Radhe radheeee...........shyam ! ( about my nature )

12 years, 10 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das


Dear  Guru maharaj accept my most humble and  respectful obeisances , I really  wish  to  become a  kirtaniya  sadha hari , i wish  to sing  and play for Radha and krishna , i would like  to sing hare krishna maha mantra   for  everywhere , i feel  so  happy  when i sing  for  radha and krishna  and i need  to do  that . i'm not a  pure  devotee but  when    i singing  for  radha and krishna  i try  to sing from my heart and i wish  to share  that  to everybody.  i know   we  have  to preach for everywhere and  share  hare krishna maha mantra  , we have  to share  all the glories  to lord  chaytania  maha prabhu  and  invite to everybody  to sing hare krishna maha mantra . 

I'm ignorant but i  have  to desire  to  become a  pure  devotee and  i wish help  to  srila prabhupada  and you in the  preaching . now i'm not trained for  do that  but from my heart i wish  to do these  things and i know  someday  i will  do that . just i need  the bless  of  all  the  vaishnavas and i need   your blessings  me please !! 

 i will  study in calcutta  music  , i have  all  ready but i know  the music  does  not  give so much money .  if  i will  study music  is  not  for  money  is  only  for  serve  to radha and krishna ,  and my other  option  is  study ayurvedic medicine  and in the  future  open an office  .

 So if  i  will study   music  harmoniun and flute and  Ayurvedic  medicine i could work  for radha and krishna  and also  for  help  to my family  . i think  is  a  good  idea  and srila virabahu maharaj  told me  is  a  good  idea  too . 

About my nature in my  life , I talk with one astrologer  in mayapur  and  he told me  that , i have  artistic skills and these  things  are natural to me  . i think i have  nature of  brahmana  becouse i'm very clean and  i wish  to sing  for  radha  and krishna  , anything that  is offered to krishna  are brahminical qualities . and i'm  also ksatria ,  vaisha and  sudra  .  but  i feel  sudra .....xD 

 please !!  Dear  gurudeva  i need  you  mercy . bless me ............xD

 what do  you  think  about  that ?

Cakori radha dd   is  a  little  bit  sick  , she is   still  alive and she  said  is going  well .

HpS - ASA - AGTSP   paoho.  Then why don't you go to Goloka?  Just chant hare Krsna and come out of this costume in this nasty drama and go to Srimati Radharani and Krsna??

DTC Friday/18

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

2.33AM - R(6)     -      We are getting regular daily, weekly schedule!   Then we can adjust a practical amount of werk!       More japa and we post to the Blog.   3.30 Bath and laundry. 4.30 M'arati softly with Nicasio (cause we're in a guest lodge), 6.30AM we walk with Harinama Sankirtana to the Gopal Mandir.  They have a very, very, very pretty deity of Krsna. He is like a little boy playing His flute.    ...    Then we walk to the fruit market ...   Pineapples for Hanuman.   Etc.     Dr. Samaresha book is going well.  Nicasio has been plunged into the most advanced work in Ayurveda India by Dr. Samaresh's mercy.    We visited the Asiatic Society library yesterday.    Intense scholars.   Jnana!    Dr. Samaresh comments that if NIOS starts a Journal he will help. He is 70 years old but very energetic.    Who knows what will happen.   We are waiting for news of Yadu Swami's meeting with Navina krsna Prabhu in Ing Gland this weekend so that we can fix our travel calendar.     Should be simple so we can write.     You should write!      There is so much out of sight!!!    Write!    Give light!

ASA – Report Sadhana and other projects

12 years, 10 months ago by asa mexico

All  glories  to   Srila Prabhupada!
All  glories to   you dear  Gurudeva!

Dear  Gurudeva,Please  accept our  humble obeisances!

We   had  to delay   the program   sadhana,  because  the  November  6. Many  ASA  members  traveled  to  Tulancingo  the "festival  of the  cow." 

ASA - TlgaSP   pfanrh   =   <img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/37.gif" title="" width="18" />

So  on   Sunday  November   13th,  we   celebrate  the  monthly   Sadhana  in   Mexico   Mandir,  was   a  very   beautiful,  Mangal   Aratika  met   several   of   his  servants,  including   Sacinandana  D.,  Gadadhara  Gosai  D. (México),  Jayadeva  Goswami D, , Bhaktin  Atenea  and  Bhaktin  Sarahi.

 On  the  other  hand, Asta  Sakhi DD,  Gopi  Radha  DD and Bhaktin  Cruz  Santa,  were   unable   to  attend  the  temple  so  Sadhana  program  conducted   at  home.

ASA - Oh????  La Asta askhi Devi Dasi esta enferma???

Participation   during   the   festival   of   the  cow  in  Tulancingo  this   past  November 6, went   through   the   presentation  the   project   Monkey   Warriors,   the   exposure   of  to  Rangolis,  With   the  leaders   of   this   program   to   their   servants   Angada  D.,  his   wife  Malini  Mayi DD  and   Bhakta-Vatsala D. Prabhu,   with  the  participation of  various  members  of  ASA  MEX.

ASA - Very interesting but do not understand??!

The  project ASA  KIDS, progresses nicely,  formally  launched  on  11  September (10 classes to date),regularly attended  by  about  10  children, who  are  very  inquisitive.  Some  of  the  topics  covered  are:  Who  is  Srila Prabhupada?,  Damodara  Lila, GovardhanaLila , the Vaisnava  tilaka  also  we  set  up  an  altar  for  their  Lordships   Sri Sri  Jagannatha, Balarama and  Subhadra. During   the   festival  of   "Govardhana"  ASA  Kids,  participated  with  a  theater   of  this  Lila,  at  the  end  of  the  work, also   sang   and  danced. The   class  lasts  an  hour  and  a  half. This program  is  led  by  his  servant  Gopi  Radha  DD  supported  by  various  members  of   ASA  MEX.

ASA  !!!!!   We will join!

The    project   CINEASA   MEX;   as   we  reported   previously,   had   its   first   performance   on    22   October,  with   the   movie  "Brother   Sun,  Sister   Moon,"  The    Nama  Hata   basis,  led   by   his   servant  Deva  Darshan  D.  Where   we   got   an   income   of    1,087  pesos  for  Jambavati   mataji.   Is   this   Lakshmi   we   deliver   it   directly   to   the   mother?

ASA -  AGTSP   Aristasena Das.  Next movie?

 Another    Base   Bhakti   Vriksha ,  is   interested   in   the   presentation   of   this   film,   so   we   are   preparing    another    presentation,  with   different   speakers,   led   by   Bhakta-vatsala, D. Prabhu,   scheduled    for   December,  the  date  is  not  yet  confirmed.

ASA - Ah cha!

On   the  other  hand, not   yet   defined   the  next   film,  but   the   presentation   is  scheduled   for  January  2012.  This   project   is  being led by  his  servant  Asta Sakhi DD  supported  by   various  members  of  ASA MEX.

Continue   to   strive  to improve   our  participation,   inspired   by   the  great  mercy   you  poured   out  on  us,  we   are  determined    to   take  refuge   in   his   auspicious   partnership,   example  and  inspiration.

His  Servants

ASA -  Oink!     Oink!    Whoop!   WHoop!      Jaya!!!!                Esperamos oir que es un "rangoli"????


12 years, 10 months ago by dianita lalita

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las Glorias a HanumatPresaka Swami!


Querido Maharaja:


Acepte por favor mis reverencias  

Estoy leyendo  Five Queens Married by Krsna, como Usted me dijo, es un hermoso capitulo, y las oraciones de Yudhisthira me recuerdan que Krishna solo es atraido por el servicio devocional, amoroso y desinteresado de sus devotos.

Espero que siga Usted muy bien, y yo sigo firme con mi sadhana.

 Su Aspirante a sirviente Bhaktina Diana.<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" /> Hare Krishna!!!!<img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" width="18" /> 


ASA -  Jaya!  TlgaSP!!!!!!!    Estamos asociando con El Patraka Das en Lima.  El es dirigiendo nuestras recitacion del libro KRSNA!    Ya pasamos al siguiente capitulo - Bhauma- asura!!!!    Muy bien!!!!  Adelante!   HK/R!!!


jay vrindavan dham ki jayy!!

12 years, 10 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das

Hare krishna !!  jay srila prabhupada  ki jayy!!!

All  the  glories  to srila prabhupada  ki jay!!  my most humble  and  respectful obeisances .

I hope   your  health is going  well , i'm very  happy    in vrindavan dham  everythings  is going  good  with me  for  mercy  of   lordship Radha shyamasundar  , All  the vaishnavas and of course for  you mercy . i'm doing  my service  to srila  virabahu maharaj , HE  is very mercyfully  with me

I wake   to mangala  artik and  chants 16 rounds  japa everyday ok.

Dear  Guru maharaj  if  you  know somebody   in calcutta who can teach me  ayurvedic medicine  please  tell me  .I'm looking  for  a institute  or i don't know   watever you  think is  good  for me . please  tell me .

thank  you  very much . 

His  servant caitanya candrodaya das . VANCA  KALPA !!


ASA -  Jaya!!!!    Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai!      Ho!     Ho!    Ho!    Last I heard you were going to Kolkatta to study music.   And now it is Ayurveda.  Ho!   Ho!   Ho!     I would suggest that this course is natural to some degree.  You are still young and so it is O.K. to try different careers to see what is your nature. Also by astrology, Hare Krsna/Rama meditation, advice from people who know you, you can also begin to focus on your career.   Of course, basic careers are Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaiya and Sudra and combinations there of, within the four ashramas.  Have you got some idea of your position in these basic careers?

How is the Cakori-radha Devi Dasi???       She has returned from the hospital of she left her body there and has gone to Goloka?    Got our news in the DTC!!!!!!   Seee you soon, no?!!

Templo de Madrid

12 years, 10 months ago by Jagamohan

Hare Krisna mi querido Guru Deva por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias. En el mangala artik no viene ningun invitado, vienen al Guru Puya dos o tres devotos.

Su sirviente Jagamohan

ASA - Jaya!  TlgaSP!!!!    Pfanrh.    "Clientes"!        Tenemos buen producto, Kirtana y Prasadam y libros.    Leyendo el libro "Krsna" para los clases?   Va a atraer mas gente!?