Date of birth of my father .

12 years, 11 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das
Hare krishna  !!  jay srila prabhupada  ki jay!! 
Date >>>>>
Name :  Alfonso  Andia  .
Last  name : Yallcio  torres .
birth  :  May - 20 -1985  .
time : 12 :10  midnight .
Birthplace : Huancavelica   District :  Castro  vireyna .
I try to send  the  photos but i could'nt  .  problem in your  account in 
Obeisances ....................xD
HpS - ASA -  Jaya.  AGTSP   pamho.   Give mme fotos here in Vraja!   Now we must have a report every two weeks of his glorious Sadhana:  4 principles, 16 rounds, full morning and evening program, Sankirtana, relation with ISKCON Administracion!

DTC Thursday/2.50AM (27 October)

12 years, 11 months ago by hps


In Vrndavana



and best wishes.   We've been chanting Japa since 1.30AM.    Monkey played to computer games last night after a hard days work. He will lean how to do something better.  Our motorcyle ride to Varsana for Lokanatha Maharaja's Govardhana Puja leaves at 4AM or 4.30AM or 5AM or 5.30AM.   The motor cycle will run over our right foot and we will come back with a crushed foot in a bloody bandage.


Such are the flowers that Radha and Krsna offer us in in Vrndavana. Become decorated with the flowers of Vraja!

Chant Hare Krsna all the time.

HpS and us Answered the letters at the Blog good.   Now the Kapi Dhvaja and Bath etc.

My This years report

12 years, 11 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das
All  the  glories  to  srila prabhupada  and  all  his  disciples !!
I'm very  happy  to  see  you  again  , im very  happy in  vraja-bhumi   this  place  is  the  spiritual  world  everythings  are  special for  me  i'm learning  very  much  in india  about  the  life  and    i'm  aware that it  is my  duty   that is  service service  service   to  krishna and  become  as  Gopi and  absorbed in serving , i wish to give  pleasure  to him . I'm constantly  fighting with my mind  just  i have  to sing  hare krishna  maha  mantra  and  purify the  heart gradually .
I'm thinking  all the  time  in Radha  and kirshna  when i'm in maya  too , i remenber so much  Lorship Radha madana  vihari  ki jayy!! i wish   to service  to  them and i wish  to become  a  good  devotee  and  leader   i know  is  very  easy to  say  i know  i have  to work in my self  very hard .Dear  Gurudeva i'm not  all the time  with  you  servicing  i afraid to commit offenses to you   please  forgive  me  im very  fool , i dont have  good  relationship  with  you  but let me  tell  you i wish  have  good  relationship  with  you  and  give you pleasure . everything i'm doing i  offer  to you  from  my heart  . I love  you  Gurudeva  thank for  all the  mercy  .
I  will  help to my father  and  send  the reports  of  both   .i will send  you pic and the  other  dates . ok.
How  you know   i was  in the  Mayapur institute  i  had  a good experiencie  with  my theacher  and my Gurukul  friends  i quit  beacuse i felt i  needed  to do  other  services  then i i was learing  traveling  with my guardian Gurusevananda prabhu and  his  wife i had a good experiencie with then  in Jaganath puri   ............jay jaganath  jay  baladev  and  sudadha  ki jayy!! jay  caitanya  mahaprabhu ki jay!!  kaliyuga  avatar  caitanya  maha prabhu  ki jayy!!  so  then i was learing  flute  , mridanga  and armoniun but  just  i took  5 classes  i know  a little  bit  ,  i wish learn those  instruments in 1 year and  for  each year  learn others  instruments  i have  to work  very hard i know everything is sacrifice .haribolll!!!! 
Next  year  i will move    to  calcutta  and stay near  to  iskcon  temple  or maybe in  the temple  i don't know  beacuse  my mother  is coming  in  Gaura purnima  i have  to  organize  that  things , she  will  be  with  me  for  6 months  after Gaura  Purnima   i will  move  to calcutta  , i wish  study  alternative medicine  and  classic instruments like  flute  and  armonuin  . 
I  don't  know  if    can  you help  me  to extend  my   student  visa  i have  for 1  year but expires  the next year  in february  ,  Ragathmika  mathaji  she is  srila prabhupada's disciple , she is from the  MCS mayapur  she  told me   she  will  help  me    to extend  mi visa   i have  to do  all the  things  about  my visa  in  December  .  can you speak  with  her  or  her   husband  about  my visa please !!!!!!!!!!!!  PLEASE BLESS  MY .................XD
  His  servant  caitanya candrodaya  das  !!!  Radhe  radheeeeeeeeeeeee  shyammmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
  My obeisances dear  Gurudeva .hariboll!
 TB - ASA -   AGTSP   pamho.  No, we can't help with your Visa.  We can't even get our own beaurocratic work done!    Are you chanting 16 nice rounds and keeping good Morning Program.   You seem to be hopping from one topic to another quickly, but that is O.K. if you are looking for that subject where you plan to settle down.  Thank you so much for your effort.   You seem to be advancing vey nicely but have a lot morer work to do before you become a brahmana!!

Thank u 4 ur interest in Surya Siddhanta

12 years, 11 months ago by saranga-das

Dear Maharaj:


Surya Siddhanta provides alot of interesting information regarding calculating planetary postions, including eclipes of the Sun and Moon.

It is important to note that some significant changes are made to the ordering of the planets made in the 5th Canto, SB. The Moon comes first, followed by Mercury, Venus, the Sun, then the ordering is the same with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Rahu is seen as an effect rather than a cause. Detailed explanations follow on how to calculate orbits, etc. If you ever wanted to know why the ordering of the planets occur as they do in our standard week, this is explained also.

SS is a difficult text without the aid of simple diagrams. Once these are added, any intelligent devotee will easily grasp the content. It appears SP was not familiar with the details of the text but recommended us to it before building the Vedic Planetarium.  As you may know, Danavir Maharaj has had BSST's work translated into English from Bengali and I believe it has been used to aid in the design of the TOVP.

I look forward to creating an edited version of the Surya Siddhanta, Siddhanta Siromani and the 5th Canto. In all respects, my aim is to resolve any confilcts that may occur in devotees minds as they contemplate the Universe for the first time without recourse to the present day helio-centric view of modern astronomy,  to increase sadhana and appreciation for the Vedic Version.

YHS, Saranga-das Thakur dasa

Tom Brown - AGTSP   paoho.  We are ready to see you work!

Nitay Gaurahariiii!!!

12 years, 11 months ago by Bhaktina Romi

Dear Guru Maharaja:
                  I hope everything go well. How is you health??

HpS - ASA -  We died of cancer from smoking toabacco three days ago!

                   Oh Krishna! I view my old letters and 14 weeks also was my last letter... Sorry I'm shame about that...
                  My chanting go.. sometimes good sometimes amazing but never stop. 4 principles go well. I keep serving Nitay Gaura Nataraja, Srila Prabhupada. And now Jagannatha Baladeva and Subhadra's!!! Madhavendra Puri Das and Yasoda Mayi DD Give me their babies to take care <img alt="laugh" src="" title="laugh" />
                  The proyects about I told you (books of Srila Pprabhupada on tape) i was talking with the representant in Latin america of BBT, and told me, there's a possibility. And krishna guide me to meet people who can help me to make it happend. The program of action social, where we repart bhoga to devotees who need keep on, but this month not so well, because this month there were not  many donations, but we keep on!!!
                  GM I have another issue, I saw and listen many things that affect me and demotivate me, what can i do with that feeling?


HpS -  AGTSP   You must develop intelligence to put them in the proper perspective by chanting Hare Krsna and studying Srimad Bhagavatam




I was envolved in things that don't want. Tell me GM character is a bad thing?



HpS - You question is incomprehensible.  May be the translation...

Because are devotees I have to let go? sorry but my inexperience can exposed me to situations about I'm not handle. Perhaps say what one thinks is sometimes not good. I question about that because I want improve that and afecte me in my devotional life. That's the only reason.                        I see other things about its hard to manage like i'm graduate and the first labor years are so difficult to have a balance, sometimes neglect my duties for Krishna and vice versa. I really need to work to live. Sometimes I feel guilty, because I can't attend Krishna like I would. Iit's wrong to think ahead like a professional? Many things are inside my head maybe I have to stop to think all time eacch seccond... I don't know.

Sorry for my long letter... It's because past so much time...
i hope your health be good and I hope no dissapoint you with my poor evolution.

Thank's for your time...                

Trying to lern how to serve you
-Bna Romi-<img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />         HpS - ASA  --- Letter is too long and the translation is so poor that it is basically incomprehensible, but all that will change, and you will know how to relate to devotees properly if you pronounce the Mantra more clearly and pray to Krsna to give you good association like a father, brother etc.!

Candrabhanu Das CHILE

12 years, 11 months ago by Candrabhanu Das

Hare Krsna! TLGASP y Sri Sri Guru Gouranga.



Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja!! I have not talked to U since the day of my initiation... July 23rd 2011. During that time I have been facing some personal difficulties emotionals basically. First Prahlada Nrishma das is deprived of freedom. I have been trying to be helpful regarding this situation, I gave interviews about this case in a legislative and university level.(as a witness in the appeals and next trial). I have been facing problems with my family because they criticize my life as a devotee which makes my relationship with my family weaker.


Regarding my Spiritual life I follow the 4 principles, chant my 16 rounds, I also cook for the Srila Prabhupada Feast on Fridays. I am reading "The teachings of Lord Caitanya"



Devotees have offered me to cook for the deities what do You think? Should I take it??


Do You recommend me to do something more??


I hope your health is ok

Your servant


Candrabhanu Das




HpS - ASA -  AgtSP    Pamho.  It is 2.30AM  we have been chanting Japa since 1.30AM.   We have to bathe by  3.00AM and then leave for the buses to Varsana by 3.30AM!

Family and state were also unfavorable to Jesus Christ, but we go on trying to engage  them and avoiding them when we can't help them. Very happy that Krsna, the real son and citizen is giving them perfect, happy lessons where we cannot help.


Your program seems fine, except, any rerport of the RESULTS of your Japa and your reading!!!