PDP - Fri/2

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC
AGTSP paoho. Hicimos 2-1/2 horas de paseo a través de la selva hoy para llegar a unservidor montaña Cerro tmple. Fue realmente genial. Pero no se pudo escribir nuestros JTTO en su lugar enviada tres papeles de Museo   a Dr. Samaresh. Habló con él por teléfono a la India Sankirtana en Australia. Estamos esperando noticias de Australia sobre cuánto se puede hacer para organizar un simposio LOB con el Dr y nuestros consejos!

Clase de una hora de devotos BhVai y Choseeka y una hora de desarrollo curriculam de BhVai. Estamos todavía en Ferrenafe, Ashrama P'pada. Ahora debe correr para captar la puesta de sol! 18:05  Horas!
Puerce cito!

DTC /Friday 2, Nov

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP    paoho.   We did 2-1/2 hours of wak through the jungle today to get to aremote mountain hill tmple.   Was really great.   But could not write our JTTO instead sent three Museum Papers to Dr. Samaresh.  Talked with him on the phone to India about Sankirtana in Australia.    We are waiting for news from Aus. about how much they can do to organize a LOB symposium with the the Dr and our advice!

One hour class of BhVai and Choseeka devotees, and one hour BhVai Curriculum development.  We are still in Ferrenafe, P'pada ashrama.  Now must run to catch the sunset!   6.05PM

PDP - 30/Martes

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Piggy.  TLGASP   PFANRH  Traduciendo DTC  de Monicito.

AGTSP paoho. 15:44 En āshram de P'pada. El aire es poco acre con humo de la quema de campos. Ojos de la quemadura, pero impulsa los mosquitos. Escribimos nuestro capítulo para JTTO (viaje al Oriente), han cantado 26 o nuestros 34 rondas, hizo una presentación de power point para el Perú, China y el programa de Buda de oro esta tarde. Sólo respondimos todas las letras de Blog hasta que hace dos días.

Ahora ofrecemos Prasadam a Lord Nrsmha y tomar sus restos! A continuación, 16:30 que nos vamos a Chiclayo. Esperamos conocer a gente de China muy maravillosa y hacer un gran paso adelante en la predicación.

¿Cuál es el uso de demasiado desarrollo aquí si todo va a ser pronto del desierto? Siendo flexibles en TI planes para Kali yuga.

Después del almuerzo tenemos que escribir una carta a Gopal, Aja, Srinivasa en Boise y Candra mukhi y Nama y Rupanuga todo acerca de la lectura del módulo de yoga Sankhya de Kapila juntos. Entonces una carta de BhVai Srinivasa y nuestro BhVai real de lectura y escritura.

Y feliz cumpleaños. Prahlada Nrsmha Das! Skype dice que es su cumpleaños. Y estamos empezando a obtener un montón de mensajes de Spam al Blog. Las direcciones son diferentes, por lo que parece un robot es registrar diferentes usuarios y envío de las cartas. ¿Podemos ajustar?

Tom Brown, MOnkey!


AGTSP paoho. 3.44PM in P'pada Ashrama. Air is little acrid with smoke from burning fields. Eyes burn, but it drives all the mosquitos away. We wrote our chapter for JTTO (Journey to the Orient), have chanted 26 or our 34 rounds, did a power point show for the Peru, China and the Golden Buddha program this afternoon. We just answered all the Blog letters up to two days ago.

Now we offer Prasadam to Lord Nrsmha and take His remnants! Then 4.30PM we go to Chiclayo. We hope to meet very wonderful Chinese people and make a BIG step forward in the preaching.

What's the use of too much development here if it is all going to become desert soon? Remain flexible in you plans for Kali-yuga.

After lunch we have to write one letter to Gopal, Aja, Srinivasa in Boise and Candra mukhi and Nama and Rupanuga all about reading the Sankhya yoga module of Kapila together. Then a BhVai letter to Srinivasa and our actual BhVai reading and writing.

AND Happy Birthday. Prahlada Nrsmha Das! Skype says it's your birthday. AND we are starting to get a bunch of Spam postings to the Blog. The addresses are different so it looks like a robot is registering different users and sending the letters. Can we adjust that?

Tom Brown, MOnkey!

DTC - Spam / Prahlada Das

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

   AGTSP   paoho.   3.44PM  in P'pada Ashrama.  Air is little acrid with smoke from burning fields.  Eyes burn, but it drives all the mosquitos away.  We wrote our chapter for JTTO  (Journey to the Orient), have chanted 26 or our 34 rounds, did a power point show for the Peru, China and the Golden Buddha program this afternoon.  We just answered all the Blog letters up to two days ago.

Now we offer Prasadam to Lord Nrsmha and take His remnants!   Then 4.30PM we go to Chiclayo.   We hope to meet very wonderful Chinese people and make a BIG step forward in the preaching.

What's the use of too much development here if it is all going to become desert soon?   Remain flexible in you plans for Kali-yuga.

After lunch we have to write one letter to Gopal, Aja, Srinivasa in Boise and Candra mukhi and Nama and Rupanuga all about reading the Sankhya yoga module of Kapila together.  Then a BhVai letter to Srinivasa and our actual BhVai reading and writing.

         AND   Happy Birthday.  Prahlada Nrsmha Das!   Skype says it's your birthday.   AND   we are starting to get a bunch of Spam postings to the Blog.  The addresses are different so it looks like a robot is registering different users and sending the letters.  Can we adjust that?

Tom Brown, MOnkey!

what to write ?

12 years, 2 months ago by Namacarya das in DTC

HPS:        The meeting with Miguel was worth $1,000. We discussed writing strategy. It is still not clear, but it is a lot clearer.  What would you like us to write?


Nd  >>> I am not updated in what was the topic with senor Miguel discussion.
As per your question, I may give five ideas (and my wishes <img alt="" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/05.gif" title="" />)

  • make a book from different recorded classes/seminars (NOD, NOI, SB with different themes or chapters)

HpS -  Jaya Srila Prabhupada.   Oooof!         Paoho.  That would take a lot!!  of editing work.  Finding the classes etc, and many times they were improvisational themes so there is not an intense relevance that we want to achieve.    That is the nature of traveling and preaching, it is very related to a passing, but useful, moment, and not to a broader more lasting aspect of Vaisnava reality.

  • a novel with Krsna consciousness contents/points

HpS - We tried that with Where Wine Went Wrong. You read that and didn't find it too useful, no????

  • a scientific look at Krsna consiousness (as per your background)

HpS - This we could do. It is more animating.  It is interesting. The diet that Ayur vedic Doctor (Rupanuga Das) put us on, takes so much fire out of our system. We have to much and we see that it makes us more active but it also burns up the container also.   Possible early throat cancer etc.  So,we are wondering which of these themes will be more motivating.       Science has it's perspective, but we begin to see a lot of it in terms of acquiring Mystical Powers for no really neccessary end.

  • have this blog Q & A made into book, with different topics (grihasta asrama, japa, deity worship, etc)

We have thought of that, but these editing projects are too time consuming..   Hmmm...  We think it is more practical to work on a project that will lead people to the art of concentration, meditation, contact with the Param-atma, Hand of God. We have not done that enough yet. In some ways it requires giving up this BhVai work which is focused on Jnana and going to relation with the Scriptures etc. from the point of view of Dhyana.
You mentioned this in the beginning, that you didn't like this Jnana approach to P'pada's books, but rather liked to "sit with devotees and churn the nectar". Of course, we can fall into the trap of just getting some Harry Potter sentiment out of Prabhupada's books like that and not going deeper, no?   You have realized this also, no?
It is such an intense endeavor.
Thank you so much for your association in this effort.  So much.  Your requests have helped so much!        Any more thoughts?
Our conclusion with several big academic scholars is that they also don't know what to write, but have a general idea and are going ahead because it is there nature to do something.
If they are willing to dialog on Topics that are needed then I think the power of Srila Prabhupada's association with help us advance.
What do you, or any one else, think?

It is not just us.  Others can also write and publish.  We have to get the Bhaktivedanta Purports out.

Your servant Namacarya das

DTC (Mo/22)

12 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

               A G T S P !             (paoho)       Here we are in Chosika. 1.11AM in the morning. Brother Ass has an itch, infection, on his right arm. His poison ivy allergy seems finished. Where one disease finishes another starts.

             We will read the Blog letters next.  Yesterday was like hell and a half!  Up for Japa Joe, bath in one cup of water (there is no water from the city supply for a few days), to the Temple for Madana-bihari's Mangala arati, Japa, prepare for Sunday SB class, class (100 devotees), beautiful Hari-nama in the sun for about three hours (one-hundred devotees), back for Gayatri and meeting with Prof. Polo, his wife and two little teenage sons, Abhirama and Laksmana. Was kind of a chaos in the temple canteen. We are kind of starving but that is Krsna's arrangement. He is following Rupanuga's instructions that we eat less, sleep more and have less passion.

         3-4.00PM - BhVai Curriculum Development meeting with Laksmana and Srinivasa Das. We didn't even finish reviewing the chapter, what to speak of doing it well. 4.30 - Take rest (back in the Ashrama) and just got up a while ago and bathed in another cup of water.

          All in all, things are pretty good. We get eight rounds done before Mangala arati. We have time to contemplate our plans for Sankirtans. Krsna is sending Prasadam. We have to be more careful to honor it properly.

          The meeting with Miguel was worth $1,000. We discussed writing strategy. It is still not clear, but it is a lot clearer.  What would you like us to write?
