DTC Sa/20
Whooop! Whooop! (We Humbly Offer Our Obeisances, Prabhus!)
Oink! Oink!
C = 2Pi*R !!!
AGTSP! We have been in such intense engagement with the programs with San Marcos University that we could not get to the Blog everyday. Such success. So many philosophy students in the classes. They are very alert, intelligent, the professors who listened and spoke were satisfied, we were satisfied. The Dean was satisified. He said that the roads were open at San Marcos University for NIOS to develop any educational programs that they desired. Abhirama was satisfied. Some people had just complaints about some of the things, so we apologize. We can do better. O.K. 6 minutes until we leave for the Picnic. 10.14AM.
We have come from Lima to Chosika. We are here for a five days. The Poison Ivy rash is like 97% gone. Seems the Ayurveda really helped create a proper situation for the body to work.
Yet, we are still using some clobetasol for a week more to get at the root of any thing left.
Hare Krsna!
HpS - Monkey - Piggy - Uncle Gismo, PhD