Bhakta Romulo alfonso yallico andia - report ( lima-chosica )

12 years, 10 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das


I accept  my most humble  and  respected  obeisances   to your lotus  feet  . I'm very happy  because my dear  son caitanya candrodaya  das  is  very  happy   when i talk  with  him ,  he   all the time  is  talking  about  you  and  how  mercy is  the  Holy dham ! !!.  i would  like   to  go  to the holy dham  very soon .

I  wake  up 4 am  everyday , i chant   16 rounds  and  i   do   my service   everysunday  ,  my  services   is  clean the temple .

Dear  Gurudeva  thank  you  very much   for all the mercy  that  you  are  giving   us .



 jay srila prabhupad a ki jayy!

HpS -  SUUUPer.   TlgaSP   Si estamo en associacion con Caitanya aqui!  Super.  Adelante senor.  vamos a Lima hablar con Vd.

Mis Reverencias

12 years, 10 months ago by Cintamani

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Querido Y Recordado Hanumat Presaka Swami 

Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Espero que se encuentre bien al leer esta breve carta, espero poder tener la misericordia de Sri Sri Radha Nilamadava de tener Sus Dharsan  y Su Santa Asociacion en mangala arti!!!!

He estado finalizando mis estudios de masaje terapeutico, del curso anterior ya recibi la licencia hace tiempo, ahora voy a comenzar a trabajar en ambas.  Estoy tratando de llevar adelante el curso de Bhakti sastri pero mis deberes son muy exigentes. Aun asi tratamos de servir a Sus Senorias Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha, aqui en Harlingen.

Deme a mi y a mi familia sus bendiciones por favor, para poder tener su asociacion !

Su eterna sirvienta,

Mahabhava Cintamani devi dasi 

ASA -  Super Super Super!    Estamos en ruta a Houston!   Ya running to Mangala arati!!!

Kriya Sakti d.d.'s report. From Chile.

12 years, 10 months ago by kriyasakti_dd_hps

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Mayapur Dham!

Please accept my most humble and sincere obeisances!

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja! We in the ongoing fight against the witch Maya. For the things that life has given me lately, I have great respect and fear of that exalted devotee of the Lord.

I'm doing Mangal Arati at 5 am every day. Worshiping Goura Nitay and reading Prabhupada and his disciples frequently. We are studying the Bhagavad Gita and the ‘Surrender to Me’. These books are now heading. We are also reading 'The Lilas of Lord Jagannath' by Somanath Khuntia. This book increased my devotion to this form of the Lord, which usually I have little attachment.

I speak almost every day with Abhimanyu, appreciating the love in separation and happy for the wonderful experience he is having. He is inspiring me a lot by his example, and their achievements are causing effect on me.

I'm doing the service of the wreaths in the temple one day a week, and attending Prabhupada’s party every friday. The rest of the time I’m concerned to earn some money and finish college thesis.

Satsvarupa Das Goswami is a great source of inspiration for me. After reading 'Vaisnava Compassion', I discovered that this was the way I wanted to take my Krsna consciousness. A few weeks ago, seeking information of him I found a page of ritviks inadvertently ritviks from where I learned about it a sensitive issue, I know you know,. However, I can not take away my bows, because I understand that perhaps he was not in the proper position, but he would still be a great and respectable devotee. I was a little confused about the vision of the guru, he can have a 'fall', but I think that does not lessen the admirable love for Krsna must feel. We can all fall. Is it wrong or is this vision a kind of blind faith?

I hope you are well in serving the Lord.

Your aspiring servant,

Kriya Sakti d.d. <img alt="" src="" title="" />

ASA - HpS -  AGTSP   pamho  thank you for your super letter.  I have 9 more to answer in 6 minutes!!!!!       We are very happy with Abhimanyu here and always ask about your rotten self (Ha!   Ha!    Ha!).   Hope your thesis is useful for devotees also!

Satsvarupa Maharaja had a little bit improper contact with one Mataji who was serving him as doctor for many years.   I think the Ritviks may not be the most accurate source of knowledge of this.   He is like 70 years old, so any improper dealings with ladies have to be something little funny.  What do you think of the verse api cet suduracaro en BG?

Very nice your report.   Japa first!!!!!   Lets look a few more letters and take bath etc.

Reporte Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández

12 years, 10 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Querido Gurudeva por favor acepte mis más respetuosas reverencias

¡Hare Krishna Gurudeva! Mi última carta para usted fue el 12 de octubre, para mi cumpleaños nº37. El mejor regalo fue carta de usted y los saludos de los devotos amigos.


ASA - HpS -  Jaya!   TlgaSP      Tenemos 10 cartas responder in 10 minutos!!!!  Pesion fuerte aqui en el Sankirtan en Mayapura.   Un gran placer oir de Vd. despues un rato!


Espero que usted se encuentre muy bien de salud. Yo he estado con stress, demasiadas cosas en mi vida. Mi mente es un poco frágil.

Desde el viernes hasta hoy domingo estuve en la ciudad de Valparaíso, fue un viaje muy bueno. Yo pienso que Santiago es una ciudad un poco agresiva, pero gracias a Dios está ISKCON Santiago!!

Gracias a facebook he podido ver muchas fotos de usted en India ahora en octubre y noviembre. Son muy lindas y trascendentales. Yo espero poder viajar a India el 2014 si Krishna quiere!

¿Qué noticias puedo darle a usted?? Con Arjuna pensamos que lo mejor para la Anjana Suta Academy Chile es ser una productora cultural. Ser una Fundación o Corporación es más difícil, se necesitan muchas cosas que cumplir. Tenemos varias ideas para ASA Chile durante el 2012.  Krishna, Srila Prabhupada y Usted nos de las bendiciones para lograr las metas!

¿Usted recuerda que en julio durante su visita a Chile, una periodista amiga mía entrevistó a usted para la Revista "Somos Yoga"??

Bueno, finalmente la entrevista fue publicada ahora en la edición "noviembre/diciembre". Le envío fotografías de portada y de una página.

En Santiago celebraremos Vyasa Puja de Usted el 25 de diciembre (justo para el Vyasa Puja de Jesús!!) Pensando muy bien cuál será mi ofrenda para Usted!

Todo este tiempo meditando mucho en Usted. Ahora en noviembre cumplo 4 años en Conciencia de Krishna y son los mejores 4 años de mi vida gracias a infinita misericordia y asociación de Usted y también de los devotos.

Yo no soy bueno para cantar mis rondas (maha mantra), todavía no tengo amor y apego por el Santo Nombre, pero mi mente sabe que las 16 buenas rondas todos los días es la mejor medicina!

Una de las actividades que más me gusta es leer. Desde niño siento amor por los libros. Como poeta y periodista he leído muchos libros, pero el Bhavagad-Gita tal como es de Srila Prabhupada es mi libro favorito.

Ahora terminé de leer “Luz del Bhagavata”, es un libro muy muy hermoso y poético. Ahora entiendo porque usted gusta mucho de este libro.

También estoy leyendo biografía de Srila Prabhupada para después leer “Néctar de la Devoción”.

Estamos organizando Concurso de Poesía Vaisnava. Esto fue una instrucción que usted me dio. Esperamos que concurso sea un éxito. Jaya!

Querido Gurudeva en una próxima carta espero tener más noticias para Usted.

Dandavats a sus pies de loto.

Jaya Srila Prabhupada, Jaya Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Su aspirante a discípulo más tonto que un burro.

Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros


ASA -  Buen carta, poco larga, pero muy bien!    Buen activdades, reportaje, pero, si, es un hecho.  16 buen rondas, 4 principios estrictas son el mejor ofrenda, accion para ASA para la siguente ano!     O.K.  Proxima carta.   Muchas, muchas, muchas gracias para todo su esfuerza.  no piensa que no vale.   Es un activdad super.  Reverencias a todos en Santiago yatra, el templo, todo!


DTC Monday/28

12 years, 10 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna, AGTSP.

We have ten minutes to wash our clothes, take our bath, do Hanuman's puja and leave for the Samadhi for Mangala arati.     We pushed  . . . . .     to answer all the letters.   It was nice.     We are still in Mayapura!   WIth the elefannt and 600 devotees for mangala arati.   we give BhVai class for the MInsititute from 10.30am -  1.PM.  SB 1.10-19.  Hanuman is talking with Sita about Rama's lotus feet.

We may have cancer of the arm-pits from all  the chemicals in the apples, or maybe not.  But the best medicine is jumping up and down during mangala arati etc.

Dr. Sameresha's book is coming alonng.  We tlak with him dialy.   We fight twenty times a day to get th e   internet!   Finally had a SUUUUUPer BhVai class last night with Nama, Candra, Srivaas, Harsh, Gandhav......   So nice!

Had to climb iup 8 stories on the Samdadhi to get the link.

Still not clear what is happening after we get back to USA>  The tickets are all so expensive. Especially if we go just for like a month!

What should we do???  Wait for Latin America until this next summer?????????

Mangal Arati at Nyssa farm and study questions

12 years, 10 months ago by Kamagayatri

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We are happy to hear you are coming to Boise Maharaj.  Please let us know if we can be of some service while you are there.  Sometimes we feel like we have the minds of monkeys and donkeys, but we still pray we can be of some service to the amazing Vaisnavas despite.  We are soooo looking forward to having the association of the wonderful Boise temple community and have been craving it for years.  They are painting the room while we wait at my Dad's farm.  Radha Bunkabihari ki jaya!

Maharaj, due to the mercy of my stepmom's association and the peaceful atmosphere at my Dad's farm, we are happy to report that despite the school load we are always able to get up in the morning, do mangal, chant, and study.  Sometimes 4, sometimes 6 but we are working towards steadily always waking up at 4.  Rounds are good here, circumambulating the cows gives us lots of inspiration.  We hope you can meet them someday!

ASA - HpS  ----   Moooo!     AgtSP!     Paoho.             Brahma muhurta, even if its 9AM or 1AM.   That's what we are shooting for.   It is very, very, practical.   Then your Hymns and Kirtana ahs     S U P E R   effect and you can go out as SUPER-GIRL  to fight with the evil criminals of Gotham City!

We are now on NOI 3.  I have memorized first two verses and ceto darpanam, and each week Karla (stepmom) asks me to give a class to her which has been nice.  We had a question regarding spiritual anger in text one.  She asked me if it is okay to get angry at impersonalists.  We have a family member who is very into the "We are all one", "We are Krsna, Buddha" mentality.  From a Christian standpoint, she does not want to associate with non-devotees she said even if it is a family member because they are impersonalists.  Did Prabhupada exercise spiritual krodha with impersonalists?  What if someone in your family is an impersonalist, should one not associate with them or invite them over?  These questions came up and I was not sure how to answer.

HpS - ASA ---  We don't know th details of how deep is there impersonalism.  If they hate phony priests or they hate God.  But if we are positive and always talk about Krsna then they will naturally go away if they don't like it.

Usually we avoid anger and that stuff unless Krsna and Balarama want us to kill demons and then it will be completely natural!

Also, Maharaj, I am wondering how to best respond to the questions regarding Jesus' proclamations that he is the only way to come to God. John 14:6 [Jesus speaking] "I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man cometh unto the father, but by me" Christians believe that because he is the only uttama adhikari who proclaimed to die for our sins, and rose from the dead, then everyone must go through him.  I explain our parampara system which preserves the words of Krsna, and how Prabhupada is an uttama adhikari who was also sent from the spiritual world to help us.  Since you have a background in Christianity, I am very curious about what other information we can provide from a Gaudiya Vaisnava perspective.

Such loaded questions!  Thank you for taking the time to read Maharaj and thank you for your study guides.  Karla said Text two is very enlivening because of how much it encourages a simple, hermetic life (which she is trying to live).  Its a great text for American farmers!

Your aspiring servant,


HpS - ASA -  In the original Aramaic there are two ways to say, "I am", like Spanish, "Estoy"  and "Soy".  One means right now for you guys and then other means always.

Yet, you guessed it, the real translation is, "right now for you guys I am the logos, guru".

And, we do follow Jesus Christ, better then you do.  Jesus was a vegetarian, why aren't you.  When there is enough bread and cheese a real Christian doesn't kill even the fish, what to speak of the animals and their babies.