Hooray Krsna - Update on ISKCON administrative authority letter

12 years, 8 months ago by Gopal C Biswas

Hooray Krsna Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    Yesterday i discussed in detail with my Shiksa Guru H G Sri RadhaKunja Bihari Das, Pune about ISKCON administrative authority letter for Diksha. He assured me for letter.

    He will take me to Our Temple President H G Radhya Shyam Das, ISKCON, Pune for the same and will try  to know his openion and process on this.

Your aspiring servant,
Gopal Biswas

HpS - Very nice.  Jaya Srila Prabhupada.  Please, can I have their e-mail addresses so that I can talk with them personally?

ASA Mex - Vyasa Puja Offering

12 years, 8 months ago by asa mexico

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami

Please accept our obeisance’s

From our own creation redundancies can only come, words stupid and foolish speculations. But if we return to the Vedic literature, then we will have some intelligence to address you. Therefore, let us return to a quote from Svarupa Damodara Dasa, who in turn quotes in Canto Eleven of SB: "My dear King. Of course you must know that in the material world there is no happiness. It's just a mistake to think here is happiness because this place is not only full of miserable conditions. Any people who seriously want to achieve real happiness must seek out a bona fide spiritual master and must take refuge in him by initiation. The qualification of a spiritual master must have understood is that the conclusion of the scriptures by deliberation and arguments and thus be able to convince others of these conclusions. Such great personalities have taken shelter of the Supreme Godhead, leaving aside all material considerations. To be considered bona fide spiritual master. "

convey  our  good  wishes  for  the  day of your Vyasa Puja and that in this great ocean, where waves of maya drag us, for us you are an inspiration to keep looking for Krishna and Srila Prabhupada in his texts, in our related services and day to day trying to complete our rounds.

Let us keep your association and remain in the service and their lotus feet.

Let us offer youthis little gift.

 His servants
ASA México

HpS - ASA -  Jaya Srila Prabhupada.  Thank you so much. Is such nice video. Because Srimati Radharani, who is very soft hearted, sees our efforts and then shows them to Krsna, we can be sure that He will be kind on us and correct the many mistakes in our service so that, even if not in this lifetime, we can be nice servants of Srila Prabhupada in his Sankirtana!!!!


Hare Krishna Gurudev!

12 years, 8 months ago by devaki_nandana_das

Hare Krishna querido Gurudev!

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Hace bastante tiempo que no le escribo, creo que como 5 meses.

HpS - ASA ---  TlgaSP   Pfanrh . . .    Bastante tiempo.  Tiene dedos roto o algo...

Queria contarle que junto con mi esposa nos mudamos a 7 minutos del templo de Buenos Aires. Gracias a esto nuestro sadhana mejoro mucho. Estamos yendo a todos los programas matutinos (mangala arati, japa,c clases de SB etc). Estamos asociandonos con Adi yajña y otros hermanos espriituales, y otros devotos del templo.

ASA - ! ! ! ! !

En unos dias viene Bhakti Vasudeva swami (discipulo de Bhakti thirta swami) va a quedarse 6 dias por aqui.

Con la mudanza y todo lo que eso implica, me olvide de enviar el reporte.

Queria contarle que desde hace un mes, estoy trabajando en diseñar un sitio web para usted, en donde puede ir cargando informacion actualizadas de sus actividades y otros cosas.

Me gustaria si usted puede ver el site y decirme que le parece, la direccion es: www.hpswami.com.ar

Todavia faltan terminar algunas cosas. Como por ejemplo el contenido de la pagina principal (home page), la pagina de reflexiones y enseñanzas, la seccion de cursos de Bhakti sastri y Bhaktivaibhava, y otras cosas.

Quizas usted tenga alguna idea o quiera sugerir algun cambio a dicho web site.

Parece que usted va a venir a Buenos Aires el 6 de marzo. En esa fecha nosotros vamos a estar en chile, pero volvemos para el 12 de marzo. Espero poder tener su asociacion personal.

Su eterno sirviente Devaki-nandana das

 HpS -  Hmmmm!    Posible salimos para Mar de Plata 12.    Hmmm!

O.K.  Nos vemos la pagina... ...

Ahhhhhh h  h       h !        Horrible!!                         Ahhhhh    h!          (Tiene buen aspectos)    Pero la implicacion es que nosotros somo La Proxima Eslabon en la Cadena de Acharyas.   Oooof.    Somos siguiedores de Srila Prabhupada. No esperamos presentarnos mas que eso.  Entonces, por favor separar cual quiere foto de nosotros de la Acharya Parampara.  Somos acharyas, como vd. tambien tiene que ser, pero con "A" menor, "a", no "A", mayor, "A".


Los otros enlaces, pienso esta bien, pero todos tiene que entender que los Diaros de Monicito no son de HpSwami.  No way, Jose.  .  .   Nosotros no escriben esta cosas.

De esta manera pienso, si quiere hacer, pude ser bueno, pero primero deja nosotros de las fotos de La Acharya Parampara y poner abajo menos fuerte!  Jaya. Y entonces, si, necesita escribir la pagina principal para explicar las otras cosas. Envia un buen traduccion al Blog para todos ver su Buen Esfuerza!!  Jaya!   4-regs y 16-rondas son buenas?  Como esta su estimada esposa y su familia???

Hare Krsna - ISKCON administrative authority - II

12 years, 8 months ago by Gopal C Biswas

Hare Krsna Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    HpS - ASA - AGTSP pamho our time is short. You have one day of Brahma!!

    Gopal - Hare Krsna. Thank you Maharaj. True Maharaj, we have only one day of Brahma.
                  I am so sad on this.

                 Extremely Sorry to say, There are some local rules and formalities of ISKCON Pune to get administrative authority letter. And this is absolutely black box for me.
There is no other option to wait but till the time.............my train should not be left without me.
I am absolutely sad. But i have complained to  Srimati Radharani, Lord Krsna, Gauranitay and
ISKCON Balaji (Pune).
Your aspiring servant,
Gopal Biswas

HpS  - Jaya! In the beginning there may be some delays in our spiritual advancement, but we should not become discouraged by this, but should be enthusiastic to remove them without becoming impatient. Maybe you can send us the e-mail of the devotee responsible for giving letter of approval and we can make some personal correspondence with him.  That would be very nice.

Hare Krsna - Report on ISKCON administrative authority letter - II

12 years, 8 months ago by Gopal C Biswas

Hare Krsna Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    HpS - Jaya!    AgtSP!    We wait for some time.     Ultimately Srila Prabhupada is the Founder Acharya
    for ISKCON and he gives all the initiations in ISKCON. WE assume positions of leaders and followers
    only on his dirrecion. If you are following him your situation is PURR - FECT!

   Gopal - Thank you Maharaj.

                  There was 'Puspa Abhishak' Yesterday in Temple and Lecture by H H Navyogendra Swami
                 Maharaj, so i did not get success to meet my 'Shiksha Guru'.

                  So i will update you again on this once discussed with my Shiksh Guru. But i am a little bit
                   upset, don't know the reason. But.....................there is sarrowness in my heart. Krsna is not
                   happy in my heart.

                   Due to your blessing, there is lot of things to share with you on chanting (after getting the
                   mail from your side on chanting, in which you had said that whenever i will chant, i will
                  automatically connected to you). Thank you Maharaj.
Your aspiring servant,
Gopal Biswas

HpS - Jaya!    Enthusiasm is more important than patience (NOI-3) but without patience it turns into passion. So we go ahead, but like you say, sometimes there are intuitive feelings, so we are patient that those become clear also.

Statement from Prabhavishnu Das

12 years, 8 months ago by Madhumanjari

 Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj, prabhus. pamho agtSP.  After reading the last Kapi Dvaja i felt the need to share with you all this information in order to help us to understand and realise what is really happening with our very dear Prabhavishnu prabhu now, and to learn from his experience. Certainly is very confusing the information spread in internet about this,  better to hear from himself..  please excuse me any possible offense to you all, i just beg for your forgiveness and blessings..   ys. Madhumanjari devi dasi

HpS - ASA - Jaya!

++++++    +++++++   ++++++

To the members of the GBC and devotees of ISKCON,
Dear Maharajas and prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad!
It is with deep regret that I wish to inform you that I have resigned from
all positions of leadership within ISKCON, including GBC member, sannyas,
and initiating guru. This is because in recent times I have not been able to
maintain the required spiritual standards for those who hold such positions.
I have become physically and mentally exhausted due to constant travel and
managerial pressures. It has been especially draining for me to try to solve
disputes amongst devotees, as I am by nature a non-conflictive type of
I have travelled almost constantly throughout my life since childhood and
now I feel the need to settle in one place where I find the climate and
culture to be agreeable my physical and mental nature. I am considering
staying in Thailand as I find it to be such a place, and as I have also
developed some affection for a person there who is decent, kind-hearted,
diligent and humble. If that works out for me then I certainly hope to
render some service to ISKCON there. If not, then I would hope to try and
live in an ISKCON temple or community, perhaps in South India.
I am very sorry to have let you all down. I have never asked to be put in
any of these positions of leadership, but by Krsna's arrangement they have
been conferred upon me. I have tried my best, but somehow I no longer feel
able to continue in such capacity. Nevertheless, I have always been very
happy in ISKCON from the moment I joined till the present. It has been a
great honour for me to have had the opportunity to render some service to
Srila Prabhupad's movement, and to have had all of your association. I hope
to be able to continue to maintain contact with devotees, visit ISKCON
temples from time to time and render service to ISKCON in the future.

Once again my deepest apologies to you all. Kindly forgive any mistakes that
I have made or any offences that I may have committed to any of you.
I hope this finds you in good health and Krsna conscious mood,
Your unqualified servant,
Prabhavisnu das
 HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho.  It is interesting. Nitai-gaurasundar Prabhu, where we are staying, is very serious disciple of Satsvarupa Goswami and so he has all of this books here. We are reading through one of them and it was written when he was going through a similar experience with his own spiritual practices and dealing with GBC authority. As I read it he describes how the letter he released to all the devotees went through many drafts with GBC comments and editing before it was released.
Such a hard struggle to belong to a spiritual institution, but also, then we can do such wonderful things.
I cannot make much comments about Maharaja's situation. I have had just a little personal contact with him. The letter is very general, but his expression of never leaving ISKCON is very nice. I wish it said that he was going to be getting into full Sadhana again and co-operating with ISKCON adminstrative authorities also.
In, general, Srila Prabhupada is our Founder Acharya and we have suficient guidance to be and act properly in ISKCON. Prabhu's letter and the GBC actions all seem within general bounds. More detailed comments require more detailed and personal knowledge.
If there is some big mistake that we are making, as not seeing Srila Prabhupada's position reasonably well, then it should be corrected, but as far as I can see, although there is room for a lot of improvment, as an ENORMOUS institution we are doing O.K.    Of course, unless we go on fighting Maya in our institution, then we won't be O.K.
Please, everyone who can, give Prabhu a lot of love and attention. I know that I would want it if I ended up in this position.