DTC Mo(23)

10 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC, Hot Topics, Calendar Development



6.09PM - End of the day. Now we go to NGD house, ashrama. Then we go for a 45 minute walk.

Busy day, busy weekend. Letters to Rama-giridhari Das and Prana Das of Goloka Education. Letter to Dr. Bandopadhyay. Phone talk with Hari lila Das in Texas.


Our feet are less swollen.

Our eyes are not so bad.

We are adjusting how much and what kind of work we do as per the last Kapi Dhvaja.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.

         We looked and looked and looked (and LOOKED AND lOllOked) for the best tickets to South America and today we bought a ticket from Orbitz.com

25 December, Nashville to Miami (7-hours intransit in Miami airport). Then arrive Lima like 10PM.

29 January, Lima to Miami to Nashville.


Now we can look for Lan tickets from Lima to BsAs to Santiago to Lima. We have miles to use.   ...   Everyday we work on Bhakti Vaibhava studies and administration.

           Tonight we will start reading KRSNA book with Lokanatha Das from the very beginning!    Join us.

           Tommorrow we will turn to the Flyers for the Japa Booth for the Celebrate Nashville festival on the 5th. Later we will develop that into a small booklet that will go into a Japa Kit that will also include the 18-bead Malas coming from Asta sakhi DD and the devotees in Mexico.


Thank you, Nicasio, "Cruz Santa", CMDD, Pablo....  todos, for your letters!  They inspire us!


How female disciples should relate with their Gurus URGENT

10 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Hot Topics

Hare Krsna respected Gurudeva




I am writing this letter because I strongly think. This is going to be very useful for everybody.

I have heard that many male devotees say: "We have to take care of Gurumaharaja, many Gurus have fallen down". "This mataji is always in the service of GM" we have to be careful with her, etc. So my first reaction is relate these comments to U, because me as a lady I think that if the devotees are saying that it means that they do not trust their Gurus at all.

U by your example are always teaching us how to relate with a sanyasi not only with U. U are never alone with a lady not even by email... And we have meetings on internet if no male devotee is present You record the meeting ¡¡¡¡

And when we travel with U... We do not talk at all and U just watch us from distance to see if everything is ok with us...

However, I understand that nobody is free from falling down.

           ASA - AGTSP, paoho, except Maha-visnu, maybe.

SO the question is how we as your female disciple should relate to U and any Guru? I guess that we have the right to serve U and our Siksas Gurus but how to do it so this may not be a concern for the mentality of others devotees.

We as mothers must also take care of the mentality of the prabhus acting with chastity and shyness. But honestly with all the comments that I mentioned above now I am afraid of act in a way that may perturbe someone. So please enlight us.

 When Srila Prabhupada was present it seems to me that Godbrothers and Godsisters act a family. Nowadays it seems that everything is a competition " El show del Guru"

Thank U all so much

Trying to be iur disciple

Candramukhi dd

    HpS-ASA - Hmmmmm.   AgtSP.  Paoho.  Is very nice letter, topic. It is also a very big topic. Concern should not be to protect just "Guru" but everyone.

According to this formula, the gosvāmīs who are descendants of Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu and Śrī Advaita Prabhu are certainly devotees, but devotees coming from other families should not be discriminated against; indeed, whether the devotees come from a family of previous ācāryas or from an ordinary family, they should be treated equally. One should not think, "Oh, here is an American gosvāmī," and discriminate against him.

....according to the statements of Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī in this verse, an American gosvāmī and a gosvāmī in a family of ācāryas are nondifferent.

...This Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is a transcendental science, and there is no room for jealousy. ... As soon as anyone becomes envious, he falls from the platform of paramahaṁsa.

We can fall down because of lust for association with the opposite sex, or desire for public power or to glorify out Big Intellect....   Or...

.... but specific topic you have suggested we think the essence is the example of Prabhupada. He is our Founder and ACHARYA. He sets the example. He explains it it his book.

Sannyasi, Brahmacari are allowed short term contact with opposite sex for preaching purposes and this should always be in public. They should never converse in private. Private means any place that they could discuss illicit sex and no one would no.

So disciples can associate with their Guru of the opposite sex, male or female, in public places and should not be too much extended.  Of course this is bodily association. The real association is more through Vani than Vapu. Lord Caitanya had 3 and 1/2 intimate associates: Svarupa Damodara, Ramanda Rai, Sikhi mahiti and Sikhi Mahitis sister. Of course, she never came within vision of Him when He was a Sannyasi and He would never even hear the name of a woman, but she was one of the 4 most intimate associates.

O.K? We are Vaisnavas then we apply VAD in terms of that.

It may be that a Sannyasis most intimate disciple is a lady, but externally we will see the proper VAD etiquiete.

Robust topic.

Detailed questions?

Comments from Uthers?

6.06PM  - Now we go to NGD house. Quick DTC!

Thank you..

Propuesto de Viajes Sud America

10 years, 6 months ago by Victoria in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, PFAMHR, 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a sus gloriosos seguidores!

Espero que usted se encuentre muy bien y su salud mejorada. 

Aqui le envio el reporte de la ultima reunion.

Muchas gracias Gurudev por su constante inspiracion.

tratando de ser ultil, su sirviente<img alt="" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />

Vrsabhanu nandini dd


Informe de Reunion del sábado 31 de Agosto.


Participaron: Abhiram Prabhu (Peru), M Asta saki (Mexico), P Arjuna (Chile), P Ambarisa m, Rati Manjari y VBhanu nandini dd (argentina).


Introduccion: Resumen del texto 3 del NOI por m Astasaki.

Proximo expositores: 14-09 NOI 4 Rati Manjari, NOI 5 Vrsabhanu nandini.



-Libro en Español Dr Samaresh Bandyopadhyay. Fecha limite de entrega de las traducciones 10-09.

En diciembre se establecera el nombre y la caratula.

Premio del concurso de Caratulas: Libro Las enseñanzas de Sri Caitanya con dedicatoria por SS HPS.


-Libro Jung por SS HPS: conformar un grupo de 3 a 6 personas para que lean lo escrito por SS HPS y hagan sus comentarios y devoluciones.


-Congreso Jung en Argentina 2013. (M Vrsabhanu nandini esta haciendo los contactos). Abhiram elaboraria la carta de presentacion a la asociacion. 


-Calendario America Latina:

Octubre: Mexico

Enero-Febrero: Peru, Argentina y Chile (de1 semana a 10 dias)




 Proxima reunion sábado 14 de Septiembre a las 10 hs  Peru 


ASA - A G T S P   -     paoho.   Thank you for the news. We just sent the Kapi Dhvaja. It has a link with our first essay on Jung. Now we have something little more substantial to work on. Abhirama Das also has an essay on Education that we did for Radha desa.   I hope these will give some perspective on your work.

We take a break here and look for tickets.   ...  4.30PM - 6.00PM investigating Lan Pass, United Pass etc. etc. etc.

United Houston to Buenos Aires and back is $ $1513 and then BsAs to Chile and Lima and back is $1,500.

But United to Lima is $946 and Lima to BsAs to Chile and back is $743.

So, about $$1,300 to fly to Lima.


25 December to Lima

1 January to BsAs

12 January to Chile

24 January to Lima

29 January  to Houston


reflexiones acerca de poetas, artistas y filósofos

10 years, 7 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros in Hot Topics

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis más respetuosas reverencias

Aquí bhakta Rodrigo de Santiago de Chile. Espero que usted se encuentre muy bien.

               ASA -  Ha!   Ha!     Ha!   Eso es el mundo material!               TlgaSP.   Gracias por su asociacion, senor rodrigo!!

Nosotros leemos boletín "Kapi Dhvaja" y blog monkey warrior, entonces ya sabemos que Usted no podrá visitar Chile en noviembre.

               ASA - Aparece Enero.

Estamos felices porque Usted está cuidando su salud. Y también estamos felices porque Usted está escribiendo bastante y tiene planes de publicar un libro. ¿Sobre filosofía Sankhia?

En los círculos académicos a nivel mundial  es importante ser un muy buen conferencista, pero también es muy importante escribir y publicar libros. (Chile tiene dos Premios Nobel de Literatura).

Humildemente pienso que Usted Gurudeva es el intelectual más inteligente, sabio, erudito y completo que he conocido en mi vida.


Y por karma me ha tocado conocer a grandes periodistas, poetas, artistas, escritores, profesores y un gran etc. Pero Usted es único!

           [Hmmmmmmmmmm!]     [Hmmmm!!!]

Ahora estoy como alumno en un seminario sobre Literatura con un profesor que es uno de los intelectuales más importantes de Chile. Este seminario será  hasta diciembre!


Durante este invierno en Chile yo no estuve muy bien de salud y ánimo. Tuve que pasar por demasiadas ansiedades.

Estaba ocupado haciendo demasiadas cosas, más de lo que mi mente/cuerpo y sentidos podían aguantar. Estonces cuando me pasa eso, mi vida espiritual se vuelve más débil.

                ASA - No tiene que hacer!!!!  Confije en Krsna y haz lo que puede hacer, bueno!!  No duro como un pero!!    Para KRSNA!

Por suerte tomé la decisión de dejar varios proyectos para el 2014 y más adelante.

Ahora estamos recuperando fuerzas. Pronto comenzará la primavera, habrá más luz del sol y nuestra energía y ánimo estará más estable.

Pienso que esto que escribo a continuación es primera vez que le comento  a usted:
Para mí, lo único que me aleja de la tragedia es Conciencia de Krishna.

               ASA - Es un hecho.

La historia de la poesía, el arte y la filosofía occidental están llenas de casos donde poetas, artistas y filósofos  -producto de la dureza del mundo material- se refugiaron en el alcohol, las drogas, vivieron grandes depresiones, algunos pasaron internados en psiquiátricos, otros se volvieron locos y algunos se quitaron la vida (Suicidio).

                        ASA - Si, y malas relaciones sexualas!

Está lleno de casos. F. Nietzsche y Vincent van Gogh son algunos ejemplos famosos.

Mi propia maestra, la poeta Stella Díaz Varín (quien es una de las 5 mejores poetas chilenas mujeres de todos los tiempos) sufría de angustias terribles y fue alcohólica.

Siempre pensé que ella no se suicidó por amor a sus nietos y por nosotros, sus discípulos más íntimos y queridos.

Durante 10 años me tocó estar con ella. Ella murió a los 80 años, enferma y en un pobreza económica terrible. Un año después de su muerte, se estrenó una película sobre su vida y obra.....

También están los poetas, artistas y filósofos que se refugiaron en el sexo y tuvieron tres y cuatro esposas y muchísimas amantes como el poeta Pablo Neruda. ¡Y otros se volvieron homosexuales!

Es común ver ahora en Chile a jóvenes poetas de 23 años intoxicados por alcohol y drogas y homosexuales!

La vida de un Poeta Karmi es tan distinta a la vida de un Poeta Vaisnava. Un poeta karmi vive al límite, entre la vida y la muerte, mientras que la vida de un Poeta Vaisnava es una vida gloriosa pues trasciende las modalidades de este mundo material y se ocupa en glorificar al Señor Supremo.

De verdad Gurudeva usted salvó mi vida. Mi deuda es eterna con Usted y con Conciencia de KRISHNA.

Por misericordia de Krishna ahora en noviembre voy a cumplir 7 años como aprendiz de devoto.

Yo vivo cada día luchando contra maya. No es fácil ser depresivo bipolar, tampoco es fácil ser poeta y surrealista y para mí no es facil ser devoto ya que he vivido 30 años de esta vida (y quizás cuántas vidas) sin seguir reglas y regulaciones.

Cada día para mí es una lucha donde debo trabajar contra mis propios anarthas, defectos, apegos,deseos,  impurezas, etc.

Yo he tenido caídas y todavía me es dificil seguir muchas cosas, pero paso a paso espero avanzar y purificarme para llegar a ser su discípulo de manera formal y tomar primera iniciación siempre que yo cumpla todos los requisitos y cuente con la misericordia de Usted.

Con gratitud eterna y deseando que tenga un FELIZ RADHASTAMI.

Que Sri Radhe siempre lo proteja.

Su aspirante a sirviente,

Bhakta Rodrigo

                 ASA - Tiene que escribir una poema de dos lineas en ingles

forgive for offences

10 years, 7 months ago by harsh_horse in Hot Topics

hare krsna maharaj,
pamho, agtsp

          asa - agtsp!    [letter edited for bevity.]

we dared to communicate on your behalf to Muslim Preacher on your behalf, without your permission and without any qualification.--trying to spread movement


             asa- seems no harm done.  just tell him what you did and why and then present sankhya as you know.  "bhumi apo...".

World Holy Name Week

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

His Holiness Lokanatha Swami sent us the following information:
This year World Holy Name Week is from September 17 - September 26. Your planning of your participation should start NOW!
Here is some of the ideas, from WHNW committee, on what we can do during

1. Nagar Sankirtan - Harinaam processions with WHNW and mahamantra banners.
2. 24 hours and/or 12 hours Sankirtan yajna - Non-stop kirtan for 24/12
3. Japathon - Pledges from devotees and congregation to chant extra rounds
during this period.
4. Morning Bhagvatam class on Holy names as the theme - Morning Bhagvatam
classes emphasizing on glories and importance of Holy Names.
5. Japa Seminars – Seminars on japa related topics e.g japa reform, 10
offenses, types of japa etc
6. Japa Retreats – Group of devotees do japa retreat camps under proper
leadership and guidence.
7. Sunday feast lectures & dramas – Preasentations based on importance of
Holy names and related topics.
8. Japa Booth – Putting a table with beads and pamhplets in the temple
encouraging new comers to get the beads and chant.
9. Inter Faith events - Invite other religions/faiths for Kirtans and other
Holy Name related events.
10. Radio Shows - Broadcasting Hare Krishna Kirtans, specially Srila
Prabhupada dhun on radio.
11. Holy Name walks - Padyatras to nearby towns and villages to distribute
holynames, prabhupada books and Prasad.
12. Harinaam concerts - Arrange Harinaam concerts (Kirtan in different
styles and many musical instruments) for public.
13. Celebrities - Get the cricket/Film stars and other celebrities for
public chanting events During WHNW.
14. Banners - Post Hare krishna mahamantra and WHNW banners/hoardings
throughout the citiy/town/villages.
15. Newspapers adverisement- WHNW articles/advertisements in newspapers
16. Media - Call media groups for events coverage for TV/Radio/Newspapers
17. Inter-faith conventions on Holy Name – Invite other religion/faiths for
dialouge on holy names of God.
18. Giftshop SALE – Special discount on Kirtan/bhajan CD’s/DVD’s during
this period.
19. Truck Kirtan - Performing kirtan from moving motorized vehicles like
flatbed trucks, double decker buses, etc. This produces an effect of a
moving stage.
20. Harinam Rathcart - Just like many people are attracted to Jagananatha
Rathayatra, and enjoy pulling the cart and serving the Lord, similarly,
people will be attracted to pulling a cart with Harinam Prabhu on the cart.
A procession with big Harinaam posters, nicely decorated on the cart with
loud kirtan along with distribution of parsadam, mahamantra stickers &
Srila Prabhupada Books.
21. Kirtan Mela - Arrange festival of Kirtan, a couple of days or at least
one day festival with Holy names as the center.
For any news or enquiries contact our  global coordination team:
Divyanam Das ([email protected]) and Ekalavya Das ([email protected]