Sadhu sanga in chile

12 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi

Hare Krsna my very dear Gurudeva:


I am very very happy I am having like I do not know how to say it jaja

we have a very nice group of discussing Srila Prabhupada's books Gunamanjari dd, valentina silva from chile they are very nice I get along with them. I suggested that it could be really nice if we join each sunday after our Bhakti vaibhava class and read together Srila prab hupada's books.... Gunamanjari like Nectar of devotion so we read part of the preface has some comments but I suggested to go to the NOI first and they will memorize the first verse for next meeting I liked it very much the words come from my heart I told them pastimes and also give them advices I feel really good thanks a lot Gurudeva for all your inspiration ....

This is my little preaching for U, I got the inspiration from M Murti murti she is like a Guru madre jayyyy so nice it is like being with Srila Prabhupada the whole time and she spends more time with us the matajis jeje I feel so nice :) 

thanks again


candramukhi dd

 HpS - ASA ..   Jaya!!!!!

Advice urgent

12 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi

Hare Krsna Gurudeva I am really worried about one mataji who is pujari she is young she is 17 years old she became devotee by the age of 14 she is really nice she used to do sankirtan deity worship almost all the week, and she has her bhakti sastri degree she was my student but her family problems her father is an alcoholic.. she lives alone because her father is not helpful...due to she was young many devotees become interested in her and well she had some misunderstanding and the matajis started to gossip about her well she was not completely innocent but all the things were in the subtle plane .

well now she has a boyfriend he is not devotee.. he respects his believes but all the devotees do not talk to her they looked at her like she was degradated..that she is like a monster... she does not want to continue doing her service because people look bad at her... she used to wake up for mangal arti....nice rounds... nice sankirtan and now she finds support in her boyfriend because he is the only one who takes care of her I tried to call her, animate her but it is just me she does not feel so good and the devotee critized her ohh that makes me so mad because they just forget all the things that she did they just see the bad things and I do not know what to do I told her please do not leave at least one day attend the deity other wise we are going to loose U for ever U are not matture enough U need to have some relationship with the temple.....

she says that she feels kanishta adhikari because she just has a relationship with the deity I recommended her for second initiaton when JPS was here in peru but all the devotees started to talked bad about her and I guess that if she had took second initation she may feel now with more commitment she is very responsible well gurudeva please tell me what to say to her maybe some message from your very good self would help her

thanks in advance

thanks for your inspiration

your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS -  Just chant Hare Krsna and Krsna will tell you how to help her!

Hawaii Japa Update 2

12 years, 11 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Thank you for your reply. It is nice to hear that you consider I'm doing well. I wish I could agree... It's one of the only things keeping me steady. Really 

As time goes on.. more and more drama is developing. Starting to get really really bad. All the Bhaktas are realizing that we are going to have to take matters into our own hands. We made a pack that if one doesn't get up for Mongala Aratic by 415 he gets a cup of water in his bed from the rest of the Bhaktas who are awake! :) I'm looking forward to it. All in good spirit, with love. Nothing malicious.  

Japa rounds this morning.. only two before Mongala Aratic. The rest done before ten. I'm not sure if Harivilasa does all his rounds by then..I've never chanted the pre-aratic japa with him, So I can't say I know for sure. All the devotees are missing his presence here. He is the preferred authority among the Bhaktas. 

I originally decided to stay here until March, then return to Utah. Unfortunately all the other Bhaktas are talking about leaving. They are having a hard time with what is going on here these days. Much tension. I'm the only one who has made a commitment to stay. I'm hoping I can get some of these guys to make the same commitment, but it is doubtful. But now I'm not sure I want to go back to Utah. 

I'm not sure about ASA. I haven't taken the time to read up on it, so I'm unfamiliar with the program. I just want the personal association and guidance of my Gurudeva. 

Your servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho   We jsut gotta run to the temple  its 2.42AM.    The mornong program is personal association with Prabhuapda.  M. Arati, kirtana, Japa SB then he is in yuour heart and will give association!

Jesse Jackson Gets Prabhupada's Bhagavad-Gita!

12 years, 11 months ago


Hare Krishna! PAMHO AGTSP!


Just some recent cool stuff from my world:


A few days ago I was at Occupy Wall Street in New York City distributing Srila Prabhupada's books.


All of a sudden a Black SUV with tinted out windows pulled up on the side of the road and a few men got out. One of them was a black man dressed in a nice suit. Within a few seconds the man dressed in the suit was surrounded by about 50 news people with television cameras and microphones all trying to get at him. I had no idea who he was, but I figured he must be someone important and should have Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad-Gita. Since I was already holding a stack of Gitas on my chest I immediately pushed my way through the mob of news and television reporters to get to this (unknown to me) man. Just as I reached him (by Krishna's arrangement) he stopped speaking. Seizing the moment, I took a Bhagavad-Gita off the stack I was holding and cut in, saying in a load voice, "Excuse me sir, these books are 5000 year old original texts about God, the soul, consciousness and the mind". I asked if he would take one and read it. He said yes, and right at the instant he took the book all the reporters and television people pushed me aside, and started yelling questions at him. It was as if Krishna had orchestrated the whole thing and created a short window of opportunity for me to give him the book. It was kind of mystical. As I was being pushed away I manage to quickly grab my phone and take a picture of him holding the book. As you can see from the picture, he held Prabhupada's Gita right in front of him as he was being interviewed and  filmed by the TV people. Who could ask for better advertising?! 


After talking to the media for a few minutes, he got back in his car with Prabhupada's Gita and drove off. As the crowd dissipated I asked one of the TV crew people, "Who was that man?" The TV guy I asked just burst out in a sarcastic laugh and yelled at me in an angry tone of voice, "Get out here! Are you joking?!" I explained to him, "No, I am serious, I am a monk. I have not watched television, radio or newspaper for the last 16 years. I don't know anything but spiritual stuff." As he turned to walk away the TV guy replied in disgust, "You mean you pushed me out of the way to get to Jesse Jackson and you don't even know who he is?! I can't believe you!"


In trying to find out who this man called Jesse Jackson is, I talked to some other bystanders that also could not believe I did not know who he was. I finally found out he is the founder of the Rainbow Coalition, ran for president, was voted "the most important black leader", famous activist for black and minority rights,  and was a very close friend of Martin Luther King Jr.


Please every one, I beg for your blessings so I can always be engaged in the Sankitrtana yajna.


Hare Krishna!



HpS - Jaya!  We heard of this from devotees here also.  Krsna uses the most fallen first.  Haw!   Haw!  Haw!

DTC Tuesday/1

12 years, 11 months ago by hps

AGTSP   paoh


We are still iin Vraja.  Doing pretty well.  Mosquitos. Alergy light. Wonderful association.  We have to answer like 20 letters in 9 minutes so we will be brief this time!

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi, México.

12 years, 11 months ago by sarahii

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis mas respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glroias a Srila Prabhupada!!!.

Siguo en la Ciudad de México, compartiendo un departamento con una devota. Realizo servicio a las deidades del Yatra, y sankirtan 5 o 6 días a las semana. Experimentando el Sankirtan en Universidades. Lectura de noche (Krsna Book, Guerrero Espiritual y otros) y,  asociación con los devotos. Con esto estoy manteniendo mi vida espiritual, sin mayores problemas, ni mayores avances tal vez, pero, si, teniendo un gusto por ésta vida que da muchas maneras de cómo conocerse, conocer a los demás, y conocer cómo se mueve todo en ésta realidad y en la realidad espiritual.

Tuvimos un programa de Cine Debate, con la familia espiritual..estuvo muy bueno para ser el primero.

Ayer, en Sankirtan, conversaba con una devota, discípula de Bhakti Tirtha Swami, acerca de lo difícil que es perder al maestro espiritual fisicamente, y otra vez viene a mi la idea de que no siempre podremos tenerlo a Ud. fisicamente cerca de nosotros, o presente en alguna parte de éste mundo por toda la vida...

Ud. intenta hacernos pensar en esto y así nosotros creemos que de alguna manera estamos un poco preparados, pero la realidad es diferente, puede que no podamos entenderlo, y que nos sintamos muy mal si ese día llega. Espero que si eso ocurre, nunca perdamos el horizonte, la meta, y siempre recordemos Sus enseñanzas...Sus instrucciones.... y por supuesto Su eterna asociación...

Lo quiero mucho Guru Maharaja.

Esperando servirle.

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

ASA - Jaya!   Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!    Pfanrh.   Cual es el hecho de separacion.  Vd. canta alla y nosotros cantamos aqui. Por el medio de Los Santos Nombres estamos conectados.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare!!!

Y no por nuestra coberatura, esto cuerpo material, por nuestras cuerpos, identidades espirituales!

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna ... !