Fanatism & strictness

12 years, 11 months ago by harsh_horse

Hare Krsna, AGTSP, PAMHO, AGT you

this question refers to various segment/types of rules .

ASA TB/BW -  AGTSP    Hare Krsna!  What does "segment/types rules" mean!!!?

i know we need to have high sublte intelligence to get this answered, understand and apply. we dont have such intelligence, but we still are asking, because we think we have already made a mess of our life and linked to others both materially and spiritually.

1. which rules are indepedent of time , place and circumstances.

ASA - If you are a pure devotee, none of them. Arjuna's rules and regulations all depended on the moments changes of the battle!  In heaven or hell however we have to follow the four principles and chant 16 nice rounds daily minimum!

2. how do we understand what is principle of what is detail.

By smoking marajuana and riding bicycles, but we have to give that up to understand them properly.

3. how do we know we are following strictly instead of fanatically (niyama-āgraha).

Because Krsna is in our heart and He will make us feel proper if we are doing it for Him and not for our honor and prestige.

4. we read SP books which gives us so many instructions, how do we know which one we have to apply. for example we thought these series of verses [SB 2.2.4 -2.2.5] are meant for every devotee. 

TB - Don't know those verses from memory!!

But later we realized  after commiting mistakes for months this verse is for sannyasi not householder.

please enlighten us.

we have more question in such lines ,but wait for you reply



TB - ASA -   Very good questions, but basic principle is to always chant Hare Krsna. If you have any doubt what to do chant Hare Krsna.    Getting up eary and getting your rounds done well is the first principle. You should always do that.
Are you doing it?

Until you are a little advanced in that your other questions won'te be very valuable!!!
Tell us the results of your efforts in this area.

I'M CONFUSED about your account in Yahoo .com

12 years, 11 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das

 Hare krishna  !!

 jay srila prabhupada  ki jayy!!! 

Dear  Gurudeva  i send  you 2 posts very inportant in your e-mail with the  account [email protected] <[email protected]>; . you  gave  me  that account for  send you  special and inportant   msg ,    i dont know  if  the  acount  is  working  ???? please  tell me   if  you  that  e-mail is  working and  if  you  get  my  2 posts .

Obeisances !!!

 jay  sri   radheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  shyammmmmmm  shyammmmmmmmm!!!

HpS - ASA    AGTSP   panmho  SUper question.  Millions will benefit.  Even the CIA  and FBI.   OUt internet access has been bad so we haven't been able to access the accoutn.  But it should improve.  So let us be a little patient!!

Hawaii news

12 years, 11 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Hare Krishan Dear Gurudev

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

No, we don't hear and chant with catholics, but I don't see why we couldn't? Our philosophy is non-sectarian, so I speculated that we could hear and chant with anyone? Caru, from Utah, has chanted Hare Krishna with people from all different  sects of religion. I think we could hear and chant with them, if they were willing. If we could all just overcome our false ego, and stop identifying ourselves with any given sect of religion, then we could all hear and chant together. But that is just my opinion. What do you think?

How does the system of marriage work?

I hate to repeat myself, but I'm still curious if you can make it either to Hawaii, or Utah after I return there? What would help make either of those trips possible?

I wish there was more service I could do for you. I feel like I'm not doing enough. If there is anymore I can do, please let me know.

Your humble disciple,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS - AGTSP  pamho.  Thank yo so much or you letter.   We are running through the sun and dust and trash and horns and broken glass to K Balarama's arati.  I don't think we can make it to Hawaii or Utah soon. but God only knows.  System of marriage is that you dont think about it to much until you are gettting ready for second initiation.  So we chant with Catholiocs.  But they have Jesus for an Acharya so we have to appreciate these diference and adjust.  So with other followers of Bh Siddhanta we have to adjust for the detials!  Jaya.  NoI.


Sadhana Report

12 years, 11 months ago by nadiavillar
<cite>Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaj! All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please, accept my humble obeisances. </cite>
<cite>Here Nadia Villar from Chile reporting herself <img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" />. First of all, thank you very much for your reply. My health is quite better. I went to a natural therapies center and I am using Bach Flowers to treat my vertiginous syndrome, among other diseases. I notice my concious is better and my mind is much submissive. 4 principles OK.  I am chanting 10 rounds daily. I get up at 6:00 am everyday and trying to chant at least 2 rounds before going to work and reading LOB in the morning.  I lost my japamala in my way to work l</cite>ast week <img alt="frown" src="" title="frown" />. I dropped it in the metro station accidentally. Fortunately, I had a mala made by seeds at home and I am chanting it now. 
<cite>Besides working I am studing tourism, because I want to be no longer a teacher. <img alt="" src="" title="" /> So, time is gold for me. I am trying to collaborate with Rodrigo hernandez Prabhu in translations for Utsaha and supporting him in his ideas for ASA Chile... we go forward step by step.</cite>
<cite>Lately, I have association with Raman Reti, she is a great friend and support. Hope to have the strenght to improve my sadhana this week and chant 16 rounds as I used to. </cite>
<cite>Thank for your patient. </cite>
<cite>Your servant, </cite>
<cite>Nadia V.</cite>
<cite>HpS  AGTSP    pamho   Very nice.  Please the other three, four letters posted before this one.  YOu will see that there are many, many, people with same challenge as you.  Including me.  So next report you should be chanting 10 rounds daily at least and then you can make a vow to chant more because you see that it helps you in every way!</cite>

Candramukhi's report

12 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I am struggling with my sadhana sometimes I am so so tired that I was falling sleep while chanting.... :( then my day was awful but little by little I am better...I force my donkey to work jeje

We organized a festival in order to please the deities in wilson last week, we involved so many people in Gaura nitay's service. Murti murti mataji along with Kamalamanjari his daughter were preparing delicious sweet preparations for the deities, also Rohini kumara das the day before, Harinam salty preparations, and many other devotees brought preparations for THem, also we had a very nice abhishek performed by Jivashakti prabhu .

we also had a very nice drama by Ramasundarya das, Yasoda dd (HpS) and kamala also participated there...

and most importantly he HAD LOTS OF HEARING AND CHANTING... Harinam prabhu gave the class and he highlighted the importance of changing our character by doing pujari. 

Everybody had the opportunity to took some maha prasadam it was a nice festival that is our humble effort

Today I finished reading canto 2 chapter 2 and started chapter 3 thank U very much Gurudeva for your inspiration without that I do not even had the strenght to read.

In my heart are your words from last class HEARING AND CHANTING IS THE ESSENCE OF DEITY WORSHIP jayyy.

Madhu manjari 's Hanuman deity is now in our home I am vey happy He is protecting my sister mother and myself

Ulises say hello he is terrible he is destroying everything but still he has the opportunity to try some mahaprasadam jayyyyyyyyy

Always indebted with U 

Kumari candramukhi dd

HpS -  Jaya!!!!!!   AGTSP    panho  Super Super report.  More!    We are facing, and Natalia, and everyone else.   Exactly the same problems.    But we are getting better.   It is 3.33PM  I was supposed to leave for K-Balarama Temple at 3.30P:M   But i will finish the rest of the letters quickly!!!  

NIMSAR REPORT sunday 23rd

12 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


We are really happy that U are in India, it is very nice to hear your news...

Well as U know it is impossible to U, me, patraka das (president) to meet today so NIMSAR'S meeting is going to be postponed till next monday...

HpS - ASA -   Jaya AGTSP  pamho   Big consrtruction noise below our window.  Men with donkeys and bricks!     I have next Monday on our calendar en pencil.  Will try to post it next on our Web Page ASA Calendar etc.  What time??   We are supposed to get a better modem today.

Anyway I sent an email to all the NIMSAR's group but just U reply with your report NEVERTHELESS I am the secretary and I have servants everywhere jeje.

All thursdays is really nice to hear how M Ananga manjari gives her Bhakti Vaibhava class to her student in wilson while I am doing the noon offering the deities are also please by having such a nice class of Srimad Bhagavatam

I have a friend in argentina Ekanta bhakti who is M Rohini's student and she always tell me that the mataji is a nectar :)

Yugala kishora dasi has installed in Miraflores and she continued doing her sankirtan she is wonderful she sacrifices her lunch very deicious pizza I am she delayed it for giving her Bhakti vaibhava class JAY that is determination :)

Gaura gadadhara is in India jay and LAD along with Tattva vit are in charge of pujari we humbly are going to try to help them :)

HpS - Gaura. Dasi arrived with Mother Sarvani in Bombay but was no arrangement ot travel to Temple, so they called Peru, got our number in Bombay Temple, we answered at 2AM (Chanting Japa) and then found the Temple direction on the internet. Told them how to get a Taxi.
Then we worked out complicated air and taxi arrangements so she could go to Mayapura right away for the Deity Seminar for 16-weeks.  She was a real soldier and as far as we know she is in classes, and will be able to give proper training and spirit to all of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and much more when she returns.  We will see her in three weeks about!

Candramukhi dd is very pleased to see how his  Bhakti sastri student is doing well in tarapoto chanting 16 rounds, attending mangal arti, studying Bhagavad Gita and reading Srimad Bhagavatam and the Krsna book....

Well Gurudeva that is our humble report then it comes yours.... thank U very much for your mercy and inspiration :

Hanumatpresaka Swami
2011 October 24
We are in Vraja. We are still struggling to act as a
Student, Teacher, Local and International Administrator for Bhakti-vaibahava.
As suspected communication with Students while in India has not been very good,
although we are improving and it has been enlightening to see the situation. We
still have not even been able to review the Examinations and Essays by our
Students. We do feel that progress is being made and the readings are going on
with some success.
The enormous effort to attend the GBC meetings in Bombay
were very fruitful. A report for you all and the website is
Our Bhakti-vaibhava Testing Center application is basically
approved if we can adjust the application to answer the previous questions. For
example, we need to start keeping actual register of Students participation in
We hope to have an Internet meeting with everyone soon and
also individual meetings with the Application committee, Laksmana and Rohini
Hare Krsna!
The basis of our Education is our Japa and the four
principles and the goal is to rise to the level of Uttama-adhikari devotees.

HpS -  J A Y A ! ! ! !      Twenty times better than last report.   So much news about everyone, not just our stoopid selves.  Jaya!     Honestly we are so babylike in our efforts.   So insincere, but there is not really anyone much better.  They have many better qualities that we have to learn, but our efforts, group, in education is one of the best in the world, ISKCON!   Let's go forward!!