HARE KRSNA- Cristina Zavala, demonds around me.

13 years, 7 months ago by Cristina Zavala


Please accept mis mas humildes y respuetusas reverencias.

Dear Gurudeva, the human demonds are disturbing me, playing with me, braking my haeart, actually Im crying, because I always want to thing that people is good, but is always the same, deceptions, sudness, lonelyness. My relation mith my husband was broked in June, to much problems, I really feel better without him, but I need love dear Gurudeva, im full of love to all the people, but men are very very bad, only you and Krsna can save me of this suffer Im felling. CALM, everything is gonna be alright, I know, Im thinking next year go to India, if you go I would like to go with you, I want to walk always with your hand, I need your pretection and mercy, Excuse me Dear Gurudeva, I dont know if I have to talk with you about this kind of things, but I feel taht only you can help me, I feel so bad, so lonely....

Excuse me again Dear Gurudeva, I dont want to disturbe you with my emocional problems and necesities, I want Krsna send me a good devotee to married him, to help me in my espiritual life, I know Krsna is the best husband, Srila Prabhupada said that, yes, but I need more mercy to go this plataforme of pure love.

With all mY respect and devotion, Cristina.


HpS -   Jaya!   AGTSP    pamho.     How it is 9.53PM.   Next letter was before this one.
Thank you very much for this letter.  I know one Mataji in Brazil, one in Chile and ...  who express the same problem. In the Bhagavatam, Srila Prabhupada explains that the Kali yuga is a hell for women, children, animals and old men.    We fall into categories 1 and 4.  We cannot expect good meditation environtmen, good Deity worship, nor good social situation.   Yet, we can expect very, very, very easy access to Krsna through HIs Holy Names.   So, we make it our first work to get up early and get our rounds done!

Even we don't get proper rest, still up early, clock across the room.   rinnnnngngngn!   turn on the light.  Drink a glass of water.  Sit up and don't stretch out.  Rounds good or bad we chant them.  And there is the result.    The whole rest of the day we get O.K. mind, O.K. view of the Deity and O.K. Social relations. Not great but enough to inspire that tiny spark in our hear to be bigger tommorrow, feeling the real association of Krsna and our return to our situation in the SPriitual world.
[Sannyasis can't hand in hand with Matajis.   Haw!   Ja!    Haw!]
We got a nice letter from Oscar.   He will send our third film soon!     Lord Caitanya had 3-1/2 intimate associates in this world.  Three were men, One-half was sister of one of them.  She never even came close or communicated with Lord but she was very close.   So, we can all associate with Prabhupada and other devotees from this platform of Japa, ISKCON.
Don't be afraid of chanting more rounds, but keep a fixed minimum.
How may a day will you chant until Gaura purnima?
You can talk with Candramukhi dd also.  She is Head Pujari in Wilson Temple!

HARE KRSNA - Cristina Zavala

13 years, 7 months ago by Cristina Zavala


Please, accept mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Dear Gurudeva, thank you very much four your quickly answers. Ok, I will do what you say, at the moment 2 rounds, and try to follow the regulative principies.

FARM RADHA KRSNA???!!!! JAYA!!!! I think it must be beautifull!!!!!

I rememeber when we went to Satipo farm, very very beautifull place!! What a good time! every day with your mercy asociation and the devotees!! JAYA!!!

Whay about Chiclayo Mandir?? I want to help in this proyect!! JAYA!!! TEMPLES IN ALL THE WORLD!! ALL THE WORLD FULL OF LOVE TO KRSNA!!! JAYA!!!!!

JAYA GURUDEVA JAYA GURUDEVA!!! JAYA SRILA PRABHUPADA!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.......!!!!!! 4 EVER!!!!!

HpS -  Jaya!   AGTSP!!!!!     We just came back from the Spain Farm #2.  It is 9.48PM.     We must close quick!    There is no Mandir in Chiclayo, but devotees individual efforts.  Specifically Payonidhi Das has been leading the development.   Nothing is very perfect there or fully stable.  It is like the material world in so many places, but it is the best project for all of us that I know in Peru.    It is the rural component that attracts me.   I guess we will make plans to go there in June.  O.K.  You other letter!

Rodrigo H. Chile: Utsaha 2 magazine and more

13 years, 7 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros

All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Dear Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances
Here is bhakta Rodrigo Hernandez from Chile. Please excuse me for not writing earlier. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
The trip to Peru was wonderful. Devotees of Peru are very nice. I also made very good contacts. And most importantly, I could talk to you. Thank you very much for your association!!
Life without Krishna consciousness and without you would be the hell!
I recently sent photos of the event "Tribute to Prabhupada" (Universidad Ricardo Palma) to  [email protected]

Do you received these photos? I also took many pictures for your Vyasa Puja. Do you need some one?
The last days I have not felt very good. I think I'm frustrated the material world. There are  much pain, so much suffering. Also my relationship with people is changing. I've always expected great things from people, then sometimes comes disappointment.
I think every time I cling  to any person or thing sooner or later comes the suffering. (cada vez que yo me apego a alguna persona o cosa, termino sufriendo)
I'm also a bit tired of taking medications at night (taking 900 mg of quetiapine is a very high dose. I sleep totally doped. The problem is that with a lower dose did not work either). Bipolar depression does not help me at all in my spiritual life. It is more difficult a spiritual life with bipolar depression. It is much harder to control the mind and senses.
By the same, I'm not happy with my spiritual life. Always chant my rounds later. I can not yet have a good sadhana. I'm not ready to seek refuge in you.
We're working on Utsaha Magazine 2. The first issue was very well received, people really liked the magazine. But the magazine was giving away nearly 90%. Very few sales.
On Sunday I interviewed for  Utsaha 2 to Chandramukha Swami Maharaja (Brazil). His answers are very good. Maharaja was so happy, he  sent me two articles to Utsaha.
The great difficulty is to get money for the magazine. We will ask for donations in Chile and abroad, we will sell advertising and maybe do a cultural event to raise money.
Could you write an article on "philosophy, science and religion” for Utsaha 2?
Some good news: Recently, a website published some poems of mine. I mentioned to you in my biography. The link is

http://www.poesias.cl/escriben_hoy.htm # rhp
Now in March published a small book of mine in the Netherlands. A couple of poems translated into Dutch. I think that all good things in life are possible thanks to the blessings of Krishna and Guru (Srila Prabhupada and you).
Jay Srila Prabhupada! Jay Hanumatpresaka Swami!!
Your humble servant,
Bhakta Rodrigo Hernandez Piceros 

Hps - Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho.   Yes, we got the fotos but we haven't had chance to open them.   We are in Madrid. It is 9.38PM.   We returned from a 9-hour trip and and program at the devotee/temple land here in Spain.    Is very simple, but some possibility. I don't think it will be a final solution. It depends too much on the few persons involved. Only as our community grows in size and strength of personal relations based on individual strength, can we expect lasting solutions. Thus our idea is to do something that we can later sell to someone else when we move on to a more permanent solution.
In terms of land this is easy:  Put in buildings, water, electricity that people will want and then we you most likely move with new community to new place you can sell these to buy your next step.
How this applys to Utasha, I am not sure. It is your meditation, along with other devotees in Chile.  Of course, they also may not be much help as they are involved in other projects.
So where is the best place to start in this complicated project???

Harer Nama.     Medication, relationships, literature - Put improved Japa as the basis.   Even if you can raise your standard to only chanting one round earlier, but keep it then that is the best step forward.     I face the same struggle.    I'm going to finish these letters. Now it is 9.44PM but read a little from the KRSNA book before I take rest.  Usually I fail and don't read.  But now I will start this permanent advance.   Always read something!
Write us again in a little bit after applying this stuff, no?!

Clarificando NOD 4

13 years, 7 months ago by Manuel Poblete


Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepten mis humildes reverencias y disculpe mi mal inglés de la carta anterior, le describo desde Chile, Santiago Mandir, conozco conciencia de Krishna hace 6 años,  principios regulativos OK, canto 16 rondas y realizo servicio en el programa de Fiesta de Domingo  junto a su discípulo Om Kesava Das.

En el capítulo cuatro del Néctar de la Devoción se menciona que la Personalidad de Dios, no la entienden las grandes almas liberadas, pero los devotos como la reina Kunti si, ¿pero no debiesen ser las personas liberadas la que se sientan atraídas por las cualidades trascendentales de Sri Krishna, ya que no tienen apegos materiales?
Atentos a sus instrucciones, su aspirante a sirviente,
Bhakta Manuel  

HpS -  Jaya!   TlgaSP   Hay muchos diferentes aspectos de esta pregunta.  Pero uno es que hay dos tipos de personas liberados. Unos son liberados de la cuativerio material por su propio esfuerza de auseridades etc. pero aun tiene esta orgullo ser liberados.  mejor que otros, y por eso no quiere tomar apoyo de la opportunidad de apreciar las cualidades transcendental del senor.   Otros como los cuatro Kumaras y Sukadeva Goswami so liberados, posible tambien por mucho de sus propios austeridades, pero no son orgullo, opuesto a apreciar los cualidades de Visnu.

Eso es nuestra comprehension.

Basicamente estas detalles son clarificados naturalmente como leyamos mas!


Re: Re: Kevin - Greetings from Vrindavan

13 years, 7 months ago by Bhakta Kevin

Dear Maharaja,
pamho AGTSP
We are here in Vrindavan and I am engaged in kirtan seva 6 hours a day. I was just in Jagannatha Puri with a group of devotees, and we saw many places. My favorite was the Siddha Bakul tree.  
I hope you are doing well, and we can talk soon. 
your servant,
bhakta kevin
p.s. I finished my B.A. at Rutgers 

HpS -  Jaya!   HAre Krsna!    Super!     We have been thinking about you at times.   What was happening in your trip.     The trip of a lifetime.

When do you get back to the USA?
We get back March first and then stay until June.
I is good that you finished Rutgers before it finished you!     How is your Japa vrata?   Is it very cold in Vraja?  How long do you stay???


The 24 hour kirtan party was invited to Brahma Kund for Vasant Pancami, on the invitation of Paramadwaita Swami. The Braj Foundation has cleaned up Brahma Kund and many other Kunds. The garbage has been removed and the kunds have been restored nicely.

I have had the fortunate opportunity to be able to chant a lot of japa here in Vrindavan. I read one reply that you posted saying that the best way to serve your guru is to chant 16 rounds, follow the 4 regulative principles and read Prabhupada's books. This is one intention I have kept in mind before starting to chant my japa.

It has been pretty cold in the mornings so far. Just yesterday on my way to the temple in the morning I could see my breath in the air. Brr!

I will be in Vraja until April 6th, then return back to New Jersey. I would be very happy to see you if possible when I get back.
 Hope this finds you well.
 your servant,
 bhakta kevin
HpS - Jaya!    Hare Krsna.   I remember us walking around the lake in Tennessee waiting to pick up Tandavika.  We will be in Tennessee in time for Gaura-purnima and then stay for a few months at least.
Today is appearance day of Advaita acharya. We are in Madrid. Has been pretty good effort today.
Yes, our first effort is to chant nice Japa for Krsna, Rama and Radha under the lotus feet of our Acharya, Srila Prabhupada.  Then we should have intelligence to do more service each day.
Thank you so, so, so much for writing us with news from Vrndavana.  Please offer our respects to some grass and some more grass there.
We wait for more reports!!!

Devotional service exceeds all kinds of liberation

13 years, 7 months ago by Manuel Poblete


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami!
Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances, in chapter four of the Nectar of Devotion is mentioned that the Personality of God, do not understand the great souls released, but devotees such as Queen Kunti, but should not be released are people that are attracted by the transcendental qualities of Sri Krishna
Attentive to your instructions, your aspiring servant,
Bhakta Manuel

Monkey - Piggy!   AGTSP   paoho.   We can't follow your English.  Can you send again in Castellano!!  Where are you, Mexico?