Ratna lekha Devi Dasi Reaches Sri Dhama Mayapura

1 year, 10 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Mis Saludos Respetuosos a su Reverencia Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaj.

Estimado Gurudev, por favor, perdone si no le escribí antes........

Sí, llegue muy bien, por sus Bendiciones, y la Familia de Prabhu Yasodanandana, me ayudo a instalar en el piso.

Maharaj........claro, la casa o piso está vacío, felizmente tiene cama......

Poco a poco y con la ayuda del Señor iré comprando lo necesario....

Por ahora estoy comiendo, PRASADA en el Guita Babhan.........!!!!! 

Por medio, de una devota de Portugal, se llama Purnamasi, me está ayudando a terminar, dos trámites que faltaban, cumplir........................ También por medio de ella estoy asistiendo todos los días al Harinam y hacer Servicio, en Mandir JAGANNAT (Rajarsi) dos veces a la semana........

Estoy asistiendo todos los días, al Mangal Arti en el Samadhi Templo de Srila Prabhupadaji.

Y me falta completar muchas cosas.............. Las fiestas empezaron y son muy hermosas y Trascendentales, puesto que en cada sitio, o rincón, se escucha el Mantra del Hare Krishna, toda la gente está feliz.........en familia.....................          

Perdone que le diga esto, pero hecho de menos a mi esposo que falleció hace 3 años.........

Por eso trato de mantenerme ocupada en el Servicio Devociónal, Harinam, arreglando la casa, para comprar un altar, para las Deidades, de JAGANNAT, SUBADRA Y BALADEVA. Etc.

Estimado y querido Gurudev, con todo respeto, y cariño....

Le agradezco, por su gentil pregunta de (¿como llegue Shri Templo de Mayapur?)

Me siento contenta de haber regresado.......

Y con sus Bendiciones, como mi Padre Espiritual que es Usted..... Seguiré adelante......

Y me iré organizando, mejor y seguir cumpliendo con mis deberes Devocionales.

Guruji...... Muchas gracias por su atención.

Trataré de comentarle en el futuro, como estoy.

Humildemente, su discípula, Ratna Lekha Devi dasi.

Hari Boll!!


Jai!! Srila Prabhupadaji Ki Jai!!

Jai!! Jagannath Swami Ki Jai 🙏🙏

Noticias Alankrti Devi Dasi/ Santiago Mandir

1 year, 10 months ago by btna andrea in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura-Nitay!!!

 All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

 All glories and my most respectful obeisances to you Gurudeva!!!

 Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva I hope you are in very good health and in your sankirtan for Srila Prabhupada, I have been following your classes in New Vrajamandala and the blog and Twitter news are always drops of nectar and inspiration for my spiritual life.

 By the mercy of Krishna and the devotees, I took the test for the second initiation and it went well. We already have the letter of recommendation, and if you give me your blessings, I will go to Mexico at the end of March together with Diana and Guru Govinda to have your association. and participate in the initiation ceremony on the auspicious day of Rama Navami.

 Our report is 16 daily rounds and 4 principles, cooking for the deities on Thursdays, now I am with the exams for the first module of Bhakti Sastri there is so much to learn from Srila Prabhupada's books, I was fortunate to be able to cook some preparations for Nityananda Trayodasi was a beautiful party. I am also helping in the Saturday Sanga program together with Prabhu Jagad Guru and Diana a very beautiful program was held with the presence of Bhaktibhusana Swami, more than 45 devotees participated in mangalarati and throughout the program, it was really inspiring, after the class excellent prasadam was served which my husband Vrajesa prepared together with Raga Sindhu, Sripati, Guna Manjari and other assisting devotees, the devotees were very satisfied with this first program and we hope to repeat it on February 25th.

 I would also like to ask your blessings for a new service that I am doing a few weeks ago as a member of the temple administration in the position of secretary, the devotees recommended me with our GBC Srila Virabahu and I was accepted, it is a great responsibility and there is a lot to do We take this service as an offering at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada, you Gurudeva and the Vaisnavas.

 In the family, our prasadam business is improving little by little, my eldest daughter Manjari entered a good university and this year she will study Mathematics Engineering and my youngest son Giridhari has little left to finish school, I will soon be 40 years old, it's like half of my life, I still have a lot to improve and learn, my wish is to continue serving you Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada for the rest of my life and forever, thank you very much Gurudeva for the constant inspiration you give us all, from Wherever you are, you are always instructing and guiding us to improve.

 His aspiring disciple

 Alankrti Devi Dasi

Nos vemos pronto!!!

HpSwami - Hare Krsna. Thank you for your letter.


Such heart warming news.

Maybe next life one if Nimai's boy friends in Nabadvipa, or maybe Goloka.

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.

Parasurama Avatar Das is here in Spain with us.

All the devotees very happy with him.

Hope send some life back with him.

24th we fly to USA. About 20-hours!

Your service sounds great.

Don't be surprised if Iskcon Chile had more and more respect.

Educate yourself to be a guide, leader.

🐄 🐄 🙂 🐄

Reporte de estado actual :-)

1 year, 10 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja por favor acepte mis reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y Todas las Glorias a usted, que nos comparte la misericordia de nuestro Divino Acarya. 


Orando porque su salud sea buena y favorable a su Sankirtana, escribo para reportarme:

Desde la última conversación que sostuvimos en presencia de SS Yadunandana Swami, por vuestra misericordia, muchas cosas han cambiado en mí. Ese encuentro fue liberador en muchos sentidos y me siento mejor situada en el varna y asram que me corresponden, muchas gracias. 

Ahora estoy tratando de entender profundamente ¿quién soy?, ¿cómo conectar apropiadamente con paramatma y cómo relacionarme con los demás?... Por supuesto, aún hay mucho trabajo por delante, estoy haciendo tanto como está de mi parte para sanar de algunos eventos traumáticos y aprender de ellos. Ahora veo con mayor claridad cómo esos eventos, inconscientemente, ensucian las motivaciones que tengo al relacionarme con otros, con los devotos, con Guru y con nuestras Señorías. 


Empujada por traumas disfrazados de "buenas intenciones", yo creía que era mi deber proteger a otros, incluso por encima de mí misma, aguanté situaciones intolerables, encubrí los errores de otros para "protegerlos" y asumí sus fallas como mías, sin entender que estaba intentando usurpar la posición de Nuestro Señor Krsna, El Supremo protector y amigo... Así que, debido a que mis motivaciones estaban equivocadas, el resultado fue frustración y mucho, mucho dolor. 


Después de la lección, nuestro misericordioso Señor, me ha otorgado la oportunidad de observar esas malas hiervas y trabajar para limpiarlas. Pero son demasiadas y jamás podria hacerlo sola, así que nuestro infalible Señor, envió también a un escuadrón de rescate (Sus Señorías, sadhana, japa, las sastras, Usted -su misericordiosa guía que clarifica las enseñanzas de Srila Prabhupada-, SS Yadunandana Swami, buenos vaisnavas, amigos, familia y hasta la terapeuta me están ayudando con esa labor). Poco a poco estoy descubriendo a un "yo escondido", esperamos que eso nos ayude a mejorar nuestra conexión con paramatma y nuestra relación con otros. Esperamos purificar nuestras intenciones y poder servir sinceramente a Sus Señorías, sus representantes y sus devotos.

Creo que todos esos tragos amargos, fueron solo parte de la medicina, y yo solo estoy tratando de hacer lo que me corresponde, confiando en la infinita misericordia sin causa de nuestro Señor y Sus devotos.


Guru Maharaja, muchas gracias por sus instrucciones que iluminan mi camino en este oscuro bosque. Espero no ser una carga para usted y ruego poder ser un soldado útil en este trascendental ejército de Srila Prabhupada.


Orando a nuestro misericordioso Señor Hari, me permita la dicha de poder verlo durante su visita a México. Eternamente agradecida.


Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja please accept my obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and All Glories to you, who shares the mercy of our Divine Acarya with us.

Praying that his health is good and favorable to his Sankirtana, I am writing to report:

Since the last conversation we had in the presence of HH Yadunandana Swami, by your mercy, many things have changed in me. That meeting was liberating in many ways and I feel better situated in the varna and asram that correspond to me, thank you very much.

Now I am trying to deeply understand who I am, how to properly connect with paramatma and how to relate to others... Of course, there is still a lot of work ahead, I am doing as much as I can to heal from some events. traumatic and learn from them. Now I see more clearly how those events unconsciously dirty the motivations I have when relating to others, with devotees, with Guru and with our Lordships.

Driven by traumas disguised as "good intentions", I believed that it was my duty to protect others, even above myself, I put up with intolerable situations, I covered up the mistakes of others to "protect" them and I assumed their failures as my own, without understanding that I was trying to usurp the position of Our Lord Krsna, the Supreme protector and friend... So, because my motivations were wrong, the result was frustration and much, much pain.

After the lesson, our merciful Lord has given me the opportunity to look at those weeds and work to clean them up. But there are too many and I could never do it alone, so our infallible Lord also sent a rescue squad (Your Honors, sadhana, japa, the sastras, You -your merciful guide who clarifies the teachings of Srila Prabhupada-, HH Yadunandana Swami , good Vaisnavas, friends, family and even the therapist are helping me with this work). Little by little I am discovering a "hidden self", we hope that this will help us improve our connection with paramatma and our relationship with others. We hope to purify our intentions and be able to sincerely serve Your Lordships, his representatives and his devotees.

I believe that all those bitter drinks were just part of the medicine, and I am just trying to do what corresponds to me, trusting in the infinite causeless mercy of our Lord and his devotees.

Guru Maharaja, thank you very much for his instructions which light my way in this dark forest. I hope I am not a burden to you and I pray that I may be a useful soldier in this transcendental army of Srila Prabhupada.

Praying to our merciful Lord Hari, allow me the happiness of being able to see him during his visit to Mexico. Eternally grateful.

Your would-be servant

Karuna Shakti Devi Dasi

HpSwami - Thank you. I don't think that anyone who has ever had your association could not feel some rare enriching qualities.

What is name of your psychotherapist?

What kind of person are they?

Are you working?

We are almost finished with this body, but feeling very happy.

Hoping to do Sankirtan with you and your associates in Mexico during Gaura Purnima and Rama-navami.

Report from Maya Pura

1 year, 10 months ago by brian tellez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaja

His servant Vrajendra Kumara Das writes to you and Amala Sundari Devi Dasi next to me.


We are in Mayapur, basically working and making our economic foundations to raise our home, and to be able to help our old single mothers quickly.

We distribute a part of what we earn to support ourselves, and the other to Mahavisnu swami, we economically adopt a cow from the goshwala, Radha Madhava Pamncatatwa and Nrsmhadeva and I hope to help you financially when you are here in Radhakunda.



I don't do much more than think about business, I don't go to the Harinamas and I try to get up at 6 am to sing my rounds, sometimes help my wife with the deities, take care of my Tulasis and work, I have three jobs.


I am very low class living entity Gurudeva and you know, I don't understand much of your classes, my brain was messed up before, but I have faith that you are amazing and want to help your preaching movement in any way that I can.


The truth is that I am happy with my wife and my family, it is a blessing, I like this stage, as I like the previous one, I would like to Become like a mountain in the future (with strong control of myself).


Mahavisnu Swami Maharaja It is our greatest fortune, it always takes care of us and guides us.

Guru Maharaja thanks for your service to Srila Prabhupada, I cannot understand your exalted character ( How could I in this codified situation of life) but I only wish to serve you, you are wonderful, I would like to rescue Sita (laxmi) and take her back for you to use in service to Srila Prabhupada, Now I cannot offer nothing else.


I hope I can see you again even from afar, you are very beautiful, unique and special. I feel lucky to have You on my altar.

Could you give my wife and me some service, please? Can we contribute financially in any way with you?

Your servents (B?)Vrajendra Kumara das y Amala Sundari Devi dasi

HpS - Sorry we could not get your association while we were in Radha kunda.

Go for walk together.

leaving Spain for USA 24th.

Some financial help is nice but better is you make yourself clean in heart each day and then preach to the people you meet based on BG and SB.

More news and pictures.


1 year, 10 months ago by laskmiradhadd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Jaya Gurudev!!!🙌



Hare Krsna🙏espero se encuentre muy bien de salud y siempre en el maravilloso y trascendental servicio al Señor.

Jaya Gurudev!!!🙌



Hare Krsna 🙏 I hope you are in very good health and always in the wonderful and transcendental service to the Lord.

Have you sent us a letter of recomendation from Temple President for Second Initiation?

Have you done the ISKCON Disciple Course and have your Certificate?

I had previously posted the 2 documents, but I add it again, we will be the weekend of the 26th in Houston with your mercy and that of Krsna.

With the sincere desire to always serve you.

Laksmi Radha DD y Syam Krsna Gopal Dasa.

HpS/ASA - Looking forward to seeing you.

Seems you can take second initiation 26th, Sunday.


Hari bolo.

Thank you.