Hope you are going to be OK.

12 years, 12 months ago by saranga-das

Dear Maharaj:

Pamho. AGTSP. Hare Krsna!

Just looking at your last post. Not sure how to understand your message. Are you OK??? If not, you know what to do. Please make sure you get enough sleep. For the most part 2 hours is simply NOT enough rest for the brain to do its thing(s). Nothing is worth setting a bad example by hastening collapse. Take it from me, I know the science on this matter by experience and knowledge.

Your humble servant, Saranga Thakur dasa

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   So nice to hear from you?   Are you still in Alaska?    No, we get enough rest, but we can be more efficient in our eating etc, and reduce  it.  We are a long way from two hours a day.  Even Prabhupada was taking, 4, maximum 5 hours a day as I understand.  He was dealing with so much passion and ignorance in his preaching efforts, no?      We are much better that we are being humble and seeing what we can actually do.   So far our priorities are becoming clearer.    It is dificult because we are pioneering, that is what preaching means.

Pamho Agtsp!

12 years, 12 months ago by Nitai

Mis mas humildes reverencias al polvo de sus pies de loto.

ASA - Tom Brown - TlgaSP    pfanrh.    Whoop!   WHoop!    Pies de lot aqui sino de Srila Prabhupada y los Acharyas!   Pies de lodo??!

Mi nombre es Nitai Nimai Candra Das, soy un discipulo insignificante de Srila Acaryapada, soy de Argentina, no tengo nadie mas a quien escribirle que usted. 


Como esta es una carta personal quisiera que me envie un mail a donde yo pueda escribirle, ya que esto es un blog y quisiera evitar el publico innesesario.

TB - ASA - HpS - Leyendo su carta pienso no vale hablar de cosas de una manera confidential. Podemos hablar de cosas general primero.  No tenemos que mencionar nombres detallados. Y si haya una problema con una devoto especifico, claro puede hablar con devotos mayores alla, tambien, si es una problema que pertenece a nostros especificas, claros ellos van a, estan comunicando de estas cosas!

Nitai Gaur Radhe Shyam Dandavat Pranam...

12 years, 12 months ago by GauraLilaDas

All Glories to Sri Guru & Gauranga

This is your servant Gaura Lila Dasa

ASA - AGTSP    paoho.  This is the fleas of your fleas, T. Brown & B. White.

I hope all is well with your travels and service! I haven't written a letter here in a good while so I thought I'd use my urge to speak in the proper way and write you!

I have a question regarding the distribution of Nectar Of Devotion! Any rules? forewarning? etc... I personally don't feel it's a dangerous book to distribute (I distribute NOI&NOD together as a Rupa Goswami package deal) I would really like to know your thoughts on the subject dear siksa-guru :)

your servant in seperation, Gaura Lila Dasa (RTS)

ASA - Hmmm!  In our opinion NOD is really veyr advanced and we have a hard time understanding it scientifically without commentaries like Banu and Dhanudara Swami's.  But the general content is super.    I don't think there is any real harm but some class of people might have hard time appreciating it. It is good to here from you.  Last night in Spain!

bhaktina teresa (buenos aires)

12 years, 12 months ago by bhaktina teresa

Todas las gloras a GAURA NITAI TLGSP Y Mis humildes reverencias a usted maharaja...OOOOUCH mil disculpas maharaja por la carta si no la entendio mil mil mil mil disculpas...si usted quiere se la envio en español...maharaja como esta usted,como se encuentra?esta en España ya?

HpS - ASA -   Han ji (Hindi), Si Senorita, ultima dia en Espana.   Jaya Srila Prabhupada who traveled all over the world at 75 years old!!

AH!!! este 1/10/11 october hay reunion de hermanos espirituales en casa de madhavendra puri das estoy muy contenta que me inviten que tenga asociacion con ellos son unas personas muy muy buenas y que buenos discipulos y hermanos espirituales!!! estoy ensayando para el ratha yatra con las demas devotas muy hermoso lo hago por usted y por el señor jagannatha maharaja! le comente en la carta sobre tomar refugio pero que no lo hable con P. Maha hari por que no sabia si usted estaba de acuerdo creo que para mi seria un poco mas de avance espiritual llegando y dando humildes reverencias a los pies de loto de mi maestro espiritual...siempre tratando de servirle lo mas que pueda...HARIBOL teresa!

HpS - SI esta cantando 16 buen rondas diariamente, siguiendo los cuatro prncipios estrcitos y mantiene buen program de la manana y tarde y bien relacionado con el Sankirtana de ISKCON de Srila Prabhupada para 6 mezes puede ser un Aspiranta Formal y tomar esta refugio de Srila Prabhupada y su siguiedores!!! Pero, claro tambien necesita la aprobacion del Maha-hari Das!

adi rasa

12 years, 12 months ago by harsh_horse

trying to right better english

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!!!   Did you mean, "write better English"?

Q 1. current sex desire is perverted reflection of adi rasa.?

ASA - Si Senor, yes Sir? In the mode of goodness the reflection is an accurate presentation of sex in the spiritual world. We are not driven by lust, we relate in sex life to accomplish Krsna's desires for this world.

Q 2." how &why " this rasa is reflected as "satisfaction of  itch of genitals'. instead of subtle emotions between opposite sex?

 ASA - Well, as we understand, the pure relation can only be hidden when it is reflected in gross matter. When it is reflected in sbubtle matter, buddhi, manas, inteligence and mind, then it's spiritual character is more obvious, that this is not for your satisfaction, this is for Krsna's satisfaction, and that is the fundamental principle of material life, to try and compete with Krsna, which is a big illusion, so it can only have a chance when it is reflected in the grossest of mirrors, the lower material organs.    Blooooooooobh...

Bhakta Adrian, Hawaii

12 years, 12 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Hare Krishna

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you for your reply.

The temple president is doing fine. He is really fired up about getting a lot of new things started here in Hawaii. I'm doing a lot more service, which is nice. He approached me once about the girls. He didn't say much, at all. He sort of said "I came to warn you about such and such girl.....I don't know what else to say..." and that was the end of it. He is thinking about having me move into his quarters. The GBC, Hari Vilasa (spelling?) is here now. It was his suggestion to have me move in with him. He thinks it would help. And I have been improving since I last wrote, but that's not to say it isn't difficult here.

I'm working on organizing more preaching programs. I think they have a lot of potential. I've also been given the opportunity to give some talks here and there.

Hardly anyone here comes to the morning programs. The Govinda Datta Das Prabhu and I are the only ones who attend regularly. Besides that, some devotees come off and on. More often they don't come though. Some of the senior devotees come sometimes, but they don't live conveniently close to the temple (convenient by Hawaiian standards). So it is really hit and miss. 

I'm not even sure who Ramananda Das is. I'll ask around for him though. There are a couple senior devotees here, I forget their names off the top of my head, but they have been good association. I know one says he knows you, but again, I don't know their names. I'll get back to you on that one.

You want me to try to make arrangements to go back to New Dvaraka? I'll work on it.  I know Govinda wouldn't be happy to see me go. I'm his key player in making this place more of a temple. But I'd be happy to go wherever you'd like.

Your humble servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS -  Jaya!   AgtSP    Paoho.    Last night in Spain, then on to Radhadesa.   From what you are now saying it seems that it would be best to stay. In the beginning I was suggesting to fix a certain amount of time with Govinda Prabhu, like three months, something. Did you do that?  Have you made some commitment to stay for some time no matter what?

Yes, if he is the only person there for the morning program then staying in the same Ashrama sounds essential.  Can he write to us also!?      It would be nice to hear from him about the Temple etc!

Ramananda Das is president of ISKCON Temple on other island as far as I know. He is very nice. Maybe you could even visit him for some time occasionally.