Hare Krsna!!!!

12 years, 10 months ago by Gadai

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj por favor reciba mis reverencias, en estos momentos nos encontramos en la ciudad de Ica,  dentro de unas horas estaremos partiendo  a la ciudad de  Puno.

Bueno Prabhu Janardana nos dijo que el no haria Sankirtan en noviembre, pues tiene que hacer algunas cosas  en Chosica, así que nosotros decidimos viajar a Puno y seguir haciendo  Sankirtan.

Aun nos falta mucha pureza, nos falta humildad, en lo personal tengo mucha falsa humildad, cuando estoy haciendo Sankirtan trato de entender que esté Servicio es muy Puro y Glorioso, pero esta mente es tan Burra y llena de faltas, solo deseo mejorar, eso es mi unico deseo, mejorar en Conciencia de Krsna.

El Sankirtan es muy Glorioso, para milo esy siempre lo sera.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, y nuevamente mis reverencias, y que Krsna siempre lo proteja, un abrazo<img alt="yes" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif" title="yes" /><img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/04.gif" title="" /><img alt="yes" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif" title="yes" />.

Hari Bol.

Gadai Gauranga Das



HpS - ASA -  Jaya!  Si, el processo es quedar en  el ISKCON de Srila Prabhupada para siempre y vamos a recibir el maximo opportunidad para purificatin.  Ya vamos a bano, templo y Govardhana!!!


DTC Friday/4th

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna.    AgtSP    Paoho.   Yesterday was a typical day for us. At 3.30AM we had our bath, washed our clothes, went to the the Krsna Balarama Temple, Japa, Mangala-arati with a crowd of 600 devotees, Japa, then we came back to our house because there was no class in the Temple because everyone went to the Gosala for Gopastami festival. Today is navami (9th).
We fed laddus to four cows on the way home. We walk with no shoes on the dust and glass.
Did nice SB writing work. Consulted two devotees by Skype.
Put Nicasio Prabhu in touch with Dr. Bramananda Gupta about Ayurveda study in Kolkatta and wrote a letter for Radha Rasa-rambi Devi Dasi to sit in Gopal-krsna Maharaja's fire sacrifice for second initiation.
Then we scuttled to Jagamohan's house to talk about initiation. He is a Vrijabasi who was in the Gurukula 15 or so years ago. Is so intense dealing with Vrijabasi devotees and their situation! Who are we to do this. Prabhupada!!
Urgent phone call from Dr. Samaresh in Kolkatta about the book and accommodations.
Then back to the Ashrama. We had four chapatis and subji at his house and two laddus from Nava-yogendra Swami.
Worked a little and at 12.30PM rest.
Woke up AT 3.30pm ! !   !         !
Didn't set the alarm.
***R*U*S*H***      Bath, look for letter from Hari-sauri about accomodations.  Call his institute. Rupess 800/night for accomodations (=$16/day!!!!).
Find the Gayatri mantra sheets.
Run to the Temple. Find Mata Rasarambi, scuttle to the Gosala. Give her second initiation. Talk with Bhakti-visvambhara Goswami about his Tulasi temple, park in the Gosala.
Bitten by few mosquitos (hope they don't have malaria).
((I lost some blood in Vrndavana)).
Talk with Subhaga Swami
Scuttle to the last half of Bhakti-rasamrta Sindhu Swami's class with 200 devotees in the Balarama hall.
Talk with Maharaja about our class in Radha desa and his ideas.
Japa. 6.30PM Meet with Hari lila Prabhu, Shyama-sundara Prabhu.
Back to the ashrama. Walking in Vrndavana dust, sewer water, glass, horns, chaos of vehicles, one Vrijabasi lemonade (hope the ice doesn't have typhoid!).
Japa in our flat. Talk with lots, like seven, devotees, friends, neighbors.
(M. Rasa-r. gave us a little Jagannatha!    Who is He!?   Why has he arrived!?)
Honor two Indian guava Prasadams (mosquitos (Baboo fixed the light)).
Retire to our room and fell victim to some Maya. We played two computer games, Demons verses the Police.
We analyzed very intensely whether we should read the Krsna book or something else, but these all agitate our mind and we wanted the rascal to relax. So we do these nonsense games while we chant. It occupies our body and mind in totally meaningless acts, although we think again and again that there is no "chance" whatever happens is controlled by Krsna, so He is chastising or rewarding us.
Game worked.
Our mind relaxed.
Put up our mosquito net and took rest with our Vraja-mandala-parikrama blanket at 9.30PM.  Alarma went off at 1.30AM. Glass of wate was there so we drank it. Washed and chanted one round left from our 25-from yesterday and lamented that we lost 1-1/2 hours from extra long nap and are writing this for you all (and us (and the mosquito)) so that you have some idea of how much of fools we are.
For sure we have to set our alarm for our nap.
We have to find some bonafide mindless activity to do before taking rest.
Ahhh!   Haw!   We can hear the KRSNA book on our Kindle apparatus and stretch.
Paoho.  Now we must do some Japa. Read a little of C.C - Suta-siksa. Fight with mosquitos and dust alergy mercy and pack to go to Radha-kunda ! ! !   From the Temple at 6AM with the devotees!
2.14AM (26 minutes to write!)

bhaktina teresa (buenos aires)

12 years, 10 months ago by bhaktina teresa



HpS - TlgaSP!!!  Puede leer el DTC lo cual estamos poniendo minutos antes de esta carta. Pienso pasa por trauctor Babble fish  casi bien.   Estamos en Vrndavana. Lo cual es misercordia profundo.  Es fuerte aqui.   Aparece mucho basura, mosquitos, rueda, pero todo es dirigido por Srimati RadharaninybSus audantes.



HpS - ASA - Esta viviendo en su propia Ashrama afuera del Templo, no?   Esperamos manana ir a Govadhana y Radha kunda.    Ooop!    Ooop!   Dee-doop!

Solamente necesita sentir al lado de ellos y cantar Hare Krsna!

Como esta su Libro KRSNA???????

DTC Th/3

12 years, 10 months ago by hps




1.36AM  -   R(0)

2.08AM – R(4)     -     Attacked by (Vrajavasi) mosquitos. Congestion from allergy. Can’t chant loudly for sore throat, but focusing on the word “Hare”!

“Hare Krsna,   Hare Krsna!!!!”      “Oh, Hara, please call to Krsna!”

O.K. Letz read CC.     We started Sanatana-siksa yesterday, Instructions by Lord Caitanya to Sanatana Goswami.  Join us!   Make your comments.  CC 2.20.Summary.

2.15AM – Wow!  This is such a complete chapter. As we go on reading systematically, the SB etc. we see the same topics discussed again and again by the Acharyas.  There are certain things that we have to learn well, so they are discussed again and again. In this chapter it will be Krsna and His expansions and incarnations and his marginal potency, you and me, and now let’s return to the Japa tree.

2.18AM – R(4) . . .

2.33AM – R(6) . . .   Fifteen minutes for two rounds. Want to chant faster but still congestion.  Is reducing by Pranayama though.  O.K.  Now the Blog and then we have to take our bath, wash our clothes, do Hanuman’s puja, so that we can leave for the Temple by 3.30AM to get a good place in Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi for Mangala-arati.

Viajes y más viajes!!!

12 years, 11 months ago by Gadai

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, por favor reciba nuestras reverencias, desde aquí Huancavelica, pasamos a reportarnos en esta misión del Sankirtan etereno de Srila Prabhupada!!!

Acá la ciudad es bastante pequeña, pero siempre hay personas buscando la verdad y esa verdad solo se las puede transmitir Srila Prabhupada a traves de sus libros.

Hemos estado aquí al rededor de una semana y media, de los cuales Prabhu Janardana ya viajo a Huancayo a seguir haciendo Sankirtan, por otro lado nosotros nos quedamos unos dias más aquí y mañana estamos partiendo a la ciudad de Puno a seguir con esta misión de Sankirtan.

Bueno Prabhu Janardana no me dejo su reporte de Sankirtan, así que solo le envio el de mi esposa, su tia Angela y el mio; su tia Angela salio a hacer Sankirtan el dia de ayer y hoy,  fue muy interezante pues hicimos nuestros programas de Dhamodara, y lectura de Bhagavad - Gita, cantando 16 rondas de Japa y haciendo Mangal Artik 5 am, esforzandonos por que sea más temprano, 4 principios regulativos, aun no he podido comenzar a leer el Caitanya Caritamrta, ojalá sea pronto.

  Nadiya Nivasi Dasi con 142 libros pequeños

Gadai Gauranga con 99 libros pequeños y 1 Bhagavad Gita

Madre Angela (tia de Nadiya) con 24 libros pequeños

Eso hace un total de  266 literaturas distribuidas, con el reporte de Prabhu Janardana que no me dejo, veo que llegamos a los 450 libros distribuidos aproximadamente.

Bueno Guru Maharaj nos despedimos, estaremos en Puno aproximadamente un mes y algo más, todo noviembre, de ahi para diciembre no sabemos domde estaremos haciendo Sankirtan.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, espero que su salud esté mejor, un abrazo y nuevamente mis reverencias, Hare Krsna!!!

HpS -  TlgaSP    pfanrh Super pero por que no esta continuando con Jananardana y otros?   Muy bien!  Aqui en el templo de Krsna Balarama en Vrndavana hay como 400-800 devotos para Managala arati cada dia.  Distribuyen al los invitandos durante la dia como 1,000 libros cada dia.  Muchos pequenos pero grandes tambien!!!  Seguimos sus pasos.  Ayer presente una cnferencia acerca de Humildad.  Commo 200 participantes!!  O.K.  Vamos al templo!!!  Mas  Noticias!

Japa report

12 years, 11 months ago by harsh_horse

Hare Krsna Maharaj

you are for us austerity personified . and you keepyour commitments.

thank you for nice association. may i ask answer question which you asked in http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/node/774..

TB - ASA -   Very good questions, but basic principle is to always chant Hare Krsna. If you have any doubt what to do chant Hare Krsna.    Getting up eary and getting your rounds done well is the first principle. You should always do that.
Are you doing it?

Until you are a little advanced in that your other questions won'te be very valuable!!!
Tell us the results of your efforts in this area.


Now we make point to chant better rounds. here is the little description of japa.

by grace of supersoul we are able to do16 rounds a day without fail. till 7 am on an averagfe we are able to chant 8 rounds. we get up aorund 3am but we struggle between sleep and chanting..

but we are not able to do attentive chanting. our mind is fllied with conflicts of instructions, our asrama, our actions, etc etc... we are not grossly inattentive that much ( doing something else while japa) but on mental platform... we are screwed up.

HpS - AGTSP   paoho.  Yesssss.  But it was always like that, now you can see it.  Now you can start to deal with the problem.   When do you finish the other 8 rounds???