Victoria desde Barcelona

13 years, 9 months ago by Victoria

Gurudev Hare Krsna, please accept my humble obeisances. I hope you are doing well. Now we are in Barcelona, ​​very happy in the temple. I never had the experience of living in the temple and here I feel very comfortable. Gundica Prabhu and the devotees are a constant inspiration. We are follow the morning program and then we are doing service in the kitchen. Nimai Pandit Prabhu invited us to give a SB class per week. This Tuesday is the second. I am also doing sankirtan.   

Piggy - ASA   ---  AGTSP   Esteemed reader. We think this letter is from Ambarisa Prabhu's esteemed wife, Vicky.   They have been to Mayapura for months from Argentina.  She is one of the worlds greatest cinematagraphers! 


Sometimes it is hard, but I like to do it. Always appear very frustrated people who are interested in hearing about Krsna. We need to be more regular and go out every day. We are studying BVB under the guide of Laksman prabhu, we had the first assessment and that Wednesday is the second. He have to much patient and the meetings by skaype are illuminating. I am very happy for the experience of visiting the holy dham. I miss being there and keep in me as a treasure yearning to be there again.i pray to Radha that allows me to enter again despite of having committed some offenses. In Vrindavan was very intense, I felt very happy and yet I found difficult to understand some behaviors of vrajavasis. I feel that Radharani squeezed my heart by leaving many impurities go away. The contact with the purity show me how much dirt are in me and how many obstacles i have because of the false ego. I ask you Gurudev for your blessings to to overcome these obstacles and in that way be useful in the service of Lord Caitanya s sankirtan. Even with this attachment to things of this world, my desire is to be able to surrender and really serve. For months I'm able to chant all my rounds every day, it's hard because I have no fixed taste, but for chant all the rounds each day, that gives me strength to the next day. I am very happy to finally fulfill this instruction and chant Regularly. Your guide gives me strength. Sorry about this long letter and for not writing regularly. Thanks for your great inspiration and example. Your aspiring servant Bhaktina Victoria   


 Monkey - AGTSP   paoho.  Piggy fell into ecstacy reading your letter, so I have to take over.  Gosh!   If Srila Prabhupada has helped you develop this much in such a few years, what kind of devotee will you be after 30-years. Tough tackle for Maya!
I hope we see you all in Vrndavana!     Our reverences to Gaura Nitai of the Plaza Real.    And the loud Holy Names to all the Ramblaz dogs, cats and brown cow!!!

Read the Light of the Bhagavata and it will distribute itself.   This is our last letter tonight.  10.43PM.  SOme head ache.  We take rest!!!  


Hare Krishna, de Miraflores (Perú)

13 years, 9 months ago by Catherine Naty Cl

Hare Krishna quierido Mahajara,

Por acepte mis mas humildes reverencias a Sus pies de Loto

Piggy - TlgaSP!    Pues you tengo trotones y Monocito tiene patas y HpS tiene algo parecido.  Ahhh!    Srila Prabhupada tiene pies de loto.  Eso es una cartas para nosotros pasar a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada.., Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga !!!!

Le escribe Bhaktin Catherine (miraflores - Lima - Peru), perdone que no le escriba hace mucho tiempo, pensaba que no tendria nada nuevo que contarle, mi mente es muy fuerte : (

Estoy cada día mas agradecida con Srila Prabhupada, por permitirme acercarme a Krishna y a sus tan afortunados devotos como Ud.

Le cuento que estoy finalizando el cuarto año de medicina (Tratando de obtener buenas calificaciones, como servicio a Krishna), en Agosto empiezo el 5to año. Este semestre estoy llevando psiquiatria ( estando en este proceso, es dificil diferenciar entre los "no devotos" al cuerdo del enfermo jeje) <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="21" />

Tambien lleve el curso Bhakti Sastri 09' ( en serio muchas gracias por guiarnos en el estudio de BG y LOB, NOI, NOI, NOD), este año ademas empezamos el curso de Bhakti Vaibhava con madre Yugala. ( El Bhagavatam es tan hermoso y adictivo !!)

Continuo haciendo los mismos servicios en el templo de Shell; Guirnaldas, cocina, y un poco ayudo en Puyari,  cantando las 16 rondas y siguiendo los cuatro principios regulativos, prasadam en templo o casa roja, llendo inter-diario a los programas de Gaura artik. y leyendo en en casa. La semana pasada estube en examenes en la universidad, desearía poder dedicarme más a Krishna !!

Sin más que el deseo de servirle a sus Pies de Loto 

Bhaktin Catherine Naty  

Piggy - Super!     Enviamos estas noticias a Srila Prabhupada.  Inetntmaos. Pero que puede decir. Senor Jagannatha conoce todo lo que hace Vd.  y Madre Subhadra!    Nos vemos en solomente una semana!

Nos permita expresar nuestra agredecimientos para sus austeridades. Vamos a disfrutar los resultos de sus esfuerzas por que cual quiere cosas pasa como una vibracion a todas partes del universo!!! 

Bhaktin Sarahi Mexico¡¡¡¡

13 years, 9 months ago by sarahii

Todas las Glorias A Srila Prabhupada....¡

Todas las Glorias a Sri Caitania Mahaprabhu.....¡

Todas la Glorias a Usted...¡¡¡¡

Querido Guru Maharaja muchas gracias por habernos permitido prestarle un poco de servicio directo y tomar un poco de su gradiosa asociasion ,estamos como siempre intentando seguir un sadhana en casa es muy dificil y mas conbinarlo con escuela ahun mas en verdad es admirable el trabajo que hacen los devotos de congregacion , pero por la infinita micericordia de Srila Prabhupada mañana estamos empesando el curso de Bhakti Sastri en Cueramaro esperamos poder obtener un buen resultado, para poder seguir con este maravilloso movimiento de Sankirtana.

Por favor Acepte mis mas Humildes y Respetuosas Reverencias a sus pies de loto y perdone todas la ofensas que cometo al intentar servirlo 

Su torpe aspirante a sirvienta Bhaktin Sarahi






Monkey Piggy

Whoop!   Whoop!   Oink!    Oink!
Chant Hare Krsna / Rama as much as you can. Then on that basis read books so that your preaching with be pure!   Krsna will send sincer people and they will be patient to hear!

DTC - June 5/Sunday

13 years, 9 months ago by hps


AGTSP    pamho.  We just wrote a long letter and the robot ate it!    So here goes in brief again.   We're in Boise, Idaho.  Great Sankirtana. Friday night at Candra's prision with 65 inmates.  Last nght at backyard program with 100 people. over $100 in books.  Today Sunday Feast with 85-people!    Here until Friday and then Peru!   O.K.   Let's look at the Blog.  10.30PM.   SUnset 9.21PM


Ambarisa M Das from Barcelona

13 years, 9 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das

all glories to you guru deva
Hare Krsna Hare Rama.
jay gaura bhakta vrinda.
i m now in BArcelona i m living in the temple. we are doing All the programs, mangala arati, etc,

for the mercy of the devotees and your inspiration in study the BHAkti Vaivabha, some days we are  given some lecture of the SB in the temple. was very nice. i now that i need more practice. we  are in a situation that we dont have so much mony we have to buy our tickets to Argentina and something to stay in india, but our priority is to have  good sadhana and good asociation, that the motivation to stay in the temple.

good asociation, 4 regulative principle, 16 good round Srimad Baghavatam and study of the sastras.the relation with my wife is very good

we are doing service for more than 5 hours a day in the kitchen for the temple restaurant and the rest of the day for study and Book distribution, same days it is very tiring.

here with nimai pandit, sananda,vicky and i we  are organizing  the simposium of the LOB in barcelona.

i hope that will be a nice offering for Srila Prabhupada and your Sankirtana.

i meditate  that to know better radharani we can see and contemplate the mood and actitudes of sri Caitanya mahaprabhu how Gaura Sundar act show how srimati radharani will act. also you said  that we can see Radha and Krsna dancing in the dance of Gaura is amazing the asociation and service of the lord and his devotees and the chanting of the holy name was practicaly everything

i heart from one iskcon sanyasa (bhakti dhira damodara swami) that when sukadeva goswami left his home he expand in 2 to stay with his family and the other go to preach to pariksit, that truth? wich is that font?
i m happy with the asociation with laxamana prabhu by skype, it is very nice to have the guide of one older brother.
Thank you for keeping me in service.
traying to be your servent Ambarisa M das

HpS - AGTSP!     pamho.   So, nice to read/write with you all!      I think the story of Sukadeva Goswami expanding is in another Purana.  Maybe SB also, like 11th Canto or something.
Yes, why spend time collecting money when this whole life goes by so quickly!
Thank you for the advice on the Camera.  The one we finally got for Oscar and the movie in Peru is:

The LOB syposium have so much possiiblity to meet very, very nice people and spread KC in a very nice way.  Please contact us to know how we can participate!

H a r e K r s n a ! ( in answer to your question)

13 years, 9 months ago by bhaktin.valentina

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!!
Hare Krsna Maharaj,
bhaktin valentina 15 years<img alt="" src="" title="" />, santiago chile, in answer to your question I get the flower from the little yard from my and my parents flat, there are 3 diferent tipes of flowers to offer to Krsna!

I had a question that appeared, how we can discover the rasa that we have with Krsna<img alt="" src="" title="" /> it's something that we discover spontaneously or it's something that we have to aspire to be like a servant, a father or a mother or  a spouse?

We hope that the head aches go away!!!! very very far away!! <img alt="" src="" title="" />

Many many thaks for reading this letter, sorry for writing again! wainting for your visit to Chile!! 

Learning to serve, your servant, bhaktin valentina <img alt="" src="" title="" />

HpS - ASA --  AGTSP   pamho.  That is so nice, that you can also grow flowers for Krsna.   They are very ,very fortunate flower bushes!
There is a nice description of the different steps up to fully waking up to our eternal relationship with Krsna in NOI 8.   A link follows in Spanish where you can read that Text, especially with the paragraphs begining with, "Śrīla Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatī Ṭhakura ha comentado ".   (No problem you letters.  Little push to write to much, but if we pray to Krsna, we can manage.)