glories to the movement of Lord Caitanya

1 year, 12 months ago by rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

dear Hanumat preshak Swami

please accept my humble obeisances

all glories to His Divine Grace !

Thank you for giving me privilage to associate more closely with you and your disciples. I wanted to ask you if you have any of your disicples whom I can communicate with, more about some basic and practical things , just to reduce the burden to you, and save your time. I arrived in Malaysia, Penang and I stay in temple. My husband is recommending devotees to stay here for some time and learn/participate in temple activities that we have no facility in China.

Its my second time here and its very nourishing. My husband will come next week and we hope to have some preaching engagements here because there is a great need for that.

After Malaysia if Krsna willing, there are some devotes that invited us to Bali, Indonesia for more sanga.

HpS - Our big brother and Sannyasa guru, H. H. Bhakti-svarupa Damodara Swami has a temple and guru kula there, I think. His disciple, Abhimanyu Das is there. I don't know the exact address.

Maybe some one reading the Blog can help with some discussions. I can't recommend anyone specific.

Are they specific topics?


Krsna consciousness is ecstatic, is what comes to my mind now. I hope I would be able to meet you soon in India. China/India have some political issues and they are not issuing visas. Still there is half year till Kartik when we plan to visit and hopefully associate with you. My husband told you he used to see you with small group of devotees here and there. I am trying my best to be a good representative of Srila Prabhupada and your Holiness. What would you want me to do? What would please you ?

Aspiring to be a servant , Bht.Rukmini/Wang Pan

HpS/ASA -- Of course, just being disciple of Srila Prabhupada is best service. Beyond that I don't know if you are motivated by any of the specific projects we have.

Just watch the Kapi Dhvaja and see how you might give some specific conribution there.

Very much it is nice having a correspondent sending Krsna conscious news from Asia.

Maybe one of the "spy programs" is also reading our letters.


So we will have a broader audience.


Respects to your esteemed husband.

Is he writing anything?

practical VAD

1 year, 12 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, master, in the service of real Master.

Careful Dandvats, All glories to representative of Krpa Shakti of Lord. The closest lense of transcendental telescope.

HpS - Suspect we have chromatic and spherical aberration.

Thank you for being transparent.

This poor man has heard from audio vibrations generated from your lips that -- "Sannyas like SB 1.5 of Narada Muni is not practical in today's age.

We always had this conjecture that - " what is practical householder life in today's age" or more importantly what is not practical? we somehow try to imitate the scriptural standards mentioned for householders.

similarly can you kindly tell us what is practical van-prastha asram ?

folded palms,

bent knees,

lowered head,

hayagriva avatar das

HpS - ASA --- So much detail in all of Srila Prabhupada's books. Read on. Contemplate. YOu will get it straight.

Basic principle is sacrifice and basic sacrifice is chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!

👍👍🌻 👍💥 💥🦍

movie/ dramas

1 year, 12 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Master,

Today we voluntarily fell, and broke our promise, though some lines it is not fall down, but we know, by your definition we have fell. We promise we will not fall again, but we need mercy of parampara to always fight mind back.

HpS - ASA --- 💥💥👹💥



We were reading, a letter by Subhadra devi mataji about movie/dramas.

This reminds us of 1.1.1 where there is mention of movies.

We also understand that the word "role" in day to day life means we are just actors in cosmic movie.

i pray to you that we can start living our real life, and establish our connection with the SUPREME DIRECTOR off the sets, and just do our roles according to his desire.

ASA - 👍👍🌻👍👍

We accept you as the assistant director.

in this perspective, how should we see other living entity wandering in this set (material world)?

ASA - Depends what is their consciousness Eg. NoI 10. Is good analysis of other actors, no?

Some think they are their roles. Some are uing their roles perfectly for the Doctor.


harsh ( as we have fallen down)

HpS - Whatsapp us if private consultation needed!

No one wants to lose you.

stolen boy

1 year, 12 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna master, obeisances,

HpS - AgtSP!!! Masters or Monsters?


i thank amal prabhu for these narrations on krsna book for children.

I hear them , my mind starts imagining different emotions, pictures.

ASA - "I remember!! I was there!!!"

i think whats the use all the journal papers, ritualistic technical activities,unless one can deep dive in such narrations

A. how feelings of mother rukmini when her boy was stolen, different from ordinary mother 's boy is stolen?

was she feeling distressed ?

HpS - Probably the axis of the whole universe went into a tilt because of the intensity of her separation.

Loudly chanting holy names till we hear it works... vidya vadhu jivanam..

ASA - SUPER! HK, HK, KK,,, HH,,,, HR,,,, HR,,,,,,,,, Rama Rama,,, Hare

... ...




HpS - A g to Srila Prabhupada!!

Few more letters.

Don't be surprised if pastimes of Mother Rukmini start taking place in your life, profession.

Personal Sadhana Report

1 year, 12 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please Gurudeva accept my obeisances to you, I hope you are in good health between the last trips you have made. Thank you for your response to my annual report, that gives me much motivation, inspiration, and gratitude to you and of course to Srila Prabhupada.

I continue in maternity, my son Baladev is 5 months old. Breastfeeding allows us moments to meditate on Mother Yosada and baby Krishna, it's the perfect break to chant Hare Krishna with my baby, and that's a shared benefit, an offering to Sri Krishna. Soon we will perform the grain ceremony in the temple.

I´m waiting for his soon visit to Mex. Although I will not go to Monterrey, but in CDMX I will be happy to see you Gurudeva.

Curiously, I was thinking about what more service I could try to do for Srila Prabhupada, then BBT Mexico contacted me to illustrate a children's book with the pastime of the Elephant King Gajendra and also in gratitude for a previous collaboration with the story ¨El Cazador y el Sabio¨.

They have sent me a collection of books by Srimad Bhagavatam, so now I have a lot to study and draw with the family. Please Gurudeva send me your blessings if possible, to have Krishna's favor to make this and spiritual intelligence to accomplish this service.

Have a nice trip Gurudeva. Sri Nrisimhadeva protects him eternally.

Hare Krishna.

Her servant Satyabhama dd

HpS - Thank you! We have been for abou about a week now in New Govardhana near Montemorelos. Is very nice. Practical. There is no, no, no place in the material world, mad house, where we won't encounter problems.

Then we can make them assets for Lord Caitanya by Hari Kirtan.

Super. Illustrate Srila Prabhupada's words.

Su, SU, SUPER!!!

Hope some of our classes and preaching is reaching you.

Hope so many ISKCON devotees are reaching you!

So much work to do.

Reporte; Nuevas noticias desde Rio de Janeiro Brasil

1 year, 12 months ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a sus señorias Jaganath Baladeva y Subadra

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Gaura Nitay

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, porfavor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias, aquí Nadiya nivasi dasi de perú, reportándome nuevamente, han sido periodos muy difíciles en mi vida estos dos últimos años, pero siempre aferrándome a sus pies de Srila Prabhupada y de Usted, ahora me siento más estable en mi vida espiritual y también mentalmente, estuve en el templo de Iskcon san Borja por 6 meses a la par trabajando en mi carrera profesional, luego volví al lado de mis padres, a inicios de este año empecé a hacer algunos votos espirituales y ayunos porque necesitaba un cambio en mi vida, y en febrero me propusieron para ir como puyari al templo de Rio de Janeiro - Brasil, para mi fué una buena noticia que no dudé en aceptarlo y los devotos de Rio de janeiro costearon mi pasaje de vuelo Lima - Brasil. Traje a mis deidades conmigo Lord Narashinja y gaura Nitay. Mi asociación aquí en Rio de Janeiro son mis hermanos espirituales p. Anandamaya d. y M. karuna mayi d.d. y tambien m. Yasoda gopi d.d. de perú discípula de jayapataka Swami, el templo es acogedor, tienen un restaurante y snak vegetariano, los domingos hay kirtans desde las 5pm y programa gaura artik.

las deidades que se adoran en este templo son Jaganath Baladeva y Subadra, gaura nitay y Govardhana. (Gaura Nitay fueron instaladas por Srila prabhupada y las deidades llegaron en un bus de sankirtana y se quedó en Rio de Janeiro)

Mi sadhana es 5 am mangala artik, 16 rondas y un poco mas, 4 principios, lectura del srimad bagavatam canto 4 cap. 6, 3 gayatris y ayunos de ekadasi. mi sevicio en el templo es hacer ofrenda, gaura artik, cambiar y acostar a las deidades y en el dia hago guirnaldas, dos dias a la semana entro para cambiar en la mañana a las deidades y cocinar para govinda.

El idioma portugues no es tan difícil de entender, hay mucha similitud con el español, tengo comunicación con mis padres , amigos de perú y mi hermano, mi estómago está adecuándose a la comida de brasil, al inicio fué un poco doloroso para mi cuerpo, ya que aquí la comida es un poco trasngénica, pero ya estoy acostumbrándome, le digo a mi padre que nunca salga de perú porque tenemos mucha comida orgánica y saludable y sobre todo con mucho sabor en los vegetales y frutas.

Gaura Purnima se acerca y estamos en preparativos con m. karuna mayi y p. anandamaya y yasoda y devotos de brasil, pienso será una fiesta inolvidable.

Bueno Gurudeva gracias por escucharme tratando de esforzarme y mejorar cada día, espero que esta carta lo encuentre bien, ví y escuché que está en mexico.

Necesito ir este año a india, necesito visitar el santo dham, es un deseo intenso, mantengo comunicación virtual con mi hermana Gaura gadhadara.

Le envio fotos del templo, deidades y devotos.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

!All glories to their lordships Jaganath Baladeva and Subadra

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitay


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva, please accept my respectful obeisances, this is Nadiya nivasi dasi from Peru, reporting to me again, it has been a very difficult period in my life these past two years, but always clinging to your feet from Srila Prabhupada and you, now I feel more stable in my spiritual life and also mentally, I was in the Iskcon San Borja temple for 6 months working on my professional career, then I returned to my parents' side.

At the beginning of this year I began to make some spiritual vows and fasting because I needed a change in my life, and in February they proposed me to go as a pujari to the temple in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.

For me it was good news that I did not hesitate to accept it and the devotees of Rio de Janeiro paid for my flight ticket to Lima - Brazil.

I brought my deities with me, Lord Narashimha and Gaura Nitay.

HpS - ASA --

Ha Re!!!!

. . KRSNA!

My association here in Rio de Janeiro are my spiritual brothers Fr. Anandamaya d. and M. karuna mayi d.d. and also m. Yasoda gopi d.d. from peru disciple of jayapataka swami.

The temple is cozy, they have a restaurant and vegetarian snack.

On sundays there are kirtans from 5pm and gaura artik program.

Deities worshiped in this temple are Jaganath Baladeva and Subadra, Gaura Nitay and Govardhana. (Gaura Nitay were installed by Srila Prabhupada and the deities arrived on a sankirtana bus and stayed in Rio de Janeiro)

My sadhana is 5 am mangala artik, 16 rounds and a little more, 4 principles, reading of srimad bagavatam singing 4 chap. 6, 3 gayatris and ekadasi fasts. My service in the temple is to make an offering, gaura artik, change and put the deities to bed and during the day I make garlands. Two days a week I go in to change the deities in the morning and cook for govinda.

The Portuguese language is not so difficult to understand, there is a lot of similarity with Spanish, I have communication with my parents, friends from Peru and my brother, my stomach is adjusting to Brazilian food, at first it was a bit painful for my body, since the food here is a bit transgenic, but I'm getting used to it.

I tell my father, 'never to leave Peru', because we have a lot of organic and healthy food and especially with a lot of flavor in the vegetables and fruits.

Gaura Purnima is drawing near and we are in preparation with me. karuna mayi and p. anandamaya and yasoda and devotees from brazil, i think it will be an unforgettable party.

HpS - A chance to get closer and closer to Nimai and His puppys in Nabadvipa. Joining His Sankirtan here and directly with Him in Nabadvipa in our next life time!

Well Gurudeva thank you for listening to me trying to make an effort and improve every day, I hope this letter finds you well, I saw and heard that you are in Mexico.

I need to go to India this year, I need to visit the holy dham, it is an intense desire, I maintain virtual communication with my sister Gaura gadhadara.

I send him photos of the temple, deities and devotees.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS/ASA - Thank you! I think many devotees are directly inspired by your news!

You have made solid progress as a soldier in Srila Prabhupada's army. You are helping to push back Maya.

Thank you!

Look for partners in your trip to India.