Candramukhi still alive

12 years, 10 months ago by candra108_mukhi

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Dear Gurudeva I have realized that the devotees who write to your blog are really special because they inspire us with their service and realizations..

Unfortunatelly this is not my case.... I am too tireddddddddd I have to sleep with my mom she goes to sleep really late like midnight so even if I wake up early I fall sleep while chanting my rounds buuu I really feel awful I listened to one seminar about chanting japa....and I remember many tecniques that Candramauli swami said it was so nice he says: "many devotees want to complete the rounds they just want to finish their rounds quickly but maharaja said just think in Krsna in the other side he thinks this person wants to get rid of me....poor Krsna"......

SO since tomorrow I will improve my japa this is my special time between krsna and me.... just the two of us :)

HpS - ASA - Jaya!  AgtSP!    Paoho.  What about negotiating an agreement with your mother???   You will sleep with her, but you have to get up early so she has to start changing her schedule!?

My service at pujari in wilson is an struggle every time but it has a good taste afterwards many many people are helping me but most of the time the mother has to take care of the kids most of the time 

In chosica it is really nice to go every Friday and spend time with Radha madana bihari since lunch until put their pijamas I love this.....

Bhakti sastri I continue with B Luis from tarapoto

and with Bhakti Vaibhava  I continue reading on schedule.... I like our group very much but I need to read more I am making my plan jeje my priorities at least I have the desire to improve my sadhana my mangal arti and I try not to make excuses I just have to get up early and get my rounds done class SB (at least recorded classes from U etc) nice ....

Regarding to NIMSAR I talked to LAD on Friday I am going to help U I have some suggestions for the group and I was surprised because U have talked to him the same thing I was thinking jaja umm your yahoo account is good???? I did not receive the KD patrakito sent to me strange. I am asking because I want to write to all the members  but I do not know if your yahoo account is working it is kind of private so we need to have a private conversation then on blog.

ASA - It is strange here in India.  Often we can open other web apges but not Yahoo here in India.  Usually it is pretty good, but we really focus on this Blog. 90% of all things can be discussed in a general way or one can use another name and talk about things that are a little embarassing. Then 100 people's questions are answered the same time.  Yes, some private stuff at Yahoo mail.

well Gurudeva Iwas looking some of the pictures from U and all my godbrothers in india it was really nice to see all of U , I was at work buu U there and I at work buuuu

well also I am surprised many matajis write to me for some advice I try to help them with ny little experience but thanks because u are my source of inspiration without your instructions I am nothing thanks for everything.... for ALL.... 

Patraka's silas are OK they miss their dad jeje but they help me a lot they are very important guests in our home... I fxed our Hanuman He is our protector I need some protector jeje single woman without father, husband, kid umm but I have very wonderful godbrothers because I am still fix on this: NO BOYFRIEND NO PROBLEMS jaja brahmacarinis ruleeeeeeeeeeeeee 

Gurudeva I promise in front of all devotees in blog to improve my sadhana and everything also for kartika I may a vow to not eat too much snacks because this means dog life and I get accostumed so I will continue with this just prasadam maha prasadam from patraka's silas jayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy the best

ok that's all I am attaching one photo from our Hanumanji and our monkey that U gave to us in chile i have one chileno at home jajjaja 

so see U tomorrow in class oh by the way my laptop collapsed I just have my netbook hope that the audio be fine ok I do not bother U anymore

thanks againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

your eternal servant

Kumari Candramukhi dd

 HpS - ASA -  You have Ulysesses.  Ja!  Ja!   We have fnish all the rest of the letters in 10 minutes!

Jagamohan Das

12 years, 10 months ago by Jagamohan

Hare Krisna por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Por aqui Bhakta Jose sigue en la senda devocional y avanzando.  Atmarama Prabhu lleva bastante tiempo apartado que no sabemos nada de el ni viene ni llama por telefono y los Harinamas se estan haciendo cuando lo devotos de NV vienen.

Su sirviente Jagamohan das

HpS ASA -  Jaya!  TlgaSP      MUCHAS gracias sus noticias!   Pienso su tiempo es $600/minuto!   Muy bien!            Por favor un poco mas en el futuro, si hay gente de almuerzo quien asisten al arati etc?


12 years, 10 months ago by Bhakta Italo

mis respetuosas reverencias.

El sadhana no es fijo en este ultimo mes, unos dias unas rondas pocos dias muchas(16), estamos tratando de empalmar, principios no fijos; 2 o 3, estos ultimos dias 4, ojalááá, por favor sea tan fuerte para superar mis apegos y atracciones, alguien que me maldiga, y ya no me atraigan, estaria agradecido.
Bhakta Italo

HpS - ASA - Jaya!  Muy bien oir de Vd.  Tiene que fijar un numero de rondas que puede hacer sin fallar para dos semanas!   Cuantos son?   Esperamos su super vow!

DTC Monday/14

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna.  AGTSP     7AM Manipur.  No electricity para 9 horas!  Batter gettttting low!     Will look at letters and answer quickly.     Health cool.  Many programs. Rather disorganized but O.K.     Moderate political confusion.   Tommorrow we go to Kolkatta.

Today get to do ou BhVai reading and writing. Administration depends on what is going to happen with NIMSAR in Peru. Determination of several devotees is not clear!

DTC Saturday/12 (~5AM)

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

AgtSP        paoho

Well, back from Mangala-arati and Nrsmha-puja.    Lord N. is in a sepate Temple outside with a roof. It is  c o l d  here!  We have warm clothes.  We have an alergy reaction still.  We are handling it pretty well.

    O.K.    4.40AM    R(8)   . . .  

    5.09AM   R(12) . . .  Eastern horizon is tinged with red.  Now is time for Gayatri to be said!   . . .  5.22AM  G(1)    . . .     Let's look at the Letters to Answer!

   6.28AM   Wow!   We answered  A L L   the Letters!   Oink!     Oink!    Whoop!   Whoop!   Jaya Prabhupada!     Was so, so much news!   Guess we are exactly on schedule.  Now we will finsh four more rounds and then Govinda Arati and off to Thoubal! 

Reportes desde Puno - Perú

12 years, 10 months ago by Nadia Morales Uricay

Hare Krsna querido y siempre recordado Gurudeva

¡Gloria a Srila prabhupada ki yai!

Porfavor reciba mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Le ecribo para darle un nuevo reporte de sadhana, servicio, sankirtan y asociación de devotos, nos encontramos en Puno - Perú, estamos hospedados en la casa de un devoto P. Bhakta Percy. Durante más de una semana estamos levantándonos a las 3:30 am, y turnándonos para despertar y cambiar a las deidades a las 4:00 am, y a las 4:30 am hacemos el programa completo de Mangal artik con mrdanga y caratalas, le estamos ofreciendo; incienso, mechita y flor, cantamos y bailamos con P. Bhakta Percy, cumpliendo los 4 principios religiosos, cantando las 16 rondas y leyendo el néctar de la devoción en las mañanas y luego salimos a dar libros en las calles a las 7:30 am y en la tarde a las 6:30 hacemos el Gaura Artik y damodara con la familia del prabhú y un perro llamado Bethoven, la mamá del prabhú hace el desayuno para las deidades. En las noches el Krsna book.

El otro día soñé con la deidad El Señor Caytania que me decía; ¡Ya es hora levántate!, tienes que atenderme!, y yo le decía un ratito más porfavor señor y me decía ¡no! ¡ya es hora!, y salté de la cama, ahora que estamos despertándonos más temprano y cantando el Guru Astaka, las deidades están más sonrientes.

ASA (Buck White)  -  Super!!  Summamante misterioso!

Un pastiempo de sánkirtana fué que un joven  vino a la hora de almuerzo en el Restauran Govinda muy animoso con un libro de meditación, pidiendo que porfavor le inscriban para el curso del Bhakti yoga y cuanto era el costo para que asistiera  y el devoto Percy le dijo que es totalmente gratis y que puede venir el día domingo. Srila Prabhupada fué muy misericordioso en dar este conocimiento gratuitamente y para que seamos felices, y comprendo gurudeva que afuera hay mucha gente que daría lo que sea para recibir este conocimiento y ser felíz.

 ! ! ! !

Tratando de seguir sus polvos de sus pies de loto y tratando de levantarnos más temprano para que el Señor Jaganath sonría más y más.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.

ASA - HpS -  Somos junto muy animadores uno a otro.  Unos mas advanzado que otros, siempre hay unos menos o mas que nosotros, y tambien diferent naturalezas como participar en el Sankirtana!   Mas noticias!