Manipur Saturday Class

Hare Krsna Srila Gurudev

Dandavat pranam at ur feet


Can we have our manipur sankirtan class on Saturday 27th of July .

Topic can be as you seem fit.

Or I can ask Sarad Gaurangi mataji and get back to you.

Kindly let me know your availability for the same.

Thank you

Rturaj Krsna Das

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! Certainly. Would liked to have answered this earlier.


6.30am IST

8AM CDT... Houston time.

Topic = "Light of the Bhagavata", Text One.

Sunday Morning SB workshop ~~ July 28, 2024

6 days, 12 hours ago by upendra1 in Special Category A

Sunday Morning Srimad Bhagavatam Workshop will start reading Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya-lila, Chapter Nine: Lord Caitanya's Travels to the Holy Places. We will start reading 9.18 verses onwards. We should be able to complete reading about 30 verses.

Thank you to H. G. Lakshman Prabu for always being there to help with translation.

It is the mercy of Maharaja, to engage everyone in reading books of Srila Prabhupada.


Upendra dasa

ASA / FULL MORNING SERVICE - Current Kirtan Leader Schedule

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva 🙏🏻

Please, accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

This is the current schedule of devotees for leading kirtan on ASA / Full Morning Service :

● MONDAY: H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.

● TUESDAY: Govardhana das, Jagadisvara das, Mitravinda devi dasi.

● WEDNESDAY: Yugala Kishora dasi, Jagad Guru das.

● THURSDAY: Ramakrishna Ananda das, Krishna Pramodini devi dasi, Subala Sakha das.

● FRIDAY: Abhinanda das, Deva Vrata das, Caturatma Gaura das.

● SATURDAY: Isvari Radha devi dasi, Karuna Sakti devi dasi, Guru Govinda Dasi.

● SUNDAY: Candramukhi devi dasi, Parasurama Avatara das, Vrsabhanu Nandini devi dasi.

Gurudeva, as you suggested few days ago, we invited devotees from Richmond to lead the kirtan on Thursdays.

We added to the list Ramakrishna Ananda das, Krishna Pramodini devi dasi and Subala Sakha das.

Thank you for continuing giving us your association every day....for giving us enthusiasm, determination and joy to execute our daily sadhana. 🙏🏻🙇‍♀️

Hare Krishna 🙏🏻

Aspiring to be your disciple:

Mitravinda dd.

HpS/ASA - this sanga, agtsp, is an essential part of our spiritual life!!!

keep fighting until we are dead! 🙂

thank you for these schedules.

Memoria - PMD

1 week, 2 days ago by piyari_mohan_das in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

It has taken me years, but thanks to the association with very learned devotees of our Yatra through their daily classes, I am able to memorize the most important verses of the Bhagavad Gita. 

Every day I set aside a few minutes to learn and review the verses, it helps a lot in preaching and makes me feel fulfilled. 

Two questions Gurudeva: 

1.- Does the recitation of the mantra “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” work for any Vedic scripture?

HpS - Yes.

2.- What do you think of veganism? Sometimes I get to thinking about going vegan. 

HpS - It is good for people living in the forest who may not have access to cows and milk, but for someone who must have mental strength and acuity to advise the King in all his practical affairs, it is not good. He would need cows milk to feed his instrument, brain.

Thank you very much Gurudeva

Your Servant

Piyari Mohan das

HpS/ASA - 🙂

Please advise

1 week, 2 days ago by bhaktabigfoot in Special Category A

Hare Krishna!

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you


I hope you are well.

HpS - With some enfirmities but with good hopes to recover by Krsna and Guru Krpa!

Things are going well here in Radha-Kalachandji dham, I can see practically that I am making some advancement. I appreciate that you have given me so much mercy and encouragement. I see it in my life in such an amazing way and I feel so fortunate having your association.

I have a great opportunity in that Nityananda Prabhu has asked me to travel to India with him for 5 months starting in September for teaching Krishna consciousness and helping him in his program teaching.

His program that he has been working on is taking off and we are working on it with him.

He is very encouraging and a great inspiration for me here in Radha-Kalachandji dham, I really owe him so much for being able to thrive here.

We recently had 7 days of intensive training that was over 2 long weekends, it was very fun for me, and I am very exciting to help.

We have talked to Aditi about this, and she has given her blessing. She sees it as something that would be very good for me and supports it, although it's difficult for her in that we have never been away from each other for so long. It's quite amazing she is supporting me in this adventure.

HpS/ASA - She has been like a piece of rock-solid foundation in your spiritual life, no?

Guru Maharaja, this is important decision for me, and I would appreciate your blessing for this trip if it is something you would like me to do. I feel like it's an opportunity for, an important direction for my life (vanaprastha) 🤔, however what good is any opportunity if it's not pleasing to the Spiritual master? Please tell me what you would be most pleasing to you.

Your servant,

Nanda-braja das

HpS/ASA - How is your Team Leader, Lord Nityananda Das' Mangala arati performance?

Gurudev ¿qué significa el éxito?

1 week, 2 days ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudev.

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to you.

Gurudev. I hope you are well, bringing the good news to Rāma that the ring is now in Sīta's hand.

Gurudev, I have several things to tell you. I don't want to take away your time and energy. That's why sometimes I don't write, and also because there is no relevant news.

First of all, I'm very anxious because I'm going to see you. I planned this trip 100% to be able to see you. If you were going to China or Mars I was going to try to go. But, by your mercy, it seems that I will visit the Holy Dhama, although I am not qualified at all. I am sinful and do not have a single drop of devotion. I am one of your newest initiated disciples, so I did not have much personal relationship with you, which makes me humble, since I am insignificant in all senses of life. That is why I am very anxious to be able to prostrate myself personally at the feet of my spiritual master, who is your beautiful and great person.

HpS - Trnad api sunicena. When we are fully awake we realize how we are servants of everyone.

Now, especially, we are servants of Srila Prabhupada. He is our Guru. He wrote the book KRSNA The SPOG.

He is the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON.

He also founded the BBT.

He lives forever in his books.

On the other hand, Gurudev, I remember that you once said that a disciple of yours realized, after 10 years of being your disciple, that "my guru is not my psychologist."

This was recorded in my memory and I try to take the relationship with you in a mature way and taking advantage of the fortune of having you, to ask you relevant questions about spiritual life, and to be able to do some service dedicated to you (BG 4.34).

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!

However, Gurudev, I want to ask you: What is success? Sometimes, I feel like I'm a failure in every way.

HpS - Success is ever expanding. The Gopis are successful in giving some novel delight to Krsna, but then is knowledge potency expands and He understands it.

Continuous, delightful competition between his Ananda and Cit zAktis.

Success is being able to chant Hare Krsna//Hare Rama.

If you can chant SKC, PNA... and follow it with HK//HR right now, you life is successful. Continue with that success and it will dictate to you how to make further progress.


My spiritual life is mediocre, I sing the 16 rounds but without enthusiasm and with many offenses. Yes I follow the 4 principles strictly. I don't have many spiritual realizations. I fail to have substantial friendly relations with the yatra devotees. I also fail to study the Scriptures seriously. I am not consistent in getting up early in the morning... I only distribute some books of Srila Prabhupada, and with that, I try to mentally convince myself that I am doing something for you and for him, but it is insignificant since I am not doing it with pure consciousness.

HpS - How do you know this?

How do you know the metal you have is not gold, unless you know what is gold.

So, you must have some higher consciousness.

Focus on getting up early and getting your rounds' done,

With enthusiasm

ie. meditating on the goal and and the path.


In the material sphere, I also feel that it is a failure. I am 43 years old and within what materialistic society rewards as "success", I have none of that... No worldly love, no money, no worldly prestige, no children... nothing....

HpS/ASA - 🙂

So? what sustains me? What should I do with my life, Gurudev?

HpS - Bible:

Look yee upon the Lilies of the field. Neither do they sow, nor do they reap, but I tell you, Solomon in all his splendor was not so arrayed.

If even a little sparrow falls, your father who is in heaven knows of this. Then do you not think that you, who are so much greater than these little beasts, are not being constantly observed by your Father who is in Heaven.

We can be eternal Sankirtan partners in Srila Prabhupada's party.

Act so that people can get help from you in reawaking their unique service, in the Sankirtan party, for Krsna.

Radha Krsna.

I know you don't know the details, but I wanted to ask you and ask for a few words.

Thanks Gurudev.

I love you very much.

I aspire to be your servant and be part of your entourage.

Deva Vrata das


Hare Krsna Gurudev.

Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Todas las glorias a usted.

Gurudev. Espero que te encuentres bien, llevándole las buenas nuevas a Rāma de que el anillo ya está en mano de Sīta.

Gurudev, tenga varias cosas para comentarte. No quiero quitarte tiempo y energía. es por eso que a veces no escribo, y también porque no hay noticias relevantes.

En primer lugar, estoy muy ansioso porque voy a verte. este viaje lo planifiqué 100% para poder verte. Si ibas a China o a Marte iba a tratar de ir. Pero, por tu misericordia, parece que visitaré el Santo Dhama, aunque no estoy cualificado para nada. Soy pecaminoso y no tengo ni una gota de devoción.

Soy uno de tus discípulos iniciados más nuevos, por lo cual no tuve mucha relación personal contigo, lo cual me vuelve humilde, ya que soy insignificante en todos los sentidos de la vida. Por eso estoy muy anssioso por poder postrarme personalmente a los pies de mi maestro espiritual, que es tu bella y grandiosa persona.

por otro lado, Gurudev, recuerdo que una vez dijiste qie un discípulo tuyo se dio cuenta, luego de 10 años de ser tu discípulo, que "mi guru no es mi psicólogo". Esto quedó grabado en mi memoria y trato de tomar la relación contigo de una manera madura y aprovechando la fortuna de tenerte, para hacerte preguntas relevantes y la vida espiritual, y poder hacer algúm servicio dedicado a tí (BG 4.34).

Sin embargo, Gurudev, quiero preguntarte: ¿Qué es el éxito?

A veces, siento que soy un fracaso en todas los aspectos.

Mi vida espiritual es mediocre, canto las 16 rondas pero sin entusiasmo y con muchas ofensas. Sí sigo los 4 principios estrictamente. No tengo muchas realizaciones espirituales. No logro tener relaciones sustanciales de amistad con los devotos de yatra. Tampoco logro estudiar seriamente las Escrituras. No soy constante en levantarme temprano a la mañana...

Solo distribuyo algunos libros de Srila Prabhupada, y con eso, trato de convencerme mentalmente de que estoy haciendo algo para ti y para él, pero es insignificante ya que no lo hago con al conciencia pura.

En el ambito material, también siento que es un fracaso. Tengo 43 años y dentro de lo que la sociedad materialista premia como "éxito", yo no tengo nada de eso... Ni amor mundano, ni dinero, ni prestigio mundanos, ni hijos... nada....

entonces? qué me sostiene? Que debo hacer con mi vida, Gurudev?

Sé que no sabes los detalles, pero quería preguntarte y pedirte unas palabras.

Gracias Gurudev. 

Te quiero mucho.

Aspiro a ser tu sirviente y formar parte de tu séquito.

Deva Vrata das

HpS/ASA - O.K.?

🐵 🐒 🐒🐒