13 years, 6 months ago by Cristina Zavala


Please, accept mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Dear Gurudeva, your words give me some peace. Thanks four your mercy to me. I know the things that make me suffer, so I dont want to do it again and again...

I will chant my rounds everyday right, take asssociation with the devotees, take prasadam, and, in this way, feel better better and better...........♥♥


Without your mercy I prefer die. Your eternal sirvient Cristina.  

HpS - AGTSP  You are also giving us strength.  We are a big team! 


Scientific method

13 years, 6 months ago by Manuel Poblete

ll glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Dear Gurumaharaja Please accept my respectful obeisances. Recently I wrote the blog, my name is Manuel Poblete Moran, I live in Santiago de Chile, Santiagodo Mandir service in the Sunday Feast program (along with his discipleOm Kesava Dasa).

 Gurumaharaja, I work with many scientists, they just believe in the"scientific method", which is the best way to preach through thescientific method of Krishna Consciousness? "
Attentive to your instructions, your aspiring servant
Bhakta Manuel.

Hare Krsna.  We answered this before, no????   Basically the approach is there in the Preface of Introduction to the Isopanisad.  O.K.  You have read it?  Appreciated the arguments?   As far as I know these are not just Prabhupada's but what Jiva Goswami presents in his Tattva sandarba and very practical in actual debate.
However, following Srila Prabhupada's insgtructions to Science preachers and the example of Lord Caitanya to Sarva Bhauma Bathacharya and others we don't argue with people until we have turned their minds with sweet words.

First nice reception, then nice prasadam and polite although it may be strong discussion like in ISO.  Krsna's in our heart!    He will help!  Convert a dozen scientists to devotees!

DTC Tuesday 22 Feb -- New Vraja mandala, Spain

13 years, 6 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna, Dudes!
AGTSP    paoho.  Here we are, Monkey/Piggy, in the "farm" in Spain. It's colder than pickles and HpSwami has some fever. He's O.K.  Using yoga to fight it.  There are seven letters to answer on the que but it is 11.48PM so we try to get to them tommorrow.  Got Wi FI.    V.E.D.A.S. / NIOS work is on time.  Murari Das took second initiation today.  Nice community here, nice festival for Srila Bhakti Siddhanta sarasvari today. He is so mercuful.
O.K. We try to get to some more letters tommorrow and then Monday we start to the USA!!!!

HpS -- On the Farm - No Mail

13 years, 7 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna, Prabhus,


Paoho.   We are just headed from Barcelona to Madrid and then next week we will be at the Farm in SPain tnd there may be no internet.   We are fine.  Sankirtana is fantastic.   March 1st we are back in the USA again.    See if we can write!!   HpSwami


13 years, 7 months ago by Cristina Zavala


Please, accept mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias.
Dear Gurudeva, thank you very much four your quickly answers! How I want to go to Krsna quickly!!
Right now Im feelling bad, depress, I only can chant 2 rounds, I know maybe Im desapionting you, but is the true, my life, is like a " russian mountain" WHY DEAR GURUDEVA?? WHY??? I ONLY WANT TO BE WITH KRSNA REALLY!!! " TAKE  ME OFF THIS MATERIAL WORLD"- is a George Harrison song. Why I have this KARMA?? KRSNA!!!
2 rounds at the moment, with faith, devotion, and of course your blessins I know, Im gonna be better....
Thank you very much again, and sorry if Im desaponting you, I dont want it!
With all my heart broked, and my mind sick, your eternal sirvient Cristina.

Hare Krsna, TlgaSP  pamrh.  There is a reason why everything happens. So, don't worry too much. God is at least as nice as you. How would you treat Christina if she had done something really selfish to somebody else, something really hard hearted. Of course, she should see what see had done so she would not do it again, but you wouldn't want to hurt your child. If they were trying to understand and change then you would be very pleased and show them the reasons.
So, don't worry to much.
Most likely you are suffering from bad bady feelings.
Get enough sleep. Enough Prasadam. Chant for the good result. Chanting helps the liver, kidneys, brains, everything.

O.K?    Chant Hare Krsna and adjust your situation so that you feel reasonably peaceful.
Of course, sometimes we have to leave a terrible situation or even a terrible body.  I don't think you will have to do that! But if we have to then that also Krsna will make very reasaonble!
Many nice devotees in Peru.  Associate with them.

Bhaktin Cuz Santa

13 years, 7 months ago by Cruz Santa

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Dear Gurumaharaja Please accept my respectful obeisances. I’m Bhaktin Cruz Santa. We introduce ourselves as his would-be pupil in your recent visit to Mexico (August). I'm trying to continue service with 16 daily rounds, Sadhana, and 4 principles. My devotional service is fixed: 5 days by week I'm making garlands in the Temple.  I recently completed the first module of the Bhakti Sastri online with Param Padam Prabhu, I got a grade with honors.
Please give us his blessings to keep us firmly taken from the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada. I hope someday will be a true servant of you.
Your aspiring servant
Bhaktin Cruz Santa.  

AGTSP  pamho.  Is so nice to hear from you.  You are the devotee we met in the program in Cueramara? We are in Barcelona. The festival of Varaha-dvadasi has just finished.