Standard for Initiation - Reply from Gunagrahi das Goswami

Best wishes, Prabhu.

Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!

For diksha, the standard of following is 6 months only, not one year, so you qualify - unless I read what you wrote wrong. Thus there doesn't seem to be a problem. Even if it was a year, I think you should be initiated anyway, even though it is not my decision to make, because of your unique situation. 
Your wellwisher, Gunagrahi das Goswami

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. paoho. As I experiences and even saw letters from Prabhupada the standard for Hari-nama Diksa was six monthe duing Srila Prabhupada's physical presence. When Prabhupada and the Vedas say "One Year".  That seems for sure to be second initiation. Of course, we should follow long enough to be sure that we can do what we are promising to do. If after 2-years we honestly are still not sure that we can follow the principles for our whole life (barring unexpected tricks from Maya devi) then we should wait.

"I promise I will pull you out of the water if you fall in. I won't let you drown". This is serious promise, but practically speaking if we see that we have done it and we simply expect we can do, it then, yes, make the commitment.

Here at the ASA we also think Bh. Nicasio should take 1st initiation if he feels ready.