12 years, 12 months ago by candra108_mukhi

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva


Our last meeting  was a little peculiar because some of us had personal problems and wasn't able to attend the meeting.

Our secretary had to go to one internet center in chosica town… but the audio did not work…So Hanumatpresaka Swami right away record the meeting but we missed the whole first part. So I had to ask Mr President about more information…..

Patraka das B is going to go this Sunday to Rupanuga’s house in order to see how things are going with our relationship with CEMUL

Hanuman Swami is presenting this week the Seminar Nectar of Instruction 2 and he will invite us to attend it JAYYYYYYYYY thanks Gurudeva…

HpSwami -  Ooof!    AgtSP   paoho.  HpSwami is about to die.  We had three hours/day of Bhakti Vaibhava Classes here at New Vraja Mandala in Spain, plus our other work and preparation for classes. The NOI-2 Class planned by the Institute is going to be informal because there are finally no formal students. So, think we will postpone it again, but it looks like we will have something on-line, WebEx from Radhadesa for the NOD-2 Seminar we give there.  That is more sane as we give it every year anyway.  Watch the Blog for Announcements!

M Ananga manjari our treasurer made a very nice financial report . Thanks Mataji J

At the very end of the meeting we heard that Nitay Gaura sundara prabhu wants to make a big symposium in Naimisaranya. His brother has connection with  the government so  there is a possibility that devotees from Peru get  free tickets J… We can tell by the recording that all were very happy we heard M Rohini saying …OH MY GOD JAY….. and some laughs J

Here in Peru we are living Radharani's tour very nice association with HH Bhakti Bringa Govinda Maharaja... Madhava Prabhu. we are focusing in hearing and chanting. jay

Ok that’s it Gurudeva Candramukhi dd apologizes if something is missing she did the best she could

Thanks for all your mercy

Your eternal servants


HpS - ASA -  Super!      Not much more to say.    We are finishing the last Module of SB Chapter One, Chapters 16-19 this week.   Read, write, share, read, write share.  That's enough!


12 years, 12 months ago by harsh_horse

we are here answering the questions you asked us previously in blog

HPS -ASA says :

So, I think you are doing pretty well. I think you have accelerated a lot in the last year, no?

Do you offer everything to Krsna before you take?   Do you strictly avoid grains cooked by Karmis????

we have acclerated in our thinking and understading philosophy. we have die hard habit of contemplating and reflecting..... mostly its the Bhvai course and you sound which have been great catalyst.

we dont know cooking. we dont strictly avoid graines cooked by karmi.. though whenever we eat : we say to ourselves lets eat poison for spirit and food for body..

we discussed this issue with u in

we got following answer

M/P - P-nut butter and Bananas!       Popcorn and p-nuts!     Hot milk!


sex desire is reflection of adi rasa. but how this rasa is transferred to satisfying itch of genitals such that he it degrades us to hell.

should not be reflection of adi rasa should be subtle attachement b/ male and female specie.. instead satisfaction of itch of genitals by any means (artifical,homosexual, bestial ) etc.....

trying to run after you.


ASA - HpS - AGTSP   pamho.      We can't understand too well the last part of your answer. You English is almost as bad as ours.      Haw!    Haw!   Haw! (Monkey and Piggy).

For every Yoga there is an austerity. Our Yoga really has this austerity for preparing nice food for Krsna. Then we can take the remnants of the Master.

We boil oatmeal with peas and carrots and celery. Very nice offering. With milk, yogurt is enough.

Also, can put fruit and milk and some boiled grains in the blender make an offering.

Is essential part of our Yoga.

Kitri and halavah. Easy to make.

Otherwise our Japa, SB are like trying to advance the boat with the anchor down. Slow.

For Grhastha worship of the Deity is essential to get free from the attachment to husband and wife for sense gratification.

Invite Radha and Krsna to come to your house. Picture, murtis. Keep a clean place for Them with pictures of Prabhupada, Guru-param-para and Pancha Tattva and then have regular daily and weekly offering of bhoga, incense, flowers, and lamps.  That's enough. You will see that your passion for smells, tastes, touch becomes satisfied in serving Them!


12 years, 12 months ago by Kristina Donoso

Hare Krishna Mi querido Maestro, espero que este felíz con Krishna en su corazón,

¿Cómo puedo entenderte?, le dice la reina Kunti a Krishna y yo pregunto lo mismo

Con todo mi corazón. Cuando estaba en Lima en el templo de Shell aprisionada y desesperada

Por mi situación miraba largamente  la foto de nuestro querido Prabhupada buscando una respuesta,

 y él me hablaba a veces me sonreía y asentía con la mirada, otras veces me regañaba, sentía su presencia.

 Ayer a las 5 am. Mi cuadrito de Krishna me sonrió,  ¿me estoy volviendo loca?

El restaurante GOPAL, La Paz parece estar  mejorando por momentos, día a Día viene más gente. Los números

Están mejorando también y me veo casi obligada a predicar porque la gente se interesa mucho por saber cómo es que

No utilizamos carne, ni huevos ni cebolla y ajo?.  Quienes son los Vaisnavas?. De donde viene toda esa filosofía?

Yo creo que tengo muchísima devoción, pero me siento muy ignorante y  falta de conocimientos para explicar

Todo eso con razones verbales filosóficas o científicas, porque a mí  todo me sale del corazón y me siento

 Jalada como tirada por unas  Riendas invisibles que me obligan a hacer todo lo que estoy haciendo.

Yo por mi parte hago Mangal Artik  poco, porque estoy aprendiendo y canto mis rondas a las 5,00 am.,

también leo todo lo que puedo, pero me veo cada día más ignorante.

Las fotos son de la llegada de Maharaja Bakti Bussam, en casa de M. Pushpanjalí.

Que Krishna lo siga bendiciendo siempre!

Krishnita Dasi

su más humilde sirvienta

HpS - ASA - Jaya!    TlgaSP   Pfanrh.    Recordando oir de Srila Prabhupada, si el principe y la princessa quiere entrar en el prision quien puede paralos?  Si Krsna quiere sonrir a nosotros quien puede parar.    Pero tambien necesitamos confirmar todo con Guru, Escripturas y buen Devotos.

Esta muy bien su esfuerza pero tiene que continuar leyendo, mejorando asociacion sistematico.    El Libro KRSNA cada dia?

B.Natalia reporting

12 years, 12 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept our humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudeva I promise my report every ekadasi!
Today I remembered I forgot to do my garlands in Shell this thrusday!!! <img alt="broken heart" height="20" src="" title="broken heart" width="20" />Excuse me! I had lot of homework, and I was sick, but I am very absent minded also!
My sadhana is improving, better with my 4am. I am doing an Excel sheet with the time I wake up, how long is my kirtan (I am doing 20min kirtan as you recomended), when and how I chant my rounds, my activities, my meals... It helps me to think more practically about how to improve. But still I have to be more organized, sometimes I chant a good amound of japa in the morning, but other times not so much, because classes are early some days. And still is difficult 4am wednesday and friday, because tuesday and thursday I have classes until 22h, and I arrive home 23h.

I made the report of my sankirtan from the 01.03.2011 to the 08.06.2011= 1188 small books and 5 BG.
and after this dates... I don't have account...

I have a photo of the little garlands for Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra, Goura Nitay, and Prabhupada, for Shell (it's my service on Thursday)

My obeisances to you
Thank you very much

your servant, b.Natalia

HpS - Jaya!   AgtSP.    Paoho.    Belonging to a Study Group for morning program has to be our habit.   It has to be highest priority after 16 rounds and 4 regulations. Get that and you will be useful, not just more noise like the sound of the traffic in the street!

SATTVA reporting

12 years, 12 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna,

Please accept our humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

 -Our meetings are going on every Wednesday at 6:30pm. Bhaktin Catherine has joined the meetings.

 -Wednesday 7th September: We make a 20 soles contribution every month per person, or a weekly contribution of 5 soles. Like this we can make a little fund to use our service.

Sattva is contributing actively in the activities of the beautiful festival Radharani's tour (with BB Govinda Swami, Madhava Prabhu, Amala kirtan..).

 -As usual, we cooked for the Saturday festival in Shell (12.09.2011).

 -I apologize because I am not able to give further report about the meeting on Wednesday 14th, because I was not able to go due to my studies.

 -Our Facebook page is progressing, in order to be ready when we will be ready to do our next activity.!/pages/Centro-Cultural-Sattva/196909367039373

 -Our last meeting (23.09.2011), we participated in a kirtan night organized by Radharani's Tour.

 -Tomorrow (Saturday) we are helping with the program Kirtan bus of Radharani's Tour.

 Thank you very much

Your servants

ASA - Aaachaaa!     AgtSP    paoho    Very nice!              Everybody is getting up early?       Seems you lack a concentrated morning program of hearing SB together. That is REQUIRED for formal disciples in ISKCON!

IMPORTANT:Hare Krsna, dear Gurudeva! Greetings from Buenos Aires-

12 years, 12 months ago by radhamm

Hare Krsna, beloved Gurudeva!

AGSP!Please accept my humble obeisances onto your lotus feet!  Hope you're great and ready to go to the holy dham!  Well, I'm writing You in order to ask if there's any posibility in have a Skype meeting w/You because  on next Saturday Oct 1st  at Madhavendra Puri das place's we'll have a meeting w/ all spiritual godbrothers/sisters HPS. the time difference is 4h ahead between Europe and Argentina, so here we can set around 6 p.m in Spain it'll be 10 p.m.  

If the Skipe thing it's too much for Your schedule, a message/letter from You to all HPS's family in Buenos Aires it'll be a great honour and inspiring  to our meeting. If there's any topic or text that you'd like to suggest us to discuss please let me know. My mail is

We wish to have You here in Buenos Aires/Argentina as soon as posible,all of us missing You sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo muuuch!!!

Hope in hearing from You soon!Thank You anyway for You time and caring.

Hare Krsna,beloved Gurudeva! Your humble andx eternal servant,

Radha Madana Manohara dd

HpS - Jaya!    AgtSP    pamho.   Yes, 10PM will be too late for us.  I would like to but more and more we are realizing our limitations.  Other time?

Of course, our best wishes for everyone.  We are here at the Blog!