12 years, 10 months ago by dianita lalita

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las Glorias a HanumatPresaka Swami!


Querido Maharaja: 


Acepte por favor mis reverencias

Espero que esté muy bien, en el Santo Dham!!!!!

En mi carta anterior olvidé decirle que soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina, y voy al templo de Buenos Aires. Ya tuve una entrevista con Prabhu Mahahari, el presidente del Templo de Buenos Aires, y me dio su bendición para dirigirme a Usted, ademas tengo la fortuna de estar en asociación con algunos de sus discipulos y aspirantes, algunos estan ahora con Usted en India, otros por varios paises.  Son hermosas almas que me inspiran mucho. Sigo firme con mi sadhana y super feliz esperando mas novedades de Usted!!!!!!!!!!!

Su Aspirante a sirviente Bhaktina Diana.<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" /> Hare Krishna!!!!<img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" width="18" />


HpS - ASA - Jaya!   Tlg    Tlg     T L G ! ! !     !               !   aSP.......    Muy bien sus noticias.    Estamos leyendo Cinco Princesas Casado por Krsna en el libro Krsna.  Junta nos.  Eso son nuestras novedades profundos.   Ha!   Ha!   Ha!!!!!!!

Le gusta las oraciones de Yuddhistira?



practicality & faith

12 years, 10 months ago by harsh_horse

hare krsna maharaj..... dandvat pranam,srila prabhupada ki jay...

continuing the same doubt--- in  http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/node/774

Tom Brown wrote on ur behalf -----  TB - ASA -   Very good questions, but basic principle is to always chant Hare Krsna. If you have any doubt what to do chant Hare Krsna.    Getting up eary and getting your rounds done well is the first principle. You should always do that.
Are you doing it?

Until you are a little advanced in that your other questions won'te be very valuable!!!
Tell us the results of your efforts in this area.

telling u the results of our effort.. we tried to make morning program strong,  as result  we got chance to associate with devotess who could help. we dont see our own intelligence improved...but we intelligence from outside.... by god's arragement....
however when we are alone our mind always ask/instructs be practical/ dont put blind faith on instruction..
many devotees have also asked us to be practical/ not just implementing instructions becasue we have heard them. like http://vedabase.com/en/sb/2/2/4  --- (lie on earht, wear torn clothes, take fruits from trees etc)
our question is what is practical------  what we understand that practicality depends on our time,place,cicrumstances   and most important faith on the lord......  like its practical for prahlad maharaj to jump in boilig oil( we think -- please correct us)..
how do we know
[a] we are being impratical by following more than we can .. (imitating without on being platform)
[b] we are not putting enough faith on lord on the name of practicality...
there are many instructions of how to handle time, place and circumtances.. we get from intiated disciples of Various Gurus in ISK. how to know which is meant for us..
like we heard one temple president saying " dont take profession of stock exchange, then you will think of  numbers and stocks".  on the other hand we see a devotee who is doing very well in stock markets. he gives lectures like  ""Bhagavad Gita in the Stock Market?"............. now this paradox for us..
our tiny intelligence get so bob down in all this...   that mind takes opportunity to confuse us and somehow make us slack in morning program.....
awaiting for ur answers..
hare krsna
HpS - ASA -   AgtSP  Paoho.   We are in Kolkatta.  Second Day. Details in the DTC to follow.  Your question.   Many details.   What do you think about:

DTC Wednesday/16

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

AGTSP    pamho.  We made it to Kolkatta!   Arduous travel, but here and are now facing the challenges to get the book done with Dr. Samaresh. Also, always make little little progress in basic process of Sadhana bhakti. We are staying in the 2-star, Avion Guest Lodge with Nicasio.     Is Patraka reading Five Queens Married by Krsna now?

DTC Tuesday/15th

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

AGTSP    pamho    Here, 6.10AM, R(12), we are in Manipur.  Three mosquitos take some more.

At 1PM we catch the plane (Zooom ity, Zooom ity, Zooooom)!   And land in Kolkatta the all-insane (w/ heart).

Body and mind are gifts from hell, but keep on chanting and make them well!

O.K.     Get four more rounds done before SB class (7.30AM), pack, grade one BVC paper, read and take notes on SB 2.6, write a Manipur visit report, on the airplane sit!

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva! Saludos de Buenos Aires

12 years, 10 months ago by radhamm

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva!!

AGSP!! AGHPS! Please accept my humble obeisances onto your lotus feet...How are U GM?Hope You´re enjoying  and renewing your faith and energies at the Holy Dham, I´ve seen some photos of your amazing and absolutely divine trip...miss U soooo much GM...seeing my godbrothers w/ U make me want more and more be w/ U and in  Your holy association. Kartik is over..and Imiss so much already..I can´t imagine what it´s Kartik in the Holy Dham... Here I´m in Buenos Temple 9 months already...seems that I´ve arrived yesterday...so much things has happened...I´m very grateful and pleased in my service to Sri Sri Goura-Nitay...and about a month ago I´ve started to worship Shalagram sila...I´m very happy..it´s incridible and so many realizations..Krsna is pushing me more and more...and I need to qualified myself every single minute. My saddhana:Mangala aratik puja 5x a week(can´t live without it)still cooking for Deities every morning, and twice or 3 times a week for bhoga aratik.. help in pujari, 25 rounds daily ,3 gayatris..strictly 4 principles. Preaching in Vaisanavi sanga 2 x a month on Saturdays,stil 2x a week helping at the temple boutique. now the matajis have the duty at the Reception of the temple  ,preaching and distributing books and praassadam in order to colect and help the temple...we´re 3 matajis ...so it´s been great! 

I´ve been in touch w/ my dear spiritual sister  Candramukhi dd it´s been great ,she´s always so sweet and helpful,also this way I´m  more closer to U GM! Anyway You´re w/ me always 25h /day. Next Sunday it´ll be Ratha Yatra Buenos Aires/2011 lots of service!!I´m having such a great time in my life...Thank U for Your mercy and blessings GM.

It´s so inspiring  see your pictures in India..eveything´s so spiritual..so simple...I wish so much to visit the Holy Dham soon...specially if it´s posible w/ U then it would be perfect.

Here in Argentina we´re looking forward in having  U w/ us, the temple president p. Maha Hari das has sent the invitation to Candramukhi since your yahoo  mail isn´t working in India also some shelters requests letters from devotees here...We all really hope that U can come beloved GM...We´re looking forward for Your answer! Lots to tell U...hope in hear from U soon...Enjoy the Holy Dham and please take care, beloved GM!!

Love and miss U a lot!Hare Krsna my beloved Guredeva!

With all my heart and soul at your service eternally your humble servant,

Radha Madana Manohara dd

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!  AGTSP     paoho.    This is Kali-yuga: As long as we stay engaged in Bhakti yoga like it was disappeaing in the next 15-minutes, we are O.K.  If not then we start to become residents of hell with all hellish qualities.    Dance on fire until the end, kirtan is your only friend!

Radhe Radhe Krsna Radhe !!! :)

12 years, 10 months ago by Candrarekha Devi Dasi
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Their Lordships Sri Sri Gaura Nitai
Dear Gurudeva <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a37.gif" title="" />
I hope you feel better health, and that his stay in India this wonderful, in the company of devotees and spiritual brothers.
well I am writing to tell you that I put into practice the advice you gave me earlier in the report
I'm reading more consistently Prabhupada's books,
I'm almost finishing the year at the university, I had so much to do and study, and had to leave the service of the garlands on Tuesdays.
But I hope reviving it back at Some Point in my vacation, I'm quiet Because you helped me Realize That We Can Serve In Any way, our main service is to chant our rounds, meeting with Our Activities and serve all people as best as possible, no matter where we are developing our service, if not, our conscience must be fixed on Krishna and Srila Prabhupada, and thankful to you as it in some way, helped me to grow these in my spiritual life and I can have a life with enthusiasm and in a calm manner. 
While I'm singing my rounds, I follow the 4 principles, I have much sadhu sanga with devotees and spend some time sharing some spiritual brothers friends too. <img alt="yes" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif" title="yes" />
also wanted to tell you, I am very excited to participate in the marathon sankirtan, held here in Chile in December, I like this service, but it is a challenge for me, since I'm a bit shy and I'm nervous to reach people, but I want to try, and enthusiasm this.
Dear Gurudeva good this is my November report, and thank you very much for your advice, we never really leave the association with Prabhupada and his books.
again please accept my most humble obeisances at your feet, and my obeisances to my spiritual brothers and sisters who are in this beautiful journey accompanied to you by the holy dham.
(excuse my bad english please)
His eternal servant
Candrarekha Devi Dasi <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/30.gif" title="" /><img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a04.gif" title="" /><img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a38.gif" title="" />
Santiago Of Chile
ASA - Very nice. AgtSP    pamho.   We are also shy, timid.   Guess the trick is to develop the ability to get to know people before you stop them, look at them, their comportment, ask the Supersoul to inform you who they are.    Good luck with all your service.   It seems to be expanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaading!
Give us some news of the Amara gauranga Das also!