practical VAD

Hare Krsna, master, in the service of real Master.

Careful Dandvats, All glories to representative of Krpa Shakti of Lord. The closest lense of transcendental telescope.

Thank you for being transparent.

This poor man has heard from audio vibrations generated from your lips that -- "Sannyas like SB 1.5 of Narada Muni is not practical in today's age.

We always had this conjecture that - " what is practical householder life in today's age" or more importantly what is not practical? we somehow try to imitate the scriptural standards mentioned for householders.

We are asking this again somehow our mind somehow trust you only, I know its great burden on you. So many times we try to stay away from you and be close to your vani,

but that's make us less functional in this world.

folded palms,

bent knees

lowered head.

hayagriva avatar das

Anyways its

HpSwami/ ASA - Letter seems to end in the middle! ?

Last letter - Answer Summary Q4 (2022) and beginning of 2023

Dear Guru Maharaja, AGTSP!!! PAMHO!!!              

Very grateful to have your support!!!

HpS/ASA - TlgaSP! Gauranga!!!

I will travel to Mexico City on March 23 to receive my first initiation. I will travel with M. Alankriti, who will take second initiation. M. Guru Govinda is our great friend and sister and she will be there too. It will be a nice opportunity to meet you and serve you 🛫



Many services in Santiago, happy and inspired devotees!!!

Thank you for your mercy!!!

Your eternal Servant, Bh Diana Sánchez (Santiago, Chile).

HpS - ASA --- All we can say is:


We expect to be very enthused by your association.

We are packing now for Mexico.

Thank you all.


2 years ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

I just increased the 3GB high speed mobile hotspot data to 15GB. We are now on the unlimited extra data plan which has the 50GB premium data, unlimited text within U.S which we had previously and now unlimited includes Mexico and Canada. Hope that helps🙏

HpSwami/ASA - AgtSP. Paoho. Wonderful, but Nios wants to know if they can contribute to the cost of the service.

Annual Report- Sugopi dd

2 years ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humblest obeisances. AGTSP.

 I apologize for going some time without reporting to you. I hope your health is better. I’ve been joining the morning classes via ASA facebook page and GoToMeeting when I’m with my mother (Sunita). She’s on almost every meeting. She’s been doing lots of service at the temple and going forth with the local temple president’s recommendation letter. Hopefully you’ll see that soon.

Ive been following your settling in Radha Kund. I am trying to visit Vraj in April (Radha rani willing). I was in Jagganth Puri last month which was unreal. I got to see the rock which melted from Lord Caitanya’s love. I saw his finger indentations in the pillar at Jaganath temple in Puri. It was an amazing experience.

I made a wish at the Bakula tree of Haridas Thakur. I also made wishes at the kalpa vriksha trees in the Jaganth temple….I prayed for a partner to help me on the path of Bhakti. I’ve been praying for years maharaj- I’m now 30 and it’s starting to feel futile. I’ve been looking for years and consulted astrologers who all say there’s nothing hindering my ability to find a husband. I’ve signed up for the devotional matchmakers and websites, but there’s slim pickings and no one I can connect to. My mentors told me to ask you, but I know that’s not really your purview. I pray for your blessings to make this happen- if it’s meant to be. If not- I pray for acceptance.

HpS - AgtSP!! Thank you. Kali yuga! Well maybe you can take birth in Afganisthan and be the Gandhari and marry the oldest son of the Kurus!!

Hmmm. Nope. All your 100-babies will get killed (Squash. Slice. Oooo/Awww ...Argh).

O.K. You be like Mother Saci.

Hmmm .... Also, no. She lost like seven babies before she got Nimai and Visvarupa.

Hmmm..... Sita? Nope (Exiled by Husband). Radha (Nope, boyfriend went to the Big City and never returned)...... Hey what do you want? Hmmm (smile) guess the best use of a bad bargain.

For sure there is a very precise reason for your situation. Very precise, and if you are 16/4 initiated devotee, Radha is personally managing things for you.

What is it?

I don't know, but chanting etc should give you some idea.

Lot more stories in SB, MBharata that give perspective. Maybe Krsna wants to marry you?


Agreeable to that proposition?

Service wise, I’ve been co-instructing gita discissions at the local yoga studio in DC. I’ve also been teaching yoga on weekends. The prasadam food truck is gaining donors and we’re working on getting grants to support the efforts. Chanting has been going…good days and bad days.

I hope I get to see you this year. Praying for your mercy.

Your aspiring servant,

Sugopi dd 

HpS - Jaya!! Are you engaged in the dog-eat-dog business world? Is your boss a dog?

More news after Gaura-purnima!

Report, service Manjuali Dd Chile

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva!

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to Sankirtan and service to him.

I hope his health is much better.

HpS/ASA - Thank you! Very, very nice to hear from you. Our health is like yours just older. 😀

I want to thank him for his determination, effort in service, perseverance in classes and talks, for always guiding us and showing us devotion to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. I am an eternal

Grateful to have your association and that of the devotees, I hope to always improve to be a worthy disciple.

I apologize for not writing very often, I have many things to tell you.

✓My sadhana is good, we follow 4P/16R strictly, there are days we don't reach all the

rounds but other days we sing more.

HpS - This is a formal ritual. Like paying your taxes to the government of Chile. If we fall behind in 16-rounds, then we should catch up the second day. Once I was president, head pujari, etc. etc. in big temple and could only do like 12-rounds a day. Finally I told the GBC I just can't do this much and they said, o.k., and made some adjustment. I kept track of how many rounds I was behind and chanted extra rounds each day and caught up.

If I can do anyone can do it.


Krsna wants you to have some many disciples, students.

✓In March of last year I started to study the Bhakti Sastri course, my teacher is Priya

Sakhi dd, she has many good qualities, she is very patient and always concerned in

solve our doubts, P Parasurama AD and P Raga Sindhu D also participate.

months we took the final exam of Bhagavad Gita, I did well, we continue with NDD, NDI and Sri


HpS - Jaya!!

✓I am going to adore your Lordships Sri Sri Gaura Nitay ISKCON CHILE twice a week,

It has been a fixed service for now, a year and a half.

✓The new administration and president of the temple (Jagad-Guru prabhu) assigned me along with others

three devotees among them (Indulekha also your disciple) participate in the initiation committee,

in which we collect the information and follow up on future initiates. I beg your blessings in this enormous task, I know that without your blessing I am

insignificant. I would very much like to know what you think of this new service that was assigned to me, could you give me some advice on how to perform this service in the best way?

HpS - Seems like a nicely defined service. Do it for some time and see how it goes. Much more to do soon!

On the other hand, I must say that Lalita Madhava Das is a very good husband, he inspires me and

drives daily, I am very happy for him, since he has had to participate in several concerts

with Om bhakti and he is going to do the bhajan programs on Sundays in the temple, it is

a very good service and also we always see it as an offering and good preaching.

Thank you Gurudeva for allowing me to have the good fortune to more intimately serve the

Lord, it is a very big responsibility but I pray to always be attached to the feet of

lotus of Sri Krishna and be a contribution to his Sankirtan.

Excuse me for taking too long

His would-be servant, Manjuali Dasi Dasi

February 19, 2023, Santiago de Chile

HpS - We had very nice association of Parasurama avatara Das in Spain. All the devotees were very impressed with his upright character and great service attitude. We felt very connected to OUR Chile Yatra and hope to have more connection through our visit to Mexico.

Send more new after Gaura purnima.

personal life and second intiation

Hare Krsna, master, representative of Parampara in service of The Master.

We have been avoiding it, but our marriage I think needs to be sorted out. We are sorry for approaching you for this, till now we are not able to create a senate of 6 devotees hence don't know what to do.

our marriage is hanging till now, and we don't know what is proper direction for us,

should we leave them and go to temple, or should make them priority to get them back.

won't write much, but your thoughts will be very important for us

hayagriva avatar das

HpS - In general I would say that you should try to have pleasant, civilized contact with your family. If they are willing to do that, then the topic of religion etc should also be something you can discuss in simple, civilized fashion.

That should go a long way to adjusting this aspect of your life, no?

Marriage, family, civil, institutional relations are important but Hari Kirtan is the basis of those in Kali yuga.

Fixed in 16/4 then you will become a Vaisnava dvija, and then these social relations will become more clear.

Take the Bhakti sastri course with some one! Ask Temple President for recommended source.
