Hawaii japa update 1 of 3

12 years, 11 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada!

Up late in the kitchen again last night. Still managed to make it up for Mongala Aratic. GBC Harivilasa wants the devotees to chant 8 rounds before Mongala Aratic starts. I haven't made it up to that standard yet, but managed to chant 5. Finished my 16 rounds by 6am. Haven't chanted any extra rounds before 10 today.

Devotees are really starting to get angry with the method of management here, which has sparked a lot of mundane conversations. Makes it hard to just focus on HEARING and CHANTING. Trying to keep to myself when these things arise.

Who would I pay the $600 to? How long would that enable me to travel with you for? That seems like a really small amount of money.

Your humble servant,

Bhakta Adrian

ASA - Drat!   AGTSP   Paoho.   We wrote a nnice response to you above letter and then it crashed!   Save copies!   Your Japa sounds super.  Be sure that you keep the quality and not just the quantity: "Only a wicked person tries to finish his rounds quickly!".      It is also fine to get all your 16-rounds done from after mangala arati until before Greeting the Deitys.  There are different programs. I like Hari-vilasa Prabhu's suggestion. I think that he is getting stronger in his Brahminical character himself.  Does he keep the 8 before Mangala arati Standard himself?

When would you want to travel with us, ASA???

How long is your CONTRACT with Hawaii Temple.  You seem to be doing a super job.

Arjuna was a politician, but he fought only after 14 years of exile, and hearing the BG DIRECRTLY from Krsna.   O.K.  Runnning to the Temple.  Our today news is in the letter to Candra Mukhih Devi Dasi, NIMSAR Appendix.

AGTSP!!! PAMHO!!!!! Gurudev =) Yasasvini Devi Dasi

12 years, 11 months ago by Yamila Sandivara

Gurudev Usted en Vrnda!!!

Tarde mucho en conseguir la foto de Srila Virabaju aquí; y después de mucho luchar sólo me dieron esa hahaha. Lo que sí pude hacer es Darle sus reverencias a Maharaja cuando Estaba acá; y Él me dijo que Le envía Sus humildes reverencias Jaya!!!!!! Gracias Gurudev fué un lindo servicio =)

HpS - ASA  --  TlgaSP  Pfanrh.  Hay como 20,000 perigrinos aqui para Kartika.  Buses, y buses y buses y ......   Ruido sin limites.   Basura, docenas de deidades hermosisimos.  Hoy dia salimos con Dina Bandhu Das y como 300 devotos para llevar Srila Prabhupada a los siete templos principal de Vrndavana para su ultima darsana antes el salire manana a Goloka!   Muchos regalos de Vraja vasis.  3-horas.   Ya esta bien internet y Yahoo!  Salud.  Su amigo, Ravi, nos encontro en la Parikrama hoy dia y dio su reverencias.   Gracias!!!  Estamos recordando a Vd. de Vrndavana Dhama!   Tengo tres mas cartas y tenemos que correr al templo para arati, clase, y despues clase de SB2.3

Guru Maharaja tengo una pregunta: estoy leyendo el SB canto 7: cómo es la interacción entre la Daiva-netra y Paramatma? <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/38.gif" title="" />

(uno de los tantos lugares donde se cita la Daiva-netra es en el 6.17.17 significado; y a Paramatma en 7.2.47 significado)

HpS  -   Jaya!  TlgaSP  Es poco detallado para nosotros en esta momente.  Posible uno de los otro Blogistos puede responder.  Basicamente no es algo muy particular.  Paramatma es en nuestra corazon y puede llevar nnosotros a Krsna.

report from Tarapoto peru

12 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva:
AGTSP; pamho this a letter from tarapotto he sent U a copy to your yahoo but U told us that your yahoo acount was not good so I am sending this to the blog



Hare Krshna querido Gurudeva
Todas las Glorias sean a Guru y Gauranga
Por favor Gurudeva reciba mis mas rendidas y humildes reverencias esperando q el señor Nrshinha lo proteja siempre.
Por la misericordia sin causa de Sri Krshna nos encontramos sanos,haciendo servicio en casa tratando de practicar esta forma de vida con Conciencia de Dios,cantando 16 o mas rondas,estudiando y compartiendo con los vecinos...estos dias atendiendo a Sri Damodara...jayy
reportandose su neofito aspirante a sirviente luis
Por favor reciba humildes reverencias de Radhita y madre Siboney.

HpS - TlgaSP   Esta cantando rondas Radhika y Siboney??

Muy bien oir de Vd.   Estamos en Vrndavana.   El muy deficil lograr Vrndavana Dhama.    Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai.  Estamos como 80% Consiente de Krsna, pero tenemos que convertir 100% Y concentrar Y ampliar eso llegar a perfection!   Adelante.
Cuando esta levantando?   Eso es la vida civilizado, tiempo temprano para reflexion, contempacion, KRSNA book, Japa, arati para sus Deidades.  Quienes en su altar?

Govardhana pujaaaaaaaaaaa and NIMSAR Appendix

12 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi


AGTSP, AGTU, paoho

Gurudeva today we had a very nice GOvardhana puja in the temple.. it seems it smells like family people from schell from wilson come to celebrate...

HpS - ASA --  AGTSP   pamho   We had super BhVai class with Laksmana and 7 devotees here last night.  Madhumnajari, Dhanesvari, Sarvani, Daivi Maya Das. He said the same thing!

P tattva vit and I did the abhishek, Prabhu puspa gopal made some cookies for the hill... M Yugala Santa Maria, etc build Govardhana hill.... LAD supervising everything.....

It looks that Giridhari was so happy then LAD was asking the children some questions and then giving them some price for their answers then all of us took prasadam like family :) really nice

LAD is going to start a BHakti sastri course for Senior devotees I do not know how is his idea but it seems really cool :)

so next meeting Gurudeva on monday??? can U'???? time??? we were thinking how were U spending Govardhana puja in Vrindavan... P PUspa told us the story about how GIirdhari arrived to chosica because he tried HIM....

It was really nice :) I am very happy and on saturday Srila Prabhupada's dissapearance..... please tell us your realizationsss we need to hear your nectar


YOur eternal servant

Kumari Candramukhi dd 

HpS - Jaya.   Today, Saturday, now it is 3.30PM, we took Srila Prabhupada around to all the 7-principle Temples of Vrndavana on palaquin for last time before his disappearance tommorrow.  About 300 devotees.  Dina bandhu Prabhu was leading.  I was walking behind him like two more legs...   It was kind of like walking with Nanda Bobba.  Many Vrijavasis greeting, giving gifts to Prabhupada.   It is like a mad house here today.   There are dozens and dozens and dozens of buses.   It is like Transit hour Friday evening in Lima.  LOUD horns honking.  Temple is FULL of pligrims.  Radha natha Swami's group left Vrndavana to go to Govardhana today.  They have 4,500 ISKCON people.  They will camp there and then go out to visit holy places.   Bhakti Vikasa Swami brought 600.  We are here with 30 Ha!    Ha!     Ha!

Sri Hari is here from Boise and Upendra.  He is delaying transfer to Govardhana to take the WebEx, BhVai class tonight.   Our Internet is good now, and our Yahoo account opened up.  Health is good.  Ears are fried.

We are 10-1/2 hours ahead of you so any time is fine for us, but we are in Temple from 3.30AM to 10.00AM     and 3.30PM to 6.30PM so then we have no internet, but you can call our cellular many times.  Or send text messages.

We have to make some serious adjustents to NIMSAR for this next Module.


12 years, 11 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA




I am Pablo of the Parikrama, from Spain.

I wish you are good in all conditions.

Espero que Vrndavana le de misericordia y mas misericordia.

Thanks you very much for your association and lessons, ha sido un regalo muy feliz para mi.

Mi voto Maharaja muy bien, no he podido acceder a internet antes. Sigo en mi linea. Muy feliz.

Ahora estoy en la finca de la familia, Balarama Loka, mucho trabajo, muy bonito.

Mi madre me ha pedido que haga una cabanya para las Deidades y para mi, y eso me ha dado mucha estimulacion y alegria.

Con mis padres y hermano muy bien.

Los temas legales que tengo poco a poco estan mas cerca.

Pase Maharaja muy buenos dias en Nueva Vraja Mandala y conoci muy buenos devotos y devotas en el templo, han sido muy agradables y Usted el que mas.

Yo me encuentro intentando mejorar mi sadhana para poder realizar el Mangala-arati completo pero sencillo antes de las 8:30 con las rondas, pero aun no he conseguido totalmente., asi que generalmente todo rondas. Empezando la lectura, intentando que sea fija, estos dias no lo ha sido.

Estoy intentando profundizar en Sus enseñanzas trascendentales y en como aplicarlas a mi conciencia.

A Sus pies y mis mejores deseos. Recuerdo mucho los dias con Usted.


ASA- TlgaSP  Super.  Estamos luchando tambien cumplir todo.  Tenemos que fijar los prioridades y realiza aun podemos dejar estas cuerpos.   Un reportaje exacto de su Japa para la proxima encuentra!!!   Claro el libro KRSNA     ---Cada Dia---   y estamos advanzndo a la proxima etapa en la Lucha con La Bruja!!!

Hare Krishna Hawaii

12 years, 11 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Once again, my updates are as usual...constant struggle..still reminding Govinda Datta Das to write to the blog...and trying to accept my Karmic situation being here. I keep trying to manipulate the situation by my own means in a poor effort to improve things here at the temple. I have failed to remember to simply surrender and let Krishna take care of it here. I had a good reminder of that today. It was nice..sort of a smash of the false ego you know? I feel refreshed. I'm still unsatisfied, but am again persuing indifference to my emotional relationship to the situation and also focusing on correcting my own mistakes (which I feel is a constant effort) and improving my service.

There is a devotee in this temple who just arrived. He is isn't initiated, but was taught the gayatri mantra. He asked me to ask you if it is an offense to chant that without being initiated?


ASA - HpS  -   AGTSP  pamho.  As far as we know it is EXTREMELY dangerous.  Always saw bad results, one guy ended up en a mental hospital and then had a frontal lobotomy!


(Doesn't the spiritual master give the disciple the gayatri? I'm not sure how he got it, he isn't aspiring to anyone.)

Anyway, there are some interested characters at this temple now.

Please tell me if I am out of line asking another repeated question. What would it take for a devotee such as myself to travel with you for some time?


ASA - $600 and ability to follow our nature and schedule!  Hare!


I assume I would have to pay my own way? Are there any qualifications I need to amount to? I'm sure you have many disciples want your constant association.

I am also unsure if I should be going back to Utah with Caru as I originally planned. I recall that their Mongala Aratic doesn't start untill 6am or something.


Monkey - Oh, my God!


I want to go for the association of my good friend Hanuman Das, and to see my family (my grandma before she leaves her body). But I'm not sure if that would be in my best interest. Would you prefer me to stay someplace else? Should I even leave this temple?

Thank you for your guidance and words of support. I'd be lost at this temple if it weren't for you. I am constantly looking to serve you better.

Your lowliest servant,

Bhakta Adrian


HpS - ASA -  Get up early and get your rounds done.  Send a report to the blog on how many rounds you have done before 10AM for the next three days!!!