DTC - Mo/3 (5.54AM) [PP]

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

             Hare Krsna!    Hare Rama!
      A   G  T  SP!             p a o h o......    Its still Monday until sunrise, 6.30AM. We're in Guayaquil. Everything is going pretty well, no translator. Internet is hell and three-quarters during the day, so we squeeze in some words here early. Also, its not available in our cave so we didn't log on for Japa Joe this morning. Tommorrow should be O.K.

How are you all?

We will catch up on letters.  Please excuse our harshness sometimes. Trnad api sahisnuna. 

What to do?   If we lack knowledge, plans, then just do Sankirtan, Japa, and we will get knowledge, "vidya vadu jivanam...".

O.K.  More later.   Now we answer letters and get some more rounds done before class..


Hare Krishna! Hare Rama!
UN SP DE T G! p o h o... Su todavía el lunes hasta el amanecer, 6.30 AM. Estamos en Guayaquil. Todo no va bastante bien, no traductor. Internet es infierno y las tres cuartas partes durante el día, por lo que apriete en algunas palabras aquí temprano. Además, no disponibles en nuestra cueva por lo que no iniciar sesión para Japa Joe esta mañana. Mañana debe ser bien.

¿Cómo están todos?

Nos alcanzará en las cartas. Rogamos disculpen la dureza a veces. "Trnad api sahisnuna...."

¿Qué hacer?    -     Si nos falta conocimiento, planes, entonces sólo hacer Sankirtan, Japa, y obtendrá conocimiento, "vidya vadu jivanam...".

O.K.         Más despues.    Ahora contestar cartas y obtener más rondas de hecho antes de la clase...]

DTC [PP] Monday, 3 December

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

     Hare Krsna, Prabhus,
AGTSP      paoho.   Here we are in the Temple room in Guayaquil, Ecuador.  It is 4.15PM.  It is warm with river breezes just like Mayapura.   We are in a big old building surrounded withe other big old bi    buildijngs surrounded inthe big Plaza del Centennario park.  Theyere ae Iguanas ne the park.  We cannot see what we are writing u ng until 30 seconds after we write it.SO many spelling mstakes.Iti s hot in the sun.  We are right on the Equator.  Tha tis why the country is named Ecuador.  Ha!   Ha!We are one level above the stree.  Looking out a window thater are many many

 people below selling fruit, going to and from the office buildings. Loud musci in the deisntance.  It is the City center.  There are many Tourists from other Lating contires.    the park by the river is incredible.

We took 45-minutes to post our BhVai work and it was sitll rough. The internet is like a bannana with one leg and three wings here.

So we click "Send" and then walk aroudn the room don     doing Japa and looking at the screen every now and then and after tome time the message goes, [usually].Well bannanas are cheap and sweet!SO

, we answer the Letters to the Ediator. and chant some more.  In the www.Jayarama.us page if you click on the top right flower you get the supreme advice.Hare!!!Firuday we are supposed to get back o our

cave in in Nashviell.   After Lima, Miami, Charlotte, and Murfrees bor.   We are supposed to hae a writing marathon for December and then take of traveling with ours and Dtr. Samareshea's book in January.  Inspite of all of our stupidity and Myap's attacks we still seem to be really winning the battle with Kali yuga.!

DTC (PP) - Saturday 1

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

   AGTSP    paoho.   Oink!   Oink!   Whoop!  Whoop!Here we are in Cuenca.   Ecuador.  It is 2,500 meters (~8,000 feet) in the Andes mountains. We are staying in Yuddhisthira and M. Radharani's house.  Her grandfather was President of Ecuador for 45-minutes. We will explain later maybe.

Trip from Peru was hell and 3-halves.

Don't get us started explaining, but it is true, the Maha-mantra will get you through.

Hari Bolo!   These are the last few days in South America. We are dealing with so many things.   Hare Krsna.    We just chant, Hare Krsna, a lot and let then Gopis pack us up.

Our eyes hurt from Yahoo mail and BhVai CSG writing, yet we will do our Blog work and then some hot-milk and Japa before the evening program with the devotees.  We are here for two nights.

Oooop!  Also, get to call Abhirama and Thandavika Das!

So, I guess that is it. It seems that we will be able to run slower but there is no question of getting a "good rest" in the material world.  That is a hysterical proposition.  We are realizing that.

This a battle with The Black Witch.

We are praying for the mercy of the White Witch!    Hare!

                 Next we are in Tennessee for one month.

Soooooooooooooooo  Nice to talk with you all.  This Blog is where we meet.  O.K.       Send this to the Bing translator and look at the letters!

 = = = =

TlgaSP!  Pfanrh..   Oink! Oink! Whoop! Whoop! Aquí estamos en Cuenca. Ecuador. Es 2.500 metros (~ 8.000 pies) en las montañas de los Andes. Nos estamos quedando en casa de Yuddhisthira y M. Radharani. Su abuelo fue Presidente de Ecuador durante 45 minutos. Explicaremos más adelante tal vez.


Viaje de Perú fue infierno y 3 mitades.

No te nos comenzó a explicar, pero es cierto, el Maha-mantra le ayudará a través de todo.

Hari Bolo! Estos son los últimos días en América del Sur. Estamos con muchas cosas. Hare Krishna. Acabamos chant, Hare Krishna, mucho y que luego pastorcillas nos empacar.  [INCREIBLE!!!  bING TRADUCZCO "GOPIS"!]

Nuestros ojos sufren de Yahoo mail y CSG BhVai escribiendo, pero vamos a hacer nuestro trabajo de Blog y, a continuación, caliente-leche y Japa antes el programa de noche con los devotos. Estamos aquí para dos noches.

Oooop! También, haz llamar a Abhirama y Thandavika Das!

Por lo tanto, supongo que eso es todo. Parece que podremos ejecutar más lento pero no se trata de conseguir un "buen descanso" en el mundo material. Es una propuesta histérica. Nos estamos dando cuenta.

Esta una batalla con la bruja negra.

Estamos orando por la misericordia de la Bruja Blanca! !

A continuación nos encontramos en Tennessee durante un mes.

Soooooooooooooooo agradable hablar con todos ustedes. Este Blog es donde nos reunimos. O.K. enviar esto al traductor Bing y mirar las cartas!

DTC/PP - Tuesday 27

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

             AGTSP    (((paoho)))        How are you!     We are exhausted.  Hours on internet and 45-minutes intense discussions with Boise about Sankirtana and travel plans yesterday. Then the program at the Cultural Center of the Casa of Monedas. It is the Mint that dates back to the Colonial Era. The Center is multi-storied, underground with shops, theater and exhibitions spaces. It is world class and the sponsored the Bhagavata and Socrates program.

Arjuna, Rodrigo and everyone had all the LOB art on exhibition, a display of Prasadm that looked like th Hilton hotel of the Spiritual World.   Lalita and Juan did world class Sarod and Tabla music.  Then HpSwami was inspired by the gods and did a heavy one hour presentation on all the material we have from Lima, Valparaiso and Nashville - Carl Jung, Sophocles, Camus, Einstein.

The auditorium held 240 but there were about 250. There we Yogis, devotees in ties, invitation was required to enter, big journalists and scientists. The lecture was excellent, questions were excellent, we finally go home and into bed by 10:57!        Brother Ass was shaking.  So much psychological energy to deal with so many intense people.

Well, seems like is healthy fatigue and going a little lightly today we should be O.K.    Seems like this year is ending with a big fire growing and then we have to have the devotees take charge next year.

O.K.   Bing translator and we go to she Dadlani Prabhu's wife who is leaving body with cancer.


Ooink!    Ooooinnk!

TlgaSP!    pfanrh..  Cómo estás! Estamos agotados. Horas en internet y 45 minutos intensos discusiones con Boise sobre viajes y Sankirtana planes ayer. Entonces el programa en el Centro Cultural de la Casa de Monedas, que se remonta a la época Colonial. El centro es  subterráneo con espacios tiendas, teatro y exposiciones. Es de clase mundial y ellos patrocinado por el programa Bhagavata y Sócrates.
Arjuna, Rodrigo y todos tenían todo el arte LOB en exposición, una muestra de Prasadm que parecía como el Hilton del mundo espiritual. Lalita y Juan hicieron música de Sarod y Tabla de clase mundial. Luego HpSwami fue inspirado por los dioses y se hizo una presentación de una hora basado en todo el material que tenemos desde Lima, Valparaíso y Nashville - Carl Jung, Sófocles, Camus, Einstein.
El Auditorio acomodo 240 pero hubo casi 250. Yoguis, devotos en corbatas, invitación había requerido para entrar, científicos y grandes periodistas. La Conferencia fue excelente, preguntas fueron excelentes, finalmente fuimos y en la cama por 10:57! Hermano burro temblaba. Tanta energía psicológica para tratar con tanta gente intensa.
Parece bien, como es la fatiga saludable y va un poco ligeramente hoy deberíamos estar bien, parece que este año termina con un gran fuego en crecimiento y, a continuación, tenemos que tener los devotos hacerse cargo el año próximo.
O.K. nos van a esposa de Dadlani Prabhu que está dejando el cuerpo con cáncer.

Y arregla todo para viaje a Lima manana!


DTC/PP - Monday 26

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

     AGTSP    paoho.

Still in Santiago, Chile.   Still little allergy infection (like 2,000,000 more people here). Today we have big program in the Casa de Monedas.  It dates back to the Colonial Period. It is Socrates and Pariksit.

Yesterday we concluded 7-hours of phone calls to Jet Airways to try to change the return date of our ticket from Radhadesa in May. The Educational Conference was fixed for three days later so we had to change our travel date. It has been hell past human imagination trying to do this, but stll we haven't received final confirmation by internet.

In Vrndavana only Krsna and Balarama kill demons. Everyone else just calls, "Hare Krsna, Hare Rama"!

I guess that's all. We have so many individual discussions, consultations, wth devotees daily and the Temple is packed full for lectures.  AGTSP!!!   Please accept our humble obeisances.



Oink!    Oink!           TlgaSP      pfanrh...   Pasa las noticias de Monocito por el Bing Traductor!   http://www.bing.com/translator/ 

Estamos en Santiago.   Salud bastante normal.  Alergia como todo el mundo.  Programa fuerte hoy dia in la casa de monedas!!!    Das, das, das.   Aparece fuerte lucha con boleto para Radhadesa Educacion Conferencia esta exitoso despues de 7 horas en el telefono con ellos!

       O.K.  Cartas y Japa.  Ya son las 5.14AM  aqui!

DTC/PP - Saturday/24

12 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

           A G T S P  !

       (((paoho)))      Santiago Temple.   5.05AM.   Tulasi Puja is going on down in the Temple Room  Brothe Ass just sneezed from little pollen iritation.     Ekadasi was pretty good.    We have hard time balancing all our service.  We get the travel arrangements going and then we have rounds left.  We get the rounds done and then it is time for class or sankirtan or iindividual consultations, then we dont have time for Letters to the Editor, because it is late and Brother Ass is tired and he wants to write fun stuff or see fun movies, Maha-bharata or read fun books. Ramayana......    ....             O.K.  PP  and then Japa with devotees, then 11AM, San Jose, Boise, Bhaktivaibhava, Internet, Webex, Symposium.  12.15PM     Skeedaddle into the coche and off to a program at one devotas Yoga Center.   Expect about 30 devotees and 40 guests.

Monday is Super Programa at the Mint with 700,000 special inviteds.   Socrates and Maharaja Parikshit!!!                      Arjuna.....        Maybe form and Organizing Committee for next year's program...    The Song of Solomon and Rupa Goswami....   TKU - T.Brown...

================================  =

Piggy's Perlas

Oink!    Oink!    TlgaSP!    Pfanrh   &   Bq....   Esperamos todos muy occupado en Sankirtana de Srila Prabhupada!!!!   ISKCON!!!   Aqui Santiago.   Muy bien todo.  Poco allergia, voz ronca....     Muchas consultaciones para devotos,   clases, Sankirtana..    Siempre Bhakti Vaibhava....  Ya estamos en 3.31  con Srinivasa Das y 3.26 con Peru,  y hoy dia   3.27  con San Jose ....         Luchando con boletos etc.  Pero son transcendentales si cantamos los Santos Nombres abajo el refugio de Pancha tattva (Srila Prabhupada, Sad Goswami), y Senor Jagannatha (Haraye namah...)

Hari Bolo!

5.16AM   Abajo Tulasi, 10 offenses.... vamos a cantar....   Japa ....    volver con los devotos.    Muchas prograsm hoy dia y Sankirtana!!!!