Hare Krsna Maharaja

13 years ago by Catherine Naty Cl

PAMHR, TLGaSP, TLGAHpS Querido maharaja espero que se encuentre bien. Este es un pequeño reporte; estoy siguiendo firmemente los 4 principios regulativos y levantandome temprano para cantar rondas antes de ir al hospital, en el transcurso de la tarde las termino (16) continuo con mi servicios de siempre en el templo. Ahora estamos siguiendo clases de Bbv vía skype pues m.Yugala esta en Bolivia. La semana pasada estuve en exámenes en la universidad. Tambien llego a emergencia una mujer moribunda, aproveché de poner en sus oidos un audio de SP cantando el maha-mantra, mientras abandonaba su cuerpo, pues ya no había nada más por hacer. Esta semana nos esta visitando SS. Bb Govinda S., Madhava prabhu entre muchos devotos para el Radharani's Fest. Estoy esforzándome para sacar buenas calificaciones sin descuidar la vida espiritual. A su servicio. Btn. Catherine

HpS - TlgaSP     Pfanrh.   Muy bien. Siempre tenemos que fijar nuestras prioridades en Bhakti Yoga. Entonces entusiasmo es mas importante que paciencia pero si paciencia convierta a pasion.           J a y a !              Hare Krsna, espero que su servicio es Vaikuntha y despues Goloka.

Sadhana Report - Bhaktin Cruz Santa

13 years ago by Cruz Santa

All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to you, dear Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. About 2 months since I write, but I wanted to do it several times, I stopped because I did not want to distract from their occupations, in addition to reading the blog, helps me solve some doubts

Mataji Asta Sakhi dd, suggested I send a small biography, so that in response to this suggestion I would send it.
Name: Cruz Santa Manuel Hernandez
Date of birth: 09/14/1982
e-mail: [email protected]
we have various years of knowing Krsna consciousness, but about 3 years after it was taken seriously, chanting 16 rounds and following principles.
Services in the Temple: For about 2 years, we service wreaths for their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhan Gopal 4 days a week. Since then, we also participate in this service during all the festivities and often with the decoration of the temple. For  approximately 1 year, served as responsible of the room with flowers. My authorities are Prabhu Maitreya y Prabhu Bhaktavatsala. We are also participating in the Sunday program since its inception a couple of weeks.

Sadhana: We maintain regular Sadhana, we got up at 4:00 am but sometimes fail, particularly after the festivals. 4 principles   and   16 rounds  daily. Regular reading of the books of Srila Prabhupada

Sankirtan: It costs us a little work, but try to distribute at least a book a day.
Study and exercise, accounting, we are in the grihastha ashram, my husband is Bhakta Erick, who also feels great sympathy for his preaching.

I appreciate your attention, dear Maharaja, please forgive my offenses and please also
to give me his blessing to try to always serve Srila Prabhupada and the Vaisnavas.

Your aspiring servant
Bhaktin Cruz  Santa

HpS - AGTSP   paoho.   We were wondering what happened to you!    You were recomended for iniciacion but then we lost contact.   Thank you for the Bio-data. Very nice to know you a little better.  We sent letter from our Yahoo account Disciple address.  We all wait your answer with great enthusiasm.  Of course, as long as we are chanting Hare Krsna, we are making progress!!!!

About Manipur(madhavendra puri das, from argentina)

13 years ago by Madhavendra Puri das

Pamho! Agtsp!

Hare Krishna gurudev! i ve been writing to the email adresses you gave me from the temple president in manipur but i got no answer about acomodations in manipur, visa is not actually needed. I also write to ajit prabhu that he said me he has a small ashrama for destitute children, and he would be very happy if we stay there with him. Hope you re fine gurudev, ambarisa told about much sankirtan programs in barcelona, how is that goin?

madhavendra puri das

HpS -  Jaya  AGTSP   pamho.   We got up at 3.30AM.    Japa, Mangala arati, emergency e-mails, train to Barcelona (300KM/Hour) while writing our Bhakti Vaibhava material, immediately run from train to BIG TV interview, run to Temple for our BhVai internet class with Peru, run to the Tibet center for SUPER program with all the seats full of LOB movie, run back to the Temple for our 9PM meeting with NIMSAR, educational group in Peru....   All night DRUMS, DRUNKS, TOBACCO.   Thousands of people here for celebrations!


This is a great way to die!     Jaya!

Manipur.  We have some telephone contact with them.  Things are half way organized.  We can certify NOTHING!    Yet, usually it is O.K. or at least tolerable and the experience can be super of the Vaisnava culture.

Here are the phone numbers:

Guna-mani Das 91 (India) 98567 408 64

Radha-carana Das 91 94 02880 155

They are both like 40-50 years old, very nice devotees. Speak English.  You can say that I said that you should call and confirm your travel time etc.   We are trying to get things fixed by e-mail and a nice Sankirtan program.


13 years ago by harsh_horse

hare krsna maharaj

its has been over 5 yrs i have been associated with KC movement. i think i have quote good analytical/ philosophical understanding. I am not yet intiated. I am stricly following 3 rules and rules of illicit sex is dwindling. My rounds are fixed 16 over a long  period of itme. my mornin program has just got better in last few months.  My prasadam taking is very poor. My association iw very weak as i dont have like minded people ( varna- asrama)  with me.

My family members are nuetral though some times  opposite .

from student life. i never wanted to earn money or earn good grades. but wanted to know new relevant concepts. therefore its very difficult for me to just work for money. even though i am married.

in five years i have been able to see changes in my thinking the way i see the world. my prespective

however behaviour wise i dont find change in myself ? frankly i am not feeling the bliss or even happpiness i am supposed to fill. there is sense of dissatisfaction all the times in me.

I beg  you to identify faults/ problems with me..

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   Hare Krsna!      Well, one thing is that everybody is different. Srila Prabhupada accepted Srila Bhaktisiddhanta in his heart as his Guru at their first meeting but it was 11 years later, no, before he took formal initiation.

One ISKCON Sannyasi told me that he was attached to smoking and anger when he met Srila Prabhupada.  The smoking habit left quickly, but after 20-years he still had problem controling his anger.

Some attachments are deep, others shallow. Some people are making progress from previous lives, some are just starting this life.

So, we really have to be very personal in judging our progress in one aspect.

That you are still here is BIG result.  Not convinced that success comes from mental speculation or possessions.

Of course, until we can follow the 4-principles strictly it like trying to start a fire while pouring water on it.   However, there is always some result from chanting.

So, I think you are doing pretty well. I think you have accelerated a lot in the last year, no?

Do you offer everything to Krsna before you take?   Do you strictly avoid grains cooked by Karmis????

AGTSP. pamho Guru Maharaja!! Yasasvini Devi Dasi (mendoza;arg.)

13 years ago by Yamila Sandivara


(tāra) sugīta nartane, saba sakhī-gaṇe,
tuṣiche jugala-dhane
(takhan) kṛṣṇa-līlā heri’, prakṛti-sundarī,
bistāriche śobhā vane

  By singing sweet songs and by dancing nicely, all the gopis satisfy the treasured Divine Couple. Thus I am beholding Krsna's pastimes with His beautiful female consorts expanding throughout the splendorous forest. <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/38.gif" title="" />

Noticias desde Mendoza; ha ha Jay!!!<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/60.gif" title="" />

Miércoles; programa en lo de Kesava Prabhu.  Viernes; Harinama en el centro de la ciudad con distribución de libros y prasadamSábados; programa en casa de Govinda Prabhu ji.  Domingos; programa en lo de Prabhu Baladev.

Maha Mantra ky Jay!!!!!!!

Hoy día del estudiante; cientos van a estar en el parque. Entonces vamos a Harimana!!! Hoy!!! al parque!!! mucha gente!!!! Escuchando Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kārāghe vasa sadā hdaye madīye
tvākṛṣṇa he! pralaya-koi-śatāntare ’pi
sarvasva-caura! hdayān na hi mocayāmi

O Krsna, thief of my everything! The noose of my devotion remaining forever tight, You will continue to reside in the prison-house of my heart because I will not release You for millions of aeons.


Este sábado!!!!!

 5 horas de Kirtan ky Jay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img height="180" src="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/YAMILA%7E1/CONFIG%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.jpg" width="180" />

Muy pronto subiremos las fotos de Srila Virabaju Maharaja en Mendoza!!!!!

 boro dayal nityananda
sraddha-matra lo'ye den parama-ananda

Lord Nityananda is greatly merciful. Taking only one's faith, He gives the highest ecstasy.

 bhaktivinoda daki' koy
nitai-carana bina'ar nahi asray

Bhaktivinoda calls out: "Except for the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda there is no other shelter!"


JAY!!!!!!!!GURUDEV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/36.gif" title="" />


ASA -   Jaya!   Jaya!   Jaya!           Mendoza, centro del universo!  !      O.K. Los fotos!   Tiene que apegar ellos.  No puede entrar en la carta!



DTC Sep/22

13 years ago by hps

of a
Traveling Creature


Hare Krsna, Prabhus,

AgtSP   TlgaSP.   Pfanrh.  Paoho.   We just finished answering.  Aun terminamo respondiendo. To all the letters in our Disciple Box. A todas las cartas en nuestra caja de Disciplulos. And also updating our Disciple list and records and sending letters to Aspirants who lack somthing.. Y poniendo a tiempo nuestra lista de Discipulos y enviando cartas a Aspirantes quien falta algo.

Cada Jueves eso es nuestra esfuerzA.  Every Thursday this is our effort.  We feel little peaceful. Sentimos poco pacifico.  Estamos terminando esta seminarion de Bhakti Vaibhava aqui en espana y tambien poco meno presion.  We are finishing the BhVai seminar here in Spain  so also less pressure.

O.K. A las Cartas.  O.K.  to the Blog letters.