DTC - Su/23 [PP]

11 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP!!!     (((paoho)))       We're sorry we're not perfect! !    !                   We have to wait for the waves of passion and ignorace to subside, before we can do fixed service.  Yet, when the modes are a little in goodness we try to use the opportunity to get as much service done as we can!


And in lower modes, we try to dovetail our passion eg. watch Peter Brook "Mahabharata" or Little Krsna on Youtube.  As bizarre as we get is read Sherlock Holmes.   It does give a lot of information about English history. Basically we need to stop our mind. Holmes etc has nothing to do with reality.  These are just meaningless mental games that allow the mind to move but not work.  If we get a chance to iron our clothes we prefer it. To work in the garden. We are learning daily how to dovetail more and more our life, and then that leads to more goodness and then more pure devotional service.

Karma-yoga - Doing what I like to do fort Krsna.

Bhakti-yoga - Doing what Krsna likes me to do for Krsna.

        We have letters from one week to answer.    We try to answer two days worth daily as our catch up tool. Today is Gita jayanti.  We are in Tandavika's house for Friday and Saturday night. We go back to Murfreesboro to our office this afternoon.  Franklin (Tandavika's city) is 45 minute from Nashville and Murfreesboro.

Our health is O.K.   Our feet swelled up the same day that Laksmana Prabhu went to the hospital, went into liver and pancreas panic.  We is stable now and our foot inflamation is going down.  Foot problems represent Karmic reactions, we hear.

O.K.  1.57PM.   Pack, do NIOS accounting with Tandavika. Drive one hour to Visnu carana's house for Gita jayanti program. One our back to Murfrees boro. Pick up the keys to Dr. Desai's car and drive it to our office and Take Rest.  Japa joe on line at 1.30AM.    And a New Day will begin!!


PP  Somos bien.   Luchando con deseos para disfruta mental, fisico.  4-principios O.K.          Esfuerza es como relacionar deseos materiales que occuren cada dia con Krsna!

Inflamation de pies es poco menos.  Pienso es simpazia con la caida fuerte de Laksmana en Peru de pancreas y igado (liver)!!!

O.K.   Arregla equipaje y vamos a Gita jayanti!