Caitanya candrodaya das ( VRINDAVAN DHAM ) Report

12 years, 10 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das


Dear  Gurudeva im  very  happy in vrindavan dham , i love  vrindavan dham , mayapur  dham and  jagannath puri  ki jayy!! i would like  to  go  to Dwarka    and   Manipur   one day .

there  are  many pure and good  devotees  in the  holy dham ,  In vrindavan dham the  mind   is  very  diffcult  to control but  Srimathi Radharani  is very mercy with  us  . I pray  to  Gaura and  nitay , krishna  and  balarama   and  Radha  shyamasundar so much  to  become  a  good  devotee    , i have  to  work  more  in myself . I  chants 16 rounds hare krishna maha mantra  everyday , i wake  up 4:00 am and  i do vrindavan  parikrama  somedays  and i have  good  association .

thank you very  much for  your  mercy and  let me know  you  a little  bit ,  im very  happy  to see  you  again and  have  your  wonderful association  .

Obesainces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jay srila prabhupada  ki jayy!!!

i hope   to see  you  soon after to  do my service  to srila  virabahu maharaj i  will  see  you  in mayapur  dham  !!


ASA=AGTSP!!!!  Paoho!!!

Bhakta Alfonso Yallico Andia ( lima -chosica ) Report

12 years, 10 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das

HARE KRISHNA............................  JAY SRILA PRABHUPADA  KI JAYY!!

ALL  the  glories  to  srila prabhupada  ki jay!!  All the glories  to you  dear  Gurudeva  ki jayyy!!

This  is  my report about  my sadhana :  I wake  up  three  times  a  week   to Mamgala  Artik,  i usually  wake  up 5:30 am and  i get  ready for  go to  my job , i would  like  to  go  everyday  but  i can't  my jod  is  very  hard  and tired  , I  chants  16 rounds everyday  , i'm learing and  studying  bhakti yoga ,im going good  my teacher is  Laksmana  agraha prabhu  , I have  my service  in Radha Madhana vihari-chosica temple   every sunday i clean , arrange things , do  the work  of  steel structure and  i'm  making bars and doors metal  frame  .

Obeisances ........................xD 

his  servant Bhakta  Alfonso yallico  andia .

ASA - SUper!   AGTSP   Focus is to increase your time in the Brahma muhurta, 1-1/2 to 3/4 hours before sunrise.  As you increase this you will make more money easier and be able to preach!

Letter From Valparaiso, Chile.

12 years, 10 months ago by Vanamali Dasi

<img alt="" src="" title="" />All Glories to Sri sri Goura Nitai    <img alt="" src="" title="" />All glories to Srila Prabhupada<img alt="" src="" title="" />

<img alt="" src="" title="" />Dear Gurumaharaja<img alt="" src="" title="" />:<img alt="" src="" title="" />

I hope you are in good health.<img alt="yes" src="" title="yes" />

16 rounds and 4 principlesOur service continues with the programs of spiritual cultivation in Quillota, Chile. Patricia is very enthusiastic and has already visited the temple in Santiago and shared with devotees.On his daughter loves to sing Hare Krishna's holy name. Raman Reti we went to support the program in October, hopefully they can go and make programs devotees  preached in the future, sankirtan in that city. We are few but with much enthusiasm.<img alt="" src="" title="" />

Furthermore, also traveling to the city of Santiago, on the weekends and cook to the deity,beautiful service<img alt="" src="" title="" />.I am teaching vocal technique for girls devoted to the congregation. They are being trained by Tamara to present theater in Peru and Bolivia. We are part of the project.<img alt="" src="" title="" />

We are trying to put into practice up at 5 am to chant japa rounds. Her tips will help, turn on the light, alarm clock away from the bed, drink water. Everything is better so. Realized that these are good rounds<img alt="" src="" title="" />. Sometimes I win the dream<img alt="" src="" title="" />, but we're in this fight.

We continue with the Bhakti Sastri with Patraka, but the guide works.

My father is well, wants to send the video composition of the universal form. We will seewhether any devotee who comes from Peru, to be sent.<img alt="" src="" title="" />
I am happy because my father and mother offer food to Krishna maha mantra chanting.<img alt="" src="" title="" />

Sorry for not writing before<img alt="" src="" title="" />

My obeisances at your lotus feet.<img alt="" src="" title="" />

his foolish servant

VANAMALI DASI<img alt="" src="" title="" />

ASA  -  Super!   AGTSP   paoho.......  Super.  You are perfectly on the right path.  Just go ahead.  You can see from the DTC what is happening to us.  2.58AM!    Super super  super     We all just go ahead and Krsna will arrange our more intimate contact.  Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!

B.Natalia reporting

12 years, 10 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeissances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Vrndava dham, to Krsna Balarama!

Gurudeva, your answer gave confidence and enthuciasm. I am improving little: best quality in my chanting, but steal not regulated on times. I am going to sleep more early and avoiding eating at night, so my conciousness is better in the morning, steal I sleep to much some times, I simply don't hear the alarm, and even sometimes I feel too apathic then maya takes me very quickly again to sleep. I chant as much as posible in the morning before anything else, and then I make special times to chant in the day, but sometimes I have to rush with some rounds... specialy tuesday and thrusday that I have many hours of class.

Because my conciousness is not so hi, I am introspective, trying to understand what is happening. I am also trying to appreciate what Krsna sends me to help me (Sattva class, Krsna book, service, I am planting flowers in my garden for my altar).

I want to be a devotee, and I want to correct my mistakes deeply. I am not steal in a super practice, but is better.
The goal: please Krsna with 4 am, 16 good rounds, 4 reg, programs, and as much Krsna conciousness as posible. I hope to be rescued from myself by Krsna's mercy, by guru's mercy.

Thank you Gurudeva to be a perfect example of what a diciple is.
Your aspirant servant,


ASA - SUPer SUper Super!!!  AGTSP   pamho.   You are expanding your Krsna consciusness to broader limits.  Is very very nice.  Dont think you are doinng small thing. It will help sosososos    many people. Always get more association.  Chant Japa with someone else by checking in on telephone together. Things like that!

SATTVA reporting

12 years, 10 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna
Please accept our humble obeissances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

1. Sadhana:
Luis is chanting 8 rounds of japa (4 in the morning, 4 during the day), M Damodar is chanting 16 rounds (8 in the morning, 8 durind the day, with some difficulties), P. Abhirama is chanting 8 rounds in the morning and 8 during the day, p. Jagat pavitram chant 16 rounds in the morning, b.Natalia is chanting 16 rounds with some difficulties.

2. The Srimad Bahagavatam study is going on every Saturday, now it starts at 7am. We studies the SB 1.1.2, with assistance of P. Abhirama, Luis Torino, m.Damodar, b.Natalia.

3. Our Wednesday meetings are now starting at 7pm. We are studying the LOB. We discussed ideas about how to use more the facebook, not only for external comunication, but also to consider the posibility to make our internal comunication and discussion during the week throught the facebook, wich is very practical to make very dynamic comunication. So we will make a internal group to be connected between us.

4. Our study together has the goal to make a common perspective about the understanding of our philosophy.

5. Prabhu Jagat Pavitram had already transcribe 20 pages of the lecture "hacia donde va la humanidad".

6. Prabhu Abhirama told that Kishor Gupta (Gita asrama, hindu community) is willing to help Sattva in its activities, he likes very much Sattvas projects.

Hare Krsna!!

 ASA - AGTSP   paoho   Super, but what about joining the BhVai SB schedule?

DTC Thu/10

12 years, 10 months ago by hps


Paoho.   Whoop!   Whoop!   Oink!   Oink!
Here we are in Manipur.
2.30AM    R(-8)    -   We got 8 rounds left from our 25/day from yesterday.

Did Srila Prabhupada walk barefoot in Vrndavana when he was a Vanaprastha etc?? Did he get scratches on his lotus feet?
Is the trash and stuff in Vrndavana the sinful reactions left by the pilgrims when they visit that Holy Place?

2.41AM R(-7)

Battery is at 31% and we gotta bath etc at 3AM so we will post more stuff here then answer all 11 letters in 14-minutes.  Sorry for the rush. Join us. These answers are for everybody!


Yesterday we visited the ISKCON Nature Cure Hospital, and many very, very, highly situated people, most over 70-year, from Thoubal, Manipuri, came to ask for initiation, but is very quick, so we will get to know them more with the help of local senior devotees, authorities.
With is are Jiva and Sri, Madhavendra and Yasoda, Ambarisa and Vicki, Hari lila and Mother Madhavi and his good friend from Panama and his good wife, Pancha and Nicasio and Mother Campakalata!   We are just acting as a guest here also. They have worked hard to solver their own travel problems, but we are helping with the help of Raktaka, Vanamali, Gunamani, Ekanatha, Sadhu bhusana et al!
Today we will join the Kartika purnima Rasa lilas!  Cold and 3,000 feet here.  So beautiful.  So simple.  We feel that everyone is being pushed to take up the work of Bhakti Svarupa Damodara Swami in co-ordination.

Health is O.K.  Still some allergy.
Let’s answer letters fast.
Dr. Samaresha’s book’s work is advancing.  We have a printer in Kolkatta and we are starting to unravel the problems of the formatting with Abhirama Prabhu’s help!