DTC - Mo/9

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

            ! A G T S P !

Here we are in the home of Rupanuga and Dora Devoto in Lima, Peru. It is 8.39PM. Usually foggy and overcast here and the sound of autos on a robust thorough-fare half a block away.

The journey from Nashville, Tennessee, was intense. We were packing, packing, packing, up to the last minute and then on the airplane from Nashville to Charlotte, North Carolina. Thank you Tandavika, NgD, Manish, ladies, so many more...  Vraja-raja, Visnu-caran(!), Abbhaya.....   !

Plane was delayed for one hour in Charl. for repair, then 3-hours in transit, until mid-night, in Lima, then all night in the aluminum weiner, then 1/2-hour wait for luggage, then  ...  reception! - Mother Yugala, CmDD, Patrak, Rupanuga, Abhi., Raghun.            5AM por la manana.     Despues we have stayed here in Rupanugas's care for curing the body. Eliminating the residual poison ivy inflamation, subcutaneous poisoning. 

              Basic principle is that we have to slow down.  We can't do even as much as we are doing.

             Tommorrow Japa Joe, but at 2.30AM, not 1.30AM.

O.K.    Good night.  4-days of unanswered mail.        No proper class on SB today but nice evening program.        Japa  only 5/32 rounds.      Yesterday 12-noon to 6AM travel, that is 18-hours of work, plus 4-more before we left, that is 22-hours. At 8-hours/day we have completed like 3-days of work in one day, so we should rest Monday and Tuesday, and Wednesday we can get back to work.

However, lets work with more Krsna consciousness and more intelligence from now on!

                   Hare Krsna. SB 3.26, Ki Jai!
                           KRSNA book Ki Jai!

DTC Thursday/4 [India/Europe Calendar]

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

     Hurray, Krishna!      Hurray, Rama!
AG AG AG T SP!       Paoho....        Here in the ASA Office at Hillcrest and Medical Center Parkway, behinds Toots, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA.

Our Calendars All updated for today.

Yesterday was 1-1/2 hours to buy the USA > Europe/India ticket!    The robot offered $3,000 fare but we, Monkey/Piggee, didn't accept that, so we called Jet Airways direct and got hold of "Sharma".   It was, "Sorry for the delay, sorry for the delay..." but finally after intense interventions from Uncle Gismos unlimited wealth of knowledge of machines, we got the ticket: $1865.67.

~Nashville to Brussels - Feb 5th.     Teach in Radhadesa for a about 8 days.

~Brussels to Kolkatta - Feb 18th.
    GBC/Sannyasi Meeting  26 Feb - 2 March (Maybe Ujjain);
    Dr. Bandyopadhyay;
    Manipur-Jamuneswar Das [?]


~Kolkatta to Brussels - April 30th
    Madrid [?]
    Int'l ISKCON Education Symposium 24-26 May - Radhadesa.

~Brussels to Nashville - 28 May.

NOTE:  Now devotee tees in Australia and Manipur and Madrid have to arrange the travel and programs there. We can't do that. Our Ass is to old to jump that far...  but he can still help (one more time).

Nice fresh air and sunshine here. Youtube.com (John Denver Sunshine); We'll chant a couple of rounds and get ready for the Hawaii SB class at 11.30AM!

Also, youtube.com (confuscius BBC) gives your a useful biography of him. NIOS, World Classical Literature.



DTC Tuesday/2

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

                     HARE     KRSNA!

             AgtSP!!!!              Paoho!!!!

10.22PM....    Just finished the letters until 4-days ago...        Looks like a lot ahead so maybe we have to give shorter answers...   Still poison ivy inflamation under the skin.   Hmmm.  Three more days on the steroids.  They put a lot of pressure on our heart.   Feel like heart being squeezed some times.                     Ha!    Ha!    Ha!   When it's time to die it's time to die.   Better to die chanting Hare Krsna in Maya's eye!!!

                                  O.K.  Take some rest.   Lot's of work today done.  Lot's!

DTC Monday/1 Part Two

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

    AGTSP   paoho.  Now it is 8PM.  We are getting headaches from the eyestrain.  Giving birth to babies is also a strain.    ...      Material world.  We answered up to 5-days ago.  That's enough, no?   Now evening program.  Nitai gaurasundara looked at the worst rash and says that it is better and asked how many more days of steriod pills we have.  Seems Krsna agrees they are a lot of stress on the heart.

          We like answering letters.

O.K. Some Kirtana, Japa for Radha-Natabara.      Krsna book in one hour on WebEx.  We are reading the Kidnapping of Rukmini.   How romantic!     I hear that's what every girl dreams of, to be carried of by a strong, brave, handsome, clever, rich, attentive young fellow (with no co-wives)....   Of course, to have co-wives with Krsna might even make the situation more fun.  Personally we are still aspiring to be a small Monkey in Krsna lila or at times a butterfly at Srila Prabhupada's feet!!

DTC Monday/1

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

    A G T S P

Here we are on the sofa in Nitai-gaurasundara Das house/ashrama in Murfreesboro, Tennesee. Our eyes are straining. We have to reduce our computer use.   So many crazy people and things surround us.  Is it happening for you also. Of course, this is the material whirled and this is Kali-yuga.  Check your watch.

Hare Krsna / Hare Rama!     and even we get some purr-spective!

                  Hare Krsna / Hare Rama  (maybe some body can translate these DTC's into Spanish)

            Got up early today for Japa Joe.   It was a great.  16-nice rounds done, then mangala-arati for Radha Natabara, then 8-more rounds. Then BhVai curriculum developmet. Then off to our NIOS Office. Then designed extensive changes to the CHAOTIC   MED  web-page for Raghupati Prabhu and everyone. Then Call Jet Airways about the Europe-India ticket. It was $3,000 on the Web-Page, but $1,800 on the telephone. Nashvile> Brussels> Kokatta> Brussels> Nashville.

Then ... Bath (still fighting Poison Ivy), then San Franciso 1975 lecture of Srila Prabhupada then (sin) lunch and we watched a 1975 Sherlock Holmes movie on the Youtube! 

We see that the only reason that we do it is that these old British television series films are strict on the 4-principles, they have some intellectual crime mystery stimulation, they are classic, and we are still not yet pure devotees. We take shelter of mental speculation to calm our senses.

Then > nap (up since 1:15AM)  > Worked on our ASA web page with a link to our planned 20,000 business cards that will bring 5,000 new people to ASA > Srila Prabhupada (who doesn't watch Sherlock Holmes movies)...

    ...  It rained cats and dogs and there were tornado warnings all over the place.

Lot of work!          Now we will answer some Blog letters and then go up stairs to the Temple Room with Radha Natabar and have evening Kirtana, Japa and reading and ask them where to get a Krsna conscious substitute for 1975 BBC Sherlock Holmes movies (28 minutes).

   Tommorrow we have to call Dr. Bandyopadhaya and then we can buy the India ticket.  Then the Manipur, Australia, Madrid tickets will fit into that loop. Jaya!            Can you dance?    We are in a trance (even Sherlock Holmes is not askance!)

Nitai - Nimai!

DTC Friday/21

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!    Hare Rama!               AGTSP       paoho...  We are in Tennessee with Nitai-gaurasundara, Tandavika and everyone.     Our health is good.  We still have itching from the Poison Ivy but the rashes have all gone away.

Here is getting ready for Rathayatra on the 6th.

Preparing for Peru.

Regular Bhaktivaibhava work.

Regular counseling work.

Our eyes are getting more and more intolerant of the computer.  Have to minimize.

We are like 9-days of letters to answer.    Now we plough into them!