
12 years, 10 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Hare Krishna

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I thought about writing this letter to the yahoo account.

My report for my morning japa..I've been able to get them done by ten about fifty percent of the time. Which is an improvement, but not up to par. Two devotees just left, that means a lot more service for me. Which was already a lot. Once again, I'm looking into just getting a job and moving out of the ashram. Yes, I do want to serve Krishna. But I have to be more honest with myself and say that I'm not sure if I was prepared for a brahmacari lifestyle....

I fell. I had illicit sex with a girl. I'm not sure where to go from here. I haven't told anyone besides you. I am planning to move out. I can't honestly stay in a brahmacari ashram, let alone in saffron robes after this. There is also a chance of us getting married. I'm not sure how it will go. But we are both interested in serving Krishna. We are both motivating to eachother to perform better service, and read. I want to be strong enough to avoid her, or any girl, or maya. But I don't think I am anymore. Now what? I'm more sorry than you know...Please forgive me.

Your worthless servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS - ASA -  My obeisances to Srila Prabhupada who has so mercifully given us this connection with Lord Caitanya.   We go where we want to go within the options offered to us by Krsna.           Hmmmm....  Maybe we do know how sorry you are?     Krsna empowers us to do any service that He gives us, but the important thing is to keep on chanting in all conditions.   Yes, of course, communicate with your Temple authorities in a civilized fashion, and yes, probably better to find a situation outside the Ashrama unless the Temple Authorities tell you that they want to keep working with you in the Ashrama in a specific fashion.


Keep chanting... ???


12 years, 10 months ago by Sananda







HpS - ASA -  AGTSP pamho    Usually we don't read those unless we make arrangement here first!!!!   Good!    He's one year older than you.  He can keep you in line!  Ha!   Ha!       Hare!           Read the story of Devahuti and Kardama together.   Get approval of your parents and Temple Authorities!

Lalita Madhva Das and minds.

12 years, 10 months ago by LalitaMadhavadas

Jay Jay Sri Radhe !!
Jay Srila Prabhupada !

Pranams and eternals dandavats guruji.

Sorry for the delay gurudeva (maybe this should have been like three weeks ago )

Well we are here (Stgo.Chile) trying to serve their lordships and maintaining services in the temple and also outside the temple.12 hours kirtan (one time per month), kitchen deity (every Monday), restaurant,
Sunday feast reading gita mahatmia with live music,altar (Friday), with music lessons, recording disk,
preaching to my mayavadis, Rastafarians, hippies, Buddhists fellow musicians, my mission . I send some pictures of the dwija ceremony.Gayatri mantra improving.
Maha mantra chanting and listen
Reading veenu  gita and mahima madhuri Radha Kunda.
Planning to travel soon.

Mindful of service and advice.
Lalita Madhava Das

ASA- HpS!         AgtSP!    Paoho!     Super!     Why not do the 12- hour Kirtans in public???? Invite the whole world!

Hare Krsna

12 years, 10 months ago by Gopal C Biswas

Hare Krsna,
    Please accept my humble obeisances.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    Thank you so much for mail and allowing me to ask questions.

    How long you all in Sridhama Mayapura!

     i will KEEP writing, because this in the only way to feel, i am with Maharaj.

Your Servant,
Gopal Biswas

HpS - ASA ----   AGTSP        paoho......   As long as we are all chanting Hare Krsna under the order of Guru and Gauranga we are together!!!!     Join our Yahoo Group as per "Hello"  (should be there) at www.jayarama.us .  

...principio de pratigrhnati....bhaktin Julieta...

12 years, 10 months ago by Julieta Corzo Fillmore

Toda Gloria al Movimiento de Sankirtana del Señor Caitanya!!!!!

Toda Gloria A Srila Prabhupada!!!

Toda Gloria a Usted Guru Maharaja!!!!

   Le escribo en respuesta a su pregunta de lo que para mi es el principio de pratigrhnati. Automaticamente cuando lei su pregunta escribí esto:..para mi significa rendirse ante Krsna constantemente, significa hacer el esfuerzo de quitarnos la costumbre de prejuzgar, significa estar lo mas conscientes posible cada día de la lluvia de bendiciones que Prabhupada nos da a cada instante, significa animarse a abrir el corazon sin temor, significa aceptar nuestra verdadera posición para poder seguir avanzando sin tantas condiciones en la mente...

  Es cierto, mi canto es muy disperso ultimamente, hubo muchos cambios en mi vida ultimamente, lo que hizo que mi mente se ocupara mas en otras cosas, aunque nunca deje de cantar las 16 rondas...  pero ruego a Krsna que me ayude a mejorar dia a dia.

   Como siempre espero que se encuentre bien.Tendremos la inmensa misericordia de tenerlo aqui el año que viene?

Esta aspirante a sirvienta se despide.

Por favor disculpe las ofensas.

Hare Krsna!!!!

HpS - ASA -   Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai!         Tenemos que entender como aplicar dadati - pratigrhnati (Upadesamrta 4) con los devotos de 3 y 2 clase tambien (Upa. 5) no solamente primero clase (Upa. 6)!

Aparece podemos ir entre 1 marzo hasta 1 abril!           Esta bien?         Vale?

Siksa (Gopa-vrnda-pala dasa)

12 years, 10 months ago by gopavpdasa

Hare Krishna, Maharaja. Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias. Srila Prabhupada ki jay!

Gracias por la pronta respuesta a mi e-mail y perdóneme por molestar otra vez,

ASA - HPS   -   TlgaSP!!!!     pfanrh       No hay molestacion!

me gustaría no interrumpirlo ni quitarle mucho tiempo así que seré directo.
Quiero saber sobre el tema “Siksa”. Cómo ya he dicho, aspiro servirlo como mi siksa-guru. Cómo uno puedes ter la misericordia de servir a sus pies de loto como un discípulo?

Cómo debo proceder?  Existe alguna formalidad a cumplir?

Otra vez, pido que perdóneme, por la molestia y ofensas.

Muchas Gracias.

Su sirviente;

Gopa-vrnda-pala dasa

HpS - ASA -   Para nosotros no es formal.  Un disciplo dijo que Prabhupada explico a el que cual quiere persona que anima otro citando las escripturas relevantes o las palabras de los Acharyas previos es un Siksa guru.

Devoto pregunto, "Cual quiere persona?"

Prabhupada dijo, "Cual quiere persona!".

Solamente es la arregla como los ambos puede, y quieren comunicar.  Aqui somos?    Hay preguntas?