DTC Wed/9

12 years, 10 months ago by hps





3.11AM   Electricity just came.  Screwing up our eyes using this computer without light for one hour.  But only chance we have had for internet access in three days.  Made it to Manipur.  Intense program.  Seems that we may be useful. All ten of us may be useful.  Patraka gets out of the hospital on Friday!   We have five more letters to answer on the Blog.  But we also have 4 rounds left from our 25/day from yesterday, so first things first.  We get our rounds done early and then set a reasonable calendar.


See you in the Spiritual Sky!

moving to Boise to be at the feet of Radha Bunka-Bihari- Hari Bol, here we go!

12 years, 10 months ago by Kamagayatri

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We are sad that it has taken us this long to write, it seems every time we got close the baby cried, something burnt, and we are a bit long winded and therefore never felt like we had enough time to write a proper letter.  Two months ago I started writing a letter to inform you that my stepmom, Karla, a devout Christian lady who has always risen during Brahma Muhurta time everyday to do her Christian and philosophical studies the last thirty years, has become my new study partner.  We started at book one, Nectar of Instruction, and printed out your annotated version and study guide for our 3 ring binders..!  It has been very nice Maharaj, we try to meet on phone every Wednesday and have found two weeks on one verse is so nice, we are now on verse 3.  One week I memorize the verse, make notes, and the second week I look up references you mention from the SB and BG and this truly helps us delve deeper into the text and make it a memorable experience.  We might be moving slow, but the second week Karla wants me to teach her a summary of the text.  So I am getting teaching experience as well and I refer to your powerpoints to give some background info. on the authors.  Did you know text one, vaco vegam manasah krodham vegam' rhymes with head shoulders, knees and toes??? 


HpS - ASA -- AGTSP   paoho.  In Manipur.  Internet access (at 2AM) after three days!  So nice to hear from you all.  What does head knees....  mean?

In the future when I am teaching children NOI, I will point to the senses according to the sanskrit words and sing the verse in a similar tune as Head and Shoulders..!

Maharaj, my stepmom informed me that she looks at different theologian annotated versions (sometimes even four at once) to study Bible verses.  So the annotated version of NOI has very much helped our study and she very much appreciates it.  I hope to study Teresa of Avila with her after this book.  Praise God!  We hope to ask you questions about our studies as they come up if that is okay.

HpS -   Yes!

Rounds get done, but still not always early in the morning.  I admittedly took too many classes Maharaj for my Masters in Counseling program, I am now seeing one class maybe two will have to do starting in January.

A month ago when we were visiting Boise, Gopal, who is now back from Oxford let us know that they are on a search for a pujari during the weekdays and asked me if I would be interested.  It would be in the early mornings (they start at 5:30, so I'd have to be there at 5) to 7. Aja is still sleeping so this is a seva I can do before he wakes while he is with Nick.  Then I would do the evening arati, both shifts Monday through Friday with weekends off.  They recently let us know a two bedroom attached to the temple has opened up and that they would reserve it for us. 

  I am a little scared because I am unqualified for this work, but because the Guptas are our siksa gurus and such amazing examples of ideal devotees, I will pray to Krsna that they can tolerate me and that I can have an open heart to serve and learn.  I also want to ask your permission to take on this service.  I know that without your mercy I will never become qualified to serve.  I think Radhika will call you to ask for the permission of having me take up this service as well.

No matter what though, we know that moving and being closer to such a dedicated community as well as the feet of Radha Bunkabihari will most definitely save our lives and help us become steady, serious devotees.  It is time to step up and not look back. 

Maharaj, please excuse our ramblings.  And all glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

Your servants,

Kamagayatri, Nick, and Aja

HpS -- Yes, Radhika wrote to us and we answered that we thought it was very nice for you to do the Deity program.  No community is perfect, so we always have to approach any situation as coming to help solve problems alone then we are not discouraged!  O.K.  Next letter.  We are 10 behind!

DTC Tu/8

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna Prabhus

AgtSP. Paoho. Our USB modems have not worked for twodaze now.

We are rye ting this on Bhakta  Kindke.

We travelled to Delhi yesterday ... flat tire   ...  driver arrested for no road tax ...18 dvotees in the van.

Then big feast at Pranava Prabhus houe and joined the zztulasi saligram marriage procession.

We are doi g our BhVai reading. Verse to memorize this week is 2.3.19 a kama sarva kamo va...

Today we all go to Manipura. but we must separate from Raktaka Das at the airport.

We dont know how we shall live without him.

DTC sun/6

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

AgtSP Paoho  We are in the K Balarama Temple room. it is 6.616 am. weve chanted 15 rods and are doing this onbhakta kindle. it is slow. furdt time we try this. o.k. see you later. chant four rounds read and write and chant four more da capo ad infinitum

oink oink   buck white asa

Japa Report- 2

12 years, 10 months ago by harsh_horse

Hare Krsna ,AGTSP

Hope your health is good, your glorious are unlimited for us to even ponder upon.

HpS - ASA - We have to increase our KRSNA book reading at night!
continuing with to answere question asked by your grace  in Japa Report http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/node/800 and skype..
our sadhana dwindles we finish 16 rounds chanting,  10% times  by 7am, 30% by 10 am,  40%  by 2pm , rest 20 % by 9 pm.
our relationg with family is worsening as we our avoiding them due their verbal opposition to physical activities dev activities (getting up early, non-onion, offered food).
relation with wife is degraded , because we forced her to follow dev activites, so now she has resented. ( she will write to you seperately).
we were working, but left it because we were inable to balance our sadhana, no we are studying PhD and getting 1/3rd stipend of previous job.  We also want to find our vritti in mean time..
      these creates lots of disturbance in our mind, along with mental , physical austerities.   and manier times we loose battle along with intelligence.
team 1: soul +intelligence + gur+sadhu+sastra+ KC association
team 2: kaliyuga+ maya+ mind

lifetime battle between these two teams
till now  team 2 has won more often. team 1 is offering offering great fight
this is the battle report to "monkey warrior" from BOMB- BAY.. waiting for reinforcement and ammunitions.... to continue the battle..

HpS - ASA -- Kali yuga is a BIG mess. Where to start?   With hearing.  O.K. hear our Japa. Chant our Japa.  Earlier the better, but what about the reading now?   How are you doing that?   KRSNA book!?


12 years, 10 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The purport said that women are the inspiration source of men, and are therefore more powerful than men.

Govinda left in the middle of the night. He's gone back to LA now. I take that back, he left right before Mongala Aratic this morning. Which is interesting because Hari Vilasa is going to be here later today. I think he did it to avoid him for some reason? It is actually just my speculation though. So let's see what happens now? As far as I know, he isn't going to come back. Contract broken? I still feel like I could stay here for some time and help this temple. Otherwise will be going back to Utah. What do you advise?

I think my best bet for going with you for some time would be the next time you come to America. I couldn't afford to go outside the country. (in fact I have literally 0 dollars as it is) Houston TX in Feb I see.

Thank you for your guidance,

Your servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   AgtSP    Paoho.  Intense trip to visit Giriraja yesterday.   6 rounds behind from our 25/day.  Hare Krsna.

Of course, talk with Harivilasa Prabhu about your service. Chant Hare Krsna and understand from the Paramatma also what is the best position for you to help Krsna, Lord Caitanya!