DTG 20 June 2011

13 years, 8 months ago by hps

AGTSP    paoho

We are in Peru.  Busy as ants.   MOre news soon!

Here is letter we wrote to Dr. Samaresh!

Esteemed Doctors, Professors, Samaresh Bandyopadhyay and Ian Mabbett,

We hope this letter meets you well and in the best of spirits.   We write you from the mystical land of Peru.   This weekend has been typical.  Jayapataka Swami, one of our most senior men has been visiting.  He recently had a brain stroke and was diagnosed to die, but didn't, and to the contrary is traveling and preaching.  His body is practically dysfunctional but his consciousness is so lucid, homourous, determined, that he is a living example of the distinction between spirit and matter.  Of course, with his visit, 300 more devotees from surrounding area have also visited!     Then the city turned off our rustic water supply for two days in its regular function.

Then, simultaneously, we have and obligation of one week of courses with the National Education University, where teachers are trained, with Isopanisad for Philosopy, Light of the Bhagavata (Srimad Bhagavatam 10th Canto, Chapter 30) for Literature, as well as dance, drama, music.

Also, we have a $10,000 contract with two of the very finest geniuses of Peru to make a television documentary on our Indian culure in Peru and they are filming all these things as well as the Murti puja on the altar.

Also, we have our regular curriculum development for Gita, Bhagavata etc. with 150-students/

And, we are producing this WONDERFUL homage, book, for Professor Samaresh!

We are surviving.

Our book designer has been working very hard.  He has done hundreds of books and he is very enthused with this book, but he comments that it is challenging because it is an anthology from many sources.    The first problem was that all was in Word format and Word is not a professional formating tool.  The fonts, location of the pictures and so much more can move, change, when you change computers.

So we were passing everything to In Line with is professional tool.  Five days ago after working furiously on the book, he was going back to home, parked his car at 10PM, was called over to one side by a security guard, a second man came out of the bushes, put pistols against his stomach and took his computer and all the books files!!

O.K.   Back to earlier copies!

However, in these next few weeks, since we can sit together we hope to make much, much more progress.

I want to get a rough general format for the book so you both can make any suggestions for corrections.   Then there are so many details in each article.  For exmple, some articles have lost italics so those need to be replaced.

We want to produce a book that will be esteemed by Vice-Chancellors, all. Then we hope that the majority of the distribution can be at that level.

Please contact us as you see fit, and I hope very sincerely to have some very substantial result in a short time.

Your humbler servant,

Hanumatpresaka Swami

Professor Huber Robinson



13 years, 8 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA

AgtSP, pamho. I am Paul's parikrama of Spain. I hope you are well Maharaja. Thanks so much for your instructions. I try to apply them. My brother and I read the KD few days ago and was very intense. Thank you very much for pushing people like us. A better about ourselves. I'm sorry about his spiritual daughter, try to help the `max possible, we are limited financially but something s may (did we mailed the money in cash?). Maybe I could spend the Kd at Temple Spanish authorities if they receive it.

For our part, in any way, we would like to express one thing to Jambavati DD. For what it's worth, our greatest blessings and good wishes. You are an inspiration to us. Thanks. "My House is where you are You, the same nails, the same Cross" Our house is your house, you know that here in Spain will always have a home you need to come to Spain to collect. Delighted. Here in Spain, as in Cuba, health care is free ... no idea is a desperate attempt to serve. Thank you so much for everything. At his feet. PS: Your book is very good, it's hard to follow certain lack of vocabulary words, but I liked it ,     HpS - ASA -  AGTSP    pamho    This robot won't put in a line space!      Thank you so much for you letter.  I always remember you serving Prasadam on the Parikrama.  Thank you also so, so, much for you concern for M. Jambavati!   I think she will read this.  Of course, we have to understand that ultimately Krsna may want us to leave a useless situation and go with Him.mmmm;jm;lm

Sobre el padre

13 years, 8 months ago by manuelgajardoa

Hare Krishna, ¡Todas las glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada!

Maharaja, espero este muy bien al momento de escribirle.

Siempre he tenido problemas con mi padre, yo y toda mi familia, es una persona muy orgullosa como para pedirnos perdon por las cosas que han pasado y simplemente no le guardo afecto. ¿Cómo es posible que, al no guardarle afecto a un padre, pueda tener una relación sana con un Guru, sabiendo que el tambien es un padre?

Reverencias, cuidese mucho.

Bhakta Manuel Gajardo

ASA - Hare Krsna.    AGTSP    pfanrh.    Quien esta Vd, Prabhu???   Muy bien leer su carta.  Pienso el principio es que eso es Kali-yuga y tomar mucho en cuenta de Varna-ashrama Dharma, papel de Padre, Hijo, Rey, no es muy practico.   Mejor trata apreciar el nivel de desarrolla espiritual de cada persona y trata de relacion de esta persepctivo.   Claro unas personas pueden entender no mas que un reflejo de Varna ashrama dhama entonces si Krnsa quiere, como Arjuna, podemas tratar de relacionar en esta etapa. Pero eso es basado en nivel espiritual!       Espera un milagro.

Hare Krsna! Boise visit

13 years, 8 months ago by Kamagayatri

Hare Krsna Maharaj!

Please accept our humble obeisances and All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada and your humble service.

By the grace of Krsna, my master's program candicacy interview was rescheduled for Friday.  We are in Colorado, but hopefully we can be in Boise Saturday afternoon.  We have been here all week and our family has been very disappointed that the residency/intensive week was scheduled the same week as your visit.  We hope to get a chance to see you Saturday!

We left some milk and cream on Sri Sri Radha Banke Bihari's doorway from my Dad's farm.  It is not pastuerized or homogenized.  We hope Krsna liked.  My Dad and Karla were happy to give.

Mangal arati has wained during this intensive week travelling. Rounds have been okay. Lots of good daily family kirtan though to make the baby stop crying in the car!  Lots of fruit, nut offerings to Krsna.  Jaya prasadam to get us through!  The simpler life has been after Aja's birth, the easier it is to have spiritual life.  But we have important questions, issues that we know you can shed light on and if you have time Saturday, Sunday, it will be nice to visit/discuss how to be of better service to you, Krsna, and our son.

Thank you for yoru tolerance Maharaj.  We look forward to seeing you!

Your aspiring servants,

Kamagayatri, Nick and Aja Narayana  

HpS - ASA  >    Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho.  Of course, this letter was writ before we met in Boise!   Was so nice to see you "fat, white baby"!  <img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/04.gif" title="" width="18" />     He looks like a solid American guy from the country, so happy , peacful. He must be somebody with very specific spiritual and material Karma to accomplish.   Thank you and Nick so much for the chance to see you all and Aja.    I think your programs are fine: Aja, Nick, Father, School!     It's a fact though, we love them all the best if we strictly keep the Brahma-muhurta for spiritual stuff, chanting Holy Names!
Because Krsna took Devaki's milk it was transcendental and the other babies of Devaki all became immediately transcendental Dudes just by also taking her milk.  Devaki Mother of God Ki Jai!!!
Main thing is to put down your anchor every day with your Japa, Mangala arat (simple), Kirtana and Class.  Then you can put everything else into proportion and move a head smoooooothly !!!!!!


Madrid Dham

13 years, 8 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid


 Hare Krishna Maharaja, espero que se encuentre bien de salud.  

HpS - ASA >   TlgaSP.   Pfanrh.....  Esta cuerpo no tiene enfermidades, esta cuerpo ES un enfermidad! 


Estamos a la espera de celebrar Ratha Yatra, aqui en el templo Ahora Me he quedado solo con Rupa Ragunatha Prabhu, hago las pujas  a las deidades y las ofrendas pero al final no las visto, la ultima vez que las vio las habia arreglado Totagopinath Prabhu. Ayudo tambien en el restaurante y me acabo de leer el libro de Manual reformatorio de Japa de Sastvarupa dasa goswami. Mis rondas ahora no canto dos horas pero canto siempre que puedo 17 o mas y si no recupero hasta 17, pero siempre minimo 16 (me gusta cantar 17) Ahora por la mañana preparo el desayuno y voy un poco justo de tiempo pero logro 17. Sigo con el curso y tambien con los grupos de musica uno con Jagamohan y otro con un invitado. Voy tambien a retomar el escuchar a Srila Prabhupada cuando friego los platos del Prasadam, ya que ultimamente lo tengo un poco abandonado. Pienso que puedo seguir los 4 principios toda la vida y poder ser siempre un buen sirviente a los pies de loto de el sirviente de el sirviente...gracias a su misericordia y a la asociacion de los devotos...de momento no quiero salir de el templo y si salgo sería para estar en otro templo. El servicio devocional a veces es dificil pero el mundo material es horrible.

   Espero poder tener pronto su asociación. Perdone por favor todas las ofensas cometidas.



       Aspirante a poder servir a sus sirvientes Bhakta José desde Madrid.

HpS - ASA > Jaya!   Desculpa demurra rsponder....   Viaje de EEUU a Peru, programa en la Universidad National Educativa, La Cantuta, llegado de Jayapataka Swami con 300 devotos!         Mucho!    Esta bien.  Solamente por cantand Maha-mantras podemos navegar en esta oceano de nectar y no causar un kaos!          Poco a poco realizamos todo.          Si, muy bien quedar en el templo pero no estamos muy seguro de nuestra ashrama hasta que ha pasado unos anos de Kirtana.             O.K!      Nos vemos pronto y estamos siempre feliz oir de sus esfuerzas.  No esa solo!!!     Su programa de Prasdam y sankirtana es super.  Estamos ayudando Muchisimos Personas!   Adelante con sus estudios.   Reverences a los devotos!!!

DTC 13 June

13 years, 9 months ago by hps

hare krsna  agtsp    paoho.   writing  from   kindle...  health o.k 

if we chant there is much but if we stop then all is hell.

in choseeka until two weeks.  BhVai 1.9

kapidhvaja tonight.  6 letters to answer.

buck white