Victoria desde Barcelona
Gurudev Hare Krsna, please accept my humble obeisances. I hope you are doing well. Now we are in Barcelona, very happy in the temple. I never had the experience of living in the temple and here I feel very comfortable. Gundica Prabhu and the devotees are a constant inspiration. We are follow the morning program and then we are doing service in the kitchen. Nimai Pandit Prabhu invited us to give a SB class per week. This Tuesday is the second. I am also doing sankirtan.
Piggy - ASA --- AGTSP Esteemed reader. We think this letter is from Ambarisa Prabhu's esteemed wife, Vicky. They have been to Mayapura for months from Argentina. She is one of the worlds greatest cinematagraphers!
Sometimes it is hard, but I like to do it. Always appear very frustrated people who are interested in hearing about Krsna. We need to be more regular and go out every day. We are studying BVB under the guide of Laksman prabhu, we had the first assessment and that Wednesday is the second. He have to much patient and the meetings by skaype are illuminating. I am very happy for the experience of visiting the holy dham. I miss being there and keep in me as a treasure yearning to be there again.i pray to Radha that allows me to enter again despite of having committed some offenses. In Vrindavan was very intense, I felt very happy and yet I found difficult to understand some behaviors of vrajavasis. I feel that Radharani squeezed my heart by leaving many impurities go away. The contact with the purity show me how much dirt are in me and how many obstacles i have because of the false ego. I ask you Gurudev for your blessings to to overcome these obstacles and in that way be useful in the service of Lord Caitanya s sankirtan. Even with this attachment to things of this world, my desire is to be able to surrender and really serve. For months I'm able to chant all my rounds every day, it's hard because I have no fixed taste, but for chant all the rounds each day, that gives me strength to the next day. I am very happy to finally fulfill this instruction and chant Regularly. Your guide gives me strength. Sorry about this long letter and for not writing regularly. Thanks for your great inspiration and example. Your aspiring servant Bhaktina Victoria
Monkey - AGTSP paoho. Piggy fell into ecstacy reading your letter, so I have to take over. Gosh! If Srila Prabhupada has helped you develop this much in such a few years, what kind of devotee will you be after 30-years. Tough tackle for Maya!
I hope we see you all in Vrndavana! Our reverences to Gaura Nitai of the Plaza Real. And the loud Holy Names to all the Ramblaz dogs, cats and brown cow!!!
Read the Light of the Bhagavata and it will distribute itself. This is our last letter tonight. 10.43PM. SOme head ache. We take rest!!!