
12 years, 8 months ago by candra108_mukhi

Hare Krsna very DEAR Gurudeva:

AGTSP, pamho,

well here we are at home we went for some shopping fo Gaura Nitay in LIma center our donkey is really tired this summer in Lima is the worst ever almost 30 degrees buu.

ASA - AgtSP.      Paoho.....  Here it is five degrees.   Dukhalayam asasvatam.  Everywhere the weather is bad, no?   Material world is a place of au   au   austerities!!!!!   Jaya.      Tapo divyam (Austerities to achieve divine life).

WEll we got a called from Abhiram Prabhu apparently B LUis from Tarapoto my Bhakti Sastri student contacted him in order to see if we can take initiation from U he forwared me one letter from U:

Muchas gracias sus noticias.  Aparece que esta casi listo tomar votos de 1 inicicaion.

He had taken the exam from aspirant with me the same time as Eduardo Chumbille but due to in Tarapoto there is no temple or authority HE did not get any recommendation letter, so I am asking U what to do Rohini kumar knows him, he is also in contact with me as well as with U, I forwared all his letter to the blog .. SO I Do not know is up to You Sir....I can talk to my Junta if U tell me so, due to they know him and also he travels regularly to Lima and visit wilson...

I got the recommendation letters for second initiation for M Draupadi and for first initiation eduardo chumbille I will forwared them to your VIP account...

In miraflores (I believe that Natalia will take first initiation??) as we see she is serious and trying to keep the ASA standard for mangal arti, etc....umm I am not part of that junta but I will have to say my opinion if someone else want to take inititaiton from U and is not following YOUR  standard. To wake up at 6 am is not EARLY .... I am so sorry but I must say my opinion and again is just an opinion others can take it or not anyway I will feel good  with myself . BUT I have understood that I must be really careful in the way I said it...

Thank U very much for your association and guidance

YOur eternal servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Canakhya Pandita and Socrates both said that it is better to have a wise man for an enemy than a fool for a friend.   What to speak of a wiseman for a friend who still offers you honest criticism.     Thank you very much. I think Luis is very good candidate for first initiation. If we have letter of recomendation from Wilson Junta I think it is nice.   I need to converse with everyone mentioned personally. We have not had good dialog with Eduardo en the Blog or anywhere. Also, we hope that Draupadi is doing well. Also, not so much news from here.

Satsvarupa Goswami said that when he was Prabhupada's Secretary he noticed that Prabhupada had a formal relation with so many disciples, but when they approached him to do any service for Krsna then he would, could, engage them and THEN HE WOULD START TO REMEMBER THEIR NAMES.


Also, Luis, needs to be posted, no, so that everyone will know and can make their comments!


12 years, 8 months ago by bhaktin_charlotte


Hare Krsna Maharaja
le pido disculpas por no haber respondido antes pero estaba teniendo problemas con el ingreso al blog asi que tube que hacer una cuenta nueva, Bueno en su respuesta me envio un link describiendo a un maestro espiritual , y yo siento muy fuerte en mi corazon que usted es mi maestro espiritual y me gustaria poder tomar refugio en sus pies de loto y recibir su instruccion para poder llevar mi vida espiritual de la mejor manera.
Actualmente canto mis rondas pero se me esta haciendo muy dificil el cantarlas, le agradeceria si me pudiera aconsejar como cantar mejores rondas

se despide su  aspirante a sirvienta 
Bhaktin Charlotte

ASA - Jaya!   TlgaSP    Pfanrh.  Tiene que leer sb 8.24.46 y los siguiente textos y significados.  Son FUERTES.    Prabhupada habla mucho de quien es nuestra Guru. Cuantos textos hablan de guru en esta serie?   Pienso despues de leer eso puede cantar mejor rondas tambien.  Poco a poco.

Gurumaharaja, un breve reporte

12 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Italo

Mis respetuosas reverencias Gurudev; saludos

ASA - Jaya!   Formalmente, hasta esta Aspirante Formal, tiene que utilizar titulo, "Maharaja", no "Gurudeva", y claro en esta nivel Srila Prabhupada es muy, muy, fuerte "Gurudeva" para todos nosotros. En esta nivel, papel de devoto como mi es dirigir otros a Prabhupada, "Patha pradarshika guru". Jaya!

Sadhana: 6 rondas y 2 principios; y algunas rondas más, Krishna book (noches), lecturas ( isopanisad, srimad bhagavatam).

ASA - Aun viviendo!!!!

De la carta anterior; tenia que romper dos principios ( juegos de azar: juegos en red de guerras de la antiguedad; sexo ilicito: paginas pornograficas y masturbacion), para cansarme de este mundo y purificar mis inpurezas; el resultado de dichas acciones hizo madurar mi fanatismo de principiante; mas flexible con los no devotos y menos arrogante; menos ilusionado por este mundo y de corazón más entregado; ya voy 7 meses asi y no son todos los dias; Sri guru siempre estuvo presente, por favor que me disculpe porque dude mucho.

Aquella noche, que le escribi la carta, soñe con SS Jayapataka Swami, pero era sri Guru, y jugamos y me sometio a prueba, entonces aprobo mi relacion con KRISHNA.

Ahora vivo con mis padres y es una buena oportunidad para visitar Iskcon Lima. 

ASA - Oooof!   Su vida es fuerte.   Es bueno no hablar tan detalladamente de las problemas de los cuatro principios.  Puede decir, "No pude evitar sexo illicito", o "no pude seguir estricto los cuatro principios". No es apropriado en esta forum publico hablar de los detalles "estuve fumando cigarros con gatos en bars en Acapulco".   Pero, si, es bueno establecer su posicion entre los devotos como ellos puede apreciar que ayuda necesita.

Esta tomado medicacion?????

Fernanda desde Chile

12 years, 8 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L.

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Gouranga y Nityananda

Todas las glorias a Su divina Gracia Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna querido Maharaja. Porfavor acepte mis reverencias a usted una y otra vez .

16 rondas , 4 principios, mangala arati

ASA - Jaya Srila Prabhupada. Dandavats   -   Santa Fernanda!

Espero que esta carta lo encuentre bien, le escribo para enviar como ofrenda  mis últimos reportes de esta maratón, gracias a su misericordia he podido entregar 712 libros y 13 Bhagavad Gitas- sacando el 5ª lugar en el yatra de Chile .

ASA - Ya muchas, muchas tontos como yo tiene oportunidad navegar en esta LOCO mundo actual.   Un faro en la oscuridad.   Reverencias a Srila Prabhupada, Vd. Los devotos de Chile.

Dentro de pocos días se llevará a cabo en Pucón el ratha yatra, y pensamos  con un algunas devotas ir y aprovechar de hacer sankirtan viajero, por un par de semanas. El sankirtan es tan hermoso, estoy orando para poder seguir distribuyendo los libros de S.P. y llegar algún día a hacerlo con la conciencia adecuada.  Gracias!! por leer mis cartas y  darme tanta inspiración y entusiasmo. 

Su aspirante a srivienta Bhaktin Fernanda.

ASA - Jaya!   Esta alla La Yugala-kishore Devi Dasi y La Bhaktin Maria, Sankirtaneros de Lima, no?  Esta bien Ellas?   Maria esta iniciado?   "Hola, Senor, como esta?" . . . .    [Sankirtana!]

Visiting Jiva´s Goswami house.

12 years, 8 months ago by Jagadananda Pandit das

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Estimated Gurudev,

Ok, I will talk with the temple president. As soon as I have an answer I will tell You the news. Jiva Goswami have a profund admiration and affection for You he will be very happy if You can be in his saint house.

HpS - AGTSP    pamho    We can all join together and do Kirtan. Practical considerations we get from the current President.

apology for expressing too much

12 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse

hare krsna mahraj thank you very much for telling us our foolishnes..

we apologise of getting in the biology of asrama. we actually forgot ur asrama[frankly while writing this]..asrama.

asram guru-hmmmmm this first time we heard this term now we take headache of finding asram guru...till now there may be uncle or aunts. but none understaind that we are willing to apply KC prinicples.

we got some thing intresting  so wanted to share :

Sankhya  and ayurveda

ayurveda has 3 basic elements  1. Vaat ( air +ether)  2. Pitta ( Fire+water)  3. Kaph (Water + earth)

features of Vaat (air): speed+dryness+Cold+change

fatures of Pitta (fire):  burning+ color ( yellow-red) + melt  + expansion +Odor

fatures of Kaph  (quagmire) :s  sticky +  oily +  cold + chill + stillness

vaat is related to mind. As mind can be fast like air. Vaat effects mind, mind affects vaat.  Vaat major body would be philosopher, artist, poet etc. But if vaat is uncontrolled then person becomes too active, day dreaming increases , dreams increases, decrease of sleep. One who wants to control mind at physical level should try to control vaat.

Pitta is related to intelligence. Pitta major body person would be  able to differentiate between wrong and right.pitta also causes anger, envy  which destroys intelligence . If you want to advise a pitta effected person then first try to balance his pitta , otherwise he would understand your advise incorrectly.

Kaph is  related to ego. If ego and soul are aligned then person would have love, compassion, faith, dedication, devotion etc. But when ego is away from soul but near to outer world. The persoj becomes rigid or stiff. I am man, i am woman, i am leader etc. If persomn is affliceted by kaph then if he loses money then he can not accept this easily...


hope it may help me..

signing of buffalo

HpS - AGTSP    pamho  Interesting, but seems like takes a lot of detailed intelligence to apply it.