very special Vyasa puja celebration today. Well, actually most of my Peruvian Godbrothers must be gathered at Jambavan's house. Yesterday my sister and I went to the hospital. Some prasadam was not in very good conditions apparently.

So now we are in bed, It is a different Vyasa Puja for me. Nevertheless, I am reflecting on many things. How to be grateful for every single predicament in life.

Respectable Sir, your very goodself represents a very important part of my life, of my youth, I guess that due to this foundation and with your mercy I could overcome many challenges in my life.

Within my heart I have just gratefullness for You, in a way my spiritual life is not as strong as it was before nevertheless there is still a flame, even if it is tenuous, I hope to fan it with my trip to Mexico

Right now political relations with Mexico are a bit strained. I hope that doesn't affect my trip

As I told you in my report I bought my ticket in the last fortnight of november.

I hope that you are enjoying this day. It is really nice to try to picture yourself surrounded by the holy atmosphere of India and his pure devotees.

Thanks again Gurudeva for everything

Hope to see you soon

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - Our donkey has an enflamed belly button. No pain, no itching. Our eyes and throat are always irritated.

The AQI now is 145 (unhealty). Lima is only 58 (healthy).

We have stomach aches a lot. Maybe ulcer. Maybe stomach cancer.

Almost impossible to get the exact diet we get when we cook for ourselves.

Ha Ha Hare! Is Maya doing her job? Making all the lunatics unhappy in the mental hospital?

Now we look a the Annual Reports