Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada: Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Guru Maharaja.

13 years, 8 months ago by Yamila Sandivara

 Soy Yamila Sandivara de Mendoza( Argentina). Guru Maharaja quiero viajar a Chile durante Su estadia. Han pasado como 6 años; que canto 25 rondas sigo 4 principios y sigo en este proceso con mucho entusiasmo de querer entender a Krishna. En noviembre 2009 aproximadamente; le pedì refugio de manera formal en Bs. As. , y me había recomendado Murajit. Estudio Lic. en Filosofìa y Tec. en Documentaciòn ; me estoy por recibir de tècnica en Noviembre. Guru Maharaja; me gustaría iniciarme ahora durante Su estadia en Chile. Si esta de acuerdo, por favor dìgame los libros que tengo que estudiar para el exámen y los demás detalles. Jadupuri va a viajar tambièn; hablarà de mi ante Usted, y me va a ayudar durante el proceso. Por favor Guru Maharaja; realmente quiero que me inicie. Està de acuerdo? <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="21" />.

HpS - ASA >> TlgaSP   pfanrh.   Levanta temprano para Brahma-muhurta, Mangala arati todos las dias?      Necesitamos aprobacion de los autoridades del templo de Chile tambien.  Puede escribir mos detallada mente a
Pero incluya un buen hombre en la diagalo por qe sannyasis no puede hablar solo con Damas. 

Greetings from New York City

13 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Kevin

Hare Krsna Maharaja,

pamho AGTSP

We are now in new york city. After coming back from India, finding employment was proving to be difficult. However, Krsna has given me the opportunity to work for one of His devotees baking doughnuts that are offered to the Lord. I should be starting this week. 

There have been nice Ratha Yatras and kirtans that we have been attending. I miss Vrindavan so very much. 

I hope you are well Maharaja.

your cooky creature,

bhakta kevin

p.s. I got the popcorn maker...and the Deities love it..

HpS - ASA >>  GOd is watching us.  If we want to serve HIm, Lord Gauranga, and He is in SO much anxiety about the fallen souls, certainly He will make special educational arrangement for anybody who wants to participate with even a litle ltle ltl    sincerity!    Take the lessons.  Get up early and get your rounds done well!     Vrndavna misses you very much also..........

Bhaktin Rashmin from Toronto

13 years, 8 months ago by Rashmin dd

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please Accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Thank you for the advice. I am chanting 16 rounds everyday, 4 regulative principles in the bag!, morning program for sure (sometimes take nap during japa) although I have a question about the evening program. No body gives Bhagavad- gita class. I was told to just read outloud anyways because the demigods are present and Srila Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati Goswami said that if no one is present just read to the four walls around you. Is this ok?? So this is my sadhana..

HpS - ASA >>  SO nice to hear from you.   We are on the opposite end of the world from Canada!   Chile!        Where are you?   Winny Peg?    Temple?     You can read for the Deitys!   They like to hear very much.  I do that.  And then others start to come.  Its a  fact.

I got a letter from my school for the dental assisting prgram and I was told there might be space for me. Is is necessary to attend school at this stage of my life? I wanted to get more training for sankirtana but it's hard back home because no one preaches..

HpS - ASA >>I don't know the details of your life, community etc???  To give detailed analysis.  Gotta ask people who know you and your world better.  Tell us what they say. 

Anyways, thank you and I still need to read that chapter you told me frmom SB 1.7.

HpS - ASA >>Huh?    SB1.7 is a chapter????  We dont understand.  <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> 

Your aspiring servant,

Bhaktin Rashmin.

HpS - ASA >> Again. very, very nice to hear from you.  Everyone in Houston was very happy to have your association!!!

All glories to your service

13 years, 8 months ago by GauraLilaDas

Dear Hanumat Presaka Maharaj

Dandavat pranams/jaya Srila Prabhupada

I am replying to your response to my last ill-composed letter.

Maharaj, I am Gaura Lila Das, a disciple of HH Rtadhvaja Swami and I live in Kalachandji's Dham (Dallas).  I am very inspired by you. Ever since I've made friends with your disciple  Jiva Goswami prabhu (Houston), I have been really into your work! I love your lectures, and since I've heard them I've been reading NOI and NOD much more seriously (every day) than ever. So I'd love to be able to take some shiksha shelter (on the afforementioned topics as well as others...) from you! and please keep me updated on when you're coming back to Texas!!!

your servant, Gaura Lila Das.

HpS - ASA >> AGTSP    pamho.    We are struggling to maintain stuff.   We think we can adjust our WebEx meetings for BhVaibhava students so others can listen.   Please also stay in touch and send questions and comments on NOI and NOD here.       Dhanurdhara Swami's WAVES OF DEVOTION is E S S E N T I A L  for us in understanding NOD! 

gadadhara gosai das

13 years, 8 months ago by gadadharadas

hare krishna gurumaharaja!!


seguimos en mexico df junto a mi esposa. aqui estamos haciendo sankirtana a diario, participando de la adoracion de la deidad, leyendo bhagavatam a diario canto 4.. progrmas matutinos y vespertinos a diario.  tenemos la intension de viajar a sankirtana viajero  en 15 dais, asi que pedimos de sus bendiciones.

esoty intentando tramitar  vaisa de residencia para pdoer estudiar aqui diseño de interiores y luego prestar algun servicio con esa carrera. igual la residencia  va a llevar varios meses, asi que aun no sabemos que vamos a hacer.

bueno gurumaharaja esperando siemrpe una gota de su misericordia para entender mejor la conciencia de krishna.

gadadhara gosai das.

HpS - ASA >>   TlgaSP   pfanrh.  Super super!    Supppppper!    Como esta el Gadadhara Das Mexicano??????        SUper su plan....       Estamos en Chile despues de viaje fuerte de Lima.   Poco a poco adjustando al nuevo ambiente.   Aqui es muy oscuro.
<img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />
Muchas programas.   Muchas oportunidades para la predica!
O.K.   Poco a poco mas noticias!

Report Bhaktin Estefania !

13 years, 8 months ago by Estefania

All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Hare Krsna Dear Maharaj. My name is Stefania, from Chile, I hope you remember me.
HpS - ASA >>  AGTSP   paoho.   Yes, we talked to you last night!   Seems we arrived faster than our letters!
Everyday that pass I'm attached more to Krsna and Srila Prabhupada, I'm fixed on my service of decorating the vyasasana of Srila Prabhupada and selling Prasadam to collect laksmi for the Friday Feast, I'm following the 4 principies, but I'm a little sad because I could not comply your instructions, with this I'm realizing that I'm not striving enough to wake up for Mangal Arati and I excuse my self with the job or the studies, my homework take a lot of my time and I'm felling very tired, but for that reason I will strive more and I will stay once a week on the temple, for accustom, and in that way my mind would not win when I wake up at home. 
HpS - ASA >> We only have so much time each day.  In spiritual and material life we can only do so many things.  We and can NEVER DO EVERYTHING, so we have to keep fixing our priorities.  Getting up for Brahma muhurta will always make everything else better.  God Himself will help you.  Better to get up early and do your studys than stay up late and do them! 
I'm reading the Upadesamrta one hour daily, and on the night before going to sleep the Krsna book, trying everyday to chant my ronds better. 
HpS - ASA >> Super Chica of Santiago!!!    It seems that you are making a lot of progress.  Honestly it is very difficult for young ladies in Kali-yuga.  Very dificult.  So remember, your Dharma is to be chaste and reserved for Krsna! 
Please acept my humble obeisances to your Lotus feet.
I hope you have been well.
Bn. Estefania
Santiago, Chile