DTC - 12.32PM Mo/9

12 years, 8 months ago by hps

Estimado Damas y Caballeros.

TlgaSP   Pfanrh.   We have  just finished anwering all the letters on the Blog. It was purely nectar.  We have over 20-rounds done. Like 15 letters.  We are working on the Kapi Dhvaja.  The back-bone of the ASA!!!    It was due yesterday, but we drown in Weekend Warefare.

O.K.  We go looking for our Japa beads.    They ran away for some reason.  Maybe They hate us, because we are un-natural.   Then we have to do our Gayatri.   Then, then, then,   Hare Krsna.   We just have to open the Last Kapi Dhvaja and continue with the work!

We are fools



hope you are patient with us!!!

Buck White / Tom Brown

Prema Vivarta translation

12 years, 8 months ago by Jagadananda Pandit das

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my humble obeisances.

 Dear Gurudev,

Thank You for the  idea! I will ask Bishma about Prema Vivarta translation.

About going to Jiva´s Goswami house I have to ask You something, not for being controversial or to generate any gossip, just for being formal and not to pass over Your decission. Is there a problem if he has ben reinitiated with Vaisnava Acarya Chandan Goswami? Will this generate any problem for You? If there´s no problem I can talk with him as soon as possible for make a program in his house. 

On the other hand, I was remembering Ananta Rupa and his son Gopal Hari! When it can be possible to have them in Argentina again? Thank You Gurudev, soon I will have news about a godbrothers reunion about Your coming.

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho.     O.K.        Jiva-goswami Das is from Vrndavana and therefore he is from the land of lawless love and we fools from Vaikuntha have a hard time understanding such things.   So talk with Temple PResident...   Oooof!!!   I can remember him and his good qualities like the back of my hand but his name ALWAYS runs away from me.   See what he thinks about visitin???


12 years, 8 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA
AgtSC y SN.
Hari bolo!
Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de espanya.
Espero que se encuentre muy bien.
HpS -   ASA    -  Cuando tenemos su asociacion somos buenos!    TlgaSP!!!!
De una manera u otra siempre le siento cerca, gracias.
Yo sigo con 16 rondas, 4 principios, levantandome entre las 4-6 am, dependiendo de la tarde-noche. Programa de la mañana, sobre todo mucho Hare Krsna,, Sastra-sanga, etc.
Lamento decirle que esperaba ir unos dias a madrid a hacer sevicio, pero el trabajo me desborda en la granja y no va a ser posible, ire lo antes posible. Yo de tal forma estoy muy bien gracias a Krsna y Balarama aunque han sido dias un poco extraños y han perturbado un poco mi mente.
Estoy muy contento, la tierra es muy agradecida.
Estoy intentando hacer un pequeño proyecto escalonado de yoga-cristianismo-misticismo...acaso no son las lecciones de Jesucristo un Bhakti-yoga pre-digerido?. Me motiva mucho el desarrollo.
La granja sige adelante, estamos labrando la tierra, podando los arboles antes de que este calor los haga volver a la vida despues del invierno. Tuvimos problemas con cazadores y casi se desata en una batalla entre decenas de perros, tiros, palos y nosotros con nuestros perros, son casi lobos, muy buenos. Estan creciendo los animales alrededor de la finca, los conejos nos comen plantas...jajaja, estamos trabajando sobre ello. Un aguila vino a vivir con nosotros hasta que recupero fuerzas, un zorro nos despierta todas las mañanas, los pajaros nos siguen y todo es muy bonito, jajaja, creo que detectan que somos vegetarianos. Los cazadores intentaron engañarnos para cazar a los animales que se refugian en nuestras tierras, pero fueron todo mentiras, gracias a Krsna.
No tengo internet aun, espero que pronto si.
El aire murmura,
las hojas pasan,
las letras recorren
los aires,
buscando, buscando,
su fertil tierra.
El azar,
crea formas,
curvas y sonidos.
cual es mi destino?,
una hoja es mas libre que yo!,
no se andar?
no se volar?
no se susurrar??
HPS ......    muchas gracias senor . si toma refudio en Govinda y protegen, occupan todos los animales, seres, que viene para refugio en su terreno.  Por favor cada mez una carta como eso.  tiene que communcar con jayanta.  tambien tiene su proyecto.  necesitamos muchos en espana.  puede tener una Notice Board en el templo de madrid como gente puede visitar el proyecto mas cerca!!!!!    Nos vemos pronto!!!!! 
Krsna y Balarama,
Radha y Krsna estan,
entre tantas
buena persona.
Me observo
y solo siento pena,
solo siento vacio,
desierto, invierno.
Mi doble hacha
afilada esta,
ampuñada en mi mano
no hay perdon.
Recuerdo a mi protector,
recuerdo su siksa,
es una pena,
yo a su lado deseo estar.
Voy a decir,
que bien conocerte,
te extraño,
tenerte es guay!!
Es muy bueno tener un amigo,
aqui solo hay cazadores,
no es lugar para un caballero.
Nadie, nadie, tendria que estar aqui.


12 years, 8 months ago by jayanta

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. No puedo bajar algunas fotos al blog. Estamos publicando las fotos en "facebook" "krisnamadrid".  Este domingo tuvimos una gran fiesta con Avesa Rupa, Rupa Raghunath, Adi ras, Lokanath, Jiva Tattva, etc. Estamos tratando de mejorar la calidad de la predica y de nuestra practica individual.

HpS -   tlgaSP!!!!!      pfanrh........    NO pude subir los fotos?      Demasiado Grande?    Tenemos que hablar con Prahlada. Nuestra Director del Blog!!!!   Pero sube uno!          El festival con estos gran devotos era en Madrid o Nava kunda???     Estuvimos ir a Europoa 3 May para el festival de educacion de Yadu-nandana Swami, pero ahora aparece que va a ser solamente regional y no internacional.  Hmmmm?????  Entonces en cuerpo BURDO aparece hace Septiembre hasta vamos!!!!!!!!    Muy bien, MUY BIEN, oir los nombres de estas devotos!!

Cuando se consigan los permisos de Madre Tierra, informaremos puntualmente y ISKCON Madrid construira una casita para que los devot@s puedan quedarse a dormir algun dia alli.

Esperando se encuentre muy bien de salud


jayanta das

HpS - ASA - Somos listos vivir en el campo.  (Goloka)

contemoorary householder

12 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse

hare krsna maharaj,
dandvat  pranam, we are again writing you from andh koop, as our snake form senses  have bitten us and made us mad literallly...

grhastha-asram--- we understand the purpose of this asrama. but seriously lack any skill to make this work. neither we went under trainig nor we can see any trainer in our well of knowledge.

with so many conditions for it[asrama] to work [1] controlled husband [2] supporitve /trained wife [3] parental/ community/ relative support in time of crisis and other wise [4] good job to keep up all expenses

 we had good job but it was sapping our energy so we left it.we have none of them now.. our mind is wondering our we on correct path.. only answer we have god works in inconceivable way [ this may be our foolishness, only this give us little solace].. and ur lectures+ japaalso acts medicine in emergency..

we seen/heard strange things,

1.intiated couple preaching married for long[6 years] but have no kid... we thought its mandotary to have kid once u r married.....seems no kid thing is better as both are full fledgedly preaching.

2. single working girls serving their guru nicely.

3. aged working single men [ not joining brahmchari asrama].. serving nicely.

4. married people using contraceptives while in intial stages of KC and marriage. to avoid problem of child.....seems well advancing....

5. leaving marriage as sppouse is not helping..

we thought  by marrying the girl we touched  [ even though she was very very weak in KC] we did dharma. 

though gradually we understand our nature is little mayavadi , very low EQ, prefer to work alone, prefer to read scripture. still we think its better not leave family as we have taken responsibility. we are single son of our parents..

we preferred not to use contraceptives [ though wife consistently insisted]  as we thought it is against dev principle.

we left job to get more time eventually to preach, read, contemplate etc.

we dont know why circumstances are so opposite to every aspect/condition mentioned above .. nor they seem to be improving...though v think we tried to follow principle of dev service...results seems  contradictory..

some time we want to die or run away.. that wats the use of all this if all this pose hindrance for us to get intiated & execute purpose of life.

our hope are

1. the pains we get may purify us   2. thy immediate association

we are soldier fighting hard with heavy sheild and blunt sword. with repititve attacks , no reinforcement , food etc... but  some how we get intuition keep fighting help will come... we can not drop sheild , can not sharp sword, can not run away. [ may be this our speculation and its wrong] [but only this attitude keeps us, fighting till we now].

it has  been long.. but thy only we can tell.. adios... we kee fighting

our sheild is hari nama , and sword is scriptural studies. which give intelligence

HpS - Jaya!   AgtSP.       Yes, you are completely mad!   (Smile)      If I were in your position, that would be some good news for me. Confirmed.  Same solution. Don't worry so much.   99.999% of your fighting is against a stone pillar.

People are sitting here looking at you wondering why is this guy screaming and yelling. Banging his sword against this pillar?

Wondering how his sword got blunt.

Waving his shield in the air again and again to protect himself from the "Attacks" of the column.  Be happy with your family.  If Mataji wants to fight then take it as great fun. Don't get hurt. Stay out of the way of the big bites and have a good time.   Then she will also be happy.

Of course, a Sannyasi should not be instructed about all these details of the biology of Ghrastha ashrama.  For that you HAVE to have an, several Ashrama Gurus.   Of course, parents etc are the natural source of these.  Have any nice uncles?????  Aunts?????

Hare Krsna - Report on ISKCON administrative authority letter

12 years, 8 months ago by Gopal C Biswas

Hare Krsna Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    As per our last mailing exchange, i had to produce ISKCON administrative authority letter for
    initiation. For last 5 days i tried to reach my current (local) Shiksa Guru but i did not get success.

    Maharaj, It seems it will be delay because for last one week there was 'Bhagavat Saptha' by H H Loknath
    Swami Maharaj and now H H Navyogendra Swami Maharaj is coming  today. So all Brahamachari's are
    busy, even they don't have time to talk on this. But still i am hopeful they will give me some time to
    discuss on this and will advice about ISKCON administrative authority letter for initiation.

     So i will update you on this once discussed with my Shiksh Guru.
Your aspiring servant,
Gopal Biswas

HpS - Jaya!    AgtSP!    We wait for some time.     Ultimately Srila Prabhupada is the Founder Acharya for ISKCON and he gives all the initiations in ISKCON. WE assume positions of leaders and followers only on his dirrecion. If you are following him your situation is PURR - FECT!