12 years, 8 months ago by jayanta

Querido Gurudev:

PAMHOP. TGSP y sus seguidores fieles.

 Ya he normalizado mi situación en el blog. Empiezo con una foto de Navalakunda.

HpS - Jaya!   Es super. Va ser uno de los tres mas famosos sitios en Espana!!!  Aun los inhabitantes de Vaikuntha va a ir por alla para purificarlos!

Si alguien quiere ver mas, en facebook "krisnamadrid" se pueden encontrar mas.

Mañana tenemos reunión del Consejo Rector . Iremos informando tambien de Madre Tierra.

HpS - ASA -  C O N S E J O   R E C T O R !            Tiene sentido muy fuerte. Vds, Esuropeanos son mas profundo que nosotros colonialistas

Estamos en Navalakunda dham( propiedad de ISKCON-Madrid )en estos momentos, justo donde esta hecha la foto.



HpS - Bienvenidos a Jayanta Das.  Es Cartero, Post Man, de nacion de Espana. El establece el sendero que todos otros nosotros seguimos, para siempre?

Y como estan las vacas en Nueva Vraja-mandala?  Radha-rani y Su Novia???

Bhaktina Diana (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

12 years, 8 months ago by dianita lalita

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las Glorias a HanumatPresaka Swami!


Querido Maharaja:

Acepte por favor mis respetuosas reverencias 

Primero quiero agradecerle a Usted la misericordia de leer mis cartas, esto es algo asombroso para mi, todavia me siento timida al momento de dirigirme a Usted, solo Su misericordia sin causa lo hace posible...a Sus pies Maharaja y por favor perdone mis ofensas.

HpS - Pies de lodo.

Brevemente le cuento que finalmente canto 16 rondas ( no muy buenas por el momento, pero mejorando), retome mi servicio fijo en el templo, ahora sirviendo prasadam en la fiesta de domingo. Estoy retomando el estudio del Bhagavad Gita,  y siempre en asociacion con los devotos y el templo. Se que mi sadhana es muy basico, pero sincero y entusiasta. Me siento muy determinada en avanzar en Conciencia de Krishna y merecer algun dia la misericordia de servirLo a Usted. Haciendo mi mejor esfuerzo, con conviccion y con mi mente y mi corazon puestos en Usted y en Sri Sri Radha Krishna.

Rendida a Sus pies de loto, su Aspirante a sirviente Bhaktina Diana.<img alt="" src="" title="" /> Hare Krishna

HpS - Seis meces de Japa entusiasta (Mangala arati, SB, etc) y los 4-principios estrictas somos listos para ser Aspirantes Formales. Vamos a BsAs para Gaura-purnima!!!<img alt="" src="" title="" />   Vamos


B.Natalia reporting

12 years, 8 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisance
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

1. My sadhana super improved with the japa class, I am very happy, I feel a big difference and I am very grateful! Life without good rounds is very sad. This japa class is the best gift. Sometimes I feel little tired because is a change to wake up so early, but at the same time the body seems to be accepting because I can jump from bed everyday without too much difficulty. So my sadhana is very good, also some reading, but it can be increased.

HpS - AGTSP  pamho.   Me too. I want to sleep "just a little longer today", and then I remember that we have to get to our WeBex-Japa Utsava!!!!!
Getting up early is O.K.   You can always take a nap later or go to bed really early.

2. Now in holidays, I am doing many beautiful things, with my family, my brother, I bought many new flowers for my garden... However I like very much the service of sankirtan, but because my spiritual life was not strong last month I had no the enthusiasm, or the blessings, or I didn't work on my desire, that I didn't too much sankirtan this december (my report soon), so I wish to do some book distribution every day during this month that everything is becoming more auspicious. I wish to be strong and fortunate enough to engage myself in this service this month, and to enjoy it in a spiritual way!

HpS - ASA - Yare dekha, tare kaha, Krsna upadesa...    Wherever you go, whomever you meet, tell him about Krsna. Always be on Sankirtana. If we keep PURE then Krsna will send innocent people with the patience to listen to us and take a book. Upadesamrta!

3. Sattva: I forgot some meetings... in holiday I start to forget wich day is monday, tuesday... in many things I am very absent minded person. I like very much devotees of Sattva, I have to work on my seriousness.

Thank you very much!!!

Hare Krsna
your insignificant aspirant servant,

HpS - AgtSP     Today is Monday. It follows the Sunday Feast and it is the day to catch up on everything!

Jagadananda Pandit poem

12 years, 8 months ago by Jagadananda Pandit das

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitay!

Please accept my humble obeisances


Oh yes! Very nice poem, I would memorize it, I need it! I´m always carrying a NOI in my bag. I have to read it more. 

I started to read the Prema Vivarta but the translation is not good. I´ve been searching a good one, but I can´t find it. Once in Buenos Aires You told me that is better to have a direct translation from bengali, but it´s so difficult. Do You have please any good copy to send me of Prema Vivarta? Thank You a lot. Your servant.

Jagadananda Pandit das

HpS -   vairaga bhai gramya katha na sunibe ane...      How is the Jiva Goswami Das of Bernal????   the Gupta Vrndavana????  We will visit when we are in BsAs????         Saturday morning????    All day????

We hope that Biswas is reading this or some other Indian devotee or some one and they can direct us to a good translation of Prema vivarta by Jagananda Pandita!!!

SATTVA reporting

12 years, 8 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna
Please accept our humble obeisance
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

1. The meetings continue on Tuesdays, and the last one we had 3 guests.
2. Our priority is to continue with the arrangements to make Sattva an official institution (papers).
3. On Friday 23th we plan to do a festival: Saraswati-puja making a prasadam distribution in a nursing home “Desamparados”, and in the afternoon workshop for children “spiritual education through games”
4. Sadhana: prabhu Abhirama reported his participation on the japa class with Hanumatpresaka Swami. Prabhu Jagat reported that he finished the 33 pages of transcriptions (revised and corrected). B.Natalia is in holidays, and she is also participating on the japa class.

Hare Krsna!

HpS - SUper!    AGTSP    paho.     We are on the right path!    If you get this legalization thing figured out, we will all follow you!    We didn't see you in our Japa Meeting at WebEx this morning!   Mother Asta sakhi and Manas-ranjana are there now!

Go ahead with full confidence.

Dharma o Maya. I am confuse!

12 years, 8 months ago by radhikas


 Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami

Please accept my humbel obediences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - ASA -  Jaya. M. Maha-bhava!   AgtSP!     Paoho.   So nice to hear from you!!!  How is your good husband, good family, BIG DEITIES!

Maharaja, I know the spiritual master  wants the devotee to preach to other, and give Sri Caitanya's mercy . I am not a book distributer but I gave Prabhupada's books to my teachers and people that are close to me. I'm sure that i am not the person that can  inspire  other to be complety surrend to Krsna in the way that Srila Prabhupada show it to us, like monks, but I try to make my work a service for Sri Sri Radha Krsna. During my intership hours as  Professional Massage Therapy, at The Institute , I  chant Hare Krsna in my mind when I stared the massage until I finished it! . I like to help the people with my positive attitud, to try attach them to Krsna, in some way!

HpS - Prabhupada explains in SB2.1 that if people can't chant Hare Krsna then they can be inspired to chant Ommmmm! Use our inteligence and we find ways that even we can preach. Even a DOG can take part and dance in ecstacy.

In November I rent a place to run my bussines, dedicate to health, mind and soul . I want  to bring the Iskcon vegetarian recipe book to my place to introduce vegetarian mentality to my clients and offer some snacks, to taste! I will  bring terapeutic massage, body steam detox, facial treatment to maintain healthy skin.

The Spa's name is , Radhika Spa ,Wellness Center, Salon. I want  Srimati Radharani's Blessing .

I wants to help a lot of people in my place!!!....before I died ,  I don't know if Sri Krsna wants that, for my life , but I hope He accept my duty as a service for Him.

 I hope  this mentality don't disturbe mi spiritual life and my relationship with You, my dear Siksa Guru. Some time I felt ansiety so I couldn't sleep well , some time I feel that you are  satisfied , some time I felt  very close and sometime  very far away from your path. 

In my mind i dream, and i feel that I want to go  preach in the road , visiting differents town , doing sankirtan but that is very hard for me, other moment I though in go to mangal arti to other temples....., and died in this path, some time i dream to be very estrictly and live alone to dedicate to my life to backhome !!!! ..... but I don't have the energy to move me in those way !!!!!

 February is god month to visit Houston!

  I hope you will be very well.

Please accept my service to your lotus feet,

Your eternal servant,

Mahabhava Cintamani dd 

note: excuse my English

HpS - Jaya!!!!     I feel just like you. We are worthless people. Yet, we have spirit. If things get tough we will figh LIKE HELL to save Srila Prabhupada from any assault.

So, we go on at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet like little dogs and try to understand what he wants from us. We are his servants. . .