Invitación a New Vrindaban

Hare krsna Gurudeva por favor acepte mis reverencias.


orando siempre por que se encuentre bien de salud en esta ocasión queremos invitarle a New Vrindaban a su regreso de España por el tiempo que usted desee. También podemos celebrar su Vyasapuja acá en NV .

le hago esta invitación a nombre de Gopi Radha DD , Saranagati y su sirviente Rohini kumar das.

HpS/ASA - We hope to hear the news that your Sankirtan, New Vrndavana Sankirtan, has achieved real intense spiritual clarity in its eternal participation in Srila Prabhupada's eternal Sankirtan.

Manipur situation

1 week, 2 days ago by vipinaviharidasa in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, Maharaj ji, dandavat pranam


Please accept my humble obeisance.

As we heard situation from Manipur it is really painful, but I believe and pray to Lord Govinda ji, the King of Manipur for the better condition by September, so that devotees from Spain who are planning to visit Manipur, with great hope, can fulfill by His mercy.


Your servant

Vipina vihari dasa

Nirvana ashram

Sri Radha kunda

Sunday Morning SB workshop (only this week) will be held on Saturday morning, July 20

1 week, 2 days ago by upendra1 in Calendar Development

Sunday Morning Srimad Bhagavatam Workshop will start reading Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya-lila, Chapter Nine: Lord Caitanya's Travels to the Holy Places.

We should be able to complete reading about 50 verses.

Thank you to H. G. Lakshman Prabu for always being there to help with translation.

It is the mercy of Maharaja, to engage everyone in reading books of Srila Prabhupada.


Upendra dasa

[Frog] 🐸 – En la lucha

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias 🙇

y todo mi afecto.


Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro muy misericordioso Fundador Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada y todas las Glorias sean a Sus fieles seguidores.🌻

Gurudeva, muchas gracias por su incansable servicio, ejemplo e inspiración, en la ejecución del Servicio devocional. Gracias por empujarnos a mantenernos en este trascendental ejército de Srila Prabhupada.

Solo por vuestra misericordia sin causa, nos mantenemos firmes 16 rondas diarias (mínimo) - 4 principios, Mangala Ararika regular (fallamos 2 o tres veces al mes), servicio humilde en el templo (una vez por semana), mantengo asociación con agradables vaisnavas🙂

, atención (y relación) con nuestras Señorías, Kirtan y Lectura-estudio diario de los significados Bhaktivedanta.

Felizmente continuamos estudiando Bhakti Vaibhava, bajo la magnífica guía de SS Yadunandana Swami, en compañía de compañeros muy eruditos como Jayanta prabhu. Recientemente realizamos la evaluación de la primera sección del 3er canto del Srimad Bhagavatam. Pude darme cuenta, de que por la misericordia sin causa de Sri Guru, las experiencias vividas, nos han empujado a apreciar de manera más profunda los significados Bhaktivedanta, también pude observar de cerca algunos aspectos en los que debo y deseo trabajar. 🤓

La misericordia de Srila Prabhupada se expande a través de su trascendental legado; sus significados Bhaktivedanta, Su ISKCON y por supuesto Sus fieles seguidores. ¡Se lo debo todo!, de no ser por su misericordia ¿Qué clase de vida animalesca llevaría?🙏

Cambiando de tema: Continúo trabajando (poco) en auditoria interna, con buenos amigos que cuidan de mí. Y, como es normal, la salud de este cuerpo sigue deteriorándose, después del más reciente estudio decidí detener todos los procedimientos invasivos, porque el tratamiento ha sido peor que la enfermedad. Así que mantendré los tratamientos más leves y haré lo que esté de mi parte para no ser negligente con el cuidado de este burrito.

Muchas gracias Gurudeva, por su misericordia sin causa (que representa la de Srila Prabhupada y la de Nuestras Señorías) me siento una persona muy afortunada, la única manera que tengo para demostrar mi gratitud es vivir conforme a vuestras instrucciones y tratar de comunicar conciencia de Krsna a todos quienes conozco (Claro, hasta donde puedo entender). Sé que falló con frecuencia, que soy un estudiante torpe y que frecuentemente abuso de su misericordia, le ruego me disculpe… Por favor, bendígame para que algún día pueda ser un soldado útil en esta trascendental misión.

Siempre a sus órdenes

Su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krishna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances 🙇 and all my affection.

All Glories be to our very merciful Founder Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and all Glories be to the faithful followers of him.🌻

Gurudeva, thank you very much for your tireless service, example and inspiration in the performance of Devotional Service. Thank you for pushing us to stay in this transcendental army of Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - We are 99.9999% puppets. Srila Prabhupada, Krsna, are pulling the strings.

Only by your causeless mercy, we stand firm 16 rounds daily (minimum) - 4 principles, regular Mangala Ararika (we fail 2-3 times a month), humble temple service (once a week), maintain association with nice Vaisnavas 🙂

ASA - NoI 1 --- You can make disciples all over the world!! Do it. Accept people who come to you for shelter.

, attention (and relationship) with our Lordships, Kirtan and daily reading-study of Bhaktivedanta meanings.

We happily continued studying Bhakti Vaibhava, under the magnificent guidance of HH Yadunandana Swami, in the company of very learned companions like Jayanta prabhu.

HpS - ASA - We will be with them in a few weeks, no?

We recently conducted the evaluation of the first section of the 3rd canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. I was able to realize that through the causeless mercy of Sri Guru, the experiences we have lived have pushed us to appreciate the Bhaktivedanta meanings more deeply.

I was also able to closely observe some aspects that I must and wish to work on. 🤓

HpS - Our relationship with Srila Prabhupada, his books, certainly changes more and more. Becomes very individual. You have to develop your own way of understanding, reciting them.

Srila Prabhupada's mercy expands through his transcendental legacy; the meanings of him Bhaktivedanta, the ISKCON of him and of course the faithful followers of him. I owe him everything! If it weren't for his mercy, what kind of animalistic life would I lead?

HpS - You are fortunate. I would be living an amoeba life. 🐛

Changing the subject: I continue to work (a little) in internal audit, with good friends who take care of me. And, as is normal, the health of this body continues to deteriorate, after the most recent study I decided to stop all invasive procedures, because the treatment has been worse than the disease. So I'll keep the treatments lighter and do my part to not be negligent in caring for this burrito.

HpS - Use the donkey Krsna has given you well. Then when it is not useful let it be recycled to make new bodies, and transfer to the next body Krsna sends. Maybe a Mercedes of Lamborginig or ... just come out in your Vaikuntha, Goloka body and laugh and sing!

Really would be nice to hear that you have died a happy death.

Thank you very much Gurudeva, for your causeless mercy (which represents that of Srila Prabhupada and that of Our Lordships) I feel like a very lucky person, the only way I have to demonstrate my gratitude is to live according to your instructions and try to communicate awareness of Krsna to everyone I know (Of course, as far as I can understand). I know that I failed frequently, that I am a clumsy student and that I frequently abuse his mercy, I beg your pardon... Please bless me so that one day I can be a useful soldier in this momentous mission.

Always at your service

His would-be disciple

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS / ASA - Super!!! Now we go to Friday night FES. Thank you!!!! See you soon.

Bhagavat Purana is Superior. The Voynich Manuscript, probably a Big Joke on Scholars

2 weeks ago by etasa in Personal Sadhana Reports


Dear Gurudeva,

Same old, same old, as they say. Nothing particularly exciting to add, except that existence feels more like waiting to complete a jail sentence in this realm than anything else. Evil always seems to pervade over good in every corner of this world.

One may wonder: Is what we were promised in the sastras truly delivered, fully developed, or attained (for the lack of a better term), or is it all a fantastic hoax? Humbly, I reiterate the question from my previous report that remained unanswered:

HpS - AgtSP. Previous report?? Did not see it! 😲

So, nice to hear from you.

"The devotees of the Lord, therefore, make the best use of the bad bargain by utilizing the temporary creation in the service of the Lord."

We are in a prison. There is chance for psycho-therapy, occupational training, family counseling. We want to get out, but right now this is the best place for us. We become ready for the spiritual world. Not dumped back into prison again after three months out because of our violent nature and inability to make money nicely.

We can even become psychologists and guards!

I would like to ask about CC Madhya 22.158, regarding siddha-rūpeṇa. I've read a brilliant article by Vraja Kishor Prabhu on Madhurya Kadambini titled Why Our Japa Still Stinks, where he suggests a logical progression to improve Japa by using the eight steps of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra as a template. The immediate goal would be to finally reach some substantial improvement in concentration, thus leading to nishta-bhajan (Dhyana and Samadhi). The author emphasizes that after Pratyahara, or trying to leave behind the "false" identity to stop distracting thoughts successfully, it is crucial to fill that gap with a "real" identity fit and ready to serve Krsna in a particular way, embracing this role internally, Dharana. Even if, at the beginning, it is a faceless character, chanting from such a role is what allows more depth while chanting.

Of course, this seems to be a very personal practice, but this devotee insists that if we think we are not qualified for it, we shoot ourselves in the foot. What is your advice on this matter? What do you suggest as reading/practice to start working towards that step? Is any specific approach facilitated by the spiritual master, or does it all fall into a homogeneous, holistic, general instruction?

ei nivedana dhara, sakhira anugata koro, seva-adhikara diye koro nija dasi

Thank you very much for giving me shelter, Dear Gurudeva.

Respectfully and affectionately,

Your servant,

Etasa Krsna Das

HpS - Preparing for Friday night class. Stomach ache. 90-degrees Fahrenheit. 🙂

Same as you, no?

We think about above a lot.

We remember Srila Prabhupada says, that for every stage in the Astanga yoga system, there is a corresponding stage in the Bhakti yoga system.

In our practice it seems so.

Above description of stages in contrast seems fine. We see little different but not means we are better.

Don't remember exact list from SP of the comparisons.

Eg. we take Pratyahara as the change when we stop letting the drum play us and we play the drum.

In the beginning it is very gratifying to the senses to beat the drum in regular strong strikes. It is sense gratification.

Because it is dovetailed with Hari kirtan it is like Nama-bhasa. It liberates us. We like the freedom.

Yet, we are not withdrawing from the external sensual experience and hearing the meaning of the Mantra or trying to use the percussion to ornament, illuminate, the Mantra. When that happens, even though it may not be ecstatic for the senses, we feel ecstasy, satisfaction in illuminating the meaning, punctuation, for the Mantra.

We take it to a deeper level.

Of course, the senses begin to like this position more than their blind, juvenile, gratification with no depth.


Is one idea.

Chanting and Dancing obviously handle aZana and prAnayAma, no?

Four principles, Tri-sandhyas ~= Yama, Niyama.

When you come to Goswami ... ? .... nistha/ruci... you start Raganuga Bhakti. Goswami, male, female, eunich, must be very intuitive: Gita = jitAtmana prasAntasya paramAtma samAhita, Intro to NoI = Once one becomes goswami everything else about how to advance will be automatically revealed.

So, our use of Srila P's books becomes more intuitive, not so regulated and linear, German, when we reach goswami - Pratyahara/dharana/dhyana.

Also, not like quantum jumps - You are Nistha! or you are Ruci!

More like a Bell Curve.

I might be little bit of neophyte, mostly Nistha, beginning Ruci and sometimes Prema (once every five years).


If we want to discuss more we should organize a colloquia, no? 🙂

References: To Dance in the Downpour of Devotion: A Summary Study of Madhurya Kadambini by Vraja Kishor.

Picture: The Book of Hours at the University of Chicago

Travel to Manipura

2 weeks ago by hps in Calendar Development

AgtSP. Paoho.

As mentioned we are hoping to visit Manipura during the end of September and beginning of October with devotees from Spain.

How is the political situation?

Can it be predicted for the above date?


Do devotees from Spain need a special entry permit?

Thank you.