Reporte ekadasi amlaki
Hare Krishna, querido Gurudev.
Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada
Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.
He tenido dos dias positivos en el sadhana, bastante enfoque, seguimos en esa direccion. Anhelamos Raganuga bhakti y sentimos felicidad cuando hablan de los pasatiempos del Señor.
Usted me pregunta si estoy en el Proyecto con Nikunja Prabhu( Nicacio), Si seguimos aqui, haciendo Servicio de Pujari y dando soporte electrico a la finca, en relacion a la Lectura del Srimad Bhagavatam, por ahora haciendo una lectura solo sin mas. Escuchando clases de Mayapur TV en español y como siempre atendiendo las deidades, un poco de harmonio tambien.
En relacion al Prabhu Panca Tattva, se por los devotos que le está yendo bien con las Pizzas, se que lo han ido a visitar varios devotos, pero no se decirle mas por que yo no estoy en contacto con El, si lo viera, le comunicare a Usted.
En unas semanas comienzo el segundo año de electricidad (domiciliaria), y hay algunas opciones mas como Electricidad Industrial y Electricidad sustentable(solar y eólica) que me apasionan, Krishna mediante seran para el futuro.
Los cuatro principios y las rondas bien por misericordia, igual la luchamos nada es gratis, en la carta anterior le habia comentado de un poco de agitacion, pero a cambiado, se que la fiebre viene y se va, asi que no vemos como eterno el Sufrimiento que causa el enemigo (la lujuria).
Lamento no poder ir a Mexico a Servirlo y tomar Su asociacion y la de los vaishnavas, recien chequeaba mi pasaporte y esta vencido, algo mas para hacer.
A Su Servicio
Adi Yajña Das
HpS - ASA - - - Thank you. AgtSP. Hay noticias de Kunja bihari Das de Vd.
Sus actividades aparecen muy buenos. Ya, somos en el sendero correcto. No temos hacer otro cosa, simplement intensificar nuestra servicio.
The jar is full of big rocks.
Now we can add fine sand, and after that, water.
Continuous service also becomes intense and that also involves everything in the universe.
Hari Bolo! Don't be surprised by big results!
Hare krishna dear Gurudev
All glory to Srila Prabhupada
Please accept my humble obeisances.
I have had two positive days in sadhana, quite focused, we continue in that direction.
We long for Raganuga bhakti and we feel happiness when they talk about the pastimes of the Lord.
You ask me if I am in the Project with Nikunja Prabhu (Nicacio), if we continue here, doing Pujari Service and giving electrical support to the farm, in relation to the Reading of the Srimad Bhagavatam, for now just doing a reading without more. Listening to Mayapur TV classes in Spanish and as always attending to the deities, a little harmonium too.
In relation to Prabhu Panca Tattva, I know from the devotees that he is doing well with the Pizzas, I know that several devotees have gone to visit him, but I don't know how to tell him more because I am not in contact with him, if I saw him, I would tell him I will communicate to you.
In a few weeks I start the second year of electricity (home ,is not industrial), and there are some more options such as Industrial Electricity and Sustainable Electricity (solar and wind) that I am passionate about, Krishna through will be for the future.
The four principles and the rounds, well, out of mercy, we still fight it, nothing is free, in the previous letter I had commented on a bit of agitation, but it has changed, I know that the fever comes and goes, so we do not see the eternal Suffering caused by the enemy (lust).
I'm sorry I can't go to Mexico to serve him and join his association and that of the Vaishnavas, I just checked my passport and it's expired, something else to do.
Thank you
At your service
Adi Yajna Das.