Summary Q4 (2022) and beginning of 2023

1 year, 10 months ago by dpsanchezm in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaha, ALGTSP!!! PAMHO!!! 

I sent you my annual report but you only allow us 200 words!!! For this reason, I share photos and videos with a summary of the last quarter of the year and some of this 2023

- Garlands and decoration: After my work, I run to the temple to make the garlands... I feel that time stands still... I trapped between flowers, ribbons and colored pearls… and being able to do such an intimate service is too exciting for me… Radha is merciful with me!!!

Apart from the usual garlands I was participating in all the festivals: Radhastami (my favorite of the year), Damodar, Govardhan, Snana Yatra and all the previous Ratha Yatra. Painting canvases, cutting fabrics, paper and all the details for the celebration.

Similarly for his Vyasa Puja, with Bh. Estefania, M. Alankriti dd and M. Manjuali dd were in charge of making the garlands and decorating the hall of the temple. Great teamwork!!!

By 2023 I will continue as an official member of the Santiago Mandir decoration group and teaching the little I know to new devotees and thus make our group grow.

- Harinam – Sankirtan: once a month we go to Viña del Mar (a nice city near Santiago) with an enthusiastic group of devotees. We do a 3-4 hour tour walking along the beach singing, dancing and distributing books and prasadam (a small bag of popcorn). Maha mantra in all its splendor. We already did our first Sankirtan in Viña in the month of January

-Cooking: I must admit that cooking is not my specialty, but once a month I do service either for the party on Friday or Sunday... my record was to prepare 150 small Jaganath little tongues... they were quite crunchy and a little toasted (hahaha). I will perfect this recipe and others for this 2023.


Many challenges for this 2023... continue with the 4P, 16 R, read more and more, improve my sadhana with determination, continue practicing my crossfit and tennis sports that give me energy.

My favorite quote in January: My dear Lord, some of the fortunate persons who are swimming in the ocean of Your nectar of devotion, and who are relishing the nectar of the narration of Your pastimes, certainly know ecstasies that immediately minimize the value of the happiness derived from religiousness, economic development, sense gratification and liberation.” NOD, chapter 1.


Guru Maharaja, Thanks for all your inspiration and mercy!!!

Your eternal Servant, Bh Diana Sánchez (Santiago, Chile).

HpS/ AgtSP!!! paoho. Thank you. Such nice service. You must be influencing so many people.

Parasurama avatara Das is here from Chile. Maybe we can send something back with him.

Santiago is our Sankirtan center in South America.

We also hope to have more results from our Sankirtan soon.

Thank you so much.

Are you going to take initiation while we are in Mexico???

Respuesta última carta Laksmiradha

1 year, 10 months ago by laskmiradhadd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Jaya Gurudev!!!🙌



Hare Krsna🙏espero se encuentre muy bien de salud y siempre en el maravilloso y trascendental servicio al Señor.

Estamos ansiosos por ir a visitarlo en USA del 25-26 de febrero, usted ya tiene mis requisitos para la segunda iniciación, nos gustaría también tener esa misericordia de tomar segunda iniciación,deseo esforzarme día a día para ser merecedora de dicho honor.¿ Es posible en esta vida recibir su misericordia y pasar de devotos de tercera categoría a primera categoría? Estoy estudiando y puliendome en los sastras. 

Ahora estamos llendo a clases de inglés dos veces por semana a la UF, y la profesora todas las clases glorifica a “Los Hare Krsna”, he compartido prasadam en las clases y hay un compañero que ahora viene a comer al restaurante y le di ya un libro, hace preguntas y se siente cómodo, de a poco voy mostrándoles este maravilloso proceso de bhakti yoga, donde no hay pérdida ni disminución con dice Krsna en el BG 2.40.

En relación a su pregunta hay una gran comunidad hispana en la Universidad, Gainesville y Alachua. Ellos el primer año en el restaurante no hablaban mucho en español, este año he sabido de muchos que sólo hablaban inglés que vienen de Cuba, Colombia, hijos de inmigrantes, ha generado un dulce intercambio amoroso entre las personas que vienen, algunos estudiantes, otros profesores, trabajadores, devotos, 3era edad. Todo es muy favorable, a veces un poco agotador, pero queda el corazón contento.

Bhakti House realiza 4 programas a la semana en las tardes, los lunes meditación con bhajans, los martes Tacos Thuesday ‘s donde hablan del maha mantra y hacen kirtan, los miércoles van al Parque de las Américasy hacen kirtan y los viernes un extático programa para la comunidad hindú. Son muy activos los devotos y bien organizados. Una vez al mes cocinamos para el programa de Tacos Thuesday ‘s con Syam. A veces tengo que cantar mis rondas en la tarde por que el servicio me mantiene la mañana ocupada.

Como este año tomaremos el Bhakti sastri, el próximo año deseamos realizar un programa para la comunidad hispana. También contarle que en diciembre comenzamos un tratamiento ayurvedico para mejorar nuestra salud y servir mejor de cuerpo y alma.

Sobre la lectura de “el rey Vidura” aparece en el SB. Canto 3, capítulo 1.

Deseando que la misericordia de Nityananda llenen este año de extático servicio,

Laksmiradha DD y Syam Krsna Gopal Das

sus instrucciones querido Gurudev. Quisiera poder tomar segunda iniciación para realizar mejor servicio, los domingos vamos a Alachua que queda a 20 minutos de Krsna House y tomamos darsan de sus Señorías Raman Reti, Gaura Nitay y Krsna Balaram, al principio, en mis primeras visitas, me quedaba al lado de la vyasasana de Prabhupada impactada por tanta devoción, dedicación y amor ….Love is in the air🎶.honramos prasadam, tomamos asociación de devotos latinos y ahí podría hacer servicio en un futuro no lejano.

Gurudev, deseo con toda mi alma poder empaparme de este conocimiento, cuando vamos a los Ratha Yatras, que son uno por mes, distribuyo prasadam o libros gracias a la misericordia de sus Señorías Jaganatha, Baladeva y Subhadra y los devotos que lo organizan. He tenido la suerte de poder distribuir libros en español a los latinos.

Rendida a sus pies,

Laksmiradha DD y Syam Krsna Gopal Das.


Jaya Gurudev!!!🙌



Hare Krsna 🙏 I hope you are in very good health and always in the wonderful and transcendental service to the Lord. We are looking forward to visiting you in the USA on February 25-26, you already have my requirements for the second initiation, we would also like to have the mercy of taking the second initiation, I want to strive every day to be worthy of said honor. Is it Is it possible in this life to receive his mercy and pass from third-rate to first-rate devotees? I am studying and polishing myself in sastras.

Now we are going to English classes twice a week at the UF, and the teacher all the classes glorifies "The Hare Krsna", I have shared prasadam in the classes and there is a classmate who now comes to eat at the restaurant and I gave him ya a book, asks questions and feels comfortable, little by little I am showing them this wonderful process of bhakti yoga, where there is no loss or diminution with Krsna says in BG 2.40.

In relation to his question, there is a large Hispanic community at the University, Gainesville and Alachua. The first year in the restaurant they did not speak much Spanish, this year I have heard from many who only spoke English who come from Cuba, Colombia, children of immigrants, etc. A sweet loving exchange has been generated between the people who come, some students, other teachers, workers, devotees, the elderly. Everything is very favorable, sometimes a bit exhausting, but the heart is happy.

Bhakti House performs 4 programs a week in the afternoons, on Mondays meditation with bhajans, on Tuesdays Tacos Thursday's where they talk about the maha mantra and do kirtan, on Wednesdays they go to Parque de las Américas and do kirtan and on Fridays an ecstatic program for the Hindu community. The devotees are very active and well organized. Once a month we cook for Tacos Thursday's with Syam. Sometimes I have to chant my rounds in the afternoon because the service keeps me busy in the morning.

As this year we will take the Bhakti sastri, next year we want to carry out a program for the Hispanic community. Also tell you that in December we started an Ayurvedic treatment to improve our health and better serve our body and soul.

On reading "King Vidura" appears in SB. Canto 3, chapter 1.

Wishing that the mercy of Nityananda fill this year with ecstatic service,

Laksmiradha DD and Syam Krsna Gopal Das

the instructions of him dear Gurudev. I would like to be able to take a second initiation to perform a better service. On Sundays we go to Alachua, which is 20 minutes from Krsna House, and we take darsan from their Lordships Raman Reti, Gaura Nitay and Krsna Balaram. At first, on my first visits, I stayed next door. from Prabhupada's vyasasana, impacted by so much devotion, dedication and love….Love is in the air🎶.we honor prasadam, we joined the association of Latino devotees and there I could do service in the not too distant future.

Gurudev, I wish with all my soul to be able to soak up this knowledge, when we go to the Ratha Yatras, which are one per month, I distribute prasadam or books thanks to the mercy of their Lordships Jaganatha, Baladeva and Subhadra and the devotees who organize it. I have been fortunate to be able to distribute books in Spanish to Latinos.

Surrendered at his feet,

Laksmiradha DD and Syam Krsna Gopal Das.

HpS - AGTSP! paoho. Muy long letter!

Bueno pero very long for our little time.

Yet, nice.

We had to skim over some of it.

Have you sent us a letter of recomendation from Temple President for Second Initiation?

Have you done the ISKCON Disciple Course and have your Certificate?

Look at the Houston Calendar posted here and you see that on the 26th we will give 2nd initiations to some devotees in Houston.

Hare Krsna!!!

Hope to see you soon.

Respects to Shyama Gopal.

Hope we can maybe become neighborhood dogs of Nimai in Nadiya!

Muriendo para vivir

Dear Maharaja, TgaSSGN . TGASP.

I hope that your health continues to improve and that your spiritualized body accompanies us forever. Wherever you go, Sita will be there.

Us trying to serve you, would give satisfaction to SP and Krsna. ¡¡Please Lord¡¡... Help us in the infinite game for the discovery of Sita.

Our puny Shadana upholds her standard. We wake up early and chant the rounds systematically. Sometimes concentrated... and many other times in the offensive carelessness of the distracted and crazy mind.

Then we occupy the time in keeping the place clean, we attend our altar and offer the morning preparation (apple, pear and orange juice smoothie).

Continuing activities. We read the SB… and in the afternoon the Bg. Sometimes… when Tomas and Julián (two of my sons) are around here, they attend to the reading and that makes me very happy.

The observance of the principles requires more and more attention to detect and refine details that appear as we manage to identify faults that were outside our conscious perception.

We enthusiastically appreciate the willpower that pleasantly arises, due to some progress in sincerity.

We maintain telephone communication with Mother Vrsabhanu Nandini devi dasi and with Prabu Ambarīṣa das. They are in the wooden tower in the province of Córdoba and we are in Termas de Río Hondo (Santiago del Estero) 500 km away.

The sadu sanga is possible for us here thanks to the mercy that the devotees apply in keeping this blog of letters alive... and of course your loving kindness for responding to our concerns. I feel that your example is the eyes of SP.

We usually share some time with people who apply themselves to different religious doctrines...-Catholics- mostly, Pentecostals... Evangelicals in general, etc. We try to talk about Krisna very prudently, trying to find bridges of agreement. Always within what is allowed. Working by example.

There are innocent people and others not so much. So then we accept to share with humility and tact the diversity that is presented in the different circumstances while taking advantage of the opportunity. We all take prasadam.

It is very nice when the correspondence comes and we manage to distribute some book. Once every once in a while. The majority of people would be progressively forgetting their interest in the art of reading, feeling the weight of the paper. And to this we should add a certain fear and distrust in them for supposing that they would be unfaithful or heretical by listening to something else that does not strictly fit their idyllic structure of faith... So it is interesting when they take a book, even though it is be forgotten on some shelf. Someone will see it at some point. Being that we trust that the fruits are inevitable... the enthusiasm is renewed and we smile gratefully.

Dear Maharaja. I say goodbye offering humble and sincere obeisances to your apple feet. With all the love available from my heart. HK

Ekachacra Nitai Chandra das

HpS/ASA - Thank you ENC Das! We are very grateful to get pictures. Your Sadhana and Sankirtan sounds great. It will increase and your intellectual strength will increase until you will become a guru for many people.

We are so happy to receive news AND pictures.

What do you do between the morning and evening programs?

Querido Maharaja, TgaSSGN . TGASP.

Espero que su salud continúe mejorando y que su cuerpo espiritualizado nos acompañe eternamente. Donde sea que vallas, Sita estará ahí. Jugando a esconderse mientras nosotros, tratando de servirte, daríamos satisfacción a SP y a Krina. ¡por favor Señor ¡… Ayúdanos en el infinito juego por el hallazgo de Sita.

Nuestro insignificante Shadana mantiene su estándar. Despertamos temprano y cantamos las rondas sistemáticamente. A veces concentrados… y tantas otras veces en el descuido ofensivo de la mente distraída y loca.

Luego ocupamos el tiempo en mantener aseado el lugar, atendemos nuestro altar y ofrecemos la preparación matutina (licuado de manzana, pera y jugo de naranja)

Continuando las actividades. Leemos el SB… y por la tarde la Bg. A veces… cuando Tomas y Julián (dos de mis hijos) se encuentran por aquí, atienden la lectura y eso me hace muy feliz.

 La observancia de los principios exige cada vez más detenimiento para detectar y pulir detalles que aparecen a medida que logramos identificar faltas que se hallaban fuera de nuestra percepción consiente.

Apreciamos con entusiasmo la fuerza de voluntad que surge gratamente, debido a cierto progreso en la sinceridad.

Mantenemos comunicación telefónica con la Madre Vrsabhanu Nandini devi dasi y Con Prabu Ambarīṣa das. Ellos están en la torre de madera en la provincia de Córdoba y nosotros en Termas de río hondo (Santiago del estero) a 500 km de distancia.

El sadu sanga resulta posible para nosotros aquí gracias a la misericordia que los devotos aplican en mantener vivo este bog de cartas… y por supuesto a tu amabilidad amorosa por responder a nuestras inquietudes. Siento que tu ejemplo son los ojos de SP.

 Solemos compartir cierto tiempo con personas que se aplican en diferentes doctrinas religiosas…-católicos- en su mayoría, pentecostales… evangélicos en general etc. Tratamos de hablar de Krisna muy prudente mete, intentando hallar puentes de acuerdo. Siempre dentro de lo permitido. Obrando con el ejemplo. Hay personas inocentes y otras no tanto. Así entonces aceptamos compartir con humildad y tacto la diversidad que se presenta en las diferentes circunstancias mientras se aprovecha la oportunidad. Todos tomamos prasadam.

Es muy agradable cuando surge la correspondencia y logramos distribuir algún libro. Uno cada tanto. La generalidad de la gente estaría olvidando progresivamente el interés por el arte de la lectura, sintiendo el peso del papel. Y a esto habría que sumarle cierto temor y desconfianza en ellos por suponer que estarían siendo infieles o herejes al prestar oídos a otra cosa que no se encuadre en rigor a su estructura idílica de fe… Entonces resulta interesante cuando se llevan un libro, aunque éste sea olvidado en algún estante. Alguien lo verá en algún momento. Siendo que confiamos en que los frutos son inevitables… el entusiasmo se renueva y sonreímos agradecidos.

Querido Maharaja. Me despido ofreciendo humildes y sinceras reverencias a sus pies de manzana. Con todo el amor disponible de mi corazón. HK

Ekachacra Nitai Chandra das.  

Sadhana Reporte


Hare Krishna Gurudev

Estamos al tanto de su llegada a España, deseo krishna le permita buena salud y una buena estadía.

Estamos avanzando los preparativos para su estadía en Monterrey y gestionando la recepción de los devotos que estarán hospedados. Krishna a mostrado infinita misericordia en el desarrollo del campamento, Krsna envía personas a apoyar que escuchan de su visita y se entusiasman en colaborar de una u otra manera, por mi parte estoy tratando de seguir mi sadhana y apoyar a mi esposo en lo posible. Gadadhar se encuentra trabajando arduamente para esta maravillosa visita suplicamos sus bendiciones y protección para que él pueda continuar con este servicio.

Quería consultarle humildemente si nos recomienda una canción especial para Gaura Purnima ya que yo estoy imprimiendo canciones vaisnavas para Gaura arati, mangalartik etc...

Deseo no quitarle más su valioso tiempo Gurudeva tu sirvienta Anandamaya Devi Dasi

HpS - No, news of your "little fallible soldiers, children"! 🌝

Very nice song at this link!

Thank you for all this work!!!

RE: Letter from HG Nityananda Prabhu

1 year, 11 months ago by bhaktabigfoot in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you!

HpS - AgttSP. Paoho... Second intitiation is for Brahmanas, Ksatriyas and higher class Vaisyas. You got the Ksatriya spirit to some degree, no?

Yes, Guru Maharaj. About 14 years ago in Boise I asked you, What is my nature? You laughed then replied "You're a baseball coach." I have taken this advise and it is helped me immensely over the years to direct me in my service. So yes, Ksatriya spirit to some degree with some Brahmana to some degree? Like Grandfather Bhisma? Of course we have our sudra qualities unlike Grandfather Bhisma and never would compare ourself to this Great Mahajana. We work with what we have to do some service.

Your good wife taking initiations?

Actually she asked H.H. Gopal Krishna Maharaja about 7 months ago when he visited the US if she could take 2nd initiation. He said in 6-8 months if she kept up here Sadhana he would give her 2nd. She has done that, however Gopal Krishna Maharaja at the moment his health isn't so well so they are holding off on initiations. Maybe in April he will be ready..


We can only hope they take up the path of Bhakti Yoga and become Sankirtan man and woman. Please bless them Gurudeva.

Baptized as Mormons!!! ?

Maybe last life?

Trying to fix program in Houston. Arrive 22nd about 9pm after 20-hours of travel in economy plus.

so not going out and doing light work until home program Saturday. Sunday Feast lecture.

Asking Saranga about 2nd for Devendra and Sumitra, but no answer. After that just the week days and we go to Mexico on Satruday.

One month in Mexico and back to Houston for some time.

People think that it might be best to do the initiations then. April.

What do you think?

I think that we should do whatever is auspicious as soon as we can and push those things that are inauspicious off for another time. It seems to me it would be inauspicious to do something that the devotees are not prepared for or would cause some disturbance. So April sounds wonderful Gurudeva. I thank you so very much and looking forward to next week!

Your disciple,

Nanda-braja das

PS: Nityananda Prabhu was speaking such nice words about you today. About how unique but wonderful your relationship between each other is.


HpS - Thank you. Hope Mataji gets second inititiation. We here that Divya-sri Devi is having some very problematic problems with her health, so we pray for here and aske everyone to also pray. Our prayer was that she understand what Krsna wants from her in the present circumstances.

Today our last outside program, very esteemed university, and then start packing for trip to Houston!

Letter from HG Nityananda Prabhu

Hare Krishna!

Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you!


I am so very excited to see you soon in Houston. Your association face to face, through your blog, Kapi Dhvaja or in any shape or form is so much appreciated.

I wrote to you a sometime ago about 2nd initiation while you are Houston. I received my letter of recommendation from Nityananda Prabhu, he also emailed it to you directly at [email protected]. I have copied and pasted it below.

Letter from HG Nityananda Prabhu:

"Dear Hanumatpresaka Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Your Divine Grace and Srila Prabhupada. 

I pray this meets you safe and well.

I am very happy to recommend your dear disciple and a very sincere devotee in our Dallas Yatra, His Grace Nanda Braja Prabhu, for second initiation.

His list of many services include:

Krishna House director

Bhakti Circle (western audience outreach) program director

Temple office congregation/guest services 

Srimad Bhagavatam class scheduling

Currently taking Bhakti Shastri

SB, BG and Sunday fest classes

Sunday feast announcements

Monthly Laxmi contribution to Sri Sri Radha-Kalachandji

Contribute/Volunteer for each festival.

Thank you so very much!! 

Your servants’ humble servant, affectionately 

Nityananda dasa 

Temple President, Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji Temple, Dallas Texas

Regional Supervisor for Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nebraska and Kansas"

If you are willing to give 2nd initiation to myself during your up coming visit to Houston then this mercy of yours is very welcomed. I am surrendered to whatever instruction you may give. I dedicate my life to serving your lotus feet; your very dear Spiritual Master, our founder Acharya of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktividanta Swami Srila Prabhupada's, lotus feet and Sri Sri Radha-Kalachandji's lotus feet. I will be honest seeing my wonderful godbrothers and sisters, your disciples, I understand I am not so good at this but I dedicate my life to always making progress and getting better. Most importantly I believe is that I dedicate my life to your instructions of full morning program, 16 enthusiastic rounds and following strictly 4 regulative principles. If I may serve the Lords pure devotee even just a little then it is my greatest fortune.

Your disciple,

Nanda-braja das

HpS - AgttSP. Paoho... Second intitiation is for Brahmanas, Ksatriyas and higher class Vaisyas. You got the Ksatriya spirit to some degree, no?

Your good wife taking initiations?


Baptized as Mormons!!! ?

Trying to fix program in Houston. Arrive 22nd about 9pm after 20-hours of travel in economy plus.

so not going out and doing light work until home program Saturday. Sunday Feast lecture.

Asking Saranga about 2nd for Devendra and Sumitra, but no answer. After that just the week days and we go to Mexico on Satruday.

One month in Mexico and back to Houston for some time.

People think that it might be best to do the initiations then. April.

What do you think?